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21795116 No.21795116 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically what are some kino star war books? People say that revenge of the sith book is extremely good.

>> No.21795145


>> No.21795268

The preferred term is "libro" my bad

>> No.21795313
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I remember these fondly.

>> No.21795321

Star Trek books >>>>>> Star Wars books

>> No.21795335

Also dull, but they at least have some character development. The Star Wars books I tried out had so little to all these new characters, and nothing of growth from the old cast. Mara Jade was introduced as an obvious romantic lead for Luke, but she was like a Sara Conner knock off, damaged bad attitude, not spark in any of the books between them. The authors couldn't write a romance for shit I guess. I can only imagine the book they finally do get married in was rushed and wooden.

Star Trek book Imzadi wasn't even good, but it was better than the Mara Jade arch. Just sad

>> No.21795368

You dumb

>> No.21795371

For the opinions or for reading book as a kid?

>> No.21795373
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Star Wars Padawan

>> No.21795397

Book burning is a moral practice

>> No.21795467

Sir Alec Guinness was a bisexual

Obi-wan was a celibate

>> No.21795512
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Serious Answers

The only canon novels worth reading are the High Republic novels. From Legends (the stuff released prior to Disney acquiring the property) you can pick an era you're interested in and there will usually be at least two good options. My personal favorites are

Darth Bane - Path of Destruction and Darth Bane - Rule of Two by Drew Karpyshyn

Shadows of the Empire by Steve Perry

The Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn
(Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, and the Last Command)

Jedi Academy trilogy by Kevin J Anderson (Jedi Search, Dark Apprentice, Champions of the Force)

There are quite a few books that are mediocre but off the top of my head the only ones I've read that are awful are The Crystal Star and the Karen Traviss clone commando novels

>> No.21795957

I tried to read heir to the empires and it's was a tedious reading, didn't like it.

Yeah, right now I'm reading High Republic Path of Deceit and i like

>> No.21796193

Heir to the Empire was frustrating because it was built around a great idea but was constantly tripping over itself and had some of the dumbest fucking scenes like the pregnant Leia swing, haven't read any other star wars books that one left a bad taste in my mouth

>> No.21796210

first time seeing someone get filtered by heir to the empire

>> No.21796271

Is this true?

>> No.21796396

The X Wing books are good with dealing with war and the day to day rebel fight.

>> No.21796882

Not either se anons, but it sucked. I read all three and waited for it to pick up. It was all build up and introduction to new things and characters. All leading to nothing but the death of one of them, which was uninteresting in its execution.
Ooo, Thrawn likes to study art! Big deal. The man can’t write action. Noticing the deficiencies of the books isn’t getting filtered.

>> No.21796970

>Not either se anons,
Not either of those anons. Why does it eat up what I write?

>> No.21797068

The X wings series is long as fuck, which one is the most kino?

>> No.21797081
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Darth Bane trilogy
Darth Plaguies
Revenge of the Sith novel
New Jedi Order: Traitor

>> No.21797109

>New Jedi Order

Now now, those are shitty as fuck, and long as fuck.

>> No.21797195

I don't see it as very surprising. The more moderation and control over speech there is on a platform, the less truthfulness there is.

>> No.21797247

Like everyone else I liked the Thrawn trilogy. Though that opinion came from a 10 year old.

I read one where Palpatine's three eyed son had to find The Glove of Darth Vader because The Prophets of the Dark Side wouldn't let him rule the Empire without it.

I also vaguely remember something about Han and Leia's marital troubles.

>> No.21797255

Gonna be honest, legend has some of the best and shitties star wars out there.

>> No.21797442

Darth Plagueis is pretty litty

>> No.21797449


>> No.21799046

>“Was that something he would even want”


>> No.21799248
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The term is kniga, one of Dostoevsky’s favorite words since it means book in Russian

>> No.21800491

the first one is kinda funny cause it's obviously differet from the later movies

>> No.21800516
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>> No.21800639

Jacen Solo is based beyond belief
NJO: Traitor and LotF: Betrayal

>> No.21800649

kys, unfunny retard