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21794416 No.21794416 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Ayn Rand's philosophy (Objectivism) not taught at formal institutions (colleges, universities etc)?

>> No.21794420

Same reason she is ignored in woman's lit classes, even though she ticks all the idpol boxes

>> No.21794430

She's a meme. More importantly, her beliefs are not very influencial outside of a handful of freaks who take her seriously.

>> No.21794448

Leftists seem to have an instinctive understanding that libertarianism refutes their entire program by laying out the actual dynamics of voluntary behavior vs coercion. They will drone on about fascism because its easy to point to its tyrannical aspects but they really don't like even talking about libertarianism so they just reflexively mock it

>> No.21794585

mainstream morality already has the individual as the primary focus. Reality isn't as glamorous as galt's gulch

>> No.21794591

Leftists hate her for obvious reasons. Conservatives hate her for her atheism and support of abortion. Fascists hate her because woman and Jewish.

She has no one to shill for her.

>> No.21794610

Same reason my local crackhead‘s manifesto writings on the dangers of private urination is conspicuously ignored

>> No.21794682

Isn't it? Certainly not to the same extent as other philosophers, but you would be hard-pressed to get through a philosophy degree without a single mention of Objectivism, if only to contrast with a first year introduction to Plato.

>> No.21794696

because it's true

>> No.21794704

Because right wingers can't into academia. You need critical thinking for it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwI25UhTtGo

>> No.21794711

actually it's because libertarianism is the polar opposite of papism and most "leftists" are really just vatican agents

>> No.21794715
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ruling class need slaves

>> No.21794721

Did you watch the video? It explains very well why academia is leftist and it has nothing to do with the vatican kek. Maybe you don't excel at critical thinking either.

>> No.21794726


academics are leftist because that's what tavistock bribes them to be, you fucking idiot. marxism is just a plot by british intelligence to take over the world

>> No.21794733

They were hounded out of it, often with literal violence. The left are just criminals

>> No.21794763

also nice education that "accidentally" forgot millions of years of greek history you diabetic freak, let the adults talk and go take your insulin

>> No.21795124

he really thrashed that straw man.
As one currently in academia, the anti-conservative bias is obvious. But most of the admitted students are fucking pea brained. The professor aren't any better for the most part.
If you can write effectively, you can say exactly what you believe and they wont even know you are saying it.

>> No.21795139


>> No.21795157

>Leftists seem to have an instinctive understanding that libertarianism refutes their entire program

>> No.21795175

I'm aware but its incoherent. Libertarianism itself is actually incoherent when you get to the question of company-states. It kind of blends into a sort of abstract feudalist framework sans the church.

But my point was just that voluntary exchange and contract will always be much freer of coercion than any other system, even though this opens the door to capitalist exploitation of workers. Any other system involves basically slavery instead of this. The only real exception are very small scale communes and even these are nothing like the meme version of everyone happily doing whatever free from any coercion. There are always interpersonal status games at play

>> No.21795181

The joke being that all college leftists are foucauldians and therefore leftist-libertarians. In a sort of parallel to how Secular Humanism is just Christianity without the sexual autism and static hierarchy, they are American libertarians without believing that
>A. Private power is categorically different from state power
>B. You can have massively disproportionate levels of wealth, power, and influence and a uniform level of liberty.
Both of which, to the leftist-libertarian's credit, are retarded beliefs. Such is their beef with Ayn Rand, who advocates a proportional level of liberty with wealth and influence and therefore advocates what will always be (or end up) a slave state.

>> No.21795207

>Private power is categorically different from state power
State power is implied violence . It's basically extortion, even if the state is using its funds for benevolent purposes. Private power is based on voluntary contracts. And yeah sometimes there isnt a whole lot of choice so it seems barely different but with the state it is literally always the barrel of the gun, never voluntary.

Where the two truly collide is in the question of land ownership. You can view the state as owning the country, and taxes being like rent paid for living on the land.

In practice you cant get around this problem. Someone will control the land. In a feudal system it is obvious who owns the land, in a republic or democracy it is often extremely ambiguous and the power structures involve a lot of clandestine activity.

>> No.21795228
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Her and Rose Wilder Lane really should be taught more, not just as a Libertarian thing, but the history of why these philosophies took off with Americans.

It's also extremely ironic that these women are the unicorns amongst female authors, in that "tough guys" and militaristic types have taken up a lot of their beliefs. You'd think Feminists would be crazy about it.

>> No.21795236

>Libertarianism itself is actually incoherent when you get to the question of company-states

This is among other things that is often argued. I kid you not, people will become anarchists over this. It's well accepted that company-states inevitably seek the 3 pillars (wealth, power and influence). It's not IF they start their own military, it's when. The Italian Maritime Republics are the most famous example of a company-states running wild. Merchants that became armies, that became countries

>> No.21795239

It's all just power in the end so of course it slips between voluntarism and coercion and the names assigned are a bit arbitrary(not to mention purposefully deceitful).

My personal feeling is having it out in the open is better than having slimy mafias operating in the background

>> No.21795244

good video
it's always hilarious seeing right wingers trying to explain why the place that values knowledge the most leans so heavily to the left

>> No.21795256

If you can't figure out that college is a parody of the masonic degree system for the profane, then you deserve to be cattle.

>> No.21795259

The replication crisis and complete end of important new paradigms in academia directly coinciding with the right being driven out of academia by political goons is also funny

>> No.21795269

It's not ambiguous, but I'll note that an advantage for private power for you is that it's easier to understand. I don't see any categorical difference between "State" and "mega-corporation" except that a state presents itself as accountable whereas a mega corporation has no need. But the real problem is that I always see Libertarians arguing about how the state interferes in natural market pressures and mucks things up, without offering any explanation about why private entities, with sufficient reach (and constituents/contracted people living under them) would not immediately obviate any foreseeable states of failure through peremptory means. I feel like libertarians would cease to exist outside of the cabal of merchant right autists if government representatives just went around asking them if they wanted to be citizens and then making them outlaws if they didn't give permission. "State violence" seems to be a grievance based on the presumption of permission, which is trivial.

>> No.21795273
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>> No.21795279

Has anyone else seen the Donahue interview where she starts seething when someone tells her she's too arrogant? Lol
Happens around twenty minutes in.

>> No.21795287
File: 130 KB, 467x507, 1672187627315057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may interest you that the Ten Commandments and the non-aggression principle are essentially the same thing, which is why conservatives always seem to randomly agree with Orthodox Jews. It turns out that rules like "don't fuck your neighbor's wife" and "stealing is bad" lead to a functional society. Who knew?

>> No.21795293

>It's not ambiguous
Its extremely ambiguous. Why did the FBI lose the blackmail footage Jeffrey Epstein collected on powerful politicians and moguls? Can you explain concretely how that web of power works, which specific names are calling shots?

>don't see any categorical difference between "State" and "mega-corporation" except that a state presents itself as accountable whereas a mega corporation has no need
I just explained. The state asks you for your money in taxes and sends armed men to imprison or kill you if you decline. A private power asks you for your money or labor in exchange for something and you can just say no.

>state interferes in natural market pressures and mucks things up, without offering any explanation about why private entities, with sufficient reach (and constituents/contracted people living under them) would not immediately obviate any foreseeable states of failure through peremptory means
I agree, monopolies and other failure modes are a genuine problem. But the state is still a wrench in market dynamics by nature, while the failure modes of markets are only thr negative part of a spectrum

> feel like libertarians would cease to exist outside of the cabal of merchant right autists if government representatives just went around asking them if they wanted to be citizens and then making them outlaws if they didn't give permission. "
Because the state owns the country. If outlaws could own land, ie secede it would be different. But the state is the ultimate landlord.

>State violence" seems to be a grievance based on the presumption of permission, which is trivial.
Dont understand this post. Amazon cant imprison you if you dont give themoent every year

>> No.21795298 [DELETED] 

It's an interesting phenomenon. Same with art. Leftists love to gloat about how almost every artist is left wing, yet they are unable to make the connection between that and the fact that art's quality has only decreased since the right was pushed out. I'm not even saying that right wingers are inherently better artists than leftists. There were plenty of great leftist artists back in the day, and now they are gone as well. But it seems like there was a purge of intelligent and smart people, and the right suffered far bigger loses than the left.

>> No.21795299

scarcity only exists because the crown purposely limits the technology released to its subjects, a libertarian society without governmental interference would make intergalactic alliances within 24 hours

>> No.21795303

It's an interesting phenomenon. Same with art. Leftists love to gloat about how almost every artist is left wing, yet they are unable to make the connection between that and the fact that art's quality has only decreased since the right was pushed out. I'm not even saying that right wingers are inherently better artists than leftists. There were plenty of great leftist artists back in the day, and now they are gone as well. But it seems like there was a purge of intelligent and talented people, and the right suffered far bigger loses than the left.

>> No.21795320

I used to think the same, but the arrival of AI made me change my mind. I believed that technology was only going to replace manual labor, like farming or drilling, as it has always been the case, but AI is coming after our jobs too. Imagine how creepy the world will be when AI starts writing all the news and making all the mainstream art. It, of course, will never be as creative as a human, but only those of us who value the humanities will care about it. Conservatives will be happy to accept AI as a tool to achieve their own brutish vision. This is not a future you want.

>> No.21795325

Because millennials are incoherent about their views. They say that quality is subjective but when it comes to Hitler's (terrible) paintings they suddenly become experts on perspective and proportions, when Rowling had the "right" opinion Harry Potter was considered a masterpiece but now that she has said the "wrong" opinion people now must burn her books and stop enjoying her works. They will defend Cattelan and Damien Hirst contemporary "art" because the institutions say they are artists and spit on art from before the 20th century just because the "wrong" people likes it or because it's "old and must destroyed".

>> No.21795326

The best artists are always politically iconoclastic. Sometimes they're extremist leftists(Shelley, Whitman) or rightists(Celine, Montherlant), sometimes they're centrist fatalists(Shakespeare, Henry James), but they're always very particular about their political beliefs and their entire worldview. You never just have some basic tedious ideologue be great writer

>> No.21795327

Huh funny that leftists only came to dominate academia in the 60's which coincided with the decline of all academia weird almost like there's a reason all actually important people throughout time would be considered right-wing today

>> No.21795332

>Hitler's (terrible) paintings
It's almost like he was an amateur and was applying to art school to improve. And the Vienna art academy wasn't even particularly harsh with him. He was close to get in, and probably would have achieved it if he had been born 50 years earlier.

>> No.21795338

>Nathanael O'Reilly in an essay on "Walt Whitman's Nationalism in the First Edition of Leaves of Grass" claims that "Whitman's imagined America is arrogant, expansionist, hierarchical, racist and exclusive; such an America is unacceptable to Native Americans, African-Americans, immigrants, the disabled, the infertile, and all those who value equal rights."

>> No.21795344
File: 187 KB, 1240x772, MTY2ODQ1MjA3MjczMjg1NDg0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a filter for the people who expect school to hold their hand and teach them every little thing without they themselves putting in any effort on their own.
Art school exposes you to new concepts and ideas and helps you perfect what you can already do. But to get the most out of that you can’t be starting from scratch. You won’t learn the fundies in a semester of art101. It takes years and college doesn’t have time for that.
Instead they focus on people with a good foundation and direct them to the correct methods of improving and branching out.
Imagine if someone applied to a Math or Physics degree without knowing how to sum or solve second degree equations and was "applying to improve".

>> No.21795345

Whitman was the most bleeding heart Democrat who ever existed. This guy literally jerked off to democracy and le People for decades

>> No.21795348

>Imagine if someone applied to a Math or Physics degree without knowing how to sum or solve second degree equations and was "applying to improve".
Doesn't this happen in every undergraduate degree?

>> No.21795351
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>> No.21795362

This. Death and democracy are Whitman’s wheelhouse. Idk how anyone can paint him as right wing

>> No.21795366

So do most "right-wing" Americans. I would say they aren't truly right-wing but that doesn't make them "extreme leftists"

>> No.21795367

Hitler obviously knew the basics. He was even encouraged to become an architect. He got rejected for a lack of vision, not skills, which were not great, but were more than good enough for a student.

>> No.21795376

AI is an abomination, we should be using psionics instead

>> No.21795379

Cope. It must really hurt you that your hero was a failure as an artist, uh? But then again, he was a failure as a politician too. A complete failure as a human being. If he were alive today he would be an incel.

>> No.21795384

Nigger, that drawing was what he made for his exam and is shit. His works were barely good enough for a cup or a decorative plate.

>> No.21795385

the nazi/communist alliance is just the pope putting innocent gnostics in camps just like all the other world wars

>> No.21795390


Wrong. The Koch Brothers pumped billions into education programs that promote libertarian thought. The Mercator institute and George Mason University are an example of this.

>> No.21795410

>it has been criticized as being cold and unfeeling, with many arguing that Hitler had greater talent as an architect, demonstrated by how he addressed architecture in his paintings as compared to other details such as trees or people
Wiki bros????

>> No.21795430

>place that values knowledge the most
Academia is and has always been a soul-grinding shithole that ruins everything great

>> No.21795436

>you can just say no.
They will be working towards a state where no one can say no.

>> No.21795441

Yeah and working towards that is different than directly enforcing it

>> No.21795449

colleges exist so government agents don't have to travel as far whenever they have to kidnap and torture someone who discovers proof that the bible is real or how to harness aetheric energy or that sodomy causes bodily injury

>> No.21795543

I didn't call him right-wing, I objected to him being an "extreme leftist"

>> No.21795611

What would objectivism say about trannies?

>> No.21795671

The problem with critical thinking is that it’s reached its omega point at this juncture. We need to return to a time when mankind wasn’t the focus of the historical project

>> No.21795682

Women by and large stand at the prong of Humes fork, you cannot possibly expect women to abandon personal sentiments for pragmatism. These women are like you said unicorns in a sea of sheep

>> No.21795685

I agree. We should get rid of school.

>> No.21795693

What's the deal with women being so willing to sexualize themselves? Even autistic girls now are full of tattoos and have onlyfans.

>> No.21795699

Ayn Rand is one of the key influences of The California Theory and Neoliberalism.

The example she has given to those who operate on a Board of Executives has been played out a million times.

Sillicon Valley Bank
Lehman Brothers
Norfolk Southern
Fox News

Our entire reality, our modern context, is in the service of a belief system that has been built up for over a century by a myriad of authors.

You are living in the shadow if her model of man as a rational agent of his own best interest, as a living computer in the service of propagating it's programming into the genetic, memetic legacy of the species, as someone else like Richard Dawkins would put it.

Ayn Rand's philosophy is alive and well.

It is the basis of our cold, ruthlessly efficient, carefully managed world.

Do you like it, here?

>> No.21795702

I would wager it’s most an absentee father issue. Back around my dads era there we only maybe one or two fatherless homes in the entire county, we’re just seeing the cream of no fault divorce after decades of simmering over. I don’t think it’s gonna get better though. With the law systems everywhere old habits die hard.

>> No.21795712

I would wager it’s the worst elements of the far left and of the far right combined into one evil megazord ideology. You have the profit motive, and the cronyism of the right with all the worst aspects of something as horrid as the dregs of neocolonial theory and third wave feminism put together. It’s a conundrum.

>> No.21795713
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Shit just realized I started both posts with the same phrase…eeek.

>> No.21795722

>State power is implied violence
Any power is implied violence. When you point at some previously-unowned field and proclaim "This is my property!", you actually say "I can mutilate you for trespassing!"

>Private power is based on voluntary contracts
Please, voluntarily die of starvation or wage-slave for me 24/7. No pressure at all, you are doing this to yourself.

>with the state it is literally always the barrel of the gun
with a group of >150 people. Because its the Dunbar number. But that's the question of sociobiology and eusociality, yet autists screech something about voluntary contracts and free will.

>> No.21795750

It's okay, anon, it means you have a style. Now we can recognize you.

>> No.21796010

>Any power is implied violence.
No. Amazon cant send men with guns to your house if you sont pay them a yearly wage.
>Please, voluntarily die of starvation or wage-slave for me 24/7.
As I said, some private power approaches the level of state power in that no other options are present but state power is literally always coercion, while private power at least has the chance to not be.

>with a group of >150 people. Because its the Dunbar number. But that's the question of sociobiology and eusociality
Yes no shit. Voluntary contracts are the only way to even slightly mitigate this inescapable dynamic

>> No.21796015

Pfizer got a deal where the government made it illegal to not take their product lmao

>> No.21796038

>yeah it‘s gonna happen but i‘ll have stood on the sidelines without contributing for (or against) it :)

Dear diary today libertarians were a joke again

>> No.21796044

>No. Amazon cant send men with guns to your house
"Private planes were hired to drop homemade bombs on the miners. A combination of poison gas and explosive bombs left over from World War I were dropped in several locations near the towns of Jeffery, Sharples and Blair."

>Voluntary contracts are the only way
"Voluntary contracts" are like "the Spirit of Hau" to Maori tribes' gift economy. It's an empty buzzword, because Free Will is as much a myth as Santa Claus.

>As I said, some private power approaches the level of state power
As you said, some good sorcery power approaches the level of evil sorcery power...

>> No.21796047 [DELETED] 

>her beliefs are not very influencial outside of a handful of freaks who take her seriously
ever heard of alan greenspan?

>> No.21796051

You're ignoring the very real point that private power is only sometimes coercion while state power is literally always coercion

>> No.21796060

her beliefs have entered into mainstream parlance without the majority even comprehending what it really means when they use the word ‘objective’

>> No.21796077

You can never do anything about the fact of people dominating other people. You can try to be one of the people dominating and you can try to be kind to people you have power over, but you cant stop the existence of domination

>> No.21796082 [DELETED] 

Because it has no academic merit.
I'm sorry if this hurts your feelings :(

>> No.21796088

>You're ignoring the very real point that private power is only sometimes coercion while state power is literally always coercion
The only difference between "private" and "state", is that the latter currently happens to be on top. If all real decision-making shifted to, say, Amazon, then Amazon would simply become your new state.

>> No.21796096

Yes I agree, but even then there are degrees of coercion. Present day taxes are an order of magnitude higher than what kings and lords asked for in feudal times

>> No.21796149

Name a monopoly

>> No.21796175

>libertarianism refutes their entire program
Libertarianism is hostile to every "program", because a political program necessitates a top-down command structure. Only giga-autistic people actually support liberty for everyone on principle. Normalfags are just libertarian when they're not in power, then become authoritarian when they are.
Don't forget it used to be right wing McCarthyites who opposed individual liberty more than anyone. Now you have people who literally worked for Nixon calling themselves libertarian. Give it 50 years and the lefties will be libertarian again, because they'll have lost power.

>> No.21796178

Because formal institutions are run by people who cannot function in a free market. The only people worth a damn at any college are adjunct and are so successfull in their fields that they only teach part time for fun. And the administration and department heads actively work against adjunct professors because they are correctly threatened by their superior competence.

>> No.21796845

She was a rationalist foundationalist that ignored fallibilist epistemology.
Art was already degenerate at the time. They were not looking for technical excellence at that time, neoclassicism was already dead and modernism was already underway. Technique was seen as an oppressive constraint of the past.

>> No.21796945

Alan Greenspan, who ran the Federal Reserve for 20 years, was a die-hard objectivists.

>> No.21797014


>EDIT: Read beyond the first paragraph! Also, read this to understand how to reject something without reading it.

>I have never read a piece of work from Ayn Rand, beyond some paragraphs and extracts here and there on the internet. I never gave Objectivism, her system of thought, much importance.

>But there are people -Objectivists- who think she is one of the greatest, or the greatest, philosopher ever (along with Aristotle, they'll add). Sometimes, Objectivists tell people who have not read Rand to read her, so that they can become rational, and abandon their "non-Objectivist, mystical beliefs".

>I haven't read anything from Rand because I consider that the effort won't be worth it, as every time I've read something from Objectivists, I have not been persuaded that there is much to be learned from Rand. And also, there exists a critique available on the net that demolishes Objectivism. I will give reasons later why I believe the critique succeeds.

>> No.21797177

but objective truth literally exists, that is the point of Plato's realm of ideas. do leftists think that if they put all the chairs in a gulag that the concept of "chair" is eliminated?

>> No.21797245

>ran the Federal Reserve
>die-hard objectivists
Yeah no lmao

>> No.21797253

You literally have no clue what you're talking about, everything completely confused, typical leftard

>> No.21797301
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Why leftoids seethe at mere mention of Rand

>> No.21797323

Has anyone given a sub-Saharan African a Turing test?

>> No.21797414

>not real communism!

>> No.21797541
File: 129 KB, 945x320, ayn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rand failed to plan for her financial future
>Rand made poor life deicisons that lead to ill health (i.e. she refused to admit she was addicted to nicotine and instead argued smoking was a rational choice)
>Rand found herself in financial hardship and unable to pay for medical treatment due to the above
>Rand applied for and received social assistance welfare to cover basic living costs
>Rand made use of a social safety net in order to cover medical treatments which saved her life
>Rand knew the above went against her touted ideological principles but was talked into doing so, again out of NECESSITY and not her "philosopy," by a social worker
Rantards will ignore the context of the above and will try to argue she paid taxes and was entitled to social welfare. They will conveniently ignore that Rand begrudgingly took the money (she was did so hiding under the name "Ann O'Conner"). They will ignore that ARI tried to hide the fact Rand took advantage of social entitlements and later retconned their story to say her doing so was ok because she paid into it. They will ignore the fact a social safety net functioned like a social safety net; not only were Rand's basic living expenses covered but also her very life itself.

Randianism is a self-help ideology, not a philosophy, and Randtards will ignore whatever they have to in order to protect her cult of personality. They are ideologically blind to how their behavior underscores the cultish aspects of "Objectiv"ism. Kek.

>> No.21797555

A libertarian accepting government welfare isn't hypocritical. It's accelerationism. And what's wrong with self-help, you idiot? Should we all be genderless blobs asking sectoids for gibsmedats?

>> No.21797584

Fed is literally number one enemy of the objectivists and most other libertarians what are you smoking? Having anything to do without the fed at all automatically disqualifies you from being an objectivists. That's like Christian working for the Church of satan.

(((Greenspan))) was at best of flawed Friedmanite aka regulating crony capitalist aka socialist lite.
I'm no Radian myself, I'm more paleoconservative Austrian but these things are basics which leftist never seem to understand, like the absurd claim we currently live under capitalism lmao

>> No.21797590

>It's accelerationism.
Nah I see it more as tax return

>> No.21797605

>she paid taxes and was entitled to social welfare.
Literally this yes, leftoids can't understand the very simple of tax return lmao

I'm a hardcore capitalist, I want to get rid of literally all socialist programs you can think of, but I still support every single person taking from the system while it lasts, every dollar you can get out of governments hands is a good thing.

>> No.21797627

>ignores she knew it was against her principles (i.e. had to be talked into it by a social worker and hid under the name Ann O'Connor)
>ignores she took the money out of necessity (i.e. failure to plan for her financial future and poor life choices, "I'm not addicted to smoking--it's a rational choice," lead to the danger of poverty and poor health)
>ignores Rand was personally saved by a social safety net
>makes up slide/strawman about self-help in general instead of how it's hidden in Randianism (which is basically a cult of ideology)

>> No.21797631

Opps, if you're to seperate retards I mixed you together. Doesn't matter--Randtards like to sperg about "collectivism" and are basically NPC clones of one another anyway, kek.

>> No.21797633

>ignores she took the money out of necessity (i.e. failure to plan for her financial future and poor life choices

You disgusting homosexual, Rand was only poor because the government misallocated capital and created the doomed world of demiurgic lies in which she had to live

>> No.21797642

You do know that Rand was Jewish, right?

>> No.21797644

anyone who follows the ten commandments is jewish. that excludes most of the people today who claim to be jews

>> No.21797652

Rand was poor because she failed to manage her personal finances. She also developed lung cancer because she was a heavy smoker who couldn't admit she had an addiction (i.e. she wrote about smoking being a rational choice complete with cringe hyperbole about a cig being a symbolic torch of human ingenuity or something like that). Write all the cope you want--the fact is Rand knew accepting the money was against her principles and begrudgingly did so anyway. The fact she was talked into it by a social worker (kek, a fucking social worker) is the icing on the cake.

>> No.21797659

Cope, retard. The most successful Objectivist ran the Fed. Your self-help ideology is complete bullshit.

>> No.21797673

Yes, but there's jewish as ethnicity and or religion and there's (((jewish))) as a philosophy.

The (((jews))) seem to hate Rand.

>> No.21797676

>She also developed lung cancer

Good, any sane person would want to stop existing in this fallen world as soon as possible. Enjoy Vint Cerf's negro-themed hell dimension

The Federal Reserve is run by pagan Nazis (communists) as you can see by its usage of the literal Zeus eagle adorning its homosexual central bank. I doubt that Janet Yellen or Ben Bernanke even exist, they are probably DARPA CGI

>> No.21797682

Rand was Jewish. Simple as.
>Randtard is a crypto-nihilist
Kek, looks like you haven't gotten to the part where she LARPs as a romantic yet. Keep reading, faggot.

>> No.21797690

Antisemites when logic

>> No.21797691

>The Federal Reserve is run by pagan Nazis (communists)
All of those are (((them))), literally all of them part of subversive far-left ideology that reject objective truth, goodness, beauty God and Christ as the saviour.
>Rand was Jewish. Simple as.
No really not that simple, if you oppose all jews just because they are jews you are a fucking idiot that has no idea what he's doing, we hate jews due to their (((jewish))) behaviour not their religion or ethnicity.

>> No.21797693

Jews hate Rand because she is anti nepotism and that rhetoric puts a target on jews who have that as their entire strategy. Jews like Rand because only dumb goys believe her shit and nepotism and ingroup preference is actually the most powerful strategy so getting your enemies to follow Rand is weakening them.

>> No.21797696

You don't get it and you never will, you can be Rabbi Schlomo Schekelberg and I I will love you as my brother if you stick to your 10 commandments and not engage in subversive (((jewish))) activities.

>> No.21797701

Trying to semantically separate jews from their jewish identity is a jewish debate tactic. Jews are a people who use their ethnos and culture to identify and organize themselves and pretending otherwise is retarded.

>> No.21797703

I'm not a Rand fan at all, but she triggeres (((them))) because of>>21797301

>> No.21797706

>anti-semites can't reconcile the fact Rand is Jewish
>has to make her the anti-Jew when it's much easier to point out "MUH SELFISHNESS" is jew behavior according to him
Cool mental gymnastics, retards.

>> No.21797712

>No really not that simple,
she lived in USSR
were propagandist
and told communists what they wanted to hear
then she moved to America...

>> No.21797715

There are equilibrating forces in the universe that respond to human behavior. The Ten Commandments/non-aggression principle are congruent with the way reality operates. Any belief system that does not respect natural law is objectively wrong.

When Jesus says "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me,” it's an esoteric comment on reincarnation and the fact that there is only one consciousness in existence, but don't expect the papist trannies on /lit/ to comprehend beauty

>> No.21797718
File: 44 KB, 329x399, 1451402938624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>place that values knowledge the most leans so heavily to the left
What kind of knowledge? If u consider dominating a gender studies or (((sociology))) classroom valuable knowledge then im gonna laugh at ur face.

>> No.21797719

Read or listen to EMJ it would do you good if you actually care about the truth and not just repeating pseudo-nazi talking points.

>> No.21797720

Look whoever is pro-free market I support, even though I obviously don't support her ammoral atheists views.

Simple as

>> No.21797732

>Alisa Zinovyevna (((Rosenbaum))) a.k.a. "Ayn Rand"
>named intellectual heir is Jewish (Leonard Piekoff)
>Chairman of ARI, Yaron Brook, is an Israeli Jew who worked for military intelligence
Kek. Imagine trying to square the circle of being a Randtard and an anti-semite.

>> No.21797738

If you were a peasant with basically nothing taxable, yeah, there was only so much surplus value. But what's with the weird obsession with peasants?

>> No.21797744

>If you were a peasant with basically nothing taxable

You mean "someone who's free"?

>> No.21797747

Why did you quote me

>> No.21797750

>pro-free market
are you ((()))?

>> No.21797752

No your beliefs are retarded and incongruent with reality. Fuck off and don't @me again.

>> No.21797760

Retards are easy to mix up.

>> No.21797909

Rand's birth name was Alisa Rosenbaum

>> No.21797928

name one person ayn rand harmed in her entire life

>> No.21797945


>> No.21797967

everyone whom she fooled

>> No.21797976

harming your own property is not a crime

>> No.21797992

Eventually, you're going to have to run out of places to move the goal post, anon.

>> No.21798023

who owns ayn rand's body other than ayn rand? are you a psychopath?

>> No.21798041

>name one person ayn rand harmed
>no but she didn't commit a crime so it wasn't harm

>> No.21798088

Randtards are too stupid to even be aware of the fact theyre disingenuous, anon. For example, you could point out how her "smoking isn't an addiction but a rational choice" nonsense lead to harm but they'll just say "those people still choose to smoke and she didn't make them!"

Randianism is an ideology complete with preloaded terms and concepts. The central ideas are nebulous enough that anything can be according to them. If you put forward a real world criticism they'll just recontextualize it into shallow terms and act like it doesn't call anything into question. They're perfect examples of ideological possession.

>> No.21798093
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>seriously arguing that ayn rand was a bad philosopher because she smoked cigarettes

>> No.21798110

>seriously missing the point that hard

Yeah, that's no news to me. I just like watching the hamster wheels that power their thoughts spin

>> No.21798121
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“I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture, a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well.”

>> No.21798126

See >>21798093. Instead of "yeah, it was pretty dumb that Rand felt the need to rationalize her addiction to cigarettes" it's "YOU THINK SMOKING MAKES YOU A BAD PHILOSOPHER?!"

That said, you could argue that Rand harmed her followers by turning them into ideologically possessed NPCs. Argueably, that isn't worth the self-esteem boost they get from harping the mentality of a Cold War era pulp fiction writer.

>> No.21798171

>I just like watching the hamster wheels that power their thoughts spin
They have a really simplistic ideological schema and they contextualize everything according to it. On top of the self-help aspect of her work they're granted what they think is clarity of thought (and make no mistake, the Randtards ITT are blissfully unaware of being BTFO). The reality is that they present a laughably simplistic worldview and will retreat to the idea they have the moral highground via shallowly interpreted tautological pronouncements.

>> No.21798204


Imagine disagreeing with the statement "No man may initiate the use of physical force against others." That's all libertarianism means. If you disagree with that, you should be in a mental hospital

>> No.21798206

He really rekt that strawman

>> No.21798216

Imagine thinking the NAP describes objectivism or even normal libertarians

>> No.21798228

Not sure which post you're referencing.

>> No.21798239

>mi5 agents giving each other handjobs

Marxists are pathetic

>> No.21798252

But porcupines try to base every opinion they have off of that one maxim. They are too caught in sticking to their ideology and not enough in touch with how the real world works.

Also, you're completely ignoring the "people should own nukes if they want to" aspect of libertarianism.

>> No.21798358

>people should own nukes if they want to

and? if the jews had nukes during world war 2 then the internments couldn't have happened. if george washington had nukes, america would have won the revolution. i could do this all day

>> No.21798386

Damn, you're right. I'll have to vote for Jo Jorgensen in '24.

>> No.21798405

Atlas Shrugged is a book about a wealthy heiress who is better at everything than everybody. She meets a man who creates a magic metal and together they search for man who built a magical friction-less motor. Standing in their way are parodies of socialist thought and the rest of the stupid unwashed masses. Eventually they find the motor man living in a hidden valley that can only be seen by smart people. In the valley, all of the smart live in a utopia where they've cured numerous medical maladies and refuse to share this with humanity. Also the residents believe society will collapse without their greatness, but just to be sure they've cut-off vital supply lines to the greater public. Eventually magic motor man is captured by evil stupid people at which point he launches into a 100 page tirade laying out in autistic detail his personal philosophy, destroying any subtlety encountered thus far. Super heiress and metal man, along with Beast and Jubilee, take the blackbird to rescue motor man just as he's being electrocuted by stupid people. After they successfully extract him using the powers of objectivism, a magical sound weapon built by stupid people explodes and the country is reduced to covered wagons within hours.

>> No.21798443

This is accurate. I wish you worked in the part where Rand explains how individual victims of a train accident deserved to die but it would have fucked up your flow.

>> No.21798532

>victims of a train accident

if not for the patent office we would have had flying cars, those people dying is the government's fault

>> No.21798538

Like a fairy tale.

>> No.21798657


>> No.21798715

>Imagine disagreeing with the statement "No man may initiate the use of physical force against others."
If he "may" not, why don't other people just stop him?
Moralfaggotry is for the mentally retarded.

>> No.21798793

I'm an Objectivist atheist antinatalist incel. I've read Atlas Shrugged, The God Delusion, Better To Have Never Been, and My Twisted World. I'm absolutely incapable of losing a debate and I challenge all pretenders to refute me. Spoiler: It cannot be done. Woe is to those who try for be forwarned: you're not just taking on me but also the ideas of Ayn Rand, Richard Dawkins, David Benatar, and Elliot Roger!

>> No.21798796

American brain virus

>> No.21798805

Dawkins is just a liar, he knows God is geometry

>> No.21798815

It comes up in some courses but it’s not particularly subtle or difficult to understand, is it? I reckon half an hour is enough

>> No.21798976

If God were geometry why would he make circles defined by transcendentals when squares are obviously the most rational, and therefore superior, shape? Checkmate via Rand/Dawkins.

>> No.21798987

"Numbers" are derived from geometry you niggerfaggot, the shapes are primordial

>> No.21799072

If numbers and shapes are attached, and numbers are flawed, then you admit it is better for the shapes to have never been. If shapes are primordial then why do they not bare animalistic urges and thereby have sex with me? Checkmate via Benatar/Roger.

>> No.21799141

Considering the state of things and her directly addressing the biggest and most ubiquitous problems in our society I think actually spending significant time would be warranted

>> No.21799213

Objectivism is just a combination of hedonism and utilitarianism. Basically just "do what thou wilt, but don't be a dick about it".

>> No.21799242

I'm not talking about objectivism I'm talking about her criticisms of collectivism.

>> No.21799254

>Objectivism is just a combination of hedonism and utilitarianism

No it's not. You have to start with the left-hand path in order to acquire enough power to end with the right-hand path. A retarded loser with no money or power can't help others. Once you achieve some amount of success, you can then help others the way you helped yourself.

>> No.21799326

If you adopt Rand's loaded terminology you're basically admitting you're a retard. She wrote her shit during the Cold War and it shows.
Rational self-interest is vague enough that you can justify personal hedonism or utilitarianism. Rand is for retards.

>> No.21799429

Has anyone actually read her books? I was not prepared for the homoerotic tension and weird bdsm elements

>> No.21799446

>why academia is left-leaning
>posts picture of marx
lol maybe in sociology n shit, outside of that most academics are centre-left at best, they're not socialists. Economics is the dominant social science and it's a fairly centrist/pro-market field.

>> No.21799450

>If you adopt Rand's loaded terminology you're basically admitting you're a retard. She wrote her shit during the Cold War and it shows.
Your replies to me have been totally unrelated to the things I've written.
My point is Rand said a lot of stuff that would apply very well to modern people.

>> No.21799484

>Your replies to me have been totally unrelated to the things I've written.
I'm not the original anon. What we've written applies directly to your Randian nonsense. The problem is you're ideologically possessed and are filtered.

>> No.21799512

Haha. You guys are nuts.
I'm not an objectivist or even that familiar with Rand. I just noticed she wrote some really insightful criticisms of lefty collectivist types.

>> No.21799685

>I don't know what I'm talking about
Everyone who isn't a Randtard could tell.

>> No.21799724

No, she doesn't. She recognizes that society is a compromise, then recommends scamming society for your own profit rather than accepting the occasional loss with grace while demanding social improvement. It's the mentality of a woman possessed by selfishness, intent on getting everything she can on principle while denying that anyone else is owed anything. She's as insightful about collectivist ideologies as any 13 year old asshole, and that's why nobody with a worldview wider than their wallet gives a shit about her thoughts.

>> No.21799725
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>Many decades later Rand still makes leftoids seethe
Kinda funny ngl, also her impression of how leftist behave was pretty spot on. They are pathetic people that bring nothing to the table to begin with.

>> No.21799795

Again, you are talking about (your interpretation of) her ideology. That's not what I'm talking about. You are simply not listening at all to what is being said but going off on your non sequitur diatribes. I can tell you are looking to have an certain argument but I'm afraid it's just not relevant here.
Anyways the sheer seethe she continues to inspire in commies is remarkable. Reminds me of Jordan Peterson.

>> No.21799823

>(your interpretation of)
There's only one interpretation according to her, retard. If you buy into her loaded language you're more of a joke than people who did 40 years ago when it was actually a hot take.

>> No.21799827

>If you buy into her loaded language
I don't. How do you not understand this?
She wrote a very good description of collectivists. She could have just as well been describing furniture or life on a ship. It has nothing to do with her ideology, in which I have no interest. I'm sorry this bothers you so much and I have to assume it's because it has hit a nerve.

>> No.21799861

>I don't. How do you not understand this?
"Muh collectivism sure describes the modern world." You're a retard.

>> No.21800735

She doesn’t have any arguments worth contending with

>> No.21800756

The ONLY reason why academia leans to the left is because social social ""science"" (not real science btw) leans to the left.
All real academics (STEM Chads) only lean left because it's convenient. STEM Chads have never and will never care about political bullshit.
Leftoid mental masturbators will NEVER be real academics.

>> No.21800792
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>Im literally to smart to refute her
Sounds like something a faggot pseud would say. But then again thats exactly what marx was and anyone else who studies the subject of sociology is.

>> No.21800872

Amazon can't do this because the state has a monopoly on violence. Once the state is gone, you would need private security firms and they would be used by Amazon in the same way as a state does.

>> No.21800957

>whites outnumber blacks 30 to 1
>systemic discrimination

>leftists outnumber the right 30 to 1
>leftists are simply superior

fuck off

>> No.21800964

Yeah a lot of incoming freshman usually need to be put in remedial classes their first couple of semesters to teach them everything their high schools didn't

>> No.21801050

>social social ""science"" (not real science btw)

Turner S.P. - Understanding the Tacit (2013):
"Omar Lizardo has performed a useful service by opening up a question that deserves discussion, the relation of social theory to cognitive science in a category of inquiry that deserves to be enormously expanded, as I have argued elsewhere (Turner 2007a,b&e). Lizardo, however, is wrong about mirror neurons and about what they imply for Bourdieu, and misleading about the implications of the contents of The Social Theory of Practices (1994) and my other writings in this area. Mirror neurons, to the extent that they figure in an explanation of the surface or external similarities between people engaged in a “practice,” actually undermine Bourdieu’s account, by providing an alternative to the mechanism his account requires. Mirror neurons, however, fit very nicely into the account given in The Social Theory of Practices, which, like the mirror neuron literature, focuses on emulation (Tomasello and Carpenter 2005), and also fit with my later discussion of the implications of the simulation approach to the problem of knowledge of other minds, Imitation or the Internalization of Norms (2000, 2002: 58–73)."

>> No.21801236

>It kind of blends into a sort of abstract feudalist framework sans the church
But fuedalism was the best state humanity ever lived in.

>> No.21801244

>social """science""" concords with real science on accident
Who gives a shit? It's still smooth brain nonsense.

>> No.21801284

That video must have been made by a conservative looking to generate rage and counter reaction to it. Horrible logic. I write bait posts all the time to rile people up, deliberately infusing fallacious arguments on whatever side I'm losing and this is on the level of that.

>> No.21801296

>place that values knowledge
kek, retard moment. retroactively BTFO'd by Marx and Althusser (actual leftists, not coombuyyah idealism pseuds). funny when a proletariat revolution happens its going to be led by trump people who work at Walmart and they'll be making acudummys dig holes while confiscating all they own.

>> No.21801365

I'm not left wing at all. You're no different to the leftists who think everything to the right of neoliberalism is "right wing".

>> No.21801497

It's like a napkin drawing. Like if a writer presents an outline of a story.

>> No.21801530

First objectivism isn't objective to reality. Humans are motivated by social standing more than money due to physiology(cortisols and serotonin). If gini coefficients are allowed to heighten(for literally whatever reason), humans will revolt. It is just our spinal nature.

>> No.21801551
File: 255 KB, 647x901, Turner J.H. , Machalek R.S. - The New Evolutionary Sociology (2018) (6-3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's still smooth brain nonsense.
I sense Dunning-Kruger effect here

>> No.21801590

>words + feelings + guesses + unsubstantiated claims + more feelings = science
I'm sure it feels like a science to you because you indulged in so much of it, but to the real academics it's all bullshit. Maybe you should've gotten into a STEM field instead. Now the best you can do is be a well read HR fag lmao

>> No.21801594
File: 871 KB, 1600x1200, Grave_of_Karl_Marx_Highgate_Cemetery_in_London_2016_(10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real mystery who this guy worked for

>> No.21801617
File: 214 KB, 545x843, Turner J.H - Handbook on Evolution and Society. Toward an Evolutionary Social Science (2015) (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unsubstantiated claims
Reject evolution then, genius.

That's how apes got eusocial, silly. You fuck up "feelings", you fuck up your "rational" choice.

>> No.21801629
File: 481 KB, 1228x964, Turner J.H. , Machalek R.S. - The New Evolutionary Sociology (2018) (6-4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real mystery who this guy worked for
Emile Durkheim?

>> No.21801661
File: 89 KB, 646x682, literally my copy of the talmud (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reject evolution then, genius.

Evolution is a papist lie, please stop making the Jews right about goyim

>> No.21801676

>"evolution" is real
>negroes aren't homo erectus though, that's racist!

"Science," everyone

>> No.21801700

Because her non-political philosophy sounds like something a 16 year old came up with and libertarian political philosophy has been expressed much better by thinkers like Nozzick who are taught in universities. Why would anyone bother with her?

>> No.21801852

>She has no one to shill for her.

>> No.21801879

If intelligence is knowing how to speak, and wisdom is knowing when not to, I guess objectivism is making word salad.

>> No.21801883

call me when evolution explains how white people are astronauts you dumb faggot

>> No.21801892

Call me when you learn how power works

>> No.21802139
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Ayn Rand is a controversial figure in the world of philosophy and politics. She is known for her contributions to objectivism, a philosophical system that emphasizes individualism, reason, and free markets. Rand’s ideas have been embraced by many libertarians and conservatives, but she has also been criticized for her views on social welfare and altruism. Despite this controversy, Rand’s legacy as a feminist icon and one of the most influential philosophers of all time should not be overlooked. In this article, we will examine Rand’s contributions to feminism and philosophy and why she deserves recognition as a trailblazer in both fields.

Rand’s Objectivism and Feminism

Rand’s philosophy of objectivism emphasizes the importance of reason, individualism, and personal freedom. She believed that individuals should be free to pursue their own goals and aspirations without interference from others or the government. In Rand’s view, the pursuit of individual happiness and self-interest is the highest moral purpose, and this idea is central to her philosophy.

Many feminists might be skeptical of Rand’s philosophy, as it seems to prioritize individualism over the collective good. However, Rand’s objectivism is not at odds with feminism. In fact, Rand’s philosophy can be seen as a form of feminist individualism, which emphasizes the importance of women pursuing their own goals and aspirations without being held back by societal norms or gender roles.

Rand’s advocacy of individualism is also consistent with the feminist principle of self-determination. Feminists have long argued that women should be able to control their own lives and make their own decisions. Rand’s philosophy supports this idea, as it emphasizes the importance of personal autonomy and self-determination.

Moreover, Rand’s philosophy also highlights the importance of reason and critical thinking, which are crucial skills for women who want to navigate the complexities of modern society. By encouraging women to think critically and to make decisions based on their own rational judgments, Rand’s philosophy empowers women to take control of their own lives and achieve their full potential.

Rand’s Contribution to Feminist Literature


>> No.21802147
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In addition to her philosophical contributions, Rand’s novels and essays also had a significant impact on feminist literature. Her female characters are often strong, independent, and driven by their own desires and ambitions. These characters serve as role models for women who want to pursue their own goals and aspirations, regardless of societal expectations or gender roles.

One of Rand’s most famous novels, The Fountainhead, features a female character named Dominique Francon, who is portrayed as a powerful and independent woman. Dominique refuses to conform to societal expectations and instead pursues her own goals and ambitions, even if it means going against the norms of her time. By portraying women as capable and ambitious individuals, Rand challenged traditional gender roles and helped to pave the way for a new era of feminist literature.

Rand’s Influence on Conservative and Libertarian Thought

Rand’s ideas have also had a significant impact on conservative and libertarian thought. Many conservatives and libertarians have embraced Rand’s philosophy of individualism and personal freedom, and her writings have become a cornerstone of the modern conservative movement.

However, Rand’s influence on these movements has not always been positive. Some critics have argued that Rand’s extreme individualism and hostility towards social welfare programs has contributed to a culture of selfishness and greed in American society. Despite these criticisms, Rand’s contributions to philosophy and feminism cannot be ignored.


Ayn Rand was a trailblazer in both philosophy and feminism. Her ideas challenged traditional gender roles and emphasized the importance of personal autonomy and self-determination. Her novels and essays inspired a new era of feminist literature, and her philosophy of objectivism has had a significant impact on conservative and libertarian thought.

>> No.21802149

feminism is a form of genetic terraforming by negative interdimensional entities

>> No.21802157

THe sjw communist libcucks dont want you to hear the truth. #infowars #alexjoneswasright

>> No.21802163
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The statement "feminism is a form of genetic terraforming by negative interdimensional entities" is an unfounded and baseless conspiracy theory. There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that negative interdimensional entities exist, and there is no evidence to suggest that they are involved in any way with the feminist movement.

The origins of feminism can be traced back to the 19th century when women began to advocate for their rights to be recognized as equal to those of men. The feminist movement has since evolved and has been characterized by various waves of activism, each with its own set of goals and priorities. At its core, feminism seeks to address gender-based inequalities and promote gender equality.

The idea that feminism is a form of genetic terraforming is not only unsupported by any evidence but also completely illogical. Genetic terraforming refers to the process of intentionally altering the genetic makeup of an organism or population, typically for the purpose of creating a desired outcome. However, there is no genetic manipulation involved in the feminist movement. The movement is focused on social and political change, not genetic modification.

Moreover, the notion that feminism is driven by negative interdimensional entities is not only unsupported by scientific evidence but also lacks any logical basis. The idea of interdimensional entities is purely speculative and lacks any empirical evidence. It is therefore impossible to claim that these entities have any impact on the feminist movement.

The conspiracy theory that feminism is a form of genetic terraforming by negative interdimensional entities is harmful because it delegitimizes the work of feminists who have fought for gender equality for centuries. It is important to recognize the importance of feminism in promoting social justice and addressing gender-based inequalities. By dismissing feminism as the work of imaginary entities, we risk perpetuating harmful stereotypes and undermining the progress that has been made towards achieving gender equality.

>> No.21802165

fuck off gptfag

>> No.21802170

Because a Jewess who openly worships money and despises democracy (i.e. the goy) is too repugnant even for 100IQ college students to swallow.
If you want to get people to accept rule by bank and NGO, you mostly just have to brush over it and treat it as "the way things are", or sell it as the transnational rule of human rights and democracy. Saying that rich Jews should be allowed to run the world because having a lot of money makes you superior will go down poorly.

>> No.21802175

Hey, I'm a fascist and I hate her for all of those reasons. Except the woman thing.

>> No.21802181

Because her writing is dogshit and unedited. The same reason they don't teach Scientology as a formal school of thought at most universities

>> No.21802187


Hey Mr. AI, why do Muslims miraculously always agree with whatever British intelligence says?

>> No.21802192
File: 524 KB, 641x641, shrek vaping advertisment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my hairy ball sack you tranny piece of shit.

>> No.21802200
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Praise Allah my friend

>> No.21802201
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>the future is a defective artificial intelligence commanding you to have gay interracial sex, forever

>> No.21802203

literally too deranged to complete a thought without daddy tech

>> No.21802874
File: 73 KB, 723x408, ayn rand christmas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21803054
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>> No.21803060

Conservatives promote Rand but only up until Rand shits on Christianity then they say she went too far there.

>> No.21803078

conservatives are generally better than liberals and leftists (note: I didn't say "good at," I just said "better than liberals and leftists") at entertaining ideas they don't agree with, and being able to compartmentalize what they like and what they dislike.
So they can enjoy Rand's social or economic theories even if they disagree with her views on materialism and theology. By contrast, if a leftist/liberal thinker differs in the slightest bit from the main dogma, they are completely ruined and 100% fascist nazi hitlers.

>> No.21803157

If someone sat Ayn Rand down and explained to her the meaning of esoteric Christianity she would agree it's objectively true

>> No.21803167

She was a big fan of Thomas Aquinas, she didn't like anything metaphysical. I doubt she'd have cared for esotericism.

>> No.21803516

Laissez-faire ideas like those of Rand and others have never been implemented even be classical liberal politicians due to practical problems. Limited natural resources are one obvious one. Privatizing water and electricity for example wouldn't bring any benefits if it lead to increased competition, and would lead to increased prices if it lead to monopoly.

>> No.21803700

back in my day that would be a ban

>> No.21804140

>importance of reason
reason has been debunked already in the 19th century by Nietzsche, and every cognitive science finding ever since shows how your cognition is fractured and heuristic . You can't free-will this shit off.

problematic, given that humans are an eusocial superorganism.

>personal freedom
which actually consists of 2 mutually contradicting types: "freedom from" and "freedom to". In order to do something, you have to put up with something.

>pursue their own goals
>the pursuit of individual happiness
pick one

All "altruistic" acts are already egoistic acts. There are just extremely dumb ways to do them, worthy of the Darwin Awards.

>highest moral purpose
"morality" is an instant red flag. If someone tells you about your "should" without lots of preliminary apologies and dancing around with empirical data, is either a naive idiot or a deliberate scammer.

>> No.21804141

it is, We had to read rand in high school and there are several required courses at my community college that list her as required reading

>> No.21804144

stating this like a defeater for leftism that no communist has ever thought of is hilarious because it's literally what my 12 year old nephew tried to argue after first being introduced to the concept of leftism. it's possible that it's true but stating it like there isnt hundreds of years of debate from people who devoted their lives to understanding the nature of freedom is the sort of psuedery that this board is known for

>> No.21805087

I've been thinking about how she said that monopolies wouldn't exist in the free market and without the government intervention. But that wouldn't work nowadays because millennials have become the prime clients of brands and corporations, so you have companies like Steam or Apple almost close to being monopolies in their fields thanks to people who are not only rabid and loyal consumers but also defenders of their products.
So I guess this would only work if the population wasn't brainwashed, retarded or had higher quality standards, and even then it would be still hypothetical.

>> No.21805197
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>But that wouldn't work nowadays

Under libertarianism, without the government constantly assassinating everyone with an IQ over 100, technological advancement would quickly result in a situation where scarcity no longer exists. A truly efficient free market would be one in which every good is free due to replicators and services are provided by hylics (NPCs). Economics is completely fake, but it's not because of the free market but because of the patent office

>> No.21806112



Ayn says she did not believe in God because she was not aware of any evidence, that makes her agnostic

>> No.21806297

made for BBC , BWC and BYC

>> No.21806316
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Because it's state funded by stolen slave dollars and exists outside of reality due to state regulation creating a liscensing cartel?

>> No.21806895
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>a 12 year old can refute our ideology within 5 minutes of hearing about it but we kept talking about it for centuries anyway. Bet you feel owned now chud

>> No.21806942

We are so fucking far from capitalism right now that I think we can hold off on worrying about the workers until after we start using real money and paying them in shit the fed doesn't actively debase. Everybody took a 25% pay cut over the last 3 years due to inflation. Not to mention the artifical interest rates are leading us to a global bubble of absolute nonsense malinvestment bullshit nonbusinesses and an impending depression the likes of which the world has never seen. Get the fucking politics out of money. It's not like anarchy starts tomorrow if libertarians get 10% of the vote. But for fucks sake can we start by making money real again and maybe not having the government indoctrinate 90% of our children?

>> No.21806958

>will be when AI starts writing all the news and making all the mainstream art.
Everything looks exactly the same.

>> No.21807635

why do lolberts hate the government but remain ambivalent to the very equal (and sometimes worse) atrocities that companies can achieve?
remember how microplastics are in everyone's bloodstream? united fruit company?
governments are shady as shit and hardly representative of its people but letting corporations doing what ever the fuck they want is also pretty fucking terrible.
i can understand giving leeway to smaller corporations but let a large corporation become big enough and they just repeat the atrocities that governments commit.
and no, free market and 'the invisible hand' aren't going to magically solve the oligarchy problem. especially not when economies of scale and increased convenience exist.

>> No.21807650 [DELETED] 

also economics and finance departments are entirely right leaning because marxism is wrong and built on fallacies long ago discredited and debunked.

>> No.21807780

>united fruit company
If this is the height of corporate evil then they are still way less guilty than any government in existence

>> No.21807980

>mentality of a woman possessed by selfishness

You don't understand. If reincarnation is real, then it is actually in your own self-interest to help other people. Under libertarianism, nobody says you CAN'T engage in charity. It's just not forced by the state at gunpoint

>> No.21808154

That statement is really criticizing her person more than her ideas. Her ideas, in that light, lose a lot of luster.

>> No.21808356

Governments are corporations. Get that through your silly head. Governments are corporations that operate as reigonal monopolies and enforce their profits at gunpoint. I am a slave owned by the government, not dole fruit.

>> No.21808376

She’s anti-human on principle.

>> No.21808529

Friendly reminder that society is not the state and that stealing from people at gunpoint doesn't make you a moral person.

>> No.21808581

Unlike the pro abortion mandated clot shot childfree child medicating anti gender wipe-out-mankind-for-Gaia people who hate her.

>> No.21808801

>austrian accent

>> No.21808940
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>Government is a corporation

>> No.21808953
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"Governments, I claim, are like whales.
Let me explain.
As the largest animals on Earth, whales are exquisitely different than other animals. Yet when it comes to predicting abundance, these differences don’t matter. Whales are ‘just another animal’. Their abundance is predictable from their size alone.
I propose that the same is true of governments. Because they’re the largest institutions, governments are exquisitely different than other institutions. Yet when it comes to predicting government abundance, I argue that these differences don’t matter. Governments are ‘just another firm’. Their abundance is predictable from their size alone."

>> No.21809070

If we want to get technical the government is just the operating officials of the state and the state is a corporation. The state is the dominant criminal organization in a geographic reigon and it survives parasitically off the work of its citizens. It is essentially just a mafia protection racket. Sure would be a shame if another gang fucked you up, whys don't yous pay us for to keep your business safe from thems gangs? If you don't we'll burn your shit down and beat you up (tax prison and property seizure). It's fucking simple and the only reason anybody is dumb enough to think the state is le people or something other than just a criminal corporation is because they literally brainwashed you since you were 5 years old in a state run indoctrination facility- literally making you swear a loyalty oath every morning to serve them as a polite consumer slave.

>> No.21809108

>like Rand
maybe good goy zionist monkey (((christians))))

>> No.21809154

Because her ideology basically boils down to not selling your soul, no society is going to support that.

>> No.21809469

Friendly reminder that nobody except randians thinks this is insightful. I'm an anarchist, Rand still blows.

>> No.21809500

>ancom hates competence and hard work
Many such cases! Sad!

>> No.21809514

How does it feel to operate with clockwork predictability, to have all your thoughts predigested and regurgitated as pap for your arrested mind? The Rand pill must be mighty satisfying to justify the brain damage.

>> No.21809531

Never read her. Now ask me how I know you liked ayn rand when you were 15.

>> No.21809547


>> No.21809572

There is no zealot like a convert. Everybody weirdly mad at one ideology or religion is so for a reason. Voluntarists agree that ancoms and anprims and ancaps can all live among and benefit from one another. Nobody is a randian today because there are much much much better ancap/libertarian philosophers/economists that don't have weird ladyboners for andrew carnegie qnd frank lloyd wright

>> No.21809590

Well, I can assure you, I have never been a fan of her works. They've always been painfully, obviously wrong, and it's the falseness of this statement:
>Nobody is a randian today
that justifies my distaste, rather than self-loathing.
Sorry for assuming you were objectivist scum tho

>> No.21809595

Sorry for assuming you liked statism.

>> No.21809920

It's not all that complicated. Her whole point is that complicated moral systems are just cope or resentment and you already get that in part from Nietzsche. Her epistemology isn't that impressive so you won't see it in a philosophy class. Rand is occasionally mentioned in passing in some classes but the content of her work is vastly overinflated with architecture fantasy.

>> No.21809947

The claim that "states of affairs we experience are objective and we get objective knowledge of them through our senses," was already rejected with Kant's transcendental and the findings of modern cognitive science only makes the flaws in her naive realism more apparent.

There isn't much depth or originality to her position, which is a less nuanced version of what natural language philosophers were doing around the same time in terms of atomic facts/propositions.

The individual being the sole point of focus in analyzing freedom was a point made during the Enlightenment in similar terms and already torn apart, probably most effectively by Hegel (also largely considered a conservative philosopher, especially back when Rand wrote).

She isn't taught because her philosophy was a derivative hodgepodge of ideas that had already been abandoned or reworked during her time due to their inherit contradictions.

>> No.21809950

Her idea is essentially of a romantic philosopher-king except a philosopher-industrialist or a manager-poet. And to some extent with the arts she is right. Fucking nobody remembers schlock, they only remember the stand outs, auteurs, real artists with exceptional talent. Even when the establishment praises the mediocre like bob dylan nobody actually listens to it, they listen to the eagles and michael jackson.

>> No.21810033

I hate people like you

>> No.21810208

People who don't find Rand's derivative attempts at philosophy worth teaching when there is already way too much to fit into a syllabus?

If you're going to teach American philosophers from that period in any sort of undergrad class you're going to teach people who had novel contributions that haven't been torn apart. Generally, Quine, Putnam, Rorty, Kirpke, or on the earlier side Dewey and Pierce.

More broadly, you have Camus, de Beauvoir, Sartre, Arendt, Popper, Carnap, Habermas, Adorno, etc. all overlapping. Rand doesn't even make the cut just for politics, not even if you're going out of your way for women since Arendt is a giant in her own right and you have de Beauvoir, Murdoch, and LR Baker.

I would include Rand if the topic was dystopias, or specifically 20th century conservatism, but not in any sort of a survey like OP is suggesting.

Adam Smith has more nuance in originally formulating some of these ideas and Hegel a way better first draft analysis than what Rand is trying over a century later.

>> No.21810232

le bloo blah bleh bloo bloo

>> No.21810261
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>explain why the place that values knowledge the most leans so heavily to the left
Such a flawed statement. Does not take into consideration the history of academia, current zeitgeist, or cultural context. Universities in China or other non Western countries for example are not infested with idpol nonsense like your typical US campus is. Historically, most academic institutions were not "left wing" (it's a fairly recent phenomena). The reality is most academic institutions are filled to the brim with oversocialized moral cowards. Many left wingers delude themselves into believing they are rebelling against the system. They come from upper middle class backgrounds and are some of the most tame, conformist and above all dangerous people. Dangerous because they are an active threat to democratic society, furthering poisonous ideas that only serve to weaken the moral and cultural fabric of the West, making it vulnerable to hostile foreign powers. You subvert a nation by destroying the moral/cultural fabric of its society, not militarily. I view people like you as a genuine threat.

>> No.21810311

>I would include Rand if the topic was dystopias, or specifically 20th century conservatism, but not in any sort of a survey like OP is suggesting.
Rothbard, Mises, Hoppe, and Hayek. Conservatism doesn't actually mean anything. It has no actual philosophy. It is a weird hodgepodge between libertarian and nationalist/fascist ideology woth no consistency. Among lolberts nobody even takes Rand seriously.

>> No.21810362

I'd argue Rand is quite relevant for the simple reason that far more politicians and policy makers have actually read her.

Hayek actually recommends social insurance and state healthcare, so it was very funny to see the dissonance with what his school had become by 2010.

>> No.21810368

it pisses me off to no end how much everyone willfully misinterprets Hayek as some corporatist shill I swear to fucking god how dare you remind me ffs

>> No.21810377

>muh universities!!
There are so many different classes you can take at uni and many just have no need to go over her at all. Christ, you guys just love to frame everything like it’s us vs the le universities and cathedral!!

>> No.21810529

The libertarian party is run by the Mises caucus now.

>> No.21810558

>she writes a praise of all the excepitonal cases fo ubermensch
> you know like the eagles
you're a cool guy.

>> No.21810559

then you must admit that overly powerful corporations are also an issue and anti-trust laws are necessary.
a large enough corporation will have no issue harming people's freedoms just for profit if they can get away with it.

>> No.21810565

When people tried this on the frontiers with things like pinkertons people just shot them and burned their property down. Without the illusion of authority of force people will eventually just shoot you if you mistreat them so it behooves you to not be an asshole.

>> No.21810566

Would you say he's living life in the fast lane? Would you say his post was a thriller? I can't tell you why, but to these lying eyes he has a point, the rest of these clowns should just beat it. It's not about social roles and duties, it's about the way you make me feel. If you're a socialist, you're nothing more than a smooth criminal.

>> No.21810571

The eagles did 5 part harmonies, had 3 lead singers, blended country, rock, funk, pop together in a cohesive way, and had the greatest selling album of all time for this reason. To say they weren't an exceptional musical group is retarded. Meanwhile criticslop has 0 memorable songs let alone 20 number one hits and pitch perfect live performances.

>> No.21810572

Also, I never fucked Billie Jean because, I am, in fact, a trans racial serial boy diddler and I named my son Blanket and dangled him off a balcony while high on anesthetic....

Ah shit, might have said too much there.

>> No.21810581
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>> No.21810601

it's just funny that your example of philosopher kings that history will forever revere and remember are the eagles. I don't feel like as many people remember the eagles as much as bob dylan. Also why is mass rememberence so important? isn't the whole point that what the masses care about si stupid?

>> No.21810604

>No. Amazon cant send men with guns to your house if you sont pay them a yearly wage.
They can't do that because the government has more men with more guns and frowns on people trying to steal their thunder without cutting them in.

Private power can only be limited by another entitiy with enough power to enforce said limitations. Without the state and it's monopoly on violence around there is nothing preventing Amazon from sending those men with guns, who's going to stop them?

>> No.21810610

Most people could name one bob dylan song, the cover by jimi hendrix. He is memed constantly by the written media but never gets any radio play because it sounds bad to the human ear. Everybody has heard desparado and hotel california and take it easy 5000 times.

>> No.21810621

This happened historically and people just started shooting the corporate police on sight. Americans have 3 guns per person. It is the illusion of legitimate violence not the violence alone that works.

>> No.21810623

I have never heard desperado. Also I'm pretty sure most people could name a bob dylan song other than all along the watchtower. Most people know hotel california as the song played in shitty movies sometimes but wouldn't recognize the band. You know who else most people couldn't name a single song of, lizst, debussy, pretty much any classical composer other than bethovan or mozart.

>> No.21810632

You've heard desparado 5000 times, zoomer

>> No.21810686

went and listened to it just now. I legit have never heard this song before. Your boomer idols are not the philosopher kings you think they are.

>> No.21810708

Bob Dylan is on the radio all the time. I don't even like Bob Dylan but I know Rolling Stone, The Times Are A'Changing, Tangled up in Blue, Motorpsycho Nightmare or whatever it's called, Hurricane, Mr. Tambourine Man, It Ain't Me, Positively Fourth Street, Subterranean Blues, Idiot Wind, etc.

Eagles I only know Hotel California and Life in the Fast Lane. I can think of more KoRn hits and that is one of the most atrocious groups to ever make music.

Beatles and Zeppelin would be my bet for most known, or MJ.

>> No.21810716

Do you mean to tell me "Freak on a Leash," isn't enough to make someone a philosopher poet hero king on its own?

What about the one where they start screaming nursery rhymes like retards? What about the ones where they just make weird fucking mouth noises into the microphone like deranged adult babies?

>> No.21810737

listen libtards let me lay it down for you right now
philosopher-kings: 100 gecs, korn, the eagles, micheal jackson, the melvins, jamiroquai, jack stauber, uh uh fucking steve urkel, steve harvey, american dad, south park (gotta have southpark), uh uh uh the offspring, creedance clearwater, forest gump, uh barney, mr.rodgers, Faulkner, Socrates, uh hollbecq, evola, guenon, and nietzche and micheal jackson, mr.beast
not philosopher kings but peasant libtards: bill maher, bob dylan, racheal maddow, obama, plato, aristotle, uh ru paul, let me think popeye the sailor, mickey mouse, vladmir nabakov, uh wendy from the wendy's comericals, virginia woolf, Ernest junger and joesph stalin
get it liberals???

>> No.21810740

I don't know any of those songs nor could I say I have heard them on the radio. I looked up bob dylan a while ago after all the hullabaloo and was flabbergasted by how bad it was at a basic level.

>> No.21810988

and yet corporations still infringe on people. you can come up with all kinds of platitudes about NAP but they don't work in reality. people and corporations will exploit people if they can get away with it.
the freer the market, the freer companies are to rape you for every dollar they can.
governments rape you because they feel like its for the common good, corporations rape you because they can earn a dollar off it. ones from incompetence, the other's from greed.

>> No.21811021

Filtered and reddit-tier
Rand makes liberals and progressives seethe in disgust.. but muh-altruism

>> No.21811022
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>and yet corporations still infringe on people. you can come up with all kinds of platitudes about NAP but they don't work in reality. people and corporations will exploit people if they can get away with it.
>the freer the market, the freer companies are to rape you for every dollar they can.
>governments rape you because they feel like its for the common good, corporations rape you because they can earn a dollar off it. ones from incompetence, the other's from greed

>> No.21811031

Ah yes
>when I'm dumb, people get mad
>my stupidity must be correct!

>> No.21811108

>le real is le... real
wow, hope someone makes people waste their time reading this

>> No.21811154

This. All the too clever by half explanations for why she's actually bad and dumb and irrelevant and redundant and blah blah are totally belied by the unrelenting seethe. She made good points that continue to strike a nerve.

>> No.21811564

Can you give an example

>> No.21812469

Anon I'm going to say this really slowly for you. T h e s t a t e i s a c o r p o r a t i o n. They are a corporation that gets their money via slavery and their main export is murder. Comparing a fucking store that sell products people want to people who give their money to that company for said good because they want said good will never, ever, ever be in the level of evil of a state. The worst thing is the state makes us all use their corporate coupon money so they don't even have to tax you overtly- which is slavery. If they want to contribute to war and murder they can just debase the coupons. Fiat is backed by debt and debt is backed by, you guessed it, slave labor. Read the history of keynesian economics ffs, we're only on the precipice of global economic collapse and had a 25% inflation rate over a fucking cold that two colluding states unleashed upon the world.

>> No.21812500

Stop trying so hard
>he thinks the term "objective" was derived from Rand
Please, for your own sake, tell me you're just shitposting

>> No.21812532

Anon... people talked about subjective and objective all the time before Rand. She didn't introduce the term, she introduced a philosophy that said "just ignore all that metaphysical and epistemological stuff and focus on money and markets, real is what money buys."

>> No.21812539

Libertarian socialism is an oxymoron

>> No.21812553

Elite institutions, which are even more lib, run huge operating profits and sit on more cash than many Fortune 500s due to patent royalties.

Right wingers love the military, which is also funded by taxes, or "slave dollars," if you want to be an edge teen about it and pretend like you can have modernity without a state, and that taxes = slavery. It also relies on conscription at times, which is closer to slavery, but also not slavery.

This appeal solely to negative freedom is empty and childish. Freedom from everything is freedom too nothing; it's no wonder that radical libertarians like radical lefties can't actually propose any sort of real policy that can actually be enacted in the world, just idealizations. Any concreteness leads to compromise, which in turn corrupts the absolute negative "freedom from."

It's a joke ideology because it's a child's fantasy. "We will end the income tax and the debt." How does that work without a crisis? "No concreteness, only purity and orthodoxy, if one follows that, blessedness comes, real markets have never been tried."

And of course Rand used fucking railroads, considered by empirical economics to be a prime example of natural monopolies due to economies of scale for her idealization. Why? Because recognizing natural monopolies exist or externalities which may need correction is allowing concreteness to crush the liberty of a totally abstract and useless political theory.

>> No.21812579

That‘s a lot of platitudes and imaginary theory for someone who was told to drop the platitudes and imaginary theory for extreme want of any connection to reality

>> No.21812595

There is a right wing philosopher who has extensive commentaries in Adam Smith, while also foreshadowing some of Keynes to and an amazing degree. He saw that markets were complex dynamical systems, following Smith, but also saw that this was NOT unique to markets.

The invisible hand is not magic or unique to markets. It is simply a name for emergence. Complex systems have feedback loops and equilibrium points, they are multiplayer games that settle into context specific points of optimalization.

G.W.F Hegel recognized the organic dynamical nature of the state, markets, and corporations generations before chaos theory would formalize his intuitions.

But of course Popper and other gave so many braindead takes on "Hegel is a fascist who glorifies war," while now even dumber takes that have Hegel as a sort of "Critical Race Theorist," which abound on YouTube.

>> No.21812599

>it sounds bad to the human ear
I'm as redpilled on the jews as they come, but Dylan is the greatest musician of the last century and his voice is truly beautiful once you acquire a taste for it.

>> No.21812603

It's amazing how leftists are incapable of self-critique. It's like the idea that they are not subjects of an ideology that reinforces itself through institutions is somehow alien to them or only apparent when the other is doing it.

>> No.21812608


>> No.21812609

Lacks academic rigour to be taught in a philosophy class. Should be taught in economics and sociology as her ideas have been influential in Silicon Valley.

>> No.21812615

>This appeal solely to negative freedom is empty and childish
nah, positive freedom needs to be seriously curbed.
>And of course Rand used fucking railroads
you are very smart.
either way, you don't have to be a Randian, which I am not, to see that the people who have a visceral aversion towards Rand are retarded.

>> No.21812634

>T h e s t a t e i s a c o r p o r a t i o n
a sovereign* corporation. also, this obsession with slave labor is getting ridiculous. humans don't deserve "liberty" or whatever. Yes, Keynesian econ neglected a ton of things and leftists who scream "neoliberal" at people like Hayek genuinely don't understand it. In fact, Keynesianism lead to hilarious blunders like the "whip inflation now" campaign, which also just shows that austerity is in no way special to classical or neoclassical econ. In fact, many people are actually advocating for austerity in order to mitigate climate-driven human extinction.

>> No.21812661

Where are you, Turkey? Inflation in most of the OECD has been remarkably similar, at 5-8.75%, rates that have existed for two years, but slowed as of late.

Notably, the amount of stimulus doesn't seem to have effected inflation that much. The US had significantly more stimulus and a larger increase in the money supply, but inflation only a few points higher, while low stimulus states still got rocked by inflation.

There are many culprits. While fuck huge increases in the money supply after 2008 led to fuck all inflation (two periods of deflation in the US), this is because the velocity of money went way down (a similar thing happened after the Dot Com Bubble.) Basically, the money multiplier went way down, but it is unclear how this plays out in an inflationary enviornment with rising interest rates as now when central banks buy older, longer securities they will be buying them at market rates below face value due to the shift in yields.

Obviously draconian shutdowns in China and the shift of supply chains through China played a huge role, as did the demographic lump of the Boomers hitting retirement age during the Pandemic, for a disease that mostly effected the old, causing them to leave the labor force in droves.

Supply chains moving to China is caused by a lack of regulation. Companies move to China for cheaper labor due to natural opportunity costs, but also because doing so allows them to effectively ignore pollution costs and labor laws in their home states. Price in the cost of pollution externalities from Chinese manufacturing standards and shipping and these jobs move home.

Fiat currency is backed by full faith and credit. Taxes aren't slavery, they have existed in any state society. Are you freer in existent hunter gatherer societies? 20+% of males who live to adulthood did by homicide, they are more violent than Europe from 1914-1945. You can't survive alone and are bound to your band/tribe. Personal property rights don't exist in any meaningful way.

The state is what gives contracts and rights weight. It can oppress but it can also facilitate markets and protect property rights. The peasantry and merchant class were the ones who supported the rise of the state to protect themselves from the recalcitrant nobility after all.

The state can help rationalize incentives vis-á-vis natural monopolies, club goods, the commons, and externalities.

Suppose you are a fisherman and I run a factory that dumps pollutants that kill all the fish in the river we share. I don't price your damages into my costs, and so the equilibrium price and quantity produced are above what is socially optimal. You need the state to charge me for the damages so I have an incentive to reduce pollution. Elsewise, all we can do is fight violently.

Serfdom was ended by the state, by strong monarchs. It was the freedom of the nobility that allowed it to form.

>> No.21812699

They printed 7 trillion dollars. A 35% increase. 25% is an OPTIMISTIC view as prices haven't adjusted to this because the cantillon effect isn't done playing out yet. Any time people start conflating state with ***society*** it is pure cope.

>> No.21812737

So this is the power of public education.

>> No.21812847
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They "printed" money at an annualized rate of $60 trillion at the height of the report market crisis in September 2019.

People don't understand what is meant by printing operations. First, it isn't debt. Debt doesn't effect the money supply and falls under fiscal policy, not monetary policy. People give the government USD in exchange for future coupon payments.

The Fed has a number of mechanisms for "injecting cash," into the system. Most commonly, they will buy securities, almost always US treasuries, although at times of crisis they will buy other high rated securities. Banks get cash, which they can use to meet demands for withdrawals and capital requirements, the Fed gets the bonds, which entitles them to interest payments. When the Fed wants to fight inflation, as it does now, it sells these securities.

When it does printing operations for some things, like stabilizing the overnight debt market, it might be buying very large denominations of notes, but it is holding them overnight. The next day they get the cash back, plus interest.

The money supply is loosely tied to inflation and we have seen money supplies jump even as deflation/chronically low inflation below central bank targets set in.

Inflation is not simply determined by the money supply. Inflation is too much money chasing too few goods. The supply side can be an issue as well.

Money supply growth = price level growth has been falsified empirically over and over. It is based on a tautology, you hold velocity constant and, given that assumption, the equation guarantees that price levels rise in line with the money supply. Except velocity isn't constant (see pic related). These new injections haven't been going out as loans to buy goods. Creating money that isn't used for goods and services can't increase inflation.

Goldbugs would have more of a leg to stand on if they hadn't been screeching about immanent inflation since the 90s. We were supposed to see big inflation after the Dot Com Bubble, then in the 2010s. Obviously if you say the same thing for 30+ years, getting it right doesn't prove you're right about the reasons why it happened.

The highest inflation in US history occured under the gold standard. Central banking is complex and people decide they don't need to read textbooks (they're all elite lies) and settle for simplistic manichean answers about some shadowy elites who somehow all manage to coordinate to force debt slavery on everyone or some shit.

In reality, economies are extremely complex systems and it is very hard to know how interventions will effect them long term. Money supply growth is neither necessary for major inflation (see the effects of crop failures and the Black Death on prices during an era where precious metals were primarily used) nor seemingly sufficient to cause it.

Money supply growth is necessary for hyperinflation, but that's a very rare phenomena that has always occured in the context of other massive structural issues.

>> No.21812953

The cpi is not an accurate measurement of inflation. We literally did see huge inflation during the 90s and 2000s as seen by housing prices, car prices, education prices. They deliberately change the cpi to measure goods based on that which becomes more technologically efficient to obfuscate this. They measure things like refrigerators and chicken and not actual assets. The gold standard did have inflation and this was because they printed more than they actually had. That's why when the foreign banks called this and demanded the gold in return for notes they had to go off the gold standard in the first place. The US is extremely good at exporting their inflation as you say by selling bonds to other countries who back their own money by the dollar and as we know the first to spend extract the value out of debased money and the last left holding are the ones who lose that value. Yes inflation is taking time to occur obviously to us although everyone does see it in the day to day, for example a kayak I bought 2 years ago went up 33%. This obviously is because fuel and shipping as it is a high volume item as well as the money printing.

>> No.21813304
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Have you seen the average person who goes to these sort of institutions? 90% enter without any sort of direction of what they wanna do with their lives, They go because their parents told them to.
>Inb4 muh guidance counselor
Useless people, Ayn rand philosophy demands that u actually use ur brain and think for urself. Not to mention philosophy is a pretty useless subject to learn in school anyways and a waste of time and money. Also id like to add that allot of people end up taking the easiest subjects in college just so they can move on quickly, pretty much the subjects that leftoids consider valuable but are really useless. Like someone mentioned Sociology, gender studies and niggerology 101 etc..

>> No.21814314

>Inflation is too much money chasing too few goods. The supply side can be an issue as well.

"The problem is that it treats inflation as a uniform rise in prices. That’s theoretically convenient, but empirically false. In the real world, inflation is wildly divergent. At the same time that the price of apples rises by 5%, the price of cars could grow by 50%, and the price of clothing might fall by 20%.
To understand inflation as it actually exists, we must look not to economics textbooks, but to real-world data. That’s what political economist Jonathan Nitzan did during his PhD research in the early 1990s. His work culminated in a dissertation called Inflation As Restructuring. In the real world, Nitzan observed, price change is always ‘differential’, meaning there are winners and losers. The consequence is that inflation is not purely a ‘monetary phenomenon’, as Milton Friedman claimed. Inflation restructures the social order."

>> No.21814433
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>my theory requires changing the definition instead of defining a new term

>> No.21814497
File: 124 KB, 795x639, The Key to Managing Inflation. Higher Wages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Back to mainstream economics and its story of inflation management. The trick to supporting dubious theory is to study lagged effects in isolation. Pick any form of income you want, and you’ll likely find that it predicts next-year’s inflation. But be sure not to mention that the apparent effect pales in comparison to inflation’s lagged effect on itself.
In this light, the question is not whether we can find a lagged effect, but why economist focused on the (apparent) effect of raising interest rates. Why not apply the same method to wages?
If you’re familiar with the history of economic thought, you’ll know the answer. The development of neoclassical economics can be read as one long apology for why capitalists deserve their income. And so when ‘well-trained’ economists apply their methods, they practice science with fine-tuned asymmetry.
See those labor unions using their bargaining power to raise wages? That’s a ‘distortion’ which makes inflation worse. But do you see those creditors doing the same thing — leveraging their power to bolster their income? That’s a ‘natural law’."