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/lit/ - Literature

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21792852 No.21792852 [Reply] [Original]

What is the /lit/ equivalent?

>> No.21792858

Have you read all of this? What kind of person reads this?

>> No.21792877

I have. It had its moments; the fans completely fucked it up. There's no real lit equivalent in terms of silliness/seriousness and scope imo.

>> No.21792889
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Homestuck is so fucking gay

>> No.21792890

>serialized work destroyed by its fanbase
Applies more to manga than literature. I guess the closest that comes to mind is Sherlock Holmes where writer was forced to retcon Sherlock death because of insane freaks. There's not many times this happens with contemporary works. There just isn't a longrunning series popular enough to have this risk. The type to freak out that badly are genuinely too dumb to read even pulpshit

>> No.21792893

House of Leaves

>> No.21793734

It is the /lit/ equivalent

>> No.21793744

House of leaves.

>> No.21794000

Problem Sleuth > Homestuck

>> No.21794041


>> No.21794063

I fucked her with no condom, bro.

>> No.21794242


>> No.21794288
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Homestuck has a better rating than your favourite book

>> No.21794294

Goodreads also has twilight on its list of best books

>> No.21794295

Twilight has a 3.64 average score, keep trying.

>> No.21794296
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>Goodreads also has twilight on its list of best books

>> No.21794310
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i hate that this is true
"It is a [webcomic] to which we are all indebted and from which none of us can escape"
although I think my answer would be the entire meme trilogy

>> No.21794317

Can you tell me why is this a meme trilogy?
I know Infinite Jest is written in a way to chore the reader (Or at least that's what people say here), but what about the other two?

>> No.21794359

>I know Infinite Jest is written in a way to chore the reader
just like last third of homestuck

>> No.21794378

>twitter filename
nice selfie anon

>> No.21794400

>serialized work destroyed by its fanbase
What happened?

>> No.21794926

The creator dispersed Toblerone's bars through all of USA. He said that if you found one, you could wish something new to put in the canon (Homestuck^2). The first person who got it asked for John to be a troon. There was not even a single wish which wasn't autistic.

>> No.21794958

ok but we're not talking about homestuck2 (which everyone with a functioning limbic system knows is shit)

>> No.21794961
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Homestuck. It's been printed as a physical book