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21792279 No.21792279 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I find a girl that reads classics?

>> No.21792283
File: 23 KB, 563x527, 564E3CAF-6815-4375-8852-0114679D8E93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s a man nigga

>> No.21792287

kill yourself

>> No.21792291

if that's a man why is he wearing a dress?

>> No.21792294

The suicide ward

>> No.21792301
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You're not doing the question right.
The real questions are
> "Where do I FIND YOURSELF COMFORTABLE WITH a girl that reads classics?"
> "Where do I find a girl that reads classics WITHOUT TRYING TO POSITION HERSELF?"
> "Where do I find *an art hoe/dark academia hoe that vaguely has the aesthetics of* a girl that reads classics?"
> "Where do I find a girl WITHOUT ADAM'S APPLE that reads classics?"
> "Where do I find a girl THAT IS NOT TRYING TO GUILT YOU INTO SUICIDE PACT that reads classics?"
> "Where do I find a girl that reads classics WITHOUT TRYING OR DOING ANYTHING?"
Once you've positioned your question right, the answer slip right in front of you.

>> No.21792318

>> "Where do I FIND YOURSELF COMFORTABLE WITH a girl that reads classics?"
>> "Where do I find a girl that reads classics WITHOUT TRYING TO POSITION HERSELF?"
>> "Where do I find *an art hoe/dark academia hoe that vaguely has the aesthetics of* a girl that reads classics?"
>> "Where do I find a girl WITHOUT ADAM'S APPLE that reads classics?"
>> "Where do I find a girl THAT IS NOT TRYING TO GUILT YOU INTO SUICIDE PACT that reads classics?"
>> "Where do I find a girl that reads classics WITHOUT TRYING OR DOING ANYTHING?"

>> No.21792350

Just find a boy that read classics and make him wear a dress like the one on the op.

>> No.21792359

I literally dont even know one person who reads the classics or anything on the lit top 100

>> No.21792366

high school

>> No.21792378

Once scientists create artificial wombs and we can finally kill all biological women all girls will look like this

>> No.21792386

>if that's a man why is he wearing a dress?
do you know in which world are you living in?

>> No.21792387

Women won't be able to read if you treat them well.

>> No.21792409

there is something charming in the way he just doesn't pass. Reminds me of a friend who was like that.
We were alright together until he asked me to take his virginity. And then said he transitioned to be with me ...

That was a hell of day.

>> No.21792417

They mostly read for the aesthetic than actually reading it. I knew one such girl and I saw her progressively turn from a girl who "enjoys" classics to just giving up and only talking about modern chicklit.

To be fair, this one seriously looks like a man, like the dude from the rat cook movie.

>> No.21792419

One day I will have a shelf of leather books like the one behind her.

>> No.21792422

Men have been wearing dresses since the Greeks.

>> No.21792556

she's just British

>> No.21792561
File: 701 KB, 828x1415, D49D29B7-1FE4-42EF-B813-59C1545F8674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That dude is mad ugly, better off choosing pic related

>> No.21792570

I have done this it has ruined my life

>> No.21792575

is that a tamagotchi?

>> No.21792576
File: 233 KB, 900x600, NoCapFrFrOG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro she has literally negative tittage.
I would fr rather fuck a juicy assed male no cap

>> No.21792577


>> No.21792580

I have not done this and it's ruiend my life.

>> No.21792584

yes, they are awesome

>> No.21792586

it is worse having it and then losing it desu anon. Find comfort in your dreams. I am a shattered yet productive individual now,

>> No.21792588

I feel that way for everything that I have had and the way I said for everything I haven't.

>> No.21792603

I really wish I had the eloquence to explain it but I am drunk. Basically imagine your happiness as a health bar, your health is intact but the bar shortens. I have lost the ability to have my feelings hurt but also the ability to feel enthused by any romantic prospect. I have literally been exclusively hooking up w models ever since the very tumultuous and confusing break-up and I still wake up wanting to die.

>> No.21792637

>definition in throat
>definition in arms
>man hands
>thin hair
>pronounced preorbital baggage
>pronounced chin
>large facial features
>large forehead
>broad shoulders in relation to waist
>autistic interest in book editions
>seemingly uncomplicated relationship with the classics

So do all British women have dicks?

>> No.21792647

I would look up "Girls reading classics" on Pornhub or any other pornographic website. Should be some ASMR retarded shit or w/e horny women are doing these days to get male viewers and themselves off.

>> No.21792655

sodomy isnt sex, intestines arent a sexual organ, there is no virginity loss, homos dedicate their life to lust but die virgins, mocked and deceived by the devil. Sex is that which drives the union of the gametes so its only possible with a penis and vagina.

>> No.21792673

You're too drunk to get my post. Everything we have doesn't content us and our privations are in cluded in that.

>> No.21792677

You realise maintaining virginity is supposed to be a moral and virtuous thing?

>> No.21792683

Well sure if you want to view it that way. I understand and agree with the philosophy. It is like that that old saying though "It is better to have never had at all, than have had and lost"

>> No.21792691

Imagine sucking on his small uncut cock in a dark corner of the libary

>> No.21792696

No: that which I have is insufficient and I wish I'd never had it; that which I haven't is what I desire. There is no 'better':

>> No.21792698

I would if he were cute. Trannies are a menace to cute boy populations everywhere. We need strong anti grooming laws to protect our native boys and adolescents.

>> No.21792707

If that were a male they’d be under a pound of makeup and be dressed in in something far more provocative, cleavage and padded bra etc.

Of course you would, you’re a bifag

>> No.21792711

There isn't, but your ability to feel this undefinable "better" or "worse" even if it is arbitrary can diminish forever until you are stuck in a place of aggressive neutrality.

>> No.21793051

This is true but I'd still do it

I get really turned on by nerdy failed males

>> No.21793089

British women are functionally trans.

>> No.21793095

still would

>> No.21793102
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>> No.21793104
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I mog her
t. manmoder

>> No.21793123
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>> No.21793706

you just described bongland women...

>> No.21793717 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21793723

# Filter any namefags:

>> No.21793733


>> No.21793759
File: 163 KB, 1200x1200, 1629155268620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a linguistics 101 course my 3rd year of college at UCLA and this one girl who was kinda cute said she was a classics major and I had no idea what that meant. She explained and it was the sexiest thing I've heard. She had sepitim peircing and but was not an art hoe. She spoke latin and had pale blonde hair too iirc. What a woman. She should be in her mid 20's about now

>> No.21793980

Just try

>> No.21794075

Take DFW's advice and get yourself committed at that one psych ward

>> No.21794792
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Woman at a glance man upon further inspection
Such is the way of the tranny

>> No.21794809

They only ever 'read' Jane Austen or the Brontes or Emily Dickinson if you're very lucky

>> No.21795872

go to the classics department of your uni library and talk to the nice doctorate who comes there every morning, right when the library opens and talk to her.

>> No.21796869
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>> No.21798696

I’m married and let me tell you that you need to just find a fiend that you can enjoy classics with. It’s unrealistic to expect any woman to be as I to classics as you and also be a decent romantic partner. Those two things will most likely not happen at the same time. This is why friends are important because they can fulfill needs your wife cannot.

>> No.21798709

Yea, I thought Terry Pratchett’s daughter was a troon. Apparently just a masculine looking woman. Bong women have manly looks.

>> No.21798716

Obvious tranny.
Zero hips

2/10 for passing

>> No.21798899

you can only see them if you're over 6ft. below that the fog of war will obscure your vision.
but that looks like a tranny

>> No.21799670

At the humanities building of any major University that has literary studies duh. Good luck standing their insufferable politics though.

>> No.21799674

Pride and Prejudice is quintessential femlit though. Almost every girl I've met who reads has read it.

>> No.21799710

you can only find girls that read classics like sophie kinsella, nicholas sparks, jodi picoult etc.

>> No.21800583

That's not true, no Man wears dresses. Your definition of a Man is likely in error.

>> No.21800695
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>"fog of war" as an allegory to millions of manlets surrounding the simp queen