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21790902 No.21790902 [Reply] [Original]

2023... I am forgotten...

>> No.21791374

>I am forgotten...

>> No.21791805

He eternally BTFO Guenon.

>> No.21792014


Cool shit

>> No.21792026

The date doesn't matter when you get retroactively refuted.

>> No.21792033

I've recently read Whitehead's Process and Reality for the first time.

Ask me something about it and I'll try to explain what I think he means.

>> No.21792034

Just read Deleuze

>> No.21792070

Did you really? Was it more difficult than Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit?

>> No.21792108

I remember him nigga

>> No.21792137

Not him but Process and Reality is extremely easy compared to Phenomenology of Spirit, the chapters that come after he lays out his categorical scheme aren’t that hard so just read the categorical scheme a few times.

>> No.21792171

Does everything really flow?

>> No.21792173

It wasn't that hard, really. It's just that everything is frontloaded into like 50 pages which are almost solely definitions so you have to think a lot during 'em; I read it at like 10 pages an hour during that part. After that it's easy sailing and I read the rest with my brain off, almost, though there are some tricky bits at the end.

Personally I think Hegel is quite good but am adamant the a lot of PoS is utter tripe and you just ignore him when he's sounding too retarded. When you do that Hegel makes infinitely more sense and produces and 'obvious' and logical continuation of Kant; when you don't he's some historic mystic.

>> No.21792197

What about part 4?

>> No.21792198

Judging by my dick and yo mamma it certainly seems that way.

>> No.21792203

That's the geometry bit, I think. That's the bit I was saying was harder. Quite clever, though really just an elaboration of the Leibnizian ideal space + time except taking modern relativity into account.

Kinda wish I'd been born into a 1D cosmic epoch, you know?

>> No.21792395

I like Whitehead but I feel all of his most famous successors are really bad and go against him in obvious ways.

Are there any good Process philosophers worth reading?

>> No.21792504

the only good anglos...

>> No.21792784

Bede Griffiths (whom Sheldrake cites in the video) is also pretty cool for an Anglo.