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/lit/ - Literature

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21790949 No.21790949 [Reply] [Original]

How many stories must you write before you become “good?”

I’ve only written 2, and I still suck bawls

>> No.21791022

50 to 70 years after you die.

>> No.21791032

First you read until the point of death. Then you write until the point of death.

>> No.21791086

It’s just like any other skill OP, you’re shit until you’re not, and it’s not a flip of a switch, you should be reading your favorite authors to cultivate a taste for what kind of writing you like and to analyze what you actually find good, only once you have models for what great writing looks like, can you look at your own writing and rip it to shreds critiquing it as much as possible. The more you actually sit and analyze saying “I’ve failed here and here and here by doing this and this, I should have done that, this should be like that “ in as much detail as possible concerning the structure of the narrative, the form of the prose and so forth, the more you do this the more conscious you can apply next time to the next piece, and when you apply full conscious control to every element and adjust everything to the best of your ability, I’m sure you’ll find some happiness in your work.

>> No.21791368
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A tripfag that gives actual good advice.
Guess there's still hope.

>> No.21791382

Its a natural talent either ur good or ur not.

>> No.21791501

It depends. Some people are inmediatly good at it, some never become good. I've already given up on it, I'll kill myself in a couple of months.

>> No.21792253

You should write short stories for a year or two while reading books that you enjoy. Optionally you can read and apply books on writing craft but you should only read actual authors you respect, not charlatans. Books about screenplay writing are an excellent resource because they will tend to be more practical and useful. They deliberately seek to create abstractions and formulas to simplify and add structure to the writing process.

>> No.21792328

it's determined by how much you put in, practice wise but also how cultured you are. You need to be able to get meaningfully inspired and have the work ethic to not run off inspiration alone. You can learn to write well like any skill but without the culture you'll have nothing to say and you're better off writing campaign speeches. It's what separates products from art.