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21780760 No.21780760 [Reply] [Original]

Why did he consider vaccines to be mandatory, when he wrote a whole book about having "skin in the game", and then ignored the subject of Big Pharma not taking any responsibility for the side effects?


>> No.21780982

Because he’s a shill like everyone of those writers.
Gladwell, Taleb, Pinker, Peterson, Harris, any of these midwit magnets need to be ignored.
Not debated, not critiqued, not surpassed. Just outright fucking ignored.

>> No.21780994

because he's a dumb retard, same reason he shilled crypto and then turned around and said crypto is for retards

just another dumb coping arab, go read his rants on how lebanese don't speak arabic and aren't arabs, it's embarrassing

>> No.21780999

Because you're an imbecile.

>> No.21781048

It feels like some people live in an alternative reality where everyone is suffering from these horrible side effects from the vaccine and it's just common knowledge that the vaccines were terrible

>> No.21781057

Even if you don’t know anyone personally that was directly affected, the amount of unvaxxed people that are absolutely fine should make you regret taking one.
No one knows the long term effects for sure, but I know the long term effects of not taking one (nothing).

>> No.21781060

nassim arab taleb was doing calculus equations to prove why you need to wear 3 masks

>> No.21781066

Fags who cry about vaccine side effects have the same mentality of people who convince themselves they have long COVID or still wear masks after the mandates dropped
Hypochondriac retards who can't put the pandemic behind them

>> No.21781078

Anecdotally, I know several that have had recent complications around the time they got jabbed. Beyond that, maybe people should be just a little more skeptical of being a willing guinea pig for hilariously corrupt serial felons.

>> No.21781083

Lmao tick tock
Put what behind us, I thought this was the new normal?
Oh, you want to forget it all now those of us that didn’t cave in to the pressure like you did are still alive?

>> No.21781095

You're a retard, you've internalized the media fearmongering so hard you're going to let it live rent free in your head for the rest of your life.
Telling you to touch grass is useless because you would be a shut-in neet even if the pandemic had never happened

>> No.21781105

No, as someone who doesn’t even own a TV and knew it was bullshit since at least April 2020, I didn’t internalise shit.
What I endured was a load of shitheads trying to change my way of life and telling me I was going to get ill and die and lose my job and be segregated from society if didn’t comply.
And now retards like you who caved and took the jab want to have best of both worlds and say that people who still whine about Covid or vaccine adverse effects are equally bad because you can’t face the fact all that time period happened and you were a duped retard.
Face it, you are just telling yourself vaccine reactions are hypochondriacs because you took one.

>> No.21781140

I don't need to want anything schizo, I already got the best of both worlds :^)
Sorry that you're surrounded by chicken littles who thought the Rona was a literal apocalypse, shame you just decided to be equally retarded in a slightly different way

>> No.21781155

It's a fact that the vaccines and lockdowns killed more people than the virus itself. Not that it's actually a lot in either case, but the fact that a pharma company was allowed to take taxpayer money to develop a fake treatment that was more or less made mandatory for most Americans and then actually killed or injured a small handful of them is extremely offensive to me. The fact that the government could legally just mandate that commerce in my state needs to completely stop for an entire year, destroying tens of thousands of businesses, based on no science at all, I think it's really the most offensive thing I've lived to see in my entire life. I can't believe that a crime of this magnitude could be perpetrated right in front of our faces and nobody was assassinated about it. Nobody suffered any consequences. I would've thought that I would have done something about something like this, but nope, I didn't do shit and won't. I didn't even bother talking to anyone IRL, protesting, or posting on social media about it because I didn't want to be labeled a schizo by society or fired from my job. The level of control they have over the people is really devastating and demoralizing to realize. I used to think revolution was possible but after they got away with the covid response I know for a fact that it's not.

>> No.21781166

Because people don't write books. People are really fucking stupid. God writes books through them.

>> No.21781241

>It's a fact that the vaccines and lockdowns killed more people than the virus itself.
Source: trust me bro

>> No.21781245

>both sides are just as bad!!!!!

One “side” was telling people to get injected with a dubious, rapidly made concoction, encouraging a shutdown of the economy, schools, and many workplaces which lockdowns … huh … strangely enough allowed elected huge corporate chains to be up and running while Mom & Pop stores were targeted for shutdowns. This side also encouraged the practically 24/7 transformation of the media into vaccine shilling and scaremongering about the pandemic, as well as demonizing and scapegoating “the unvaxxed”, “antivaxxers,” “the unmasked,” “antimaskers” as the great new enemy. One side led to lasting deficits in the education of the young, especially in the very young, including lasting mental health and emotional disturbances and impairment of their social development. One side supported the censoring, shunning and pillorying of all dissenting voices, including very qualified scientific and academic ones (as in the response to the Great Barrington Declaration), glossed over the huge rise in deaths-of-despair, alcoholism, and mental illness associated with the lockdowns, and were sometimes even gleefully happy of people losing jobs, not being able to attend school, even shunned by family and friends over being unvaccinated, overall suggested they shouldn’t be allowed to participate in society (fuck you, Leana Wen). One side cheerily went with every fucking lie, gaffe, and 180-degree turnaround in public messaging about the vaccine and pandemic safety measures (“Just two weeks lockdown to flatten the curve,” “You don’t need masks, they won’t do anything to stop the transmission of this virus and are only for surgeons to not get spittle on people while operating on them” —> “Oops, we lied, we were afraid of medical officials running out of PPE if everyone rushed to buy them up, masking is normal now”, “Suggesting it came from China, that we need to shut off travel from China, and even that it’s very dangerous is alarmist and moreover xenophobic fearmongering, fuck Drumpf!” —> “Oopsie, we’re gonna declare a pandemic now, also it may’ve come from the Wuhan lab teehee!!”, “This shot will stop transmission, the unvaccinated are encouraging the pandemic” —> “Oops, it doesn’t actually prevent transmission, only reduces symptoms, also we never claimed that it stopped transmission!![even if Pfizer, Fauci, officials like Biden verifiably did]”) etc. while still authentically believing themselves to be intelligent, decent, free-thinking people and all dissenters “dangerous conspiracy theories” who deserve widespread censorship and censure.

>> No.21781254

I'd tell you to take your meds but you probably don't trust them

>> No.21781270

And then after this NPCs still have the gall to go, “It wasn’t even that serious! And where are all the vaccine deaths and injuries? I don’t see em talking about it on CNN, so they can’t be happening, schizo,” “What lockdowns? You just had to wear a mask for a while and stand a few feet apart from others in public and do some occasional testing [etc.]” “There’s nothing at all bad or historically noteworthy to remember of make apologies to about society having been transformed so rapidly and thoughtlessly into a totalitarian engine turned against all dissenters” etc.

These are the same people who’ll shed tears over the death of some Black repeat felon violently resisting arrest and demand “widespread protests and immediate social change” over it, while glossing over videos like “New Zealand unmasked grandma gets choked out by the police for sitting on a bench” or “Australian mother arrested at her house for trying to organize peaceful anti-vaccine protest/gathering on Facebook” as “alt-right propaganda.”

At the risk of engaging in “hate speech,” a good amount of people are so fed up with people like you they’re ready to fucking murder people like you.

>> No.21781271

Holy fuck nigger I am not reading all that

>> No.21781290
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I call it “idiotproofing” my posts, every “tl;dr” response only makes me stronger.

Of course I don’t fucking trust psychiatry or the pharmaceutical industries behind them either, you stupid fuck. Go get your perpetual annual booster. You thinking “take meds” is an actual good response you can feel smug about, is like a cosmic joke — or, more accurately, like a cosmic tragedy. You’re one of the fucking idiots in a horror movie who dies first.

>> No.21781304

Why do you trust yourself when you look around you and see how many millions of dumb fucks there are in the world all around you? What form of reason are you employing that lets you see things clearly and know for certain that other people are idiots and you're not? Are you a biochemist, do you know because of your expertise that the scientists are lying? Or were you just rhetorically swayed one way by certain Facebook posts and Youtube videos while everyone else was convinced by the government of something else?

>> No.21781306

Yeah but all that shit went away. If it were some take over conspiracy it would be perpetual.

>> No.21781309
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>You'd die first if life was like my favourite Netflix horror movies!

>> No.21781314

It's a gradual process that's still underway. They can't flip the switch too quickly. If you haven't noticed the economy is under a controlled demolition.

>> No.21781412
File: 309 KB, 601x595, C1BA8945-87DF-44F6-B0A6-AA329A130096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t watch Netflix you stupid fucking soijak-posting retard. You stupid fucking piece of shit. My worldview is so antithetical to the average cum-guzzler who looks like that that I’m “a dangerously insane person” if I talk about such beliefs. It was just an off-hand metaphor. I haven’t watched TV shows or cinema for entertainment for years now. I’d like to slit your throat open and take a shit in it. (Jokes aside, I love you, man, it’s all in good fun.)

Did you not both read AND see in real time every contradictory lie in pandemic messaging that I pointed out (the shot stops transmission —> oops, it doesn’t // don’t wear masks —> wear them // banning travel from China over this is xenophobic —> might be a good idea to limit travel globally, etc.) Can you disprove these were once the “in” talking points and policies, before they did a switcheroo on them? I don’t think you can, because I’m referring to shit which blatantly happened within the past few years in those examples.

Your reminder of the need for epistemic humility is a good one. Also, even though this is 4chan(nel) and such an apology may not really be necessary, I’d nevertheless like to apologize for flaming and sounding like I’m very angry. (It’s just my way of talking about certain topics.)

I can give sources but if anyone is sufficiently close-minded enough to already want to consider these sources “debunked”/preemptively throw them out, there’s not really a point in trying to spoon-feed you this way. After all, you can Google them and get the immediate “debunkings” from propaganda outlets like Reuters, CNN, Snopes, PolitiFact, etc., or see in their Wikipedia bios (your favorite source of info) that in the first sentence they’re “known for spreading anti-vaccine misinformation and lies about the COVID pandemic [2][3][4][5][6][7]”. [editing on this page has been locked]

Anyway, to shout into the void:

You have Dr. Michael Yeadon (an ex-VP & Chief of Allergy and Respiratory Research at Pfizer), the virologist and vaccine researcher Geert Vanden Bossche (previously employed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for work on vaccines), Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Robert Malone (did some crucial work on early mRNA tech), you have the aforementioned Great Barrington Declaration against the collateral damage of lockdowns as a means of dealing with the pandemic, funeral directors trying to go public with the massive statistical bump in deaths never-before-seen and which correlated more strongly to the start of widespread vaccination than to the COVID pandemic numbers pre-vaccine (like John Looney), as well as talking about the widespread “fibrous clots” embalmers claim rarely or never to have seen in such quantity before,

>> No.21781422

no one is going to read all this garbage nerd

>> No.21781466
File: 29 KB, 665x662, 2702BC5C-63D9-48AD-B2DF-5838EB1DF7A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you have this pretty great website:

Anonymous “Midwestern doctor”, as the name suggests. My “sixth sense” tells me that for fucking idiots, of course, their first smug response is, “Wow, an anonymous claimed doctor on SubStack? How reputable,” without wanting to expose themselves to the massive and highly intelligent info he’s giving. Your loss, not mine.

Even a previously very Woke normie journalist, Naomi Wolf, has some excellent collaborative research and work she went public about. (If either some /pol/-person or stupid leftist says, “She’s grifting for money from the alt-right anti-vax crowd”, or “She’s necessarily a shill and controlled opposition because of her former past and still holding strongly to some progressive views,” I’m going to drop-kick you.)


Tied also to what some of the previous figures talk about extensively, is the publicly admitted changes to the menstrual cycles of some women after the COVID shot, myopericarditis as potential side effects of the shots, as well their ties to strokes, blood clotting and neurological disorders like Guillain-Barré syndrome. You have Vanden Bossche predicting (correctly) the widespread use of “leaky vaccines” (which don’t fully stop transmission) would lead to the rise of new variants (which could justify a new variant —> more boosters needed as long as needed). You also have the Nobel Prize winner Dr. Luc Montagnier, recently dead (R.I.P.), who helped discover HIV, talking strongly against the vaccines.

You also have another biochemist and Nobel Prize winner, Kary Mullis, speaking even before the COVID pandemic about how the PCR test he helped create (and won the Nobel for) is for laboratory research and NOT to test people for viruses, as if you “amplify the cycles” on them, you’ll get more people to test positive even if they’re neither functionally contagious nor symptomatic (as they don’t have a high enough viral load for it).

You have the cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough still speaking about the massive risks, both short-term and long-term, of these vaccines.

You have this beautiful article by Dr. Russell Blaylock literally brutally anally raping the establishment medical-totalitarian biofascist regime’s narrative until it prolapses, of course dismissed by some other boot-licking bottoms for the establishment (in the “homosexual slang” sense) as, “An editorial fraught with misinformation, wrongly allowed to be published in a peer-reviewed medical magazine.”


May you undergo a Mexican cartel-style execution

>> No.21781481

Because antivaxxers like you are cultist retards. All of those side effects is just cult members like you arguing in bad faith

>> No.21781494

Turn off the tv, close youtube, call some friends, and go outside

>> No.21781502

Antivaxxers don't have friends. Their cult is their whole life. They're basically the medical version Jehovah's Witnesses. The Medical Watchtower is always right

>> No.21781525

I'm not gonna pretend I know the vaccine was worse then the virus but it was definitely distressing to see how one scary strain of flu was enough to get society to act in a way only a few steps down from martial law

>> No.21781533
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Anon, you're totally right, and watching the countless times the media and """"""experts"""""" lie and backpedal has been insulting to say the least. But anon, you are replying to bots. It is not good for your blood nor your soul to get worked up over this.

>> No.21781536

That's to be expected in a modern, industrialized society. I don't know why you think all the airport tech at an airport isn't scary when you go on a vacation, but when it's used to fight something the airport brings to your home, it's suddenly le scary and le 1986 Animal Zoo

>> No.21781541

You're right, experts aren't supposed to make mistakes, ever.

Also, I'm not a bot, I'm a proud p-zombie

>> No.21781555

There is functionally no difference between a bot, an NPC, and a p-zombie.

>> No.21781568

I’m not actually that mad, my friend, but I appreciate the sentiment. It’s the way I write both to make forceful points + sometimes for comedic effect (although I probably am misdoing it and sounding more like an angry, late-stage George Carlin making his audiences wince). Or more properly, I cognitively am “mad,” in the sense that I see some injustice or outrage here to speak out about, but emotionally remain cool. This has been going on too long for me to have that fiery quality of genuine emotional anger anymore, it’s more just a cool slow burn now.

I have done and continue to do those. My points still stand.

>> No.21781586

>literally brutally anally raping the establishment medical-totalitarian biofascist regime’s narrative until it prolapses
our little aspiring writer is showing us some cute prose

>> No.21781610

How do you know?

>> No.21781614

No retard, you're just in a cult

>> No.21781618


>> No.21781686


>> No.21781692

I ain't reading all that

>> No.21781710

>Offensive and gay
Yes. The airport shit is bullshit security theater that protects nobody and wastes time and money for the sake of placating (I assume) a handful of women with anxiety disorders. It's also an invasion of privacy and an assault on our liberty. But at least airplanes are voluntary to go on, and rarely necessary for 99% of people.

The covid response was an absolute disaster to our economy and society in every way. The increase in childhood obesity alone over the last few years will result in a greater loss of life than every covid death combined. Keep in mind that the average age of death from covid was older than the average age of death by any cause -- it was literally just taking out old people who already had one foot in the grave, aka it was a massive nothing burger from the start. But with the pandemic response we have closed tens of thousands of small and medium sized businesses and consolidated more power into the hands of big corporations like Amazon and McDonald's. We've set an entire generation of kids back a few years in their education, and who knows how much more social anxiety and weird snowflake mental illnesses are being exacerbated in the children by the masks. We basically paid UBI to half the nation's minimum wage workers for 3 years, and the money came from printing, so now everything's fucking expensive and prices are not going to go back down. The economy is just permanently this much more fucked forever. All of these consequences are serious and permanent.