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21772561 No.21772561 [Reply] [Original]

I told my mother that I'm reading Nabokov and Celine and I just realized what it sounds like. Do you think she thinks I'm a nazi pedophile now?

>> No.21772572

Does she know who they are? Even if she doesn't she might check who these guys are kek

>> No.21772605
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She was an English teacher and she keeps sending me books.

>> No.21772651
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>holy shit my son is a fucking pseud

>> No.21772680

She probably thinks you’ll be asking for Huysmans next and why haven’t you upgraded from Celine to Miller

>> No.21772685


Ask her about Oedipus with a winky face

>> No.21772693

I don't want to fuck her, I just want to fuck teenagers who look like her.

>> No.21772706

is there any way out of this? Sometimes I find myself being attracted to a woman and then I realize 'hey, she kind of looks like my mom, doesn't she?'

I just don't want to take a woman home to meet the parents and all that and it turns out she looks like my mom

>> No.21772721

If these authors are pseud-shit to you i don't know how to save you

>> No.21772722
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>look at moms teenage pics on facebook
>realize that photography was a mistake

>> No.21772736

I also watched a photo of my mom when she was younger (early 20s, maybe). Big mistake. Now I can't escape this curse.

>> No.21772761


My mom abused me so I hate her so deeply and want her dead so much I can't relate

Sorry anon

>> No.21772897

I'm sorry. Are there maybe some other close relatives that you'd like to fuck?

>> No.21773977

My mother (legally in a manner that probably shouldn't truly be considered proper abuse) abused me as well and I similarly hate her for ruining my life.


>> No.21773994

>my mom has brown hair and glasses, and is a bit chunky without being obese
>my first crush when I was a kid had brown hair and glasses, and was a bit chunky without being obese
>I realize and panic
>suddenly, almost overnight, develop a huge fetish for ethnic girls. Asian girls and black girls mostly
>still have it
>don't find White brunettes with glasses attractive at all anymore
I don't know how this defense mechanism kicked in, but that's how it happened for me. True story

>> No.21774001
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> ayo my lil' nigga is reading Celine AND Nabokov? my GAWD he's going to tell about dis shit to every girl he meets maan i'm never getting grandkids

>> No.21774028
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Just have an ugly mom.

>> No.21774714

Same for me, except that I'm attracted to girls that are like my mom, but my mom is an egoistical narcissist and I frankly hate her, so I have to avoid girls that I "naturally" like, because I know I would go crazy and be abused being around them. But I can't read other girls and when they're genuine I think they're faking it

>> No.21774745

>is there any way out of this?
Having adult sisters/cousins in your childhood and attraction to girls your age during puberty. I ended up with an undefined taste that simply only makes me prefer skinny girls since practically all adult women who surrounded me before 11 years old were kinda skinny.

>> No.21774924
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>> No.21774936

is he going to bonk the niglet?

>> No.21774955

The entire gestalt of mommydomme is just a bunch of guys who are so emotionally stunted and self-hating that they consider it a submissive act to want to be loved (it's not). This is coupled with an implicit idea that they are so failed that only a mother could love them, and hence, the yearning for a mommydomme gf.
It's really sad, but it is also very, very romantically/sexually repulsive. Any woman who agrees to the dynamic will be mentally ill and will leave you worse off after chewing you up. The hard but only right road is realizing that you are deserving of love and that many women, not only your mother, is capable of loving you, because you are a wonderful human being.

>> No.21774978

A lot of those drawings are made by women, sometimes the captions are as well. It goes both ways, not only do men want to fuck someone like their mom, women want to be able to care for someone like they would for their kids.

>> No.21775001
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>an implicit idea that they are so failed that only a mother could love them,
This hits way close home that it made me very uncomfortable.
I guess I really hate myself, any help?

>> No.21775014

It's ok. You'll grow up one day, anon

>> No.21775045

Forgive yourself of whatever it is you think you've done so wrong or poorly. It is necessary to do so for you to love others as well, since holding yourself to such an inhuman standard (which is the prerequisite of hating yourself) will invariably spill over on other people as well, coming out in bursts of anger.
If you do not yet think yourself worthy of forgiveness, try anyway, for the sake of others. Become what you already are anon, a worthy and wonderful human being who brings good into the world.

>> No.21775049

My brother’s wife has the exact same face shape (?) as my mom. I don’t know how to word it but they both have long-ish faces. It’s kind of unnerving sometimes. My mom abused my brother badly too so I think he was subconsciously looking for a woman who resembles her but loves him.

>> No.21775058
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I hope I'll get better anon, thank you.

>> No.21775074
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I am a nazi pedophile