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21764473 No.21764473 [Reply] [Original]

duh DulH DUh! Giant Tentacle th-THING!

>> No.21764479
File: 96 KB, 828x428, photo_2023-03-09_23-07-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he cuck in the late 20's and 30's?

>> No.21764518
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Near the end of his life, his views toward some groups that he had previously maligned such as Jews softened but his animosity towards Blacks in particular was most likely lifelong.

>> No.21764649

The notion Lovecraft was unsophisticated in his approach to horror or in some way lacking in his descriptions is one of the finest forms of a slanderous meme I've observed perpetuate itself.

Lovecraft not only goes more often than not goes into intense detail characterising his creatures, even in his short stories where he expresses this in a quite limited capacity such as From Beyond where narratively the protagonist is articulating indirect qualia of genuinely novel sensory experience. No, the issue lies foremost in the fact that most midwits are ignorant and without mastery of their own tongue let alone the ability to correlate their sensory imagination are unequipped to engage with half the notions he raises.

Popular memes obliterate and obfuscate the true character of a lot of works they describe and Lovecraft suffers from this twofold, firstly in that creates a cambion of his ideas left to suffer bastardise them but also loses the autodidactic extrapolations in the histories, sciences and philosophy which underpin his cosmicism and personal anxieties.

In the end, fuck the retarded hacks who butcher his memory and read it yourself.

The dream cycle remains very underrated as well as the tasteless niggers.

>> No.21764694

I misread “beasts” as “breasts” and somehow it improved it

>> No.21764696
File: 214 KB, 571x948, DEDFB81C-99A1-44D2-B7BC-227DF44E789A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re not incorrect in my estimation

>> No.21764728

That's a pretty big chip on your shoulder.

>> No.21764800

I look like this.

>> No.21765000
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Even Lovecraft couldn't resist Khazar milkers.

>> No.21765013

Ainz could control multiple of those things.

>> No.21765030

What do they even need the wings for? They’re always clomping around even on their homeworld.

>> No.21765035

I gather it might be some situation like with chickens, where wings have lost the original purpose, but they might still be useful for something.

>> No.21765036
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>> No.21765135

I'm gonna read From Beyond. Wish me luck.

>> No.21765164

>After his death, Sonia Lovecraft told a Lovecraft scholar that he was a virgin when they married in 1924, aged 34. Before their marriage, Lovecraft reportedly bought numerous books about sex and studied them in order to perform on their wedding night. Sonia later said she had to initiate all sexual activity.
>The very mention of the word sex seemed to upset him. He did, however, make the statement once that if a man cannot be or is not married at the greatest height of his sex-desire, which in his case, he said, was at age 19, he became somewhat unappreciative of it after he passed thirty. I was somewhat shocked but held my peace.

>> No.21765234

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

>> No.21765239

The tentacle meme isn't even that pronounced in his stories. He brings up shoggoths a lot but they have no tentacles really.

>> No.21765249

Update: It was decent.

>> No.21765269

Wasn't scary in the least, though.

>> No.21765273

Good luck, read The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath next.

>> No.21765319

Bery interstng, Lovecraft is good now

>> No.21765382
File: 381 KB, 1000x1444, lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When /x/ figure out how to contact the dead, you just know we're going to be haunted by HPL. He will be so at home here, he'll never leave. You'll find a few posts that tell a surprisingly brilliant short story in his style, but you'll dismiss it as some troll messing with you. Then, when you least expect it, a mass of tentacles and other more unspeakable appendages will appear in the corner of your eye.

>> No.21765576


>> No.21765577
File: 558 KB, 1239x1239, lovecraft posts on 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old news

>> No.21765590

Can you give me a list of his stories in which shoggoths appear prominently?

>> No.21765597

He would never use an insult that pedestrian.

>> No.21766670

They look more like fins to me.

>> No.21766685

The only Lovecraft I've read (so far) is The Book and What the Moon Brings but neither were like this.

>> No.21767252

Major stories where they actually are described include At the Mountains of Madness and Shadow Over Innsmouth. There's probably more I'm forgetting but they're mentioned a lot since they're the "workhorses" of the Old Ones and certain races like Deep Ones.

>> No.21767285

>if I dont get married in a year I will be a virgin longer than Lovecraft was
I have no face.