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21759540 No.21759540 [Reply] [Original]

My assertion: this book is not about anything and makes no cogent point or argument. It's simply a meaningless word salad that sounds pleasing to the ear of right-wing internet contrarians of a certain breed.

My challenge: if you liked this book, please rephrase (from memory) a specific argument or idea proposed by the author that you found interesting or insightful.

>> No.21759580
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As an example, the book's own description does not actually say anything about its contents or summarize any argument therein. It's quite explicitly a word salad that says nothing of meaning, but it sounds vaguely like right-wing humor. They would claim that this is ironic, of course, and that the joke is on me for not understanding the humor in posting nonsense in a product description text field. But on the contrary, I think the fact that I am in the target demographic that's intended to find this funny is why I actually find it so objectionable. I do think this looks funny if I don't think about it, and I purchased and read the book on the basis of its cultural proximity. But I was disappointed to find that it basically contained no information whatsoever. The entire book is meaningless content like this description. I think the entire thing is an emperor's new clothes situation where people are all just pretending to think it says anything because they want to be in the club of people who the joke isn't on.

>> No.21759582

This guy wrote an entire essay summarizing the various ideas of the book:
>So what, exactly, is the teaching of Bronze Age Mindset, and why is it so attractive to so many young men? The answer, I think, is simple: it is a revitalized paganism, obsessed with strength and beauty. It appeals to today’s young men because these things—strength and beauty—are exactly what contemporary society has tried so hard to deny them. The gospel of sun and steel, of vitalism and strength and power, are exactly what have been denied to the boys of the Western world, and their spirits militate against this. Everything great ever achieved, BAP tells us, was done “through strong friendships between two men, or brotherhoods of men, and this includes all great political things, all acts of political freedom and power.”

>> No.21759620

Thanks, but your post doesn't address my challenge for a fan of the book to
>rephrase (from memory) a specific argument or idea [...] that [he] found interesting or insightful

>> No.21759633

uhhhh the longhouse thing

>> No.21759653

>if you liked this book, please rephrase (from memory) a specific argument or idea proposed by the author that you found interesting or insightful.


every once in a while when food and water is scarce among populations of lizards, a monster among them is born that devours the others, its name is Nemesis

>> No.21759661

Why are you gay?

>> No.21759675

Why do christians always start with the assumption that there is something deep to their beliefs and whatever isn't related to them must be shallow and childish? Pretty bold for a faith that can't survive off it's own teachings and must become hypocritical to function. That unsubstantiated assumption of inherent superiority without bothering to prove it is what makes Abrahamic religion rather disgusting to me. Glorified thuggery really. Not even saying this book is special but off the cuff declaring what all pagan religions are like that is the talk of a snide bumpkin very poor quote from a likely pseudointellectual

>> No.21759683

Can you elaborate on this? What exactly is the idea? Is it saying that taking from the weak in times of scarcity is a form of justice, or deserved retribution?

>> No.21759711
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humans consume too many resources while reproducing beyond carrying capacity

>> No.21759804

What's the actual quote of this? I tried googling lizards, nemesis, bap but it doesn't seem to exist

>> No.21759899
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read the book

>> No.21759918

Nigger it's on the prologue of BAM.

"Do you understand what Nemesis is? There is in nature a great purgative function.
You know about monkeys who switch sex in certain times. In lake of some reptiles, when they overpopulate it and there is a surplus of refuse, there is trigger in nature: a monster is born to them. A lizard many times the size of a
normal one is born, who deals out destruction and culls the lake.
The Greeks
believed in this great power and worshiped its justice. In Bible it appears as allegory of the Flood, which in fact refers to the irrepressible spirit of the Sea Peoples, and the divine justice they brought to cities whose life had grown
pointless, and a great ugliness on the world.
You bring lion cub into the house,
but Aeschylus say, it will become a priest of doom when it reaches age: in nature there is irrepressible force. Its violence against the surfeit of populations is divine justice. Its destruction of the feeble designs of reason, the pointless words of man—this is beautiful.
This what the power of Nemesis means: few are chosen to wield it, fewer realize they are chosen or know what to do with it.
When Hercules puts on the power of Nemesis on his shoulders he becomes hero who makes the world tame and safe for cities of real men. But that was in his time, and ours is an age of surfeit. It is different function.

The star of Nemesis is sure to return, and it must already be burning inside some of you.

In the Bronze Age men had life and force, and I already see, far on the horizon of our world, but the glimmer is surely there—may it not be a mirage!—

I see this spirit returning surely in our time. Piratical bands and brotherhoods will take to the seas, and not just to the seas. The enemies of Western man and
the enemies of beauty are to learn just what was meant by a piratical race, a nest of pirates like the Chinese thought of the Dutch on first meeting them. I want to prepare you to receive this old spirit—old spirits are moving, from behind the reeds… the silhouette shimmers against a river in late summer, and I see already men who know how to honor such uncanny old friends.

May they inhabit us again and give us strength to purify this world of refuse!"

>> No.21759926

This retard is making "assertions" without even reading the book. lmaoing at your life

>> No.21759949

you should make friends with other nazi gymbros and form criminal gangs with them

>> No.21760066

I read the book years ago and I don't have a PDF copy to ctrl+f. Suck my dick you n*ggers.

>> No.21760084

Ever consider the notion that you just have nigger tier reading comprehension?

>> No.21760414


>> No.21760538

Correct, it's a weird attempt to present Nietzsche and Schopenhauer in an amusing way to an audience poisoned by twitter and 4chan, by BAP's own admission.

That's it. The problem is that it has developed an online cult around it that is full of retards, and BAP has develop a lucrative cashflow from his podcast as a consequence. Not that its bad to make money, but if TRS is any kind of example, once you get paypigs hooked you can go almost a decade without producing anything worthwhile and they'll still pay you for it

BAP is an interesting online character but imo he's something of a relic of the pre-Biden era before people stopped giving a shit about politics as a hobby

>> No.21760548

>My challenge: if you liked this book, please rephrase (from memory) a specific argument or idea proposed by the author that you found interesting or insightful.

The obvious one is that chimps masturbate in captivity but not in the wild. This logic applies to humans too, when we are in owned space (i.e. stable civilisation where there is nothing to conquer for ourselves) we revert to breeding + feeding mode, hence the rise in porn addiction, obesity and manchildren.

This mode of being is also what comes naturally to women, given their role in childrearing, hence society in general has become more feminine (in good ways and bad) as they are in their element while men are out of theirs.

>> No.21760618

It's on libgen

>> No.21760747

The thing that stuck with me was that we, as modern men, should try to emulate more the attitude and physical fitness of Greek heroes, like the ones at Marathon. Be courageous, never relent, form relationships of comradery, train your body. That is the Bronze Age Mindset. He also glorifies many adventurers and soldiers of fortune of Spanish colonial era.

I also remember his urging for every man who has some sort of skill, be it in music, image and video editing, performance etc. to use it for the good of the "movement", alt-right if you will, for everybody is needed.

>> No.21760762

When is the new book coming out?

>> No.21760769

His twitter feed is all /pol/ threads from years ago and anime

>> No.21760876

>if you liked this book
I didn't, it made assertions, not arguments, so I couldn't take it seriously.

>> No.21760994

It's written so that you'll get filtered if you don't already agree with him. As for some of his ideas:
>Space. The first thing all living beigns do is to reach for it, and they never stop fighting for it till they die. Main trouble of our times is that most space is owned, forcing life to grow sickly and deformed, and breaking some of the best (most sensitive) among us.
>Lower and Higher life. Lower life is common, uniform (a sort of amorphous, borderless blob), unchanging, and is only concerned with replication (we need to feed a world of billions). Higher life is rare, differentiated and refined (hierarchical, agonal), sensitive and reaches beyond itself.
>Not special times. Ours is just another time like most where uglyness and mere life dominate, a definitive collapse of the universe (because of muh Capitalism assembling itself from the future) is not at hand.

>> No.21761033
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He's anti-zoo

>> No.21761404

If you find this interesting you should read Ted. He said the same thing but way better and with more detail decades ago.

>> No.21761529

The parts about the goat and club bouncer were neat

>> No.21761588

This book was so fucking stupid

Literally just Harassment Architecture but less entertaining and with no nuance

>> No.21761593

>Harassment Architecture but less entertaining

>> No.21761880

Life is about the ownership of space.

>> No.21761932


>> No.21761955
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You only intuitively ‘get’ this book if you’re a closeted tranny or homosexual.., really even any of those queer phenotypes - this including the mentally ill and even bodybuilders, <-bdd, . but if you understand it if you know it’s truth in your bones it is truth, take estrogen +sterilize yourself & it will be apparent

>> No.21761998

here, two arguments in the book:
monkeys don't masturbate in nature
most cool stuff man made was made by a guys gang

>> No.21762023

Main thing I took away was same as >>21761880
Especially the difference between European cultures and Asians when it comes to occupying space. Most of the people I interact with on a daily basis are Chinese and Indian. They have much less regard (absolutely no regard when it comes to Indians) for personal space, and will stand right next to you or in the middle of a busy space where lots of people are walking around. You see this cramped mentality amplified in Indian slums and Chinese megacities. All the richest people from Asia that I know live in apartments, and have no desire to own actual land. Ik he talks about this at a primal level, but it's the main thing I've been able to observe in my life besides the "sissified bugmen" points that have been reiterated over and over by every conservative writer.

>> No.21762024
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Daily reminder that every single major and public figure on the right has one aim and that is to prevent white Europeans associating on the basis of a roughly shared ethnic background and history. From Jordan Peterson to BAP to Tate to Shapiro. All of them think that if you focus on yourself you will be able to stand against the tide of violence that is oncoming.

It will not help you. It has never helped anybody. Link arms with those like you and exclude those, even those who are not like you.

Despise those who throw the trivial arguements of who is White and European. That is not issue that needs be broached until obvious demographic and cultural threats are solved.

>> No.21762039

>Despise those who throw the trivial arguements of who is White and European.
mutt hands covered in cheeto-dust typed this post

>> No.21762097
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>does not refute what was said
>tries to undermine the person, does not touch the position

Jewish and/or minority mindset.

>> No.21762190

>idea proposed by the author
a central processing facility for people, linked by high-speed rail, airplanes and boats. the singularity

>> No.21762469

I think this idea only seems to make sense because 95% of whites who are inclined to white nationalism also happen to be right wing and share most of your political ideals and cultural and aesthetic values. But this is only an accident of history. I can imagine a world in which white solidarity was divorced from the current political and cultural ideas. Imagine if most white nationalists were fat, safety-ist, longhouse career women whose cultural values descended from New England puritanical Christianity. What if white nationalism was a feminist movement inspired by the fact that black and brown nations have less equality for women and more slut shaming? Then I bet you wouldn't be thinking it was a very good idea to link arms with those people just on the basis of race.

Personally, I do not have much faith in whites as a group to be any good moving forward. Whites are the brainwashed footsoldiers of feminism and trans ideology more than any other race. Whites are the most cucked race and the most decadent and mentally ill, and the least free besides the Chinese. I would not want to "associate" with 95% of whites.

>> No.21762604

>giving (you)s to white nationalists
This was your first mistake.

>> No.21762614

Wow truly revolutionary ideas.

>> No.21762619
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>> No.21762622

>Hates the idea of having to focus on himself
>Thinks being a /pol/cel will solve his problems
>Demands that people refute his fantasyland worldview instead of pointing and laughing
Bro, you realize THIS is why you're a fucking loser, right?

>> No.21762671

Women having the wrong beliefs (and running amok about it) is an essential problem, whereas men of different races having wrong beliefs is only an incidental problem. You can talk to a man of any race and have the potential to come to see eye to eye, but women are fundamentally unfit to understand things in the correct way. Letting women vote or make public decisions is the greatest self-own a nation ever conducted.

Second of all, brown people only vote blue because they're voting along ethnic lines or voting for handouts, not because they're ideologically or intellectually that opposed to whatever you think. Blue-collar black and brown people probably agree with you on 95% of shit, but they're so unintellectual they probably don't even know what the political parties are about. I mean, go to a random job site and take a look at the Mexicans, they're vital and free in a way that you should admire. They whistle at big bootied mamis and high five about it, they love to work hard, work with their bodies, play pranks on each other, and relax with an ice cold cerveza. They don't have troons or self-censorship in their culture, and no woman tells them what to do. These are people you should ally yourself with.

White women on the other hand are essentially opposed to everything you care about. Females are unfit to make rational decisions to begin with, and white women in the current year are doubly destroyed by propaganda to become completely intolerable and irredeemable. I would even go so far as to say that we could improve our society the quickest by boycotting white women and preventing them from breeding so they die out, and all of us take Mexican or Filipina wives instead.

>> No.21762680

fuck you and your spics lmao

>> No.21762702

>does not refute what was said
>tries to undermine the person, does not touch the position

Jewish and/or minority mindset.

>> No.21762721

Why do you think I care about how good of a prole a spic can be? I'd still rather live in a society of white men all the way - with all that entails.

>> No.21763078

from memory
>the essay on mitt romney
a modern political figure like Mitt Romney is a total faggot compared to an ancient greek political figure like Alcibiades, who was a powerful speaker, lover, and warrior who scandalized his society, advised and led several states, and died in battle. The differences between an old loser politican like Mitt and an unthinkably accomplished firebrand like Alcibiades are almost incomprehensible to the modern young man, but in truth he possesses the potential to live just as full a life as the old Greeks.

>> No.21763089

>the differences
apologies- differences of potential to become an old loser vs accomplished firebrand

>> No.21763205

>I want more space and less filth on earth

>> No.21763555
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>> No.21763608

is the thing about monkeys not jacking off in the wild even true?

>> No.21763657

I don't see what's wrong with this, any Nietzschian should respect a people exercising the will to power, even if they find said people destructive. I respect Stalin, Mao, the 9/11 hijackers, even though I consider them evil people.
AFrican obsession with "the Jews" as some nebulous boogeyman is the greatest proof that their median age is something like 14.

>> No.21763661

kys jew

>> No.21763676

Republicans only care about the rich. This is why they’re dying. Nice phony /pol/ map btw.

>> No.21763677

Fuck off jew boy

>> No.21763682

You must be a zionist shill lmao

>> No.21763714

Yup ISAIF makes roughly the same point

The difference here is that Ted advocates removing technology to solve that problem (by reintroducing genuinely consequential struggle into our lives), whereas BAP is advocating a general return to war and conquest to achieve the same thing. In a roundabout way, both are attempting to create conditions for males to thrive in society, as conditions in which females thrive are ones that result in degeneracy over time.

Both interesting works by very strange men.

>> No.21763729

That's not interesting, that's retarded.

>> No.21763736

Haven't read BAM in a long time but seeing this quote again makes his 'annhiliate everything that exists' thing make more sense


In a way it's a weird accelerationist position - when he memes about nude bodybuilders marching on the CBDs of cities or whatever he's mainly joking but at core he's trying to provoke Nemesis to manifest through young Western men

>> No.21763739

Dial 8 please

>> No.21763744

Grow up.

>> No.21763762

wignats don't operate on logic, their moral compass replaces "bad" with "jew"

anything negative has to be jewish, they couldn't even stub their toe without cursing jews

>> No.21763817
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>> No.21763837
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A reminder that any reading of BAP should be prefaced by a reading of Dune (and probably Messiah as well)

I don't think BAP has ever said this himself (though he does mention Dune from time to time) but the world of Dune contains a lot of the elements of BAP's ideas and gives a similar vibe to what I think he's aiming towards.

>> No.21763846

>tfw no pharonic ideal tulpa protector

>> No.21764100

>the low plebian art of writing

in the bronze age, the upper class strictly controlled the ability to read and write, so much so that when the bronze age collapse happened, entire written languages were lost when said upper class was suddenly snuffed out through war, famine, and other disasters.