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21755987 No.21755987 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Corm

previous thread >>21749052

>> No.21756003
File: 39 KB, 712x860, 9AB03377-D8BE-4D2E-9161-496006B0EBB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ignore this.

>at your own peril

>> No.21756038

how'd they make the corn round like that

>> No.21756040

I am starting to think the world would be a better place if we got rid of the internet

>> No.21756053

I just saw the corb on /ck/. Is this some new meme

>> No.21756058

AI-generated image?

>> No.21756060

It's the yellow anti porn spam /b/ gets every once in a while

>> No.21756082


>> No.21756090

I'm pretty conservative but I'm aalso really depressed

>> No.21756125

Theres this cute girl who sits behind me in class. She's always super early. So I was gonna show up super early to make an excuse to chat. But then I slept in and ended up late, running into class halfway through the quiz. Then after making sustained eye contact with her i failed to say anything and then ran away after class because I was too scared. Why the fuck am I like this

>> No.21756135

MMmm mmm yeah thats goood

>> No.21756147

One moment every atom of your being is focused on searching for more sauce, the next moment you cum and all that interest vanishes. It's scary how the brain juices can pilot your train of thought.

>> No.21756166

It’s nice having a big dick. Nothing like fucking a skinny nymphet and your dick is half the width of her torso

>> No.21756199

Trying to write a critique of the American Education System and come up with a homeschool manner and curriculum for my hypothetical future children. Any tips?

>> No.21756208

Are you satisfied with how your life’s gone?

>> No.21756213


>> No.21756216

Life is like riding the surf. Sometimes you go out there and you know how to shoot the curl, but you wipe out anyway. Just gotta get back on and try again.
Why does this internet thing exist when it only leaves us in a muddy puddle?

>> No.21756218

Why would you ask that question here

>> No.21756441

lol no

>> No.21756475


>> No.21756498

I am satisfied that society is going to collapse in the next 10-15 years. All I want is to help other decent people wake up to this so they can make strategic choices to relocate somewhere reasonably safe and wait out the collapse. I hate to think of all the decent people who are stuck in cities that are going to become Detroit, Brazil, or South Africa surprisingly rapidly and they will have the frog boiled on them, or will simply get stuck there during successive crises that make leaving difficult.

I am satisfied that I've done everything I can to live a good life as a good person in a dying civilization about to go through an Egyptian style Intermediate Period.

>> No.21756501

I bought Family Happiness by Tolstoy at a book stall to read something in the train. I'll finish it today. It's about a girl's married life. I haven't read anything in a long time and novellas seem to be a good way to get back into the habit.

>> No.21756519

Eh sorta, I guess maybe. It's certainly a step up from what it used to be.

>> No.21756671

The disparity between what exists in the mind vs what I can achieve crushes me.

I want to make something of myself, be more than a working class man. To live free, as one does without the shackles of construct, or the shackles of my own body.

There is never enough time. There is never enough motivation. And I am not strong enough to reconcile either.

It is too late. Any work there is to be done to advance technology, the sciences, or the arts will soon be trivialized by AGI.

What is the meaning of art when beauty is disconnected from the human spirit?

Sure, beauty exists everywhere. But if everything is beautiful, if the perfection of beauty is truly possible with AGI, then is it really beautiful at all?

Even then, imperfection will be preyed upon to generate "authentic" feeling art. Authentic beauty.

I suppose there is no difference but it feels wrong. Maybe I am scared. But the soul is missing. And without the soul there really isn't any meaning in art. Because its an expression of emotion.

>> No.21756681

I can't read because I'm depressed. Does reading improve depression?

>> No.21756682

I guess what in trying to say is:
What's even the point of trying?

Fulfillment? How is all your work being made redundant fulfilling?

>> No.21756698

One must imagine Sisyphus happy.

>> No.21756748

Fuck off tranny, I'm not watching sissy hypno

>> No.21756784
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>> No.21756802

It really ping pongs a lot. I hate- love- meh it. Right now I feel so exuberantly high because I am at least an adult and I at least realize how low I am. If you can at least understand why you are depressed and sad then really you aren’t depressed or sad. You understand what was keeping you down earlier.

>> No.21756821

I was playing 2 video games while listening to 2 videos all at the same time. I've turned into a zoomer!

>> No.21756834

Why doesn't everyone write their names in the eastern order? It always made more sense to me to go from the generic (your surname) to the specific (your given name) rather than the other way around. Just like in calendars YYYY-MM-DD makes a lot more sense than DD-MM-YYYY or whatever format americans use.

>> No.21756844

People live in different groups.

>> No.21756886

The authentic don't value authenticity.

>> No.21756917

i don't know what to read.

>> No.21756925

DD-MM-YYYY is clearly superior in every way to YYYY-MM-DD. I want the most relevant information first when I"m reading a date, I don't want to see the year first, I want the day. Actually the only better general format is MM-DD-YYYY. When I have space for it, I always use
>Wednesday, March 8 2023 00:00 UTC
Crystal clear with everything in the right place

>> No.21756930

>I want the most relevant information first when I"m reading a date, I don't want to see the year first, I want the day.

Why don't you just read the date right to left, then? Nobody is forcing you to read it left to right only.

>> No.21756955

>Why don't you just read the date right to left, then?
ewww what the fuck?!

>> No.21756981

Do you know that feeling you get when you imagine wiping feces with a dish towel, or dropping a toothbrush into the toilet? That's the feeling I get when I imagine touching or being touched by someone. It's a feeling of uncanny disgust, as if I'm making someone filthy.
Even my mind feels impure. I couldn't ever accept friendship or intimacy from someone else because it just feels like there's something wrong with it. Wherever I go I feel out of place, like a roach skittering in the shadows. I hate being around family most of all, for one because I hate keeping up a false persona, and for another because I feel out of place.

I feel like if I had been beaten harder I would have turned out like less of a disgusting, pathetic manchild kek

>> No.21757014

This threads is literally just twitter, but for cowards.

>> No.21757017

I have the opportunity to meet with a BDSM mistress. We've exchanged a couple of e-mails and I'm thoroughly interested. I have to call her Mistress and she calls me a slaveboy. I'm feeling a lot of excited anxiety about the potential meet-up and I'm not completely sure whether I have the courage to go through with it. I'd also have to pay 120 bucks to rent the studio dungeon and this has to be done upfront. I hope I don't get scammed. She said it will be a 3 hour session. Also I'm worried about my premature ejaculation problem. What if I come within the first 5 minutes and the clarity hits me and the gates of shame are opened wide. And I'll just want to escape, but due to my awkward nature I'll be trapped there. What would you guys do?

>> No.21757036

Yes, it is. Thanks for the tweet-- coward....
Repent, but if you must, take your PE and the waste of money as punishment.

>> No.21757039

Too late, literally all of computing standardised on YYYY-MM-DD for performance reasons, so that's what you'll use, and you have no say in the matter.

>> No.21757135

I feel like erotic novels for men is a market that hasn't been exploited properly. I mean there are VNs but rather than those I'm thinking of the male equivalent of 50 Shades, something that has no illustrations and isn't electronic. The production costs are super low, and the audience very easy to please.

>> No.21757162

hapepn to he best of us

>> No.21757185

I thought about this some more and I have to wonder, is it really? The purposes of a tweet are probably clout, attention, and socialization. Clout and attention really only apply to tripfags, and what little attention that is required to fulfill the desire to socialize is relatively inconsequential.

At least in my case I have a revulsion towards attention. I hate being looked at, thought about, or examined in any way. Posting on an imageboard like this is a great way to fulfill the desire to socialize without any of the other garbage. If people really would pity me and give me positive attentiin for what I say here, I still wouldn't share it. I don't want to talk to therapists or anyone else for that matter. I don't want to burden random normies with my depraved thoughts. I don't want to make family worry. I don't want to waste someone else's time because it just doesn't matter enough.

On here it's different, because these are just disembodied words. If you don't like it, too bad. You can't unread this. You've already been ocularly inseminated by my lexical penis.

>> No.21757210

Journalists have started using ai art as illustrations for articles, I have a very strong feeling it's so they don't have to pay license to photographers.
Ai will not grow powerful in our society through the quality of its output, but through penny pinching.

>> No.21757235
File: 1.99 MB, 1613x2370, The_Sound_and_the_Fury_(1929_1st_ed_dust_jacket).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is hot garbage from the very first page

>> No.21757262

>find out that Lord of the Rings is just one big Christcuck allegory
Andddd dropped.

Is there any fantasy series that actually has its roots in pagan European ideology and not semitic nonsense?

>> No.21757267

Modernism in general is trash. The only writer who got it right is Virginia Woolf, but /pol/ would never admit this.

>> No.21757282

Yes because I was very constipated, potentially impacted, but ate and apple and it all came out filling the bowl when before I bled from trying to pass the tiny head of the first shit (which never got out til now).
I’ll be sure to add more apples to my diet, but I forgot they were at the back of the fridge.

>> No.21757455

so true! post this on /r/showerthoughts

>> No.21757464

It would be better if everyone here was a tripfag. There, I said it

>> No.21757487

I lost faith in the US as a country the day they killed that hitchhiking robot.

>> No.21758119

what the fuck

>> No.21758152

If you really want to satisfy someone, tell them a story. Nothing makes people stick around like a good story. Especially if you've told it before, take your time. There is nothing better than anecdotes and stories. I might hardly get a word in letting you ramble about how it makes you "feel", but fuck it. That's a sign of a good listener right? And get this, not only is storytelling productive, but it's a barrel of laughs and novelty for everyone around. I've legitimately never heard any stories similar to yours and your life. Go ahead. Tell another one.

>> No.21758175

That's so sad.
I cried when I was a little kid and they beat up Johnny 5 in short circuit. Hurting robots strikes me as particularly vile, like hurting animals.

>> No.21758249

Years of loneliness, anti social behaviour and extreme internet use has destroyed my view of what life is and how joyous it can be. I think of going outside and it seems like
Oh well
Other people seem pretty fulfilled with how they live but everything I do is succeeded by a thought of existential dread and considering everything to be meaningless
Sometimes I dont even feel real

>> No.21758283

Do people from the Midwest enjoy living there? Please reply (not Chicagoans)

>> No.21758289

>Get into online dating again, only looking to bang because I'm in an open relationship
>No matches
>Earn 80k a year, weightlifter for over 10 years, good looking, outgoing, have my shit figured out, travel every couple of months, whenever I go on a first date I fuck
>Women cry rape because only losers want to fuck them
>Men cry from sadness because not even the losers want to fuck them.

I hate women so much it's unreal

If I were single I would probably get more matches but I still feel bad for most guys. I've fucked a couple times from in person encounters but online dating is another beast.

>> No.21758308

not a woman but I hope you get lynched desu. swinger should all hang

>> No.21758447

Why the hell would I write anything here instead of publishing it in my own book? All you'd do would be either to 1. ignore me, 2. steal my ideas. Y'all fags, dumb and poo poo

>> No.21758456

>in an open relationship
So your wife gets fucked by other men while you strike out in internet dating and complain about it here?
lol wtf find your dignity bro

>> No.21758663
File: 89 KB, 500x734, 3A050F18-F8AB-488D-ABD4-E67AECF663B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

signora mia perfetta
tuo sguardo mi lascera
urbato dalla mente
andato non scordare
difetto non reale
signora mia perfette
bellezza e disturbo
l'amore è un peso
signora mia perfetto

>> No.21758703

This site is dead and GPT bots killed it
Whoever is spamming /fit/ doesn't even have the common decency to fine-tune their shit enough to be convincing

>> No.21758716

oh well

>> No.21758726

>Instead of knowing skyrim lore they know soccer players names.
Holy shit maybe I was wrong, you really are retarded. I'm not talking about skyrim lore vs. soccer or metal vs. jazz. I'm talking about having an inner monologue. Consuming media is exactly the kind of shit that you do when you turn your brain off. I'm talking about looking around you and thinking about what you see. Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.21758858

It's Untitled

>> No.21758866

We fucked for like 2 years straight and then we just stopped. She wants to but I never find the time. If she's getting fucked, I'm happy for her because it's what she wants. Other than that, we're happy. I've never been happier. I spend holidays with her family, she spends time with my family. Next Christmas both our families are going to spend it together. Financially we good. She actually makes more than me and is on track to earn more than 100k if she gets her promotion. But sexually I'm just ruined and deranged. I need to fuck other women. There's nothing crazier or more animal-like them being in the verge of impregnating some random pussy, just filling her with my milk. My girl sympathizes. My ocd and autism can't let me keep quiet. I tell her all and she just wants me to be happy.

>> No.21758870

dont get filtered by the first perspective, it's a great book and it gets more coherent as it goes on

>> No.21758885

Simultaneously giving up, trying harder, done with everything, finally starting, on the right track, falling off, getting my shit together, and absolutely losing it

>> No.21758913

You are completely subhuman. People like you are why the world has gone to shit.

>> No.21758950

I deeply regret most of my choices.

>> No.21759027

Tell me about your ego death

>> No.21759034

In an ethnic studies class. Its a grad requirement in California. Its driving me insane listening to a lot of this crap. But shockingly, the culture has changed. Theres a very real reactionary sentiment that didnt used to exist on college campuses back when I first started in 2017.

>> No.21759042
File: 53 KB, 758x450, Fphz9VfWIAAnPcl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been skeptical of online dating but I feel like I have to statt using it if I don't want to be forever alone

>> No.21759048

I'm not but I wish I was

>> No.21759052

Damn you're literally me. Its okay anon, people arent as happy as they appear and its not too late to live a good life. Take ibto considerstion that the pandemic shit forced a lot of normalfags into our lifestyle and are suffering for it. We mow have a conmon point with them.

>> No.21759079


>> No.21759133

Too many choices to flip a coin over it and not enough to roll a die

>> No.21759169

Can I really register on the new z-lib without fear? Of course I would use a temporary mail but I don't use VPNs and I also don't wanna get fucked for downloading some novels or textbooks.

>> No.21759177
File: 35 KB, 601x204, Screenshot 2023-03-08 at 22.04.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did ADL mean by this?

>> No.21759322

Why should I continue living if I don’t enjoy anything? Do I still have a moral duty to continue?

>> No.21759371

>Do I still have a moral duty to continue?
No, but the way you feel now isn't necessarily permanent.

3 choices? Roll a six-sided die, divide the result by 2 and round up.

I have some friends who are doing the open relationship thing and it seems to be working pretty well for all parties. They all use "Feeld," which is more geared to that sort of thing than most dating sites. But also, if you can't "find the time" to fuck your wife/gf, I can't see how you'll have the time to fuck anyone on the side. If anything, it's more work.

>> No.21759392

I really loved the book Spare. Ive never read something so inspirational and beautiful.

>> No.21759428

Somebody finally says it.

>> No.21759500

So let's hit the Sears catalog playground dad built in the backyard. The one where if you'd swing too high, the poles would come out of the ground. And our feet touched the sky, wouldn't leave till they're in the clouds. I would just kick so hard I'd make it around and my body turned inside out.

>> No.21759524

I'm so tired. I slept for 9 hours and still had 3 naps today.

>> No.21759527

Not all is lost. Try again anon, she might just think you're mysterious

>> No.21759554

<Complains about women not fucking him
<Reveals himself to be entirely degenerate
I think the women's intuition is just spot on in this case. Turn your life around anon, fix your marriage before it's too late. There's an eternity after this short stint on earth.

>> No.21759608

Years ago I hooked up with this chick from work. We did everything but fuck because she wasn’t ready. She told me to go home later in the middle of the night. Day later, she asks to see me again and I say I’m not interested anymore. She starts to lose it and begins to insult me, saying I lead her on, and even threatened to say I raped her. She caused me anxiety for months because I was young and didn’t know how to deal with it. I had no idea why she behaved that way.

Now, years later, all I wish is that I caused her tremendous emotional pain. I didn’t do anything wrong but was treated badly. I hope she stayed up countless nights thinking of how I, a stranger, made her cum several times, how I touched and licked and slapped her breasts, how she almost let me fuck her without a condom. I hope our short time together caused her even more trauma than it did to me. I am living proof that she was a slut of low morals, merely a woman of no fundamental value.

>> No.21759619

Take D3 Vitamin

>> No.21759640

go outside

>> No.21759663

Is it creepy to have some hot chick as your wallpaper? Nothing semi-pornographic like a bikini babe but I'm an adult man and I use this shit in public. Am I overthinking it?

>> No.21759669

Seems like a very damaged person. I'm sure she is already in multiple hells of her own making if she's so immature. I have experienced similar hysteria from women. They have a much harder time of things than us in some ways, because they have no ability to find solutions in anything other than their sexuality and in relationships. Those usually work, but when they don't, they are truly fucked.

Take D3 Vitamin

>> No.21759676

I wish I was born in the maldives in the year 1400. No pollution, no wars, just living the life in the place closest to Paradise. Instead, I have to live under tremendous amounts of stress and suffer in order to lead a normal existence. I'd rather be depressed in the Maldives.

>> No.21759687

Realistically speaking, can philosophy justify life?
As a disclaimer, I'm not saying this as a pessimistic shill or a demoralizer or whatever. I honestly want to know.

>> No.21759708

I haven't spent thousands of dollars on erotica commissions over the years. The latest was a fic where Hailee Steinfeld takes me backstage after a concert and gives me a handjob while covering me in kisses and gushing about how cute she finds me.
I think I have an addiction but it helps fill the void in my life and I don't know how to stop.

>> No.21759722

Meant 'Have', too tired to proofread.

>> No.21759752

How much do you pay for a story like that? How's the writing quality?

>> No.21759757

No, quite the opposite

>> No.21759761

I give up

>> No.21759793

I'm in a completely dissociated state, and I think it's something I decide semi consciously but everytime I try to be in a more normal state I realize how much everything is hurting. My head, my back, my stomach, most of my muscles as well as emotional pain. I walk around as an emotional zombie, because I can't cope otherwise.

>> No.21759808 [DELETED] 

i'm mad hungry i wonder if it's ok to eat one of those red baron's pizza two packs. they have like 850 calories and maybe 32 grams of fat. my apple watch says i burned 1100 calories today.

>> No.21759816


>> No.21759817 [DELETED] 

damn i'm going to be at work when tiga's new boiler room set streams. maybe i can pretend to be in a meeting and put on some of those headphones with the little microphone.

>> No.21759869

I need courage and determination to do find out what I must do and then to do it regardless of doubts and fears
I'm completely lost and hopeless

>> No.21759916

this decade is shaping up to be a pretty wild ride

>> No.21759922

I wanted to struggle more than I’ve had to

>> No.21759982

I've been trying to avoid race and politics and especially race politics but I cant. Its everywhere and in everything and a major portion of my college education is entirely that

>> No.21759986

Take out a major loan from a payday lender

>> No.21759990

What’s ironic is insistence on progressive discussion of race is supposed to result in overt anti-Nazism/WN but all it does it force people to occupy Nazism/WN as a position.

>> No.21759992

Head cannon. Majority of people hate nazis

>> No.21759993

Not like that. I mean like a hard childhood and young adulthood. I mean, it was hard in some respects but not in the ways I have in mind.

>> No.21759995

Yeah I wemt to university, was so appaled by it that I went hard right, white nationalist. Then I dropped out and started living a normal life. Stop caring about politica and became very moderate. Now Im back in college and i can feel myself slowly turning extreme again

>> No.21759996

It’s awesome being good looking. Talk about life on easy mode. Seems like I get whatever I want when I try

>> No.21759999

What do you have in mind

>> No.21760000

The majority of normal and sane people don’t have any particular opinion on the Nazis actually. That is, not until they’re forced to have one.

>> No.21760003

Rolling for quads

>> No.21760004

Sounds like me when I was in school. This behavioral pattern doesn't lead anywhere good and anyone who does this needs to fight with all his will to change while there is still time. You need to pull a George Costanza in that one episode and start doing the exact opposite of what you are inclined to do.

>> No.21760009

Being on my own. Poverty maybe.

>> No.21760020
File: 24 KB, 128x128, 1612153065056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who are fans of Jordan Peterson can't seem to handle perfectly logical critiques of him and they have this kneejerk emotional reaction and accuse you of two possibilities: they will say either you are an extreme neo-nazi on the far right, or you are some sort of socialist or tranny or feminist or marxist on the left.
They can't handle nuance. There are valid critiques that one can make of Peterson's positions and one doesn't have to be any of those things to see that.

>> No.21760041

I'm still not even sure what Petersons philosophy/ideology or even point is. Ive watched some of his videos on psychology and a lot of it is just this very surface level behavioral observations cloaked in excessive symbolism

>> No.21760058

Peterson seems like an ok psychologist to me and he has the credentials, but noone cared about him before he dabbed on trannies. There are thousands of guys like him at any major university and clinic but anons will never know about them, because they aren't hyped.

>> No.21760062

I think he is unfairly critiqued desu

>> No.21760075

His philosophy is gnosticism and his political ideology is moderate liberal conservatism.

>> No.21760087

Well thats boring

>> No.21760101

not really creepy just boomer tier

>> No.21760145


>> No.21760175
File: 33 KB, 544x416, 589034258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bit odd to me how in the last 20 years people have generally warmed up to the idea of the legalization of marijuana and prostitution. One of the most common arguments for both of them are that it would make a dent in organized crime (particularly in human trafficking when it comes to prostitution). Got me thinking about the fact that we have good books about evil characters who kill, or steal but never people who are solely into human trafficking. I wonder if there is a way to write an evil protagonist who kidnaps and drives slaves as his main thing without lame brains review bombing it for being "immoral".

>> No.21760216

Oklahoma just voted down legalizing recreational weed

>> No.21760251

I think I'll rewatch Kaiji.

>> No.21760334
File: 657 KB, 1373x2048, BA96F7FC-92DA-42A5-B914-AEE95C065EB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a boy who liked solitude, who preferred the company of things to that of people.

>> No.21760339

I wish I could be like more charming and charismatic or maybe just happier

>> No.21760364

I’ve made a lot embarrassing mistakes

>> No.21760370

You are overthinking it. Do what you want, it is not like the NSFW gestapo is going to break down your door for having a wallpaper unless you are doing it on a work computer or something.
I think this has more to do with the fact that people are normies when it comes to politics and philosophy. Meaning that they fail to grasp any of the deeper nuances of what is being said. Not saying JP is particularly smart but I get the feeling that a lot of his followers just interpret what they want from what he says. It also doesn't help that JP himself often creates false equivalencies and straight up doesn't know what certain things mean such as his whole deal with "post-modernism" and "cultural Marxism".
In theory a protagonist can be as evil as you want them to be and commit just about any villainous act, especially human trafficking as long as you write them to be interesting or entertaining. I think the reason most people just write about murder or theft is because theft is seen as somewhat redeemable or symbolic of hubris while murder is glorified as the worst thing someone can do despite the fact that there things you can do to a person that makes killing them look like a playful slap.

>> No.21760396
File: 95 KB, 281x444, wth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give myself a day off from work
>waste it playing vidya all day
I'm my own enemy

>> No.21760439

Why is GenZ so fucked in the head?
In the toilet at my uni and there are these posters up inside the stall with a number for the uni's crisis line. Go outside and see these posters everywhere, "You are not alone". Very dystopic feeling. If only that were true.

>> No.21760443

This is more of the powers at be trying to humor the issue of mental health after decades of not taking it seriously (and even instigating mental health deterioration).

>> No.21760446

in other words, virtue signaling without even thinking about root causes because that would require actual thought and effort.

>> No.21760450

Right, but why is gen z so fucked up in the first place that they need to put up crisis line posters everywhere? Like what went wrong with us, that so many young people are so unhinged &/or isolated.
I know this myself, I've a brother that practically lives in his room playing video games all night, and I myself have been alone so long I can't remember when I wasn't.
> trying to humor the issue of mental health
Is it really the responsibility of "powers" to address mental health? That sound rather infantilizing to me. I think of "Mental health" as something personal.
I agree that putting up posters doesn't do anything substantively to help people.

>> No.21760461
File: 640 KB, 1920x1080, 946804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isolation, terrible parenting of either coddling or straight up abuse with little in between if they even had parenting to begin with. I mean a lot of children now are raised on ipads and shit. Oh and don't forget that no Genz member has ever seen a time in history that an economic crisis wasn't going on or was looming.

In other words, boomers and GenXers happened.

>> No.21760480

I am a l33t h4x0r

>> No.21760484

I was pretty alone at university. The signs that saod shit like "You Belong Here!" felt mocking

>> No.21760495

I always thought it was hilarious that everything that made me and my kind of person feel like an outsider was designed to coddle normies who don't need coddling. The fetish for mental illness and neurodivergence only targets attention-seeking spastics with fake problems. The literal "Are you okay buddy?? Need to talk??" messages all over the website are for normies who have a suicide crisis every week, but none of the actual people who would commit suicide even thinks about them or notices they're there. I knew multiple people who were suicidally depressed and seriously scared me, and not even one of them even remembered all the "mental health resources" shit because it's so obviously fake and background noise. It's just yet more cushy padding for normies in a world already made for them.

>> No.21760504

Why does it seem like everyone on this board is an irredeemable loser? You know how you want to better your life. Go do it. If you fail, failure is often more important than success as long as you learn from it. Everyone is always holding themselves back

>> No.21760519

I love my race and people but still look at other races and people and see a soul. I see love and humanity.

The reality of this world is sad

>> No.21760521

I think the problem is that success barely means anything. A lot of people have depression and disillusionment about modern society on top of their basic problems, like lack of money, hatred of the jobs they're qualified for, lack of access to sex and love, friends, etc. Thinking about doing a total overhaul to get all those basic things is all well and good, but a lot of these guys still wouldn't be satisfied by that. They know consciously or unconsciously that they don't JUST want more money, more sex, an easier job, better toys. They want a life of meaning, a community of other people like themselves where they can both learn from others and teach others once they overcome challenges. It isn't all just pointless "overcome your shitty situation or live off the dole, or just die, either way it only impacts you."

I think a lot of lost and hopeless 4chan type guys would be better off if their "story" ended with them sincerely finding religion and community, and making $50k stable with a nice little family, than if they made $150k but still had the same feeling of "what's the point?"

>> No.21760525

For everyone it’s different. They must find their own path. The greatest journey is inwards and it’s as great as you make it

>> No.21760528

I dont know man. Religion didnt cut it for me. Now i just want sex and parties.

>> No.21760530

This. It’s amazing how much better life is when you are getting pussy

>> No.21760541
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I am a whore for drinking and smoking. I would degrade myself and do depraved things for these activities.

>> No.21760543

I just wish there was some sort of time machine

>> No.21760544

I think this kind of thinking is good in spirit but potentially dangerous in the way it manifests in the current cultural setting. Normies are irresponsible selfish narcissists and hedonists, but they're also amoral hypocrites who think they're good people, and they are also controlled via ideologies that tell them the way to be a hero (and have infinite freedom to bully and scapegoat others) is to be "liberal" and defend/promote the "self-expression" of the downtrodden. So they will take "everyone must find their own path; everyone is different!" and scream it for subtly selfish reasons, while themselves being the most conformist and generic people. People who don't conform and don't fit in normal hell, when they want to understand why they are miserable, will look around for explanations and solutions, and they will find normies screaming about how they need to "find their own path, we are all different; I am different, and I found my own path, and I'm happy, QED, do the same." This is convincing if you have no other frame of reference and you haven't learned to distrust normies yet.

I think the answer is, yes everyone is different and individuality is good, but difference and individuality are currently being exploited by being misinterpreted in the most shallow way possible to keep people selfish and stupid, creating a system in which only selfish stupid retards really thrive. If you don't fit, you should trust your instincts that the people who do fit are happy for the wrong reasons, and think about how to create spaces away from them in which other value systems and other ideas can safely flourish. For example religious, cultural, or patriotic spaces that transcend individual pleasure-seeking and irresponsibility.

I think we'll have to wait for a third Great Awakening, probably coming soon, before religion becomes plausible again to many people. Millennials are instinctively areligious because all they know is urban pleasure-seeking. But zoomers are more chaotic and may turn to millennarian religiosity.

>> No.21760546

I've done a lot to dig myself out of my hole. I'm not hopeless or anything. I still have a good chance and I'm making tbe most of it. I just get dragged down like an anchor everytime I remember all the shit I've been through. Even though I'm doing better than ever, I'm still haunted by everything that came before. I think my total potential for happiness is lower now and it's hard to not be jaded

>> No.21760547

Oh yeah, what kind of things ;)

>> No.21760554

Be honest, Xi.

>> No.21760560

>The signs that saod shit like "You Belong Here!" felt mocking
I felt the same way, the signs always seemed vaguely condescending or infantilizing.
>You MATTER so much
>Your voice matters !
Which anyone can see is super ingenuine.
Pretending as though each individual person matters so much to them (even while draining your wallet of thousands).
The idea that Uni Administration is somehow responsible for a person's well being, rather than the family or people around that person, seems dystopic to me. Like if you rely on University wagies, who likely don't genuinely care at all, to provide support in life, that is just super pathetic to me. Even when I was at my lowest point in college, I don't think I'd ever stoop to doing that.
Seeing these posters reminded me of those suicide nets in chinease sweatshops.
>The fetish for mental illness and neurodivergence
I've never understood this. There were two girls like this in a class I took, and it was honestly embarrassing. One wouldn't stfu about her Autism diagnosis (at least I could tell she wasn't faking it, lol). Another did a presentation on "mental health in media" and starts showing some cringy youtube video of some person claiming to be DID.
I don't know why these people think it's ever appropriate to discuss this shit publicly.

>> No.21760561

>I think we'll have to wait for a third Great Awakening
You know, I've always been ahead of the curve on social trends. Whatever phase I'm going through is like a bell weather for the next half decade. I went through my spiritual seeking and I'm pretty damn sure it's a sign of the times. Third Great Awakening should be just around the corner and I really fucking hope so because being religious in a secular society is actually kind of difficult desu. Even my dad used to bully me because I was abstaining from pre marital sex.

>> No.21760566

I was at my lowest point when I was in high school. Genuinely suicidal. I remember the ASB kids would put up signs with those gay platiudes (We Care About You!) while also being some of the biggest cunts in school. Thats about when I became really jaded with the over arching culture of virtue signalling and realized just how disingenuous most people really are. Then there were the girls who fetishized me for being a depressed emo boy and somehow that was even worse.

>> No.21760567

Just look at /lit/. It went from nothing but typical rich latte-sipping leftist fags to a bunch of genuine religious and metaphysical seekers. It's like Marx says, 4chan is the brain of Europe. The major politically relevant class is always the upcoming male generation. Women are relevant now too because they've been forced into schizophrenically acting like men in society, but they are always the most doctrinaire in any era with a religious awakening. All these cat ladies are going to be seeking some kind of recompense for how badly they were bamboozled by 2000s liberal hedonism, and they're not going to find it in leftism which is basically just more liberalism at this point.

>> No.21760578

Today I was at a fast food restaurant when someone walked up to me as I sat there eating and threw up a fist in my direction. He awkwardly stared at me and said nothing. The restaurant had quite a lot of people. I slowly put down the fries in my hand and considered my options. I felt very caught off guard and uncomfortable. I mumbled 'why you want props from me man?'. 'Because we come from the same place man'. I was still befuddled. So as not to upset him I completed the offered props, and before any further interaction could be had, he quickly walked out of my vision. I finished eating and left the restaurant shortly after. He was nowhere to be seen. I idly wondered if I was going to get jumped as I walked to my car but quickly dismissed the possibility.

What had just happened? Did this guy want to mug me or trick me or prank me? Why did he choose me out of everyone who was there? What did he mean by "we come from the same place"? Did he just want props? Did he have a secret daily props quota to meet? It is now many hours later and I am still bothered by the interaction. I guess you could say I got shook.

>> No.21760583

What is "props"

>> No.21760584
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My whole life is falling apart.
It may not look like it. I'm pretty much doing what I wanted to do 5 years ago, exactly where I wanted to be 5 years ago, but it is absolutely unbearable. Even if I can talk with people, even act fun and make them laugh, I don't enjoy it. Deep down, I'm painfully afraid of others. I've never had a "deep" relationship with anyone. I've never had a real friend. I've never had a romantic partner.
I can't write, I can't make good music, and these are the only things I care about. Things that I love and obsess me never work out for me. I've tried for years, yet everything that comes out of me is utterly soulless.
I was so convinced that all I needed was art, that I ended up isolating myself from everyone. I was never close with neither friends nor family.
I'm not a deep soul nor a tortured artist as I had always thought. I'm just a miserable, perverse and lonely man.
In the last few months it has just got worse. I can barely sleep at night, and have started getting increasingly paranoid for no reason at all. I have no idea what to do now.

>> No.21760640

its a fist bump

>> No.21760658

Probably a schizophrenic

>> No.21760660

I don't have any advice for you but wished to say that I share some of your experiences. I'm a kvfag, had friends but lost them, became very isolated (I did so to pursue a failed business and not art -- and the underlying reason for the business was both fear of joining the real working world and also jealousy of friends that had sold businesses to others for lots of money). In some ways I am where I wish I was 5 years ago but still lacking all of the core things I want in life. I have also grown extremely paranoid and fearful of always having the worst possibility occur to me any time I see a situation with multiple outcomes. I think loneliness and repeated failures in life causes your brain to warp in this manner.

>I'm just a miserable, perverse and lonely man.
I think there are lots of people like this, even if it isn't immediately obvious. I hope you find some of what you are seeking.

>> No.21760663

Goodnight /wwoym/, I love you <3

>> No.21760665

I love you too, no homo.

>> No.21760703

>Then after making sustained eye contact with her i failed to say anything and then ran away after class because I was too scared. Why the fuck am I like this
goofy ahh nigga

>> No.21760723

There was a man that appeared to be homeless sitting outside the store I went to; he appeared to be between the ages of forty or fifty-five, and he had a full head of grey hair. I thought he would ask me for money, but he didn't so I suspected that he might just be a rough looking man. I was fully prepared to give him all of the six dollars I had on me, but as he didn't bother to ask I went ahead and purchased a couple of drinks and left. As I walked past him again, I realized that I had two drinks in my hand and I desperately felt like giving him one, but out of intense anxiety I didn't. I felt that I might offend him if I handed him a drink and he turned out not to be homeless, or he might be disgusted and insulted that I would assume he needs help from the likes of myself. After I passed him, I stopped walking several times to consider turning back and asking him if he needed anything, but I decided not to. I then considered coming back with more money to give him, but it started raining and I was sure he wouldn't remain there for the hour that it would take for me to walk back.

I feel like a piece of shit now. I keep thinking about how happy he could have been if I had just given him something. I had an opportunity to do something good and I blew it, again. I'm a shitbag. He may have really needed something, and I could have given it. I wish I could turn back time and fix this stupid mistake.

>> No.21760744

with the rise in AI it feels like a lot of people are going to lose their jobs and its anxious to think how are people going to cultivate self respect, confidence if they have no skills to offer to the economy. It's a doomish age coming up lads

>> No.21760755

I want to become aggressively litigious and wield the law like a weapon.

>> No.21760761

same but two years

>> No.21760785
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I am the uber-untermensch.

>> No.21760798

I wonder if all the old /a/ poster kill themselves or just grew out of it. Board feels completely different now

>> No.21760809

I can't recognize any of the hobby boards anymore, especially /v/ or /g/. Or even boards like /int/.

>> No.21760816

You don't care what I think. Nobody does as long as it doesn't hurt them.

>> No.21760826

I'm reading Can Such Things Be by Ambrose Bierce, so far the stories are pretty good.

>> No.21760834

Whats on your mind, anon?

>> No.21760840

My life is doing chores until I die. I was hoping for more. I know that's not interesting to hear.

>> No.21760857

>check on this thread
>0 (zero) (You)s
Yeah fuck you /lit/

>> No.21760858

I'm dealing with my own despair. I can barely think.

>> No.21760860

Go read a book, anon.

>> No.21760865
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>> No.21760871

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

>> No.21760884

More like:
Catholic-->Marxist-->Liberal-->Skeptic-->Communitarian-->Catholic again or extreme Nihilist

>> No.21760898


gosh i'm so tired of broads

>> No.21760914

>Mentally processing ambiguous events with a negative spin is just what depression is.

Well shit these motherfuckers know how to write.

>But some youthful catastrophism is a transferred fear of death, some youthful depression is a response to being asked to constantly self-invent, to find your divine self at age 15.
>congenial home for people who are miserable

>I think we need some kind of society-level cognitive behavioral therapy to convince people that whatever it is they are worried about, depression is not the answer.
How will that happen with organized chaos?

>> No.21760919

Retard to imbecile to idiot to moron to ignoramus to retard 2.0 [DELUXE PRE ORDER EDITION] or there and back again.

>> No.21760926

What were you hoping to achieve? Any particular dream?

>> No.21760938

A girlfriend or even a close friend. Someone who could make me a better person.

>> No.21760942

Dont you think that you can become a better person on your own?

>> No.21760946

There's no reason for me to become better than what I am now. There's a perfect equilibrium in my life.

>> No.21760961

I want to do it again and again but it's so much more inconvenient now. I say to myself, "Now I'll do it, now is the time! Just after this smoke".
Still I find distractions, until another day has gone and I haven't even begun to distract myself. I can't even focus on what I distract myself with. I've been getting ready to get off and I keep building up the moment in my mind.
Maybe I'm afraid that It'll be over too quick again and I'll be reduced to the glaring reality of my life for another 15 agonizing minutes of clarity.

yea usually

>> No.21760963

Pick a random chart from the wiki and try to work through it

>> No.21760969

I'm not allowed to make a twatter account without registering a phone number, so fuck those niggers and their pleb forum

>> No.21760971

Show me the bot posts then /g/enius
Maybe (you) are the bot

>> No.21760975

you have the internet. Even calculators have a basic RNG function.

can philosophy justify life?
Justify life in what way? Like justify the act of living?

>> No.21760977

DFW and Joshua Cohen. I honestly haven't read any authors / writers as talented as them. There's a way they write about the mundane where the actual reading, at least for me, is more about the art form and less about the story. DFW can write about going to the fair and its still better than any horror / thriller, romance, etc. you can find on the internet or bookstore. I've only read Book of Numbers by Joshue Cohen, but its pretty retarded.

>> No.21760986

I don't even post on most boards like that anymore, which I used to frequent. I don't really follow modern games, anime, film, etc. very much so there isn't a lot for me to discuss there anymore anyway
I just go on boards once in a while for ideas of what to consoom next. Occasionally there are threads I can actually participate in.

>> No.21761022

How can it be that women treat wimpy men like they don't exist but at the same time they seem to love the company of disgustingly gay men. Shouldn't they find them extremely repulsive, especially given that a gay man that talks that insufferable gay talk and moves like a sissy is far more repulsive than some nerd?

>> No.21761035

Gay men have all the benefits of a female friend, but without the setbacks and paranoia that come with one that is your natural competition.
A hetero sissy is a different category, that's just a guy that wants to procreate, but doesn't show anything that nature favors.

>> No.21761087

What would Socrates think of Chatbots?

>> No.21761088

Evil. A shadow of a shadow's shadow even.

>> No.21761102

Hey, not my own pathway but it is certainly a pipeline , but all pipelines are for turds anyway.

>> No.21761179

This site is sophomoric in that no one reads but they pretend to, whilst they have no real ambitions within the field of literature.

>> No.21761231

>Woman is depressed, anxious, diagnosed with autism/Asperger's
>Has healthy circle of friends and normal social skills

Then the male counterparts are often the opposite with no friends and end up in places like this

Lol whats up with that?

>> No.21761238

Ironically the only thing making my life so unpleasant and worth ending recently is the omnipresent and imminent sense of death I have come to so fear.

>> No.21761248

A girl right in front of me is constantly stretching and sitting with her back arched and her frankly delicious ass pushed out and I am losing my mind
yoga pants in public shoukd be illegal

>> No.21761256

Jesus Christ I need pussy so bad
I need to hold a naked woman in my arms again or I'll die

>> No.21761367

Dating an absolute dime piece for a year, doing a pretty basic job and she wants me to go get a master's in finance so I can provide while she pumps out kids or whatever. Is she being unreasonable? All I really want is a bit of farmland and time to write, don't know how achievable that is with a master's finance degree

>> No.21761416

The most brutal and guilt inducing thing you could say to a disillusioned man like me is a heartfelt smiling "I love you"

>> No.21761477

Finance jobs won't really be any good for a farm, unless you find a big wig out in the country who won't mind you. I know finance jobs are easy in the city, but it's mainly desk wage slavery where you just know about procurement and policy, as well as having spreadsheets for expenditure, at least from people I've met on the job.

>> No.21761482
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This is reverse psychology. So, I hate you.

>> No.21761653

Good morning /wwoym/ :)

>> No.21761745


American politics was real until the 40s

>> No.21761854

morning. dreamed anything?

>> No.21761874

Many say that after a couple centuries the ways people in the past thought become practically inaccesible to us, that we may try to understand them, but we will never truly be able to "get them" in the fulllest sense of the word. But what about the spirit of the times? We scold our ancestors for not understanding the late antique and early medieval spirit like we do nowadays, but could we truly say that we understand the ascension and confidence of the post-columban age in european history, or the days of Scipio and Augustus? Can decline only truly be understood by people in decline, could an empire at the peak of its power only truly be understood by a fellow empire at the pinnacle of its potential?

>> No.21761881

Any ideas on a masters that will help make money that will help me live somewhere other than a city? Should have been a doctor

>> No.21761893

I met a cool guy at my uni who happened to use /lit/. We hung out a few times and would talk quite frequently over Discord. Then he stopped talking to me out of the blue and ignores me when I see him on campus. What gives?

>> No.21761903

4channers are anti social niggers who crave and deserve depressing isolating lives. You went out of your way to befriend him and this is what he does

>> No.21761920

Where are you from?

>> No.21761924

I think I will too. It's about that time of year

>> No.21761939

An essential skill I learned from hanging out with other NEETcels is not to pry too much into their behavior, just try to be a good person and a beacon of normalcy/stability for them. There are too many possibilities for mental illness and weird overreactions and issues of worldview, for example he thinks you mogged him but he's overreacting by blowing it up into a weird overinterpretation of the mogging based on his BPD combined with an ongoing coping mechanism problem that will take him years to break down. You can't step in and be a psychoanalyst for every one of them. The most you can do is be a decent guy so that as they go through their own processing of things, when they have moments of wanting to be reasonable or make amends, they know you aren't spiteful or judging them, and know they can come back and say "hey man, sorry I was going through some stuff" or bashfully apologize for interpreting something a weird way.

Also a lot of 4chan type guys are just depressed or dealing with a lot, and process it in their own ways. I've known people who vanish on all their friends for a year while going into a "fix things" mode, and it's like actual tunnel vision. They won't respond to texts until the texts become "are you dead," and maybe even then.

We're all in this together, and those with the privilege of a more stable mental condition or lifestyle situation have to be relative stabilizers for those less fortunate or those slightly behind on the path. The most you can do is assume good faith and do your reasonable best to self-reflect on the possibility you actually did something wrong, without going overboard. Don't get to the point that you're agonizing over individual exchanges and infinite possible interpretations of minor statements. Just hope he's okay and see it as tragic if you never do find out what happened.

>> No.21761947

Go look for him and help him to relieve this anxiety. Maybe buy him socks or talk to him (if he doesnt appear dangerous, would hate to find you were stabbed to death anon be careful out there),

>> No.21761958

Thought this was a reply to >>21761893 and that "maybe buy him socks" was the new "you have to eat all the eggs"

>> No.21761966

The fear of being identified as part of the wrong group is the achilles heal of the human species. It is the fatal flaw of the hyper social animal, of which humans are the only known species.

>> No.21762010

I should’ve used the cover of the COVID lockdowns to quit my job and live with my parents. 3 years later, I still love with my parents, still have a shitty job, and have basically nothing to show for working all that time.

>> No.21762015

NEETs are NEETs because they’re lazy and enabled to be lazy. My brother is nearly 30 years old and spends his days sleeping in, playing video games, and blowing other peoples’ money on food and gym memberships. The sole reason he’s able to do this is because he has parents that let him leach of them.

>> No.21762036

someone is envious

>> No.21762141
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>What if I come within the first 5 minutes and the clarity hits me and the gates of shame are opened wide. And I'll just want to escape, but due to my awkward nature I'll be trapped there. What would you guys do?
This is a rite of passage for the coomer. You must take the humiliation and shame and turn it into even more fuel for the coom.
No but for real, a 3 hour session? Bro what the fuck, I was at an orgy in my early twenties, it was 2 hours and I came 5 times. I was shooting blanks and my dick was hurting towards the end, but it was still hard. Unless you are +40 years old you should be good for at least 2-3 rounds, especially if the PE is almost a ruined orgasm.
As for taking the plunge, just do it. Life is too short to not live the literary lifestyle. Ignore moralfagging dorks.

>> No.21762148

now that i'm not ugly i don't feel weird about saying i have anxiety and stuff

>> No.21762166

You used to be ugly or what? What changed?

>> No.21762200

I failed to talk to that girl in my class again. Its okay, I still have another 3 months of class with her. Besides, I was really gassy this morning so it's probably best that I didnt. Next time I'll take my shot.

>> No.21762207

>he's overreacting by blowing it up into a weird overinterpretation of the mogging based on his BPD combined with an ongoing coping mechanism problem that will take him years to break down
Hey, I do that

>> No.21762212

I was in your position six years ago. I wrote the exact same thing you just wrote in my diary. I didn't actually do it. I waited too long and then another guy seduced her.
The fear gets stronger the longer you wait. Indecisiveness will ruin you and fill you with regret.
Besides, farting near or on a woman is the ultimate sigma male grindset move, and women go nuts for it.

>> No.21762214

As a natural contrarian I get this high from being identified as the Other. I love challenging the mob.

>> No.21762215
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My wife is MTF and my father does not know. How do I tell him?

>> No.21762239

Nah its alright she's a plain jane, always has a dour expression, literally keeps her head down, and sits in the far back corner of class, and takes a fuck ton of notes in 5 different color pens even though this is one of those easy credit, free pass classes. I am infatuated. I'll do it, I swear. I had a similar thing back in the Fall. I kept posting here about how I failed to talk to the girl. I did end up talking to her and even asked her out after a few weeks of talking. She rejected me, but it's okay. I'm moving on to the next plain nerdy girl.

>> No.21762242

No, your dad definitely notices the broad shoulders and 5 o'clock shadow

>> No.21762247
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>> No.21762249

Same man, life is all about deriving entertainment from making different groups mad at you.
Wearing a Veteran's for Trump shirt or a shirt of the Virgin Mary in a democratic group.
And a Feminist Vegan shirt in a conservative group.
It's really that simple.

>> No.21762250

Damn those are massive arms. I need to get back into weight lifting

>> No.21762270

yeah i lost weight and like got a better haircut

>> No.21762289

Disappointed and repulsed is more the word. I can’t have respect for someone like that. If here trying to make it as an artist or something, I could respect that. But lazy people are just lazy.

>> No.21762291

Iktf. I got a good haircut and stopped wearing the autism shoes, and it made go from 4/10 to 7/10. Too bad all those years of rejection make me feel ugly on the inside

>> No.21762296

just married? congratulations!

>> No.21762302

did you try to talk with him or help?

>> No.21762303

27 and I still don't know what vaudeville means

>> No.21762346


>> No.21762367

which is really just doing the same thing inverse. the people getting mad are happy to be upset. yeats wrote:
the best lack all conviction, while the worst
are full of passionate intensity

>> No.21762369

At my old job in security there were two retirees, one a white Trump supporter, former veteran, and the other a Black grandma.
It was like having Fox News and MSNBC blaring next to me. Both absolute caricatures. And me in-between, dead tired and checked out just wanting to get through my shift.
They'd try and draw me into their heated political arguments, and force me to pick a side.
Both were fans of sci-fi. She brought up the story, "The One's Who Stay and Fight" by Jemisin.
A story about a utopia wherein the collective must kill someone corrupting the perfect society (the story is a response to the short story "The Ones Who Walk Away", and a really stupid one at that)
He in response said "you know what I think is a better story ... The Lottery"; a story about the group randomly sacrificing an individual every year.
The necessity of sacrificing the individual to the group to preserve overall stability v.s the arbitrariness of the group's demands upon the individual.
Personally I find the latter a more compelling narrative, but one can see how political differences reduce down to this temperamental difference between valuing overall group stability, collective concerns, v.s suspicion of the way large social groups or movements sacrifice individuals in the name of progress.

>> No.21762372

I’ve never wanted a career or a profession, but it sure seems like I need one before I can do what I do want to.

>> No.21762375

want me to tell you?

>> No.21762378

Yeats was a retard and only psueds quote him

>> No.21762381

Damn, I've been meaning to read The Lottery for like a year now

>> No.21762391

please, i dont want to have to ask an AI

>> No.21762394

>the people getting mad are happy to be upset
Yeah that's why the true fun comes to first arise the outrage, and then confuse it.
Don't just wear an opposite symbol, wear the opposite symbol and then adopt their rhetoric & use it against them.
So, for instance, wear a religious t.shirt in a liberal group, but then speak using feminist rhetoric to confuse them.
That's where the entertainment comes from, not just making them outraged, which is what they want, but confusing their own sensibilities.

>> No.21762397

*where the true fun comes

>> No.21762419

i'm actually not sure

>> No.21762424

I did. This has been an ongoing thing since he dropped out of college at 18 years old. In the decade since I’ve offered assistance and advice where I could, but the assistance was never accepted and the advice accepted only occasionally. When he did take the advice, he failed to follow through and achieve results or even put in the effort really. So I’ve given up. I only offer advice when I’m asked for it and I don’t have any particular expectation that it will even be taken let alone followed through. You actually can’t help people who won’t even put in effort. I should blame myself though really. When we were kids, our dad wasn’t in the picture and I, being the oldest, picked up all the slack. I didn’t know then the difference between what had to be done and what had to be made sure to get done, so I just ended up doing everything and he never learned it on his own. Once we were adults and he started to show some initiative, I thought he’d pick these things up but he never did.

>> No.21762438

that's family business

>> No.21762440

I wish I had a family business so I could just give him a job.

>> No.21762442

Don't ask questions

>> No.21762451

I always read ADL as Adult Diaper Lovers.

>> No.21762496

stop chatting about it on 4chan you fucking mug.
your poor brothers falstaffian flaws seem so minor compared to your actual betrayal

>> No.21762500

It’s incredible how you realize how important it is to go the right school, study the right field, and enter the right career only after it’s all said and done.

>> No.21762512

What does it mean when a girl bends her ass in front of you
Metapysical answers only

>> No.21762514

grass is greener on the other side etc

>> No.21762522

Why does a woman's asshole smell good to me? Explain that, metaphysicians

>> No.21762529

That’s true. I should re-phrase. You don’t have to get into “the right job”. You just can’t end up in a bad one.

>> No.21762530

Listen to libravox, sing psalms or recite poetry.

>> No.21762542

Now that I'm on the other end of uni and working I see the wisdom in just getting a degree that will always be profitable and easy, and doing whatever else you want on the side. Having niche skills or low skill is suicide after 25. You need at least one thing that pays the bills and you don't hate that you can always fall back on.

>> No.21762543

How is anonymous blogposting a betrayal?

>> No.21762550

Yeah i got fucked over. First by social alienation at college and then the pandemic. Now I'm barely gonna get my bachelors by 27 years old and I feel wasted

>> No.21762556

Literally nothing matters other than having your skillset by 30. Nobody cares if you're 27 or you're 3 years behind some guy, he'll waste time in some other way and it'll all even out.


>> No.21762567

By skillset do you mean my associates degree in philosophy

>> No.21762576

If you're also learning German and French for it, or bridging into philosophy of "AI ethics" since that's trendy as fuck right now, or philosophy of law so you can get a JD, or political science and government so you can work at a thinktank or policy institute, sure. Or if you are learning programming on the side.

If all you do is go to class, do the bare minimum and get Bs, and masturbate and play video games, then no.

>> No.21762586

talking about your own brother like this behind his back
it's abhorrent to me

>> No.21762603

>My brother is nearly 30 years old and spends his days sleeping in, playing video games, and blowing other peoples’ money
Based. Literally the life of 18th century aristocracy, it's just that cards have been switched with video games. Being a scumbag like that is fucking cool.

>> No.21762662

>tfw you spend most of your time learning useless languages and reading useless books and pursuing a useless degree in classics
Maybe I should get good at math and programming on the side too, otherwise I will be heading towards a life of poverty when I can't find a job teaching classics.

>> No.21762704
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Is it worth to read the other two books of the Divine Comedy? I've finished inferno and it's okay. I'm a history pleb so most references fly over my head. The punishments were cool tho.

>> No.21762946

I used to think cheese was made from milk.

>> No.21762962

I had sex for the first time with 27. I was desperate it would never happened, yet it did, with a very smart and pretty girl, who was younger and a KHHV before me.

The act itself was awful. What was magical, possibly life-changing for me, was the aftermath.

I got dressed again; shirt, pants, socks and all, while she prefered to remain completely naked for hours. She crawled onto my lap, legs spread, facing me. She told me so many nice things, how it wasn't my fault our first time wasn't as great, that she expected as much and there would likely be many others, better ones (there were).

I looked up and down her exposed body: thin, graceful. I thought how many men, sexually more successful than myself, never had a woman this precious in their bed. Even her feet were beautiful. And everything that was supposed to be beautiful about a female body, was even more so. Her eyes are light-colored and seemed somewhat absent and glassy. Her hair is dark, shiny and contrasted with her pale skin, flowing much broader than her very delicate neck buried underneath it.

I realized how I gave her not even a fraction of the enjoyment she deserved. I had few clear thoughts, other than the one I voiced without thinking: "I really want to rail you properly. Make you forget where you are."

Very different from the intellectual, tender way I always communicated with her, as we're both shy, reserved people. But she reacted so warm, so considerate towards my vulgarity. First she laughed, a bit flustered and thought of what to answer. "You finally admitted it", she said: she had been waiting for me to acknowledge my lust. Maybe, feeling lusted after is what women desire, even ones as shy as her.

Her legs locked around my back, she laid her head over my shoulder and we just sat there, hugging. I kissed her from time to time, otherwise, little happened for maybe an hour. Neither of us was a virgin anymore, we entered a river you cannot enter twice. Neither of us felt as isolated as we felt for years. It wasn't about the rubbing of genitals, but rather about this.

>> No.21762971

Geology/mining, biology/botany/agronomy, and probably some types of engineering if they are building infrastructure or need someone to maintain it.

>> No.21763007

i pressed every single button

>> No.21763008

You guys have such a quaint view of the world. Get a masters degree in farming and move to the country! Completely idiotic.

>> No.21763022

His family doesn’t have the means to support him. He burdens them with his laziness.

>> No.21763030

You’re right. Nobody should say anything about anyone anywhere ever.

Fuck off with your moralizing you sensitive pathetic NEET. I said nothing here I’ve not said directly to his face.

>> No.21763040

Just work for a state or local government. I have an economics degree and live outside of a town that has a population of like 20,000.

>> No.21763045

I do want a more energetic personality, but I can’t seem to maintain one simply because I’m so bored with life. I hate my job. I’m frustrated with my hobbies. I’m also single and childless. Nothing really seems to be sweet about life at the moment.

>> No.21763147

Nice fan fiction

>> No.21763173

keep it in the family & stop talking you're making me ill

>> No.21763192

yoooo did u see chomsky btfo chatgpt in yesterdays nyt? lmao

>> No.21763209
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its not

>> No.21763263

Justify us being in here, in this world, and not killing ourselves instead.

>> No.21763286

yes & in the most obvious, basic, everyone-in-the-world-knows justification it goes: by doing good things

>> No.21763308 [DELETED] 

live from los angeles

>> No.21763321

I shat on someone's work last week and I'm in regret now. I didn't realize I was ruining somebody's day by pointing a few mistakes here and there, really; I just wanted to right things out. I was told by my manager that asking someone to correct their mistake with brevity could be interpretated as being aggressive and cold to the person on the phone. I blushed, offered to call back to apologize but the person didn't answer my calls after this event. I'm such a fucking autist it's no wonder I belong on /lit/.

>> No.21763322

Very incisive. Saved.

>> No.21763327

Such sensitive fags on /lit/ today. It's an anonymous board, there's no such thing as betrayal her. You're feeling defensive probably because you are a loser NEET too.
Cope and dilate

>> No.21763331

She looks like a prettier, human-er version of Gal Gadot. Congratulations and Godspeed, anon.

>> No.21763335

>Maybe, feeling lusted after is what women desire, even ones as shy as her.

Everyone wants their value to be validated externally. Very few can do it internally and even then that internal is a reflection of their movement through the external world. Learn to fuck or you will lose her. It is very, very easy. The most important part is your actual legitimate desire to fuck her, your own real enjoyment of her and her body is going to be more than half of the act. That means lick her head to toe, touch everything and love touching it. Let her know how desirable she is with your touch.

>> No.21763341

do you ever listen to yourself

>> No.21763344

you're smoking crack if you think she is prettier than gal gadot

>> No.21763377

They’ll get over it. People are too sensitive. It’s just business after all.

>> No.21763392

Do you ever wonder if you missed your calling? Is such a thing even possible?

>> No.21763401
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a belief or theory that opinions and actions should be based on reason and knowledge rather than on religious belief or emotional response.

>i am a rationalist, so i believe that being rational is the most rational thing to believe in, and if you disagree, you are irrational, which is irrational, hence i believe in being right, and my circular logic proves this

has this ever made sense?

>> No.21763406

>nooooooooooooooooooooooo you can't make fun of someone for being a lazy worthless piece of shit
t. Loser neet

>> No.21763422

if you can't have your brothers back what good are you

>> No.21763430

Is it me, or do you think it’s harder to move forward and be creative and actionable and dynamic with your life now? I feel like something has changed from even just a few years ago but it might just be me.

>> No.21763444 [DELETED] 

i went into a work with a hickey after the weekend which is already pretty cringe but all the older admin women who are normally horrible and mean were smiling and trying to light my cigarettes in the smoke shelter. nightmarish week

>> No.21763451

just you

>> No.21763461

i went into a work with a hickey after the weekend which is already pretty cringe but now all the older admin women who are normally horrible and mean have been smiling and trying to light my cigarettes in the smoke shelter and stuff, didn't really know how to handle it at all.
nightmarish week

>> No.21763463

>just pretend your loser brother who has zero redeemable qualities is good.
No I won't. And i have no interest in having my brother's back because I find him a disgusting person.

>> No.21763464

I assume "humaner" is his way of sahying "not really."

>> No.21763474

>a disgusting person.
yeah sounds like it runs in the family

>> No.21763490

Not sure why I need to have some dedication just cuz muh family.
My older brother has always been distant from me, and there's no quality to his personality I find at all attractive.

>> No.21763574

Why are you pretending to be me?

>> No.21763649

I'm not i just also hate my brother

>> No.21763724

Well that’s upsetting.

>> No.21763777
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next thread *slurp*


>> No.21764048

Internet streams are accelerationism praxis. The people enabling streamers to broadcast themselves sleeping/eating/sitting are trying to wipe out the internet by crushing it with it's own data. Enjoy this while it lasts.

>> No.21764281

No. Fuck Socrates.

>> No.21764525 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 850x1211, 6328bef791b876f17414e7fbc52ed78a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I write comic chapters with enthusiasm but sometimes include controversial topics that could harm my job prospects. As my comic is a portfolio piece, I cannot ignore this. How can I 'walk back' writing with controversial topics? It's difficult to distill down to universal topics without feeling demoralized. Are there strategies to keep the essence of my writing without overly homogenizing it?