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/lit/ - Literature

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21751944 No.21751944 [Reply] [Original]

I find this board shallow and pedantic.

>> No.21751950

why won’t jannies deal with low-effort threads like these?

>> No.21751956

Perhaps they're not shallow and pedantic like you.

>> No.21751983

why don't you kys?

>> No.21752015
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I do not care for fpwp's.

>> No.21752143
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Let's face it Peter, /lit/ and 4chan at large is filled with incels and nazis. Have you taken any thought to reddit?

>> No.21752162

I agree. Most effortposters left because of stubborn ideologues and shitposters. Then there's this tripfag Cluster B who ruins every thread he's on. Cum genius was always a fag. No need to mention bis faggotry.

>> No.21752175
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Hey, I'm not a pendant!

>> No.21752184

Whatever happened to butters fr?

>> No.21752188

It seems she grew tired of all the shitposting on here. I wish I could do the same but every week I'm still here.

>> No.21752206

This one of the best boards on 4chinz

>> No.21752212

Have you ever heard the expression "damning with faint praise" ?

>> No.21752221

Why can't I trace you IP, decrypt the geocode, travel to your home, watch you for 4-6 weeks, study your routine, kill you while anyone least expects it and make it look like you drowned in a creek?

>> No.21752230

>wish I could do the same but every week I'm still here.
It's called having self-control. There's literally nothing that /lit/ offers in value.

>> No.21752235

Old habits die hard. /lit/ used to be a better place (though it was never a good place).

>> No.21752259

This. I’m in the same boat but do come here much less and post even less. There was at least some good stuff 5-10 years ago and some really knowledgeable anons would could post brilliantly. Now it’s all bottom of the barrel shitposting that is usually off topic

>> No.21752278

I think you undersell it, there are still very good threads one a monthly or so occasion herr

>> No.21752282


>> No.21752289

True. There are still good anons here but they are less common and good threads are more rare than they used to be. The big issue is too many threads are being made and lots of threads that have potential die to make room

>> No.21752298

Jannies don't see stuff if you don't report it. Reporting off topic stuff will improve the board again.

>> No.21752301

True, I just come here to bait depressed zoomers and get off on it honestly

Because your mother is a fucking faggot

>> No.21752302

At their very best, jannies (who do it for free) will and can never improve a board - they can only slow or stop its decline. At their worst they contribute to very rapid declines.

Improvement needs to come from the average anon, not the jannies.

>> No.21752305

It often takes them a half day or longer to delete anything that isn’t blueboard banned material. Trust me, ive tried, even getting warned in the past for reporting off topic threads. I guess the jannies and I disagree on what is off topic

>> No.21752308

That's why I'm saying it's up to the people who actually read to report low quality stuff and create better posts. Even if it's on topic, jannies will often delete low quality posts if they're reported ("what are good books about philosophy?")

>> No.21752317

I used to be a janny on other boards. I need to apply again

>> No.21752326
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I don't ban questions in general

The results are hell, everything burns

>> No.21752338

Unfortunately books are in a very precarious position in regards to off topic material and can often be exploited, especially nonfiction and philosophy. I consider any thread off topic if OP uses books as a banner or whistle to bring up whatever topic he wants to discuss

>> No.21752343


>> No.21752347

>study your routine
>huh, he hasnt left the house in six weeks

>> No.21752348

It insists upon itself

She gave us warnings that she wasn't going to post anymore after a certain date. So I'm guessing she willingly is taking a break ( I'm guessing for mental health or another cunt reason like that)

>> No.21752360

>("what are good books about philosophy?")
That's not low quality. At best, that's generic quality.

>> No.21752361

The problem is that board culture disintegrated. These places are able to maintain their character by identifying and shaming newfags and nonreaders. The minority of newfrienda should have been humiliated and encouraged to lurk moar

>> No.21752367

How about this one

>> No.21752370

Newfags were more numerous than litizens and impervious to shame and gatekeeping, as they were driven by ulterior motives

>> No.21752374

I guess the replies aren't bad, it's just that it killed a thread and has no single topic of discussion

>> No.21752378

>At best, that's generic quality.
It stopped being that when there's multiple threads of that in the catalog.

>> No.21752389

The harsh truth is that basic generic threads are one of the only ways to get replies anymore before the thread dies. I’ve always said the health of /lit/ can be judged by those low level staples of /lit/, like What Are You Currently Reading, Stack threads, post a pic/song get a rec, top 5/10 lists, etc. those threads used to get hundreds of replies and now get few if they are even up. It is a travesty if there isn’t a WAYCR thread up and thriving at all times

>> No.21752398

I've made a few WWOYM threads in the last year and they always died. I think it's tied to the academic calendar.

>> No.21752412

WWOYM? Those threads exploded in the past year, which I take as another sign of the decline of /lit/. Sometimes they hit their limit in a day

>> No.21752421

Stop being apathetic and lethargic.

>> No.21752422

Wow what's on your mind? Those have been around for years and years. It used to be folks workshopping prose and shit, and it was also a good container thread for all these bullshit questions

>> No.21752427

You're right, I've been away for too long. Maybe I'm misremembering making some other threads that wouldn't get traction

>> No.21752430

I know they’ve been around for ages but now they generally just seem to be filled with woe is me blogposts. I have nothing against them but starting a few of them isn’t anything special. There should also be QTDDTOT threads up at all times in addition to WAYCR

>> No.21752437

>I know they’ve been around for ages but now they generally just seem to be filled with woe is me blogposts.
It's literally twitter, but for /lit/fags. At that point, just use actual twitter.

>> No.21752438

Face it /lit/izens. We lost. We are truly the last of the Mohicans

>> No.21752441

>There should also be QTDDTOT threads up at all times in addition to WAYCR
There used to be QTDDTOT threads in the past, but because an animefag made it, people of /lit/ never used them. Which is a shame.

>> No.21752454

I’ve always thought there should be stickies for those two threads. One would declutter the catalog and the other would let us see what everyone is reading, and maybe a little back and forth discussion happens. Seems like 4chan takes a totally hands off approach which has maimed this site

>> No.21752455

the decline of 4chan across all boards is astounding, specially since 2015

>> No.21752462

This. But it really bottomed out with the Russia Ukraine conflict

>> No.21752464

Other boards are holding up better than /lit/. Don't know why you have to drag them down.

>> No.21752471

"gamergate" drastically changed the tone of 4chan, from apathetic to angry, and the '16 election is the main reason why everything devolves into "da joos/niggers/troons!", thanks to t_d being banned and stormweenies coming in en masse

what boards would you say are still good? because I can't think of a single one that isn't full of schizos waiting for the trigger word so they can start sharting and screeching

>> No.21752472

/lit/ was always in danger of being exploited as >>21752338
said. /lit/ used to be a much smaller and slower community but now everything can be considered literature if a book was written about it

>> No.21752478

True. I still feel the Russia situation was the breaking point, but anyone can see the milestone points along the way for the decline. Too many humorless crusaders trying to save the west. The culture and tone of 4chan has really changed drastically

>> No.21752488

>breaking point
I want to replace this with “the end”. The board became unusable about a year ago. There were always worthwhile pockets here and there before

>> No.21752496

goodnight sweet /lit/

>> No.21752502

How is this thread even /lit/ related?

>> No.21752505

>"gamergate" drastically changed the tone of 4chan, from apathetic to angry, and the '16 election is the main reason why everything devolves into "da joos/niggers/troons!", thanks to t_d being banned and stormweenies coming in en masse
As someone who has been here since the beginning it's always fascinating when newfags have these complex mythologies to explain why they don't like some aspect within the natural drift of 4chan culture or online culture in general

It's a lot like the Jewish/Masonic conspiracy theories, there's a very concrete "core" group of actors but they work with or coopt other groups so that everything can be explained in terms of the core group. It's particularly amazing how people just being mildly conservative and nationalistic in even one online community drives a certain contingent insane.

>> No.21752519

I've been here since 2009. I wasn't even calling out "conservatives". Keep seething newfriend

>> No.21752622

Nationalistic and “conservative” anons were always here but not in the numbers they are now and not as dead serious and humorless. 4chan is becoming /pol/. No one would give af about /pol/ if they stayed on their own board but they don’t

>> No.21752630

You are retard. Jokes going as far back as the 2000s have always made fun if niggers, trannies and other things which are considered politically incorrect.

>> No.21752635

^he’s right you know

>> No.21752637

Yeah, jokes. Now it’s serious business with political and cultural implications, as some anons seem to believe

>> No.21752639

Nta but there have always been people here (and everywhere) that take shit entirely too seriously. Have fun with it, they’re easy to troll

>> No.21752653

Trolling has its place and time. Those anons who take shit too seriously are the reason /lit/, and maybe 4chan, is in its death throes

>> No.21752669

So don’t become one of them. You yourself, with all due respect, seem to take the issue a little too seriously. If you’re not having fun you’re not doing it right

>> No.21752671
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Okay, I'll tell you. You are the worst board on 4chan

>> No.21752679

So do you like what /lit/ has become?

>> No.21752702

Not as such, but we can try and make it better. The “/board/ used to be good” phenomena is real, and it’s not all bad here. I am currently reading Les Chants de Moldoror on the recent recommendation of another anon, I’m enjoying it, and I hope to discuss it in the not too distant future after I’ve finished it and given it some thought. If people fling a little shit in the thread I’ll make about it, that’s ok by me

>> No.21752714

I highly doubt you've been here that long, at least not as a regular. No one who has been on 4chan that long would be so whiny about minor cultural shifts like people becoming casually racist. It's just not that big of a deal. 2010 had half a dozen tripfags in every thread.

Who cares? I used to mainboard /tg/, I left with a good deal of sadness when I found /tg/ to be getting a bit gay and reddit for my tastes, i.e. humorless and uptight. I don't know if it's gotten better or metastasized as pure reddit since then. I know /co/ for example is unusable because it's all just pedos, trannies (redundant I know) and reddit retards. /tv/ on the other hand is really funny but I bet you would find it annoying in the same way I found /tg/ and /co/ annoying.

Cultures change. Who gives a shit.

Newfag. It's always the newfags who are most opinionated about this shit, like I was saying to the other fag. Nobody who says "da joos" is from 4chan, it's too cringy.

>> No.21752734

>I found /tg/ to be getting a bit gay and reddit for my tastes, i.e. humorless and uptight.
Imagine getting mad that a board dedicated to tabletop games just wants to focus on tabletop games and not /pol/-tier bullshit. No wonder /lit/ is getting shittier.

>> No.21752744

You're just proving my point. What I perceive as humorless and overmoderated, like when /lit/ used to be modded by some fag Maoist LARPer, or when the 4chan mod irc channel leaks showed that half the mods were redditors who barely used 4chan, you perceive as good well moderated online discourse. Except I'm not on /tg/ whining like a little bitch about how people don't see things my way, I just drift away from communities that don't interest me.

>> No.21752746

I wish the handful of good posters could evacuate to another site so we can leave this trash heap behind.

>> No.21752765

>current event happens
This was the start of the decline for 4chan :(

>> No.21752781

All I know is that /lit/ used to be way better moderated so whoever those guys were, we need them back. /lit/ was never very political and it’s brain dead to wonder why your /pol/ threads would get deleted back in the day

>> No.21752785

That was me reading Lautreamont and recommending it and I wish I hadn’t because your a faggot

>> No.21752786

What threads are you saying need to be deleted?
Most of the politics fags do discuss books.

>> No.21752791

/lit/ has been plenty political for ten years. 2013 was the turning point from the old school, when the board was half tripfags, to the new school, when the board actually became popular and began to ebb and flow normally with the wider culture of 4chan and the internet. Like 4chan, /lit/ has mostly succeeded in absorbing newfags and turning them into acceptable posters despite massive waves of them with Gamergate, electionshit, the general rise of phoneposting, etc. This is in large part due to the "right wing" elitist tendencies the userbase, which cause it to gatekeep effectively. This is the only place I've actually had good conversations with leftists without fear of them or their faggot friends banning me unless I conform to meaningless normalfag social shibboleths.

>> No.21752904

/lit/ would be a pretty comfy place if you guys weren't so antagonistic and angry all the time
Just calm down, stop picking fights and chat about books

>> No.21752932

>heh i for one looove people shitting up every thread on every board with seething about trannies and niggers this is le based the our le 4chanerino after all you see i'm le only based oldfag itt heh heh!, it's just le epic based 4chan culture am i right my fellow le 4channers? well back in my days... the shit was full of tripfags heh heh it's better to seethe about trannies, if you don't love it you aren't really an oldfag heh!
Shut the fuck up Bozo the clown, acting like you are the only one who was here in 2010, just topkek. The way you type is annoying as fuck

>> No.21752952


>> No.21753136

4chan is being PC

>> No.21753159

Who suffers from autism then.

>> No.21753175

Then why did a ton of anons leave when /pol/‘s presence got too big? All of the great posters too? I couldn’t imagine being oblivious to the fact that /pol/ is hated and they do major damage if they invade a board

>> No.21753490

Tough shit bitch, I’m reading it and you can’t stop me. Thanks and fuck you anyways

>> No.21753576

I just miss the old /lit/ and it makes me sad thinking about it. I learned so much about literature and philosophy on here, and it's what got me into it. Now it feels like a bunch of idiots who want to like reading, but have never actually opened a book.

>> No.21753607


It has to do with media publicity, especially from the 2016 election, and that zoomers are lower quality people who are more online. And the general public is more online than ever before. More mediocre retards in niche spaces like this. And there is currently no good alternative.

>> No.21753656

Another thread demonstrating how shallow and pedantic you all are.
The ones that complain the loudest about new people or /pol/ are also the least literate and most pretentious.
All the supposed "celebs" are idiots, the smartest one is fucking Gardner and you retards all hate him for that.
The guy that regularly makes long rant threads about rhetoric doesn't understand anything about rhetoric.
The guy that makes poetry threads doesn't understand anything about poetry.
The writing general doesn't know anything about writing.
Write what's on your mind reveals none of you have a mind.

>> No.21753665

Shouldn’t you be shilling your book? Oh wait, you just did. Still not reading it btw

>> No.21753668

>This is in large part due to the "right wing" elitist tendencies the userbase, which cause it to gatekeep effectively.
holy kek
re-evaluate yourself fella

>> No.21753672

>t. gardner
The smartest retard in the room is still a retard.

>> No.21753673

>I just miss the old /lit/ and it makes me sad thinking about it. I learned so much about literature and philosophy on here

I found new information on /lit/ and if you learn philosophy or others in a forum (in Latin forum means market) you have all wrong because for learning exists the book, here you can discuss what you have learned.

Go to a university if you want to learn.

>> No.21753684

Because during week 3 of reading my communications you have been persuaded to join my cause and from then on we work together to [redacted]

>> No.21753687

Dead on my friend. Fortunately I’m only pretending to be retarded, but I’ve been doing it for so long I’ve forgotten how not to

>> No.21753694
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>searching for the quality discussion of literature promised land
What is the alternative to /lit/? Where did the exodus lead?

>> No.21753701

reddit no cap

>> No.21753705

>defending the state of /lit/ in 2023

You are a joke

>> No.21753721

If such a thing would exist, it would be prudent not to mention it here (imagine your self surrounded by a bunch of bible bashing retards and degenerate femonazi skanks just for starters)

>> No.21753724

There must be some sort of Underground Railroad I can follow to my destination. Without needing to state where it is directly.

>> No.21753743

Retard you're in 4chan. The place where the music board can't make any decent music and the television board speaks about everything except television and film. What the hell did you expect?

>> No.21753789

>What the hell did you expect?
Cultured frogposters and refined Socratic trolls.

>> No.21753863

Faggots like you are ruining shit in here. Gtfo, cunt... also I'd like to tell jannies to suck my penis, lmfao

>> No.21753870

If you're a janny, you should at least delete the low-effort board tourist threads

>> No.21753876

nice daydream

>> No.21753929

>Blumpf turned out to be a useless, moronic empty suit
>Le Ethnostate never materialized
>2016 stormweenies and t_d refugees become demoralized
>"W-we tradcaths now fellow 4channers. Praise Jesus, oh and fuck niggers and kikes"
What a twist

>> No.21753950

Kinda ironic the end of 4chan is due to Reddit

>> No.21753991

I MISS BUTTERFLY. THAT schizo was actually fun to play with. She was CUTE retard.
Its weird she stayed here as long as she did despite herself. Maybe she still is here but she finally figured out how not to be a trip fag and how to be slightly less of an aspie.
Ive been here on and off for a long while, and I think the worst part is people bitching about how old /lit/ was better instead of actually post anything of worthwhile in any way address this. Like the mere woe is me is wirth diddly. its the most low effort shit imaginable, like that somehow makes their nothing comments any better when its just as nothing as the shit they are complaining about.

>> No.21754009

>hey /lit/ let's talk about this author
>(author is a woman/'minority'/Jewish)
>"aaaaah fuck niggers! Is that a fucking roastie?? Omg I fucking hate kikes!"

>> No.21754043

No anon you blithering retard, Im am asking you to actually increase the quality through your content rather than simply bitching about it. Lead by example.
Instead of just going "this shit is wack" post some shit that ISNT wack. Bitching doesnt change shit, changing shit changes shit. Or at the least bitch about things in an interesting way.

And if you've been here for a while, you'd know that
Was standard forever, its just that people were able to actually post good stuff in addition to that, or could play around with it in an interesting way. It takes 2 brain cells to go "thing... bad" it takes some actual chops to make something good out of it. People who just go
>Lit is bad now
with nothing else substantiative to add are part of the problem too, its the same sphere of nothing.

>> No.21754052

>Praise Jesus, oh and fuck niggers and kikes"
true and hilarious

>> No.21754067

Anons need to find each other for a discussion to happen and readers are a small number. If I wanted to make a post that gets 3 no effort replies I might as well talk out loud to myself

>> No.21754081

>Was standard forever
Except that back then it was just a minor shitposting bit, but after the stormweenie and t_d exodus, it turned into "AAAAHHHH I FUCKING HATE NIGGERS SO MUCH IS UNREAL-by the way fellow 4channers, this place had always been a right wing forum". Same thing with the incel screeching : /r9k/ went from "tfw no gf" to "OMG IS THAT A ROASTIE?? I HOPE SHE GETS RAPED!".

This place used to be retarded and autistic. Now is foaming at the mouth, schizo central

>> No.21754092

It’s within you. The journey is the destination

>> No.21754120

This. I can practically see anons frothing at the mouth when they are typing their screeds

>> No.21754130

I never got when someone says this place was always right wing. Anyone who didn’t see the turnover with users is blind. Many anons left and many disenfranchised bitter young men took their place. Obviously the former couldn’t stand /pol/

>> No.21754150

Can you reference even one example?
Trump was funny, the derangement in people like you that followed and still remains is not. He had and still has more power over you than his followers.

>> No.21754168

I came here what seems like a million years ago in one of the first of many waves of cancer. I loved the energy of the board that shall not be named in the run up to the election. Subsequently, considerably less so. You’re absolutely correct in my opinion: every time his name is mentioned he wins. Such is the goal of an extreme narcissist

>> No.21754173

No anon, you are just regurgitating an easy retard semi-true narrative for yourself. Ive been here before that and we would talk about niggers and stuff like that because anything went. The real change was HOW people did it, not about if they did or not. What you are talking about is a gradual shift rather than a binary. People said they fucking hated kikes and meant it in a vague kinda way. Totally ok with the grey area of it. Then more people went full on no more tongue in cheek latter on when tribalisim set in. It wasnt "just a joke", it was more "kinda true, but dont be too serious about it" kinda mood.
Stormfront is the easy scapegoat for people who dont really want to think about how it was.
>this place was always right wing
This place was always everything. No one took it overly seriously. It was right wing and it was left wing and it was everything. Thery took it with a grain of salt and a big shit eating smile and a c'est la vie attitude.

>> No.21754211

>I fucking hate disgusting greedy cunts, but I also like their pretty hair
kinda feel. Being totally ok with seeming contractionary opinions, because they were all kinda true.
If anything, I think the more primoridal starting point board wide was gamer gate stuff. Because there was a gross kinda moral miopia with women in games, so it was fun to rip on how fart smelling they were, but of course, that lead to its antithesis, which all fueled itself.

>> No.21754237

I really think people have forgotten how to approach anonymous image boards. you have to take your context and presentation into play because those are the only things people have to go on. I you do it right, you can spark most conversation types given others are able.

Like, If you post a thread on a specific topic with a specific question or comment, leaving out most fingerpointing, you are likely to get on topic responses (if not many) and shitposts are easily ignored as manifestly off topic. Or if you want a little bit of entertainment and spice while doing a certain topic, you add some obvious poking points.

>> No.21754263
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Feels like everyone on /lit/ nowadays is a mean-spirited asshole who doesn't even like reading. 10 years ago, each board on 4chan felt like a community. Now it's like no one wants 4chan to be a community, people come here because they can't be a dick irl so they come here specifically to do it anonymously, which is pathetic. That's why they're so mad all the time. Gone are the anons who came here because they just genuinely really liked books and thought reddit was too dumb. And not even jannies can fix this, it's like having great police in a country that imported 10,000,000 criminals from the Congo. You can keep arresting people but it's not gonna help much.

Probably just going through Warosu archives is best. Anything /lit/ talks about now, it was talking about years ago, only better. Modern /lit/ is just garbage, it's nothing.

>> No.21754276

Fuck you faggot. You aren't wanted here anyway. Go back to r/books you effeminate cumsock.

>> No.21754293

He's right and you are a massive faggot

>> No.21754300

This is the type of guy who wasn't on /lit/ 10 years ago

>> No.21754310

If you take that statement seriously and not as an obvious off hand counter to a long ironic post about this place being unwelcoming you are not built for anonymous online image boards.

>> No.21754312

but you are right. I have only been here since 2015.

>> No.21754333

I'm not butthurt about it, I just know for a fact guys like him don't make any good posts. When you have just a couple of retards on the board, it's not bad. But when most of the board are people like him, shit's fucked.

>> No.21754345

You guys are missing the whole zeitgeist. You are talking in a way we wouldnt have back then. your whole modus operendi is incompatable with how it was. it was loose and laisse fair. How you post makes you firmly and irrevocable post lit in character. We didnt "try" to make communities. they happened intuitively.

>> No.21754348

Both >>21754310
and >>21754276
are me and I am incapable of proving that I have ever "made a good post" but I mostly only ever do that to people that are actually being cunts or, in this case, as a kind of over kill bit when someone brings up toxic behavior. I was hoping what I thought was obvious off handed speed to post right under your post would make that more obvious. But there is a point to be made there. How does one differentiate between someone who is being a dick for the sake of being a dick versus someone who actually thinks they are doing a bit but miss judged how it would be received?

>> No.21754356

Board culture was gatekept harshly. They definitely didn’t happen intuitively, hence the “lurk moar”

>> No.21754381

thus "intuitively". lurk moar meaning you need to "get it". we didnt say "follow our community guidelines pals". They where laughed at for their incapability and shit taste that they couldnt defend.

>> No.21754389

True, but the same is for all of 4chan. /mu/ used to be different too. /jp/, /v/, /a/, they were extremely different. As /lit/ has changed over time, the ratio of discussion to shitposting has fallen really low. Modern /lit/ is 90% anti-natalism, "recommend me books", women hate threads, etc. Do you think that is worth defending?

>> No.21754391

Yeah I don't see that as much now. I think a lot of things that people would usually reply that to are being taken seriously and thats what people are seeing as decline. Like some dickhead would post something low effort and shitty, someone would tell them to lurk more, they would say something snarky but people would ignore them from that point on. But now that kind of shit gets to take up whole threads because people forgot that being anonymous makes it so they don't have to prove anything to stroke their ego.

>> No.21754406

A library/magazine,

Defending? I read the sarcasm here but people want to learn without any effort.

>> No.21754440
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Im not defending shit, im saying bitching about it for 12 weeks saying the same 6 things again and again is both sad and unproductive. Nothing nuanced or interesting is said. People aren't making the board better, just musterbating about how bad things are now. Its not even honest about how insipid and route it is. If you have time to cry about something do something about it instead.
All I am left with thinking is the people bemoaning lit dont have any of the ability that made lit any good to begin with, or else they would be doing that instead. I come here every now and then and post about a book ive read or get into an interesting or fun thread, but then I see a thread like this every time and am baffled. That people are complaining about shit, but are contributing nothing of any more value then "it was better before 2018(7/6/5/4)". And then dont even seem to know HOW. They dont write like good oldfags, they write the same regurgitated commiserations over and over just like the very same shitty shitposts they complain about. at least the shitposts know what they are. bemoaning something that they invoke next to none of the essential qualities of. Its fucking bizzaro.
Its like they watched a "best of /lit/" youtube video and they are sad on behalf of the oldfags that made those posts. Back in the day, some madman would have used OP as a springboard to make an elaborate shitpost about Humian emperical habbit, you know, something dynamic like that, but no, its better to poop yourself and crying over why no one else is doing it. Its just sad.

>> No.21754464

I try to start good threads/discussions a lot, they just never go anywhere. It's natural to commiserate.

I agree complaining is unproductive though.

>> No.21754504

>make effortpost about book
>get few replies
>make general low effort thread about same book
>also get few replies

It takes two to tango. Lots of the older /lit/ guys left or don’t come here often. The shitposters greatly outnumber those who just want to talk about books. The shitposters are the problem, not those here in good faith

>> No.21754521

Its also natural to use anonymity to post vitriolic bull shit and bait people to scratch that dopamine itch. The point is to resist nature to make something better. It is hard to put effort into stuff and not have it received well or worse be ruined by others. I hope you keep attempting to put in effort anon. Even if its just towards more entertaining shit posts.

>> No.21754542

Just go to an actual forum that talks about books.

>> No.21754565

"the problem" is more than one thing. There is an aspect of these complaint threads that emboldens the shitposters. The only way I see them going away is if this place becomes boring for them, which means that when you see some cunt being shitty you lable them as someone to be ignored and then you ignore them. Show them no one is here to debate them to give them the dopamine they want. If other anons feed them, let them know and then ignore them too. In the mean time make good threads, reply in good threads and report shit ones. Its all we can do.

>> No.21754583
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That's the thing. It's impossible to compete against bait posts or troll threads, because they get replies and your effort posts don't.

I've given up hope in /lit/ at this point. All I need is to find a way to enjoy reading and writing in private, then I can finally leave, let the newfags enjoy the trash heap they created.

>> No.21754610

Also bait threads are created much more easily and frequently. A handful of anons can trash this board. Someone who reads will generally make a thread on the book he just read, is currently reading, or one he shills. No one is making a thread on a book they read 5 months ago. It’s a losing uphill fight

>> No.21754655

It isn’t even about feeding them. Most of them have nowhere to go so they shout into the void here, sometimes encouraging each other. The user base demographics and the lack of board moderation are the two big problems. /lit/ was always small but then there was a mass exodus. Yet /lit/ is somehow faster now. Put two and two together

>> No.21754809

A lot of this is your own perception. I can look thought the same catalog and have different takeaways depending on my mood and level of interest. Obviously most of this is beyond that level though

>> No.21754824

/Lit/ is great and has the potential to be great again. It's a great tool and is better and funnier than any forum out there. A lot of the anonymous thoughts and musings posted here over the years and simply brilliant. It brings way more fun to the hobby of reading to be able to discuss and joke about it with people who are also well-read and love the hobby.

>> No.21754840

I don't think that's it. I think trolling is just more advanced. Techniques for creating bait threads have progressed by leaps and bounds in 5 years. 5000 real readers can't compete with 5 million part time trolls.

>> No.21754853

The absolute biggest change I see in the catalog from 4 years ago is the number of "any books for this?" threads. It's seriously off the rails, and these people are curious about reading, but generally don't, and want others to do the legwork for them of finding the perfect book that will fix their lives.
Maybe self-improvement is the problem

>> No.21754857

It's true how you feel about things varies based on your mood. Even in a good mood though, I have to admit it's gotten worse over time.

It's just logic: Everything comes to an end. In late 19th century Germany, there was a prevailing sense of doom that the old university system was collapsing due to their industrial revolution. And what happened? Well, they were correct. The old system died. Latin and Greek became unimportant, the new caste of entrepreneurs made academics obsolete, and the German culture of "bildung" rapidly died out. This is why all the great Germans we talk about lived in the 1700s and 1800s, it was this system that made them.

So yeah, communities and systems are a fragile thing. History teaches us this. It's all constantly changing.

>> No.21754867

Yeah, it's entropy. Everything has a life cycle, and it's more interesting to appreciate the good things that are still happening than reminiscing about the times that already passed.
Still sucks tho

>> No.21754875

If you say so. Though I can't help but notice that your stance does an awful lot to put responsibility on the shoulders of others which seems a bit suspiciously convenient to me. Im going to do what I can and encouraging others to do the same until it gets boring, then I will go. But Im never going to just sit and complain "woe is me, fore I have no control over how bad things are." Its not productive. I hope to see some cool threads coming from the people in this thread and I hope even more that I have something worth while to contribute to those threads, so as to encourage you guys to keep trying or find something better.

>> No.21754885

You as an individual do not have to compete with bait threads though. You just have to create threads on topics you want to talk about and see if anyone talks back. If your thread gets bumped off wait a little and post it again. You are also trying to bait, but you are trying to bait people into actually engage in discussion of literature that interests you. Once you get someone hooked, talk with them and ignore all else. I know thats not easy or always fun, but if you actually care thats all you have to do.

>> No.21754890

It's pretty bad. This is 5 years ago this week.


>> No.21754891

I occasionally make threads on things I've read years ago if I see an interest in the author or subject matter expressed in the catalogue. But its not just about making threads either. Its also about bumping good threads to encourage other anons.

>> No.21754904

And it’s seems suspicious to me that you want to blame the anons saying “the board needs to be better”. It takes a certain type of underhanded person to blame those who want this place to be about books while absolving /pol/, /r9k/ and shitposter. Seems real shady indeed

>> No.21754949

I didn't absolve anybody. It takes an underhanded person to see that in the post you replied to. Maybe you should lurk more until you get a bit of reading comprehension.

>> No.21754952

It’s hard to make a really in-depth post about a book that isn’t fresh in your mind or a favorite. I do agree it’s important to bump
It is swimming up Niagara Falls. The big issue is less anons reading literature with more anons shitposting. The latter make way more posts and threads. I can’t imagine spending a significant amount of time here bumping and cultivating your own thread. Who has time to bump a thread every 12 hours, which is how long it takes a thread to die?

>> No.21754959

Nah. You seem like a /pol/ sympathizer if not an outright /pol/cel

>> No.21754996

>It is swimming up Niagara Falls.
yup I feel that, but if its worth complaining about, instead of just moving on, its worth trying. And I don't mean that in some kind of "if you don't like it you can get out" kind of way.
>It’s hard to make a really in-depth post about a book that isn’t fresh in your mind
Agreed but it really doesn't have to be that in depth. It could just be relating a favorite part to something else you saw on the catalogue or if you are like me and indulge in a bit of media about books, something you heard in a podcast on a similar subject or something. You do not need to write a doctoral thesis on the content you want to talk about in order to make a good thread on it.
>I can’t imagine spending a significant amount of time here bumping and cultivating your own thread.
You don't have to. Just watch it for as long as you are interested and if it gets bumped off, post it again later when you feel like it again. You aren't always going to get quality replies and your thread may die without engagement but you run that risk anywhere, especially when trying to talk about a topic as diverse and somewhat rare as literature.

>> No.21754998

Again, you have created a narrative because you are terminally online. Nobody in this thread is even mentioning the other, way more massive changes to board culture that anyone here in 2010~ should be able to point out. Because nobody cares about those changes. They were organic. There have been changes in the past 2-3 years for the better and for the worse.

I'm not saying what you're saying has no kernel of truth, I'm only saying that you should take a step back and stop filtering everything through a single narrative without even considering alternative possibilities. Like I said somewhere above about /tg/, it got a bit reddit for my tastes and I think that can be connected tenuously with a certain kind of naively "apolitical" millennial type that I don't like, but I don't rant about it because who cares.

You are an active part of board culture, not just an observer. Be the change you want to see. The neoplatonism threads lately have been successful and people will remember them and it'll all filter into board culture. Why not do something like that for content you want to see? I personally hate off topic posts of any variety and any political slant more than anything, and I do my best to shame them and promote a culture that understands why they are poison.

It's true. Left wingers are more "accepting," for example of women, who destroy communities by just wanting to socialize and not being willing to actually gain competence in the thing the community revolves around. /lit/ shames people for and self-deprecates about not reading. Reddit encourages laziness and "acceptance" of failures and losers.

>> No.21755000


>> No.21755002

You're obviously a concern troll and tourist. I am too lazy to read the exchanges above since it's probably mostly you whining about /pol/ and never budging an inch on anything, but I feel bad for anyone who got snared into unprofitable conversation with you.

>> No.21755277


>> No.21755330

>It's seriously off the rails, and these people are curious about reading, but generally don't, and want others to do the legwork for them of finding the perfect book that will fix their lives.
>Maybe self-improvement is the problem
Holy fuck, this. People actually buy books, but don't actually read them.

>> No.21755341

God tier thread

>> No.21755379

>be the change you want to see
What does this even mean? You want me to propel anons who care more about ranting about women, trannies and Jews than literature into dissertation level criticism? Tell me how I as a single person can single handedly drag this board to higher levels. Better yet show me an example of this type of posting

>> No.21755390

This is just using books to have off topic discussions. It’s especially bad with nonfiction and philosophy. The book is used as a flag

>> No.21755394
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fuck off. Some of the best lit posts were short and snappy. You dont have to write a novel to write something good. If you dont have the ability, thats on you, you bunch of self pitying retarded baboons.

>> No.21755405

Ah yes, the old I’m an unbiased party but only defend /pol/ shtick. Do you seriously think they haven’t done major damage?

>> No.21755408

>>"W-we tradcaths now fellow 4channers. Praise Jesus, oh and fuck niggers and kikes"
I've noticed this, what the fuck? What's with the Catholicism larping? How did it come about?

>> No.21755413

Hate /pol/cels. Simple as. I take solace in their bitter lives and fading world view

>> No.21755420

Post threads and in threads you want to see on lit. Report obvious shit threads. Don't be driven by human nature like in >>21754521
It may not fix the whole of lit but it will at least add one more good thread to the catalog and if enough people make those and enough people ignore the others we could at least carve ourselves a piece of lit where people can actually talk.

>> No.21755421

>hurr durr what's with lefties and 'muh /po/' they're always bitching about us is not like we-

>> No.21755428
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>> No.21755449

I can’t speak for other anons but I’ve tried to do my part. I’ve made very specific threads for anons who know their stuff, and very general threads that any anon can join in. Same results for either one. They are swamped by Twitter threads, rage bait threads, and all the usual offenders. I would love if there was a rule where you could only make one thread a week. It doesn’t matter how many good threads are made if 5x the number of shit threads are made. /lit/ is a ship that has taken on a ton of water and the crew has abandoned to r/truelit or wherever the past 5 years. It doesn’t matter how good a thread is if there is no one else here who has read the book. My advice for all is to bail on this place and let it go to the dogs. That is clearly where it’s headed

>> No.21755473

Yeah, but it's also people who are trying to solve a problem with a magic book but don't want to spend 5 minutes learning about the genre or discovering through osmosis or experience

>> No.21755484

I'm not giving up, there are still good threads. People are encouraging each other to bail, which kills it faster. I'll be the last reader here until cloudflare pulls the plug after the next shooting.

>> No.21755489

That's a good idea honestly, or 1 thread a day. I need to become a janitor again and push the mods to make changes.

>> No.21755494

True. Sometimes I forget that there are very young anons here trying to define themselves and books is an easy way to do it. Sometimes I forget that lit is full of passive people who want solutions without putting in the work. Many like the idea of reading more than actually reading

>> No.21755509

This is part of the larger issue with most boards on 4chan currently though. It’s not just those types of threads in particular, it’s the volume of low-quality threads that are made. Go on any catalogue and 75% of the threads are recently made and follow the pattern of “X for this feel?” with an off-topic picture. /tv/ is particularly fucking awful now. I mean this stuff has always happened on this website but it has become overwhelming since the pandemic

>> No.21755514
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both arguments are easily disproved when you simply look at the archives. Nobody is claiming 4chan was a paradise of intellect and discussion, but it certainly wasn't the current shithole full of /pol/ screeching and incel schizo posting. And this is not just on /lit/, pretty much every board is swimming with this >>21755421, when, pre-2012ish, those retards were far fewer and generally ignored.

I am not going to sit here and talk about muh good old days, but you have to be dense, blind or a newfriend to not have noticed the shift in attitude over the years in this place. From a more or less mixed soup of retardation and autism to an almost binary delineation of I FUCKING HATE _______/pol/tardism and the people who hate them. For fuck sakes, /pol/ and /n/ used to have constant Obama threads, together with RON PAUL /b/ threads and everything in between. /r9k/ used to be /b/'s more autistic cousin. And more amazingly, there wasn't the eternal screeching, there was le troll faces and the nigger posts yes, but not the eternal butthurt that permeates all boards.

4chan's traffic data shows clear jumps during gamergate and the '16 election aka the events that brought in the school shooters and incels. They saw dweebs calling each other "nigger" and they assumed that this place was a right wing forum. Fuck sakes Steve Bannon openly talks about the psyops his firm was running during gamergate towards incels and /pol/tards, he was corralling them and molding them into the sludge that currently permeates this shithole, anyone who keeps pretending IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THIS is a fucking refugee that came here during the election. Just shut the fuck up

Simple as

>> No.21755520

I don’t know who is in charge of 4chan but they are a lazy shit. When was the last creative idea implemented? Last word filter? It’s all about sheer numbers and lowest common denominator now

>> No.21755530

I think it's folks struggling to find meaning through modern technology and who turn to more romanticized, traditional pastimes
I said somewhere up above that trolling is getting advanced. As time goes on, the hive mind gets more effective at starting threads that get replies with less effort and creativity. On /pol/ that's mostly pretending to be a shill, but obviously that place isn't worth anyone's time anymore.
Yeah it's been a while. A lot of the mods are in their 30s and 40s now. Was /Fitlit/ the last creative April Fool's joke?

>> No.21755536

we've had the same word filters since hiro started, what, 5 year ago?
>baka desu senpai

>> No.21755544

Butterfly sex...

>> No.21755546

I like the political arguments they're fun

>> No.21755549

Isn't onions a little newer?

It's unreasonable to expect the same posters to spend time here for years. I used to go in /sci/ a lot when I was a STEM undergrad but I graduated 4 years ago and I don't give a fuck about stem anymore outside of my job. The same thing happens with /lit/, where you post as a student, but by the time you're a 30 yo you're less likely to tolerate this place.

>> No.21755555

me too, however TROON TROON TROON aren't "arguments"

>> No.21755561

5 5s chekt. It's no different than calling someone a fag or whatever, 4chan has always been full of random insults

>> No.21755571

Troon is different. It’s coming from the fingers of an ideologue

>> No.21755574

>completely misses the point

>> No.21755588

I dont care lol, I just like arguing. Mean names do not matter to me, people being butthurt is just amusing

>> No.21755590

This. It also doesn’t help that when you’re in your 30’s this place is unbearable. When someone says it’s always been like this, I always wonder if they are a 2016 Reddit refugee, or sincerely trying to gaslight. As an aside I always find it funny that the anons seething at Reddit are always either from there or spiritual ancestors of the pilgrims. It’s like a disowned child stewing

>> No.21755702


Still no webms with sound or document uploading on most boards. Insane

>> No.21755739

careful not to hurt yourself with all this edge

>> No.21755770

>It doesn’t matter how many good threads are made if 5x the number of shit threads are made.
Thats not true. If there are 5 good threads with discussion and 25 threads that are ass that is still 5 threads in the catalogue for people to go into and have a discussion. I know that doesn't sound like much but it is a start and all of those 5 threads beat out every complaint thread that has existed on any board. I appreciate that you make the attempt and that it can be frustrating and that frustration sometime needs venting. So if complaint threads need to be one of those 5 in every 6 threads maybe that is acceptable. Though I still think they have the negative effects of showing people that revel in shitting up the board that they are doing a good job and that they have a tendency to demoralize the anons in them that see the validation of things being shit equal parts cathartic and demoralizing. Which is why I see the need to say anything about making sure we carve out our piece through concerted effort in the first place. Anyway I hope to see more quality threads from you in the future anon.