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/lit/ - Literature

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21754124 No.21754124 [Reply] [Original]

>books arrive in the mail
>dad picks it up
>"Here is your fag books"

>> No.21754149

lmao, just move out

>> No.21754374

Not op, but it would be stupid to do so.
I can live rent free in my parents' house, so why go elsewhere?
I am a parasite , made to relish everything this world has to offer, while avoiding every pain there is to be had. And that's what I will do.

>> No.21754379

why dont you heem him?

>> No.21754385

>dragon dildo arrives in the mail
>dad picks it up
>"I respect your life choices, son. What's important to me is that you're you, and I wouldn't want it any other way!"

>> No.21754451

You should read À Rebours by Joris-Karl Huysmans lol

>> No.21754457

Everyone has read that, anon. It's entry-level, babby's first serious book.

>> No.21754468

I didn't.
What is it about? Searched for it but the description didn't tell me anything useful. What exactly is it going to make me think?
I am busy with some books right now but I could give it a try later on.

>> No.21754476

I won't read it if it tells me that the body and the soul are antagonists and I should obey the soul while punishing the body, btw.
Tried it for a while, didn't work very well.
Saying this because that is what the book looks like.

>> No.21754477

just stop ordering fag books anon

>> No.21754497

just move out

>> No.21754609

I brought it up because you're comment
>made to relish everything this world has to offer, while avoiding every pain there is to be had
is basically the main character of the book. It's about a guy who stays in his house, living off his family money, and surrounding himself with literature, art, music, etc. There's not really much a plot or specific philosophy it tries to impart.

>> No.21754612

>I am a parasite , made to relish everything this world has to offer, while avoiding every pain there is to be had. And that's what I will do.
Extremely based.

>> No.21754615

I just read fags you a faggot for real pops

>> No.21754622

Seems interesting.
Will read it later.

>> No.21754627

Based homophobic dad

>> No.21754647
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>> No.21754708

your dad was right calling you a fag

>> No.21754728

Read the first line.
Now slap yourself.

>> No.21755565

beat his ass

>> No.21756949

Your dad wanted a fag son so he could get all up in the bussy, apple doesn't fall far from the tree

>> No.21757026

You live a sad and pathetic life.

>> No.21757211

Projecting yourself into others a bit much, don`t you think? It`s ok man, you tried to be hedonist and failed miserably. But that doesn`t mean the same happens with everyone else.

>> No.21757223

As opposed to your wagie life, which I am sure many people envy.

>> No.21757264

Who is that everyone you are talking about? I have never heard about that book before

>> No.21757408

Does he know you'll be the one to pick his nursing home when he's too old and feeble to do it himself?

>> No.21757417

Imagine having a Nazi larper loser incel parasite son kek

>> No.21757430

So what you're saying is you don't have a gf, and never will.
Enjoy that hollow feeling you get when you're done fapping to anime.

>> No.21757434

At least I'm my own person, making my own way through life.
If I don't like my job, I can get another one.
Can you get someone else to support your lazy NEET ass? Nope, you're stuck.
And when your parents pass away, and you realize they didn't leave anything for you in their will, you'll be a soft, pale, 50-year-old homeless cuck who won't survive a week on the streets.
I'm the ant; you're the grasshopper.

>> No.21757452

Projecting. No argument.

>> No.21757467

>At least I'm my own person, making my own way through life.
I am too my own person, making my way through life by exploiting stupid people.
>If I don't like my job, I can get another one.
Sure thing. Then why does most wagies complain about their jobs all the time if they can just get another? This economy is fucked up and you can not get a decent job.
>But what about when your parents die??????
I will just kill myself.
50 years of pure joy, then death. Doesn't seem bad.
Definitely better than live for 80 years being a slave for someone else.

>> No.21757597

At least you admit it.
Oh, so you're suicidal. No big surprise there.
Because there’s something about knowing you’re useless that eats away at the human spirit.

>> No.21757609

You’re already a slave to sloth and your parents. They can kick you out if you act out, or even just force you to do certain things since they’ve always had psychological control of you. Just move out. I barely work more than 20 hours a week (if at all) and I still can pay rent, eat food, buy cleaning products, drink with friends, so drugs, go to music shows. Your life is so sterile at this point.

>> No.21757610


>> No.21757650

Not suicidal.
I just accept my faith. I chose to live my life fully, and I shall live my life fuly, If that means suicide, then be it. I am too much in love with life, so I care not for my suicide. If that's the price to fully love life, then I shall not object.
Isn't the same true to you, fella? Can't your boss "kick" you out if you do something he doesn't like? What is the difference here?

>> No.21757653

I can get another job. You can’t get another set of parents.

>> No.21757655


>> No.21757659

Well, that was fast.
You will get another job with the exact same type of boss. Nothing will change, you will always have to behave yourself, just like me.

>> No.21757666

I bet you can’t take heaps of acid and get black out drunk on the weekends. Your parents would get upset at you. I’m living life on my own terms and my employers will only ever fire me for laziness, a criminal conviction, or redundancy. I literally just have to be sober at work and not get caught doing anything illegal. Seems great to me. I also have privacy and never get told off for not doing the dishes.

>> No.21757684

>living out a monotonous lifestyle exercising zero personal agency while simply consuming various forms of media is pure joy
Something tells me you'll be killing yourself long before your parents die

>> No.21757687

>I bet you can’t take heaps of acid and get black out drunk on the weekends.
I don't do this. Why would I? I love pleasure, but why would I engage in every pleasure there is to be had? The pleasure of music, art, literature is far more entertaining to me. You think I am a worldly person, but you are wrong.
I don't envy you for drinking on the weekends.
And for your job, if it's true, if it's true that you do nothing the entire day and no one fires you, then good for you. But that is not what happen to most people that get out of their parents' house.

>> No.21757692

You are projecting again.
I do what nature tells me to do: I overcome myself. Everyday I kill my old self and I am born anew.
That is the ultimate pleasure of life.
If by joy you though I was refering to drinks and women, I am sorry. You have mistaken me for someone else.

>> No.21757701

>I don't want to be worldly
That's so sad. Hide in your room and never experience the wonders of the social. None of the lessons from art will be imparted on you, since you're a shut-in loser with absolutely no worldly experience. How can you say you're alive without knowing the laughter of a friend in conversation, the warmth of a woman's lips, or the ecstasies of climbing up a mountain with a band of brothers...?
If you struggle with a third of your day doing some menial desk work or some easy as fuck job like janitorial work, then you have no fucking hope of living past this decade.

>> No.21757709

You aren't a parasite. You're spending your parents earned money and are actually contributing to society. Parasite is a badge of honor and belongs to actual NEETs leaching off disability bux and taxpayer money. I only make $85k a year as a salary. If I would have been making 150k the past 5 years, I'd be able to sign up for disability in 2024 and get $4000 a month mostly untaxed which is basically what I'm making now. That's the true neet move. Early NEETs are making $850 a month on SSI payments and $300 a month on SNAP bux. You're just a self flagellating moralfag loser who has it good. Your parents don't deserve anything they have in the first place. Gaurantee you I'm more intelligent and competent than they are.

>> No.21757711


>> No.21757720

I am quite pleasured with myself.
If one day I kill myself because of the way I live life, then it's fine. I am having fun at the moment, and that is enough for me.
Life is never about living for as long as you can.
I suppose you will project yourself again and say I am not truly happy about it. That you somehow know my inner thoughs and my inner feelings.
If that's the case, I will not reply.

>> No.21757723

I said you won't live life, not that I care about pleasure as a standard of living. You're already a dead man.

>> No.21757725

I just want to be happy.
I don't care about "living life", whatever that might be,

>> No.21757745
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If you did want to be happy, you wouldn't try to justify it on 4chan of all places. People are only going to criticise and troll you for it.

>> No.21757757

NEETs living off their parents aren't real NEETs.

>> No.21757761

>If you did want to be happy, you wouldn't try to justify it on 4chan
Why not? I am entertaining myself talking to you. What is wrong with this? Stop projecting, this is the last time I warn you. I will not further reply otherwise.

>> No.21757772

You will never be happy. You will never learn anything from art. Soon, things will no longer make you happy. You'll develop anhedonia and eventually your mind will turn to suicide, the last relief of someone who was a failed optimist. When your parents bury you after you purposefully hang yourself, they'll quietly sigh those sighs of relief. "Thank god," they'll say. "I couldn't look after him anymore." They won't even give a shit about all your consumerist products and just dump it on a charity store where someone will buy your cum-stained copy of Shouju Tsubaki for a fraction of the price you bought it for. Only a gravestone will be the last thing people will remember you by, none of those years you wasted in your room will eventuate in anything but a slow sense of regret on your parents' psyche. You will never have been truly happy.

>> No.21757773

>I barely work more than 20 hours a week
Doing what

>> No.21757777

It was fun talking to you. But now I feel nothing when replying to you, so I must go.

>> No.21757779

Editing. It's so easy and our country has set rates if you're not a freelancer and actually on a payroll, so my rate is about $27 USD.
Thanks for letting me know. You obviously feel compelled to reply, otherwise you wouldn't give out these cries for help.

>> No.21757792

>I can do all the drugs and engage in all the debauchery I want
Good post Satan. Get thee behind me and smell my farts

>> No.21757797

Alcohol is permitted in Christianity. Acid will show you the true God; I even went to Miltonian hell on shrooms.

>> No.21757805
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>You aren't a parasite. You're spending your parents earned money and are actually contributing to society. Parasite is a badge of honor and belongs to actual NEETs leaching off disability bux and taxpayer money.
Based purist defending TruNEET honour.

I've been on the governments tit for a decade now, not quite a veteran parasite but certainly putting in the years.

>> No.21757824
File: 141 KB, 331x304, B02DAFF3-9E64-4B3D-B38D-CD5AC6CAC0DF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missing the point entirely
Just like that, as quickly as I appeared, like an evanescent breeze, I am gone

>> No.21757825

or did he say: "here is your books, fag"?

>> No.21757826

>Sent from her iPhone.
Good morning, madam.

>> No.21757828

>just move out while your in debt, with no secure job income, and everything is overpriced
I’m also not privy to moving to a ghetto and live around a bunch of black people but I do hate my dad

>> No.21757832

Well thanks at least for recognizing my gender correctly. I’ve been a woman for going on three years

>> No.21757839

Cope. Pure cope. You’re always going to be subservient to the power around you. Your boss, your higher ranking coworker, the government, the landlord, etc.

>> No.21757849

Editing is something I've been entertaining for a while actually, how did you get into it?

>> No.21757859

My mom doesn't even fire my for laziness, redundancy or criminal offences. Checkmate wagie.

>> No.21757874

$22/HR is nothing

>> No.21757923

I interned as a student at a firm and learned how to edit legal documents, then became a freelancer, someone at university heard about me and since I had a way to charge people with rates, she hired me, became a university staff member for about.9 months editing theses/articles and writing articles, then went back to a firm to work as their designated editor. Main thing is connections and just having people know who you are. All universities should have a list of freelance editors that supervisors or staff members can hire to help them with whatever. I think most journals now encourage professors to get a professional editor.
Freelancing is shit, but it's a good way to start to accrue experience. Best thing about editing is that you just look for common mistakes and follow style manuals/guidelines. It's just work no one wants to do really. I've met people who work at publishers in editing, and they say it's pretty easy too.

>> No.21758288
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>50 years of pure joy
You have never experienced joy and never will, boyo.

>> No.21758306

wagie cope

>> No.21758408

I do the same with the same mentality. The world is fucked up because of my parents' generation, so why should I struggle with it? They build a humble wealth, so fuck it.

>> No.21759672
File: 130 KB, 781x435, ywnbaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some bosses/jobs/etc. are better than others.
Especially if one is highly qualified, as I am.
My current job is the best one I've ever had.
I get paid well, it's stable, my bosses have no intention to get rid of me, and I have cute female co-workers that I get along with really well.
Too young/pretty/unavailable to date, but that's mostly a positive.
>The pleasure of music, art, literature
Ah, that's why your dad calls you a fag.
Cattle mentality
Like you have something to do.
The pandemic subsidies are coming to an end.
Are you ready?
Of course you're not.

>> No.21759679

>At least I'm my own person, making my own way through life.
Except for the 1/3d of your life spent working
>If I don't like my job, I can get another one.
As long as you're not blacklisted
>Can you get someone else to support your lazy NEET ass? Nope, you're stuck.
his parents clearly are
>And when your parents pass away, and you realize they didn't leave anything for you in their will, you'll be a soft, pale, 50-year-old homeless cuck who won't survive a week on the streets.
I mean when push comes to shove anon can just get a shitty job, inherit his house and go on.

>> No.21759693

just get an ereader

>> No.21759696

Lmao don't assume everyone's parents are narcs bud I get black out drunk with my dad (or mom, they hate drinking with each other) on the regular while being a complete degenerate drug addict NEET

>> No.21759710
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>books arrive in the mail
>Mom picks it up
>She starts reading it first
>"anon, why are all these books written by women? are you into feminist books? that's great!"
Thanks mom:)

>> No.21759740

I hate to wish ill on anyone, so I won’t, but you’re in for a rough ride my little friend. Buckle up

>> No.21759759

>here’s your hag books

>> No.21759766

I already had my rough ride.
I'm in the golden years now.
And remember, there’s something about knowing you’re useless that eats away at the human spirit.
But the last time you felt alive was so long ago, you don't remember what it was like, and now you delude yourself into thinking you have it all.

>> No.21759770

Pride comes before a fall. Good luck, you’ll need it

>> No.21759796

Wow, what a stunning lack of self-awareness.
You spent this thread gushing about how great it is to be a NEET, yet you don't see your own pride?
It's perfectly OK for me to be proud of my accomplishments; you have none to speak of.
Also...did you just quote the Bible? Have you read the rest of it? Or do you cherry-pick comments out of context?

>> No.21759798

guess that's slightly better than "here's your books fag"

>> No.21759836
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>> No.21759892

Jesus what a pathetic fucking loser, I pity your dad

>> No.21759938

>The pandemic subsidies are coming to an end.
>Are you ready?
>Of course you're not.


>> No.21759943

i recommend this wagie's effete style of posting, i think he literally searches for neet threads to come sour grape in

>> No.21760007

You mean using proper English?
Yeah, that makes me stick out like a sore thumb on this brainlet site.

>> No.21760015

turn your tripcode back on sweetie or don't you dare anymore after your last ban?

>> No.21760036

I've never used a tripcode, and I've never been banned for more than an hour...and that was an abusive mod.

>> No.21760042

seems likely that you earned it to me given your behaviour

>> No.21760054

What, you mean telling the truth?
What rule does that break?

>> No.21760072

extremely low quality posts are against the rules

>> No.21760080

What's low-quality about telling you uncomfortable truths?
Be thankful being an extremely low-quality person isn't enough to get you banned.
Also...no one comes to 4chan for all the rule-following. Maybe you'd be more comfortable on Fakebook or something.

>> No.21760091

>Outing yourself as a fucking retard with no skills/ambition
>Getting upset whenever someone points it out
Denial is more than just a river in egypt anon.

>> No.21760137
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On Fakebook, gay trannies like you would be feted for being "stunning and brave".
On 4chan, you'll get the cold, unvarnished truth.
Plan accordingly.
BTW, the last time I checked, u/stupidstories was still posting, and it's homeless now.

>> No.21760207
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Poor NEET...living your "best life" didn't grant you the talent and skill it took to avoid having your ass handed to you in this discussion.
My talents and skills are tested every day in the crucible of real life.
The difference in results is obvious.
Face facts...your dad hates you, and he wrote you out of his will long ago.
You'll be homeless any time he chooses.
And I'll be you dollars to doughnuts you don't have the guts to kys.

>> No.21760258

Yeah goy, just abandon your family, stop building generational wealth, and live like an atomized bot in some cuck pod wage slaving to pay (((rent))).

>> No.21760282
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His dad openly curses him for being a "fag"; I doubt leaving home would be considered "abandonment". More like relief.
I also sincerely doubt he's building *any* sort of wealth. He's a parasite.
And you only have to pay rent when you're young and starting out; I'm paying down a mortgage. I estimate I have 2 years left. Pretty sweet!

>> No.21761116

brutal reality check

>> No.21761139

I honestly got a boner from reading that rant about his nightmarish life. The sheer depth of self-loathing on display taps into some new sadism I've never encountered before

>> No.21761252
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Perhaps, one day, it'll be medically possible to transition between genders.
But it's not presently. It's not even close.
All one can do is create nonfunctional surgical monstrosities.
So, until then, one needs to treat gender dysphoria for what it is...a mental illness.

>> No.21761341

It may not be an argument but it was a little embarrassing as I was fapping to anime when I read the post.

>> No.21761410

Looks like the tranny fag OP has vacated.
At least this was educational for him, i.e. now he knows that a lifetime of idleness has left him completely unprepared to defend a viewpoint in a discussion, much less deal with the real world.
Now he can correct the problem, hopefully by rising above his pseud circumstances and making something of himself, instead of being a parasite.
I made the world a better place today.

>> No.21761421

Living alone is so much more liberating than living with your parents and their barely disguised disappointment

>> No.21761474

Lazy bait.

>> No.21761483

why are you so obsessed with trannies that you try to bring them into every unrelated conversation?

>> No.21761497 [DELETED] 
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Frankenstein's monster shouldn't be tolerated.

>> No.21761501

>bro, just leave your aging mother alone dude
>what about your hecking freedom to do drugs and be an edonistic faggot!?
You're either american or fell for an american meme.
I work and still live with my mother. We live in different areas of the same house. I help with bills, groceries and house maintenance in general.
Why would I ever leave her alone? Give me a non-jew reason.

>> No.21761507

Getting a girl who loves you as a full-grown man and provider, who isn't your own Oedipal modal mother.

>> No.21761518

You dumb fucking jew-faggot: I have a girl.
Every race on this planet has always lived this way. You fell for a meme and are too proud to admit it.
This house is way bigger than anything I could ever afford. There is not a single good reason to leave your parents alone and rent a new home in this economy.

>> No.21761522

I just moved out of a million dollar house and now I get to stay up and read, have fun with friends whenever I want, and not have to go to gay ass ethnic dinner full of ugly daygos from my mother's second marriage. I win.
Wealth and comfort mean nothing when you are still an infantile beaner or such other shitskin.

>> No.21761528

Your mother is a whore.
You had a good reason to leave. I don't.

>> No.21761530

Your mother is fat and ugly, and her son is a dependent parasite.

>> No.21761531

Your mom was in charge of your bedtime and allowed fun?

No wonder amerifags move out at 18 lol

>> No.21761534

Obviously never had narcissistic parents. They get a sense of self from bossing you around and controlling/mirroring through you.

>> No.21761537

Keep coping. Your mother is a whore that didn't love you enough to stop fucking other men.
I work a decent job and plan on marrying soon. Your ambitions are reading until 2 in the morning and have fun with friends like a jouvenile faggot

>> No.21761541
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My ambitions are to be a writer and I already have more publications than your ESL monkey arse. You are probably Jewish yourself.

>> No.21761545

I not ESL you bloody shit! Fuck you and your mother bloody

>> No.21761546

So because you have bad parents means that you need to be mad at others for living at home and pretend that it is normal to want to create distance between you and your closest family?

If you got away from something shitty then good for you but don't project your misery on people who gladly spend their lives in proximity to their loved ones and pretend they're somehow stunted for not buying into alienated podlife.

>> No.21761549

You are a parasite.

>> No.21761553

I can handle myself fine. I've never even been depressed in my life. I just think liberty is worth more than having tacos and stinky curry with my "closest family" from birth until the time they or me die.

>> No.21761555

I bet that's how your evil mother has conditioned you to think, but loving families don't view eachother as such. We gladly share our resources with eachother.

>> No.21761558

so... when you guys are going to kiss? And will you film it for us?

>> No.21761562

Kek this post made wagies seethe

>> No.21761564

I lost this debate when I wrote "have" instead of "having". Sorry.

>> No.21761567

Loving families aren't ever rich families in the first world, so there's no point in living at home at all. Look at the Alex Murdaugh case. That's what we're like. I know you can have a big siesta in your village and let your Abuela raise your little children while you all dance to La Cucaracha, but here our grandmothers will be thrown into a nursing home to rot because it's cheaper.

>> No.21761568

he lives rent free in their heads as well

>> No.21761570

I'm european.

>> No.21761575

Yeah, your real estate is handed down the family for generations. That's not the same here. We're flipping shit and trying to expand. Stop pretending like it's the same culture/economy.

>> No.21761577

I love in a country with higher standards of living than the USA and we still experience human warmth towards one another. Thinking that people who care about each other must be poor peasants is merely a cope on your part.

>> No.21761580

I didn't say I live in the USA, pendejo.
Why would I need that? Nothing worse than being around ethnic wogs trying to feed you gross food.

>> No.21761587

I assumed because you brought up some sort of flavour of the week American murder story that I hadn't heard of.

Anyway, it's fine for your to hate your own people and try to get away from them if you want to so badly, maybe its even warranted, but know that this isn't the case for everyone. People live with and near family out of choice because they actually enrich eachothers lives.

>> No.21761589
File: 209 KB, 2048x1365, eat ze snails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oui. Oui. I love ze maman et her croissant, honhon. I don't have to pay ze cuck rent. hohoho!

>> No.21761609

Enjoy your bitter disposition my atomised fren

>> No.21761622

It's my ambitionz az a writah, boy. You have to go experience life and go adventuring to write.
>b-b-buh my comfort
There's no bigger comfort knowing I can create whatever art I want and make connections with editors, fellow artists, and publishers on my own free volition. I don't have to worry about getting an arranged marriage that my parents will have to approve of.

>> No.21761670

Damn this thread is pretty dark. I hope the neets can turn their lives around, though odds are they won't.

>> No.21761687

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.21761737

If I was pajeet arranged marriage cattle I'd probably flee too ngl

maybe it does solve the incel problem though

>> No.21761792

Imagine leaving your dad over him calling you a fag. You are a faggot American for sure

>> No.21761853

It's indicative of the father's general disdain and disrespect for his disappointment of a son. Clearly a suboptimal state of affairs.

As for the butthurt Europoors, if you're working and contributing towards family finances then that's not the worst arrangement. Still better to have enough space to raise your own family. The real problem are neets who are simply parasites. That's not good for anyone involved.

>> No.21761871

>on a reading board
>doesn't read

>> No.21762158
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kek based dad

>> No.21762174

Lmao imagine buying into a Bohemian larp like this in 20 fucking 23
If you're a currycel you'll never have adventures amounting to anything, dumbass, definitely not something to throw away your family for

>> No.21762201

You have no reading comprehension. I was responding to his saying he's going to get married and it's obvious his family would have to approve of it first, since he probably sits down and eats dinner with them every night and can't really do anything without their say-so as a grown-arse-man..
>throw away your family for
How many 20-something-year-olds on 4chan have a good relationship with their family in 2023?

>> No.21763863

He admitted he was a tranny. See >>21757832

>> No.21763889
File: 62 KB, 488x700, FpyCLWWWcAEYwf-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop ordering fag books.

>> No.21763897

Sometimes, situations are more complex than how mobs of strangers online frame them

>> No.21763901

Lisa Bunker is an interesting character. Do they create these things in some basement like Uruk-Hai?

>> No.21764407


>> No.21764489

Submission was the first book he read, then immediately he read Huysmans. 4channelers are very predictable beings.

>> No.21764610

It's really funny how upset people get when you don't live life according to their rules and values.

>> No.21764643

Based dad calling it like it is

>> No.21764645

So what fag books are you getting?

>> No.21764703
File: 987 KB, 1920x1080, cover6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Guts does seduce a much older man in his youth. Fag book identified.

>> No.21765243

Berserk is shit and not worth the investment of time it takes to read to the Conviction Arc.

>> No.21765259

Have you tried reading books written by straight people instead?

>> No.21765384

Honestly, I would just end myself at that point.

>> No.21765711

Don't worry, it will.
There's something about knowing you're useless that eats away at the human soul.
No amount of cope can disguise it.

>> No.21766091

The world is not /lit/, I’d bet money that the vast majority of avid readers have no idea who huysmans is

>> No.21766098

Tfw no Tara gf / mom / both

>> No.21767433
File: 18 KB, 225x225, bazinga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next time he's watching football tell him "still watching fagball?"
or whatever he does in his spare time. If he's working on a car ask him "still working on the fagmobile?" etc

>> No.21768246

Point out that football involves large men in tight pants that pat each other on the butt, and that following teams and their success/failure is basically soap operas for guys.