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/lit/ - Literature

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21750728 No.21750728 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books to read if you’re masculine but also a thinker? The Prince and Sun Tzu’s Art of War, for starters

>> No.21750732

>just be le slave and don’t ask questions

>> No.21750743

M(ob)y Dick

>> No.21750747

Thinking like a monk would make me want to eschew the material, though.

>> No.21750757

>A good fraction of the books are GET RICH HOW TO BE A MILLIONAIRE IN 30 DAYS type books
Western man is oshimai

>> No.21750766
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>> No.21750860

this guy was born into a wealthy family. For most people, doing nothing means they have to subsist off govt assistance.

>> No.21750952

>wagie drone
>die for israel
>wash your penis
>biographies of people who stumbled into wealth
Fucking caricature reading for someone who unironically listens to people like Peterstein and Tate.

>> No.21751096
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Honestly? Pretty powerful

>> No.21751129

How do you cope when someone smarter than you like a nuclear sub engineer retires 20 years before you? Btw he loved every minute of his "slave job" that he got paid triple your salary for

>> No.21751137

>contrived biographies and self-help books
I bet he has them all on audiobook

>> No.21751146

Then he wouldn‘t retire

Your disconnect with reality is even showing in the space of a two sentence troll.

>> No.21751161

You can love doing something and still want to move on from it to do other things. Especially when you have more than enough money to last 2 lifetimes.

>> No.21751210

Especially if what you „loved“ was a contrived submission to make money and what you‘re moving onto is a tepid hobby that doesn‘t require serious dedication.

This is literally just another flavor of office droning.

>> No.21751245

Masculine men don't read.

>> No.21751253

Don’t care at all. You think I’m some bugman who cares about money? Think again.

>> No.21751262
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Timeless, a necessity for today’s world. A good companion piece for uncle Ted fans and the kids just coming out of their Evola, or Nick Land phase. (Hopefully those coming out of their Marx/Lenin phase)

>> No.21751263

Masculine men do whatever they want. Women follow rules.

>> No.21751357

A bunch of self help books about how to be a more useful tool.
Atlas Shrugged would do more good for a man than all those books put together.

>> No.21751360

I can't believe he died.

>> No.21751370

I know a few nuclear engineers in the Navy. Workaholics. I wouldn't be able to do what they do, and have no desire to do so even knowing the rewards.

They're really not the kind of guys who read

>> No.21751869

Qrd on this book? It sells like mad on the bookstore I work at.

>> No.21752963

Never met a truly masculine man who reads books lol

>> No.21752966

These are all bugmen reads, why is it promoted as manly?

>> No.21752974


>> No.21752977

thats the joke. yuppies are faggots.

>> No.21752981

I don't believe a single person that seethes over the pic in OP has ever read a book

>> No.21752984

So? /lit/ is a low-t board for twinks with flat stomachs and effete penises that recite Rimbaud's "The Drunken Boat" or Wilde's "The Sphinx"

>> No.21753006

>why is it promoted as manly?
Who do you think does the promoting? The same people who push everything else. It's controlled opposition.

>> No.21753018

I hope ur first child is a masculine child

>> No.21753077

i wish

>> No.21753099

> t. never met a cowboy

>> No.21753213
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everything in life is better when you have shit to do and continue being as authentic as possible (i.e. not caring about other shit)
his "Models" book is not far from The Subtle Art in that it just teaches you to be a better and independent man
I'd recommend Models over that book, especially for men
its not the overly cryptic Bronze Age Mindset nor is it toxic guru-esque PUA shit that is The Rational Male, just down to earth advice on how losers can improve

>> No.21753292

Unironically masculinity is about being useful so these books are not a bad idea. I think what's missing is spiritual cultivation and practical and those must, if you are not ecclesiastical in nature, go together as the success you have in life unintentionally is nearly all from charity and good-will.

>> No.21753296

Osama bin Laden

>> No.21753301

This board is too obsessed with “reading” as an image. You faggots are basically tumblr

>> No.21753307

Yikes. Who cares about other people?

>> No.21753565

King, warrior, magician, lover

>> No.21753583
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>>21746316 for more information.

You'll either get it or you won't, read and play or don't.
Will happily offer cryptic narration to your efforts. If I can.

It's important that you reach the conceptions alluded to regardless though, within the text or without.

>stated plainly and most people will miss the point
>apologies for the obfuscation

>...fuck I'm just gonna get ignored or dismissed again.

>> No.21753588

That's just leftists.

>> No.21753600
