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21734924 No.21734924 [Reply] [Original]

I've never been scared by a book. Help me change this by giving me the scariest book you've read.

>> No.21734938
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>> No.21735014

ugh I wish this gay shit would just go away already
I always found Shelley's Frankenstein genuinely terrifying

>> No.21735024

Les chants de Maldoror, it may not scare you but I'm sure you'll feel shivers down your spine while reading it.

>> No.21735169

reading books about bigfoot and demons when i was 12 was scary but i don't think i've been scared by a book past that age.

>> No.21735172

I was a kid I had this children encyclopedia about monsters and ghost and it freaked my out every time I read it at night. good times

>> No.21735184

A Warhammer book scared me once, I don't remember which one

>> No.21735281

I’ve got it queued up next in line. I’ve been wanting to read it for a while so finally bought it last week

>> No.21735291

Warhammer in a nutshell

>> No.21735299
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May be hard to find but this one disturbed me very much. I am distantly related to the Aldays family, and my Grandpa passed his copy of the book down to me when he died.

Its an account of one of the most horrific murders in Georgia state history. Definitely worth trying to find a copy if you want to be scared, but it is such a disturbing read, I dont think I will ever pick it up again.


>> No.21735300

for me it was almost cute, like a guy from the 1800s with top hat and cape twiring his mustache telling me about the spookiest of horrors and watching me intently for my response
some of it was kinda neat dont get me wrong but it felt incredibly dated

>> No.21735310
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Only books that ever scared me were true crime serial killer books where they go over the killings/torture in detail

>> No.21735311

horror shorts or novellas always scared the living fuck out of me as a kid

there was this one story about a family having an overgrown well on their property and some kid falling in that traumatized me but i havent been able to fund out what it was actually called

>> No.21735319

Anything about US history

>> No.21735338

I found The Futurological Congress a bit upsetting

>> No.21735578
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Do non-music audio recordings count?

>> No.21735601

Just be like Samoth from Emperor and lure one into the woods, propositioning him for a blowjob and then stab them when their back is turned

>> No.21735605

Slavery was good, Jamal

>> No.21735814

The Qur’an

>> No.21735818


>> No.21735836
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Some creepypastas still scare me...

>> No.21735848

The out of nowhere scene in This Side of Paradise

>> No.21735852

I'm kind of creeped out by /x/'s continued collective insistence that rakes are real and they lurk in your average woods.

>> No.21736331

Star Wars Death Troopers.

>> No.21736351

I don't if it's more scary or revolting but try out Sarah Kane

>> No.21736354

take your faggot ass out of this board.

>> No.21736361

Why should I care if some normoid wants to castrate his child?

>> No.21736369

meeh, no books really does that imo.
like one anon already said, creepypastas are nice thing to watch/read alone in the house at midnight. id also recommend you "uzumaki" manga, but idk if u read that stuff.

>> No.21736372

"Blindisght" by Peter Watts
Buy the books. Blindsight is "free", but Echopraxia is not and both deserve the money.
Also, check out the Rifters trilogy.

>> No.21736528

I saw one that was all about foods and methods to use so that your fellow buttfucker doesn't get too much shit on his dick.

>> No.21736538

>Help me change this by giving me the scariest book you've read.
Flannery O'Connor because she's incredible at making ordinary people seem vile (as they really are). Reading her stories and novels physically disgusted me and I had to take breaks from reading.

>> No.21736583

“The manipulated man”
It’ll instantly shatter your preconceptions of your entire life if you’re a normal fren

>> No.21736811

What is this? I'm interested and I refuse to use a search engine for anything other than navigating to the 3 websites I use.

>> No.21736816

Never scared by a book, but I think Platform or the Elementary Particles by Houellebecq gave me a sense of dread and disgust.

>> No.21736900

John Hawkes wrote a bunch of scary books. The Beetle Leg, The Lime Twig, and Second Skin are all viscerally upsetting and highly recommended.

I like how quickly the bad things happen in her books, the surreal suddenness of it adds a lot

>> No.21736915

The bible

>> No.21736951

I don't think yiu can get scared by a book. Like there is no way to write a jumpscard in it. That said, you can get horrorised. The most disgusting story £'ve read was "La rata con thinner", but it isn't translated to english. Maybe I should translate it myself.

>> No.21736963

/mu/ meme, look up buyer's market on youtube

>> No.21736971

I know I'm missing the point but damn did I find it hard to feel sorry for the monster after what he did.

>> No.21736977

lol this, I don't care that some medieval peasant sold his son into slavery, why would I care about someone functionally doing the same thing today. I wouldn't like to be in that position but my apathy doesn't represent dismissal

>> No.21736980

Damn, that's disappointing. I thought maybe it might be something cool.

>> No.21736991
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it's an encrypted message game.
i wrote this 13 years ago months after smoking weed my first time and reality totally broke for me when the crows literally started communicating with me
flying around, perching nearby. they can do hieroglyphics

this is either the most schizo thing you'll have read today or, what is very likely because i asked for war and pandemic 13 years ago. is that this is some quantum message that the hackers got and i managed to influence the world being 18 years old and totally enlightened

or whatever

>> No.21736992

You are not important and if that causes an emotional reaction you need to evaluate whh

>> No.21736997


>> No.21737011

i didnt ask to be important.
for a brief moment i felt what it was like to be god and i manifested reality as i could in that time.

you can believe me or not and my literal request was not to be brought out to be a messiah

Also, a former Tzeentch follower gone Slaaneshi would be incredibly dangerous: Tzeentch followers understand indeterminism (from a very distorted, cynical perspective) and also see knowledge as power per circumstance to win where force, charisma and economics cannot. A devout Slaaneshi seeks to experience everything. Thus a former Tzeentchian, already well read on enough to convince themselves they experienced it, or well read enough to steal peoples experiences, who became a hedonist addict as well would be left with one desire: to be omnipotent and thus be able to go beyond the limits of mortal imaginings in pursuit of understanding and experience for the sake of understanding and experience. So basically a really cerebral Hellraiser Cenobite.

my life turned out more like this quote with the hedonistic levels of pleasure and suffering ive had.
adenosine agonists cause hours long intense migraines. they're impossible to get because theyre lab chemicals but again, tzeentch follower

well again, that's why it took me 10 years to unearth this thing and the moment i found it, i knew the world had changed drastically because of it

whatever, your criticisms were well thought of in advance and whatever youre suffering with or will suffer with was caused by my hands cryptically messaging away for a week or something

you can either live your life wondering why reality fucked itself 10 years after i wrote that or just accept that the world is the way it is because it is.
not because an 18 year old enlightened incarnation of god did something, surely not

>> No.21737013

Tell your parents you stopped taking your meds

>> No.21737017

I know that you think your schizobabel is important but you're in a phase which is most likely the literal textbook definition of mania. You won't look back on it cringing, but rather extremely curious and having learned from your misplaced, egotistical overconfidence.

>> No.21737019

im still taking my meds, im more a unfettered psychopath than i am a schizophrenic

more schizoid than delusional. but again, i couldnt draw the line when the crows literally started flocking
then they did it again when i moved out

so yeah, affinity with crows. very probably a greater framework of reality than you currently have

again, the warhammer quote. youre not stopping this train

>> No.21737025

>affinity with crows
Tumblr called

>> No.21737031

you can assume all you want, your understanding is limited and you are nowhere near the scope of being a devout chaos undivided as i am

to put it simply, i am as redpill alpha a chad as i seem schizophrenic. people have never been able to compete against me in life and your immediate denial of my reality in your limited one, is just insecurity

why would you tell me im not important, if that's not what you are concerned with.

i wrote that to be the unknown hand turning the world.
to be the mule

you couldnt even begin to comprehend

>> No.21737033

You'll remember my posts when you get over yourself and it is absolutely not my problem

>> No.21737035

what you criticize or assume about others speaks more about yourself.
it's you who are concerned with being important

not me

ive already made my waves, and youre drowning in them

>> No.21737038

>what you criticize or assume about others speaks more about yourself.
>he assumes about others

>> No.21737040

i wont remember you.
why are you so focused on the idea of self importance?

insecure little bug

>> No.21737046

no, i know about you.

again, we're working with different frameworks

redpill alpha with interrogation techniques and knowing how to read language.

you give away more than you know with what you say.
all you can take from me is that i think im talking the truth

>> No.21737049

>i wont remember you
I'm okay with that but clearly you aren't. I don't need to feel important

>> No.21737054

how are you this stupid?

>> No.21737056

I would ask you the same thing but you answered it

>> No.21737061

you dont even know what adenosine is, right?

can you assume, that on a board that doesnt focus about science, that my casual depth of knowledge about something you have no clue about

is indicative that i know about things you dont?
that my reality is so divorced from yours that you have no ability to comprehend power?

>> No.21737067

>no foreskin

>> No.21737076

okay okay. let me lay this out for you

your intent, is to belittle. if you understood, or were open to learning, it would have taken you a lot longer to dismiss my encrypted game

my intention, was to offer op what he wanted. he could be as scared as i was when i wrote that text, if he could peer into the carefully crafted game

do you see how i can read your intent immediately? and that you yourself, through your own language, express your own identity as insecurity in everything you do

everything youve done is an affirmation of your security.
everything ive done is an affirmation of my story, my reality.
my closing statement in my first post was to tell people it was either too schizo, or too much.

and you couldnt stop yourself

>> No.21737083

what did it say? Asking for a friend.

>> No.21737153

are you for real dude lol

>> No.21737259

yes, do i believe it myself though? not really

>> No.21737309

>it may not scare you but I'm sure you'll feel shivers down your spine while reading it
Have you considered not writing like a retarded faggot, retard?

>> No.21737313
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>> No.21737316

quoth the raven, TAKE YOUR MEDS

>> No.21737471

My diary desu.

>> No.21737706

Read this yesterday and found it scary as fuck >>21734063

>> No.21737714

Psychological horror scares me more than anything.. Le big scary monster stuff doesn't.

>> No.21737738

Wish I could find it in epub or pdf but this is nowhere online

>> No.21737749

go back to /x/ schizoid, this was profoundly retarded

>> No.21737755

so you're gonna quit before trying it?

>> No.21737764
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the people on /x/ are profoundly stupid and cant even begin to play the game because they have their own delusions.

try it out, seriously. if you cant get anywhere then that's that.

>> No.21737839

>Maybe I should translate it myself.

>> No.21738051

I like Ligotti

>> No.21738776

Chud genre

>> No.21738810
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It isn't really "scary", it is more sexually eerie and gently disturbing. "Solid Geomtery" is my favorite, but every story was at least good.

>> No.21739155
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She looks like Amelie Brodeur
I like Ligotti
There was a story about some mannequins that scared me
I also like the one about the child diddler leprechaun, admittedly my memory is sketchy so maybe I'm misremembering it

>> No.21739708

Not a book, a short story. It's a quick read, written in 1909. https://www.cs.ucdavis.edu/~koehl/Teaching/ECS188/PDF_files/Machine_stops.pdf

>> No.21740977


>> No.21741103

X laughed you out of your own thread, didn’t they? You came here hoping to find more sympathetic retards?
Ligotti is good. I like the one about the mailman who gets attacked by a witch and the Medusa, the glamor, the clown puppet. Some of his can start to read like ai generated gibberish so when I recommend him I make sure to specify they try one of his more coherent stories.

>> No.21741109

I am scared by life.
But if I was felt terribly distraught when I read Dostoyevsky initially because his degenerate and self loathing characters are to put it bluntly /literally me/

>> No.21741117
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what is it about actual effort and coherency that disgusts you?

you seem to be fine wading through endless amounts of garbage. yet my magnum opus is supposed to be deciphered by people who talk about tarot or liminal spaces?, without actually understanding...


your loss

>> No.21741279

It's a post-apocalyptic world interconnected by a giant machine. Nobody interacts face-to-face. People no longer have any real value or worth, so society has devolved into a circlejerk where the only thing anyone cares about is "ideas".
The machine starts to fail, but nobody in the world knows how it works, since it's all anyone has ever known. They remain in denial and censor/label anyone who tries to explain that the machine is failing, even as it's spitting out warnings of imminent failure.
It fails, and everyone dies, there is no happy ending.
(I will remind you again that this was written in 1909.)

>> No.21741345

I’m sad to say a novel as really scared me.

The only thing I thought was legit creepy was a creepy pasta called The Doneda House of however you spell it.


Shit gets me every time. Bless the man who wrote it. Tons of legit spooks

>> No.21742386

For me, the genre horror is nearly similar to the genre of porn.

>> No.21742757
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The problem might be your own lack of imagination and/or intellectual empathy. The last book I read that truly scared me was The Woman in the Dunes.

>> No.21743384
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>The Woman in the Dunes
Same feel.

>> No.21743417

Well first ask yourself what your genuinely scared of, and then find a horror book about it

For me, it’s parasites

>> No.21744058


>> No.21744338

i think id keep him as a pet

>> No.21744353

For some reason the part in House of Leaves with the long nailed woman and the dog really spooked me

>> No.21744359

That's not the point retards. If your own child falls the lies then you will have no choice but to have him/her chemically castrated.

>> No.21744374

>trannies inexplicably brought up out of nowhere again
Why is /lit/ like this? If you are a tranny or spend a lot of time thinking about them and shoehorning them in on a literature forum, you are mentally ill. Simple as

>> No.21745925

They're hot and I can't stop jerking off to them

>> No.21746389
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>> No.21746452
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I sincerely haven't read pic related but knowing from what's based i imagine it would be a very unsettling
Any anon here read it? What do you think about it?

>> No.21746469

So what if I don't like shit on my dick? If you're into that stuff you do you though. You realize women do anal too, virgin?

>> No.21746474

play silent hill
its not scary at all. It's a comedy

>> No.21746544

It was meh.
The Wikipedia article made me feel more uneasy than the entirety of the book, despite the extensive depictions of gore and rape.
I think what really makes this story less effective is that it doesn't allow itself to be quite as bleak as the real event it is based on (making MC a sympathetic nice guy, making the story more cathartic by the end).
However, that opening passage "what is the worst pain you have felt?" was fucking amazing and I still think about it from time to time

>> No.21746630


>> No.21746633

How’d you like The Troop?

>> No.21747250
