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21732582 No.21732582 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth it to read the Harry Potter books if I found Hermione attractive?

>> No.21732588

Oh boy, here we go. This is like asking what's the best pizza topping. Obviously, it's fucking pepperoni, just like the best programming language is fucking Python. It's versatile, easy to learn, and has a shit ton of libraries for anything you want to do. Anyone who disagrees is a fucking idiot who probably still writes code in fucking C++. Get with the times, motherfucker.

>> No.21732619

nah just go post this image on /v/ and wait for the inevitable certain image reply, jack off then go to bed

>> No.21732620

> finds a child actress attractive
> reads a childrens-book, which got a film adaptation where she played a part as a consequence
??? just watch the movie and behind the scenes or some shit, are you retarded?

>> No.21732624


>> No.21732651
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I like her personality more than Emma Watson

>> No.21732652

okay, then yeah, you'll like the books

>> No.21732654

He obviously wants to give more depth to his mental fantasies.

>> No.21732828

just watch Ruby's youtube channel
she's the ultimate Hermione larper

>> No.21732922
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>British accent
She's pretty accurate and she pushes all the right buttons. Though I've a sinking feeling she'll kill herself before she turns 30

>> No.21732941

Skip them and go straight to the fanfics

>> No.21733803

Insane how the internet encourages and celebrates this kind of mental illness

>> No.21733808


>> No.21733838

Anon, for sure she will kill herself before 30
Parents should teach self love

>> No.21733863
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how can we save her?

>> No.21733964

For me, its FORTRAN. Your object-oriented programing is cute and user-friendly, but when it comes to pure number crunching, nothing, and I mean NOTHING beats FORTRAN.

>> No.21733999

Most cozy series ever. Pacing is also in high octane plot is good with some really solid twists

>> No.21735195

Harry stinks

>> No.21735206
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> It's a 4chan tries to """save""" a gril episode
Oh no no no, this won't end well.

>> No.21735331

read 1-6 its worth reading as classic fantasy
it really captures the awe and wonder of magic better than most fantasy
but understand that it is has terrible world building if you stop suspending disbelief for a few minutes
6/10 turn your brain off for a while and have fun

>> No.21735377

Ruby is better than Pajeethon.

>> No.21735487

I found python difficult

No such thing as mental illness

>> No.21736339

>Find character attractive
>Read book without pictures

>> No.21736352

I spent the last week rewriting big parts of our Python code in C++, Python really is embarrassingly slow, unless you only use it to interact with C libs like Tensorflow.

>> No.21736529

Should I read the Harry Potter books or the Chronicles of Narnia books? I want a series to read after LotR.

>> No.21736543

>She's pretty accurate and she pushes all the right buttons. Though I've a sinking feeling she'll kill herself before she turns 30

Classic high-IQ foid behavior. Note high-IQ foid means 130 IQ, not male high-IQ of 150 which leads to all the great innovations.

Women love to study because it's a very proscribed, linear process. Here's a topic, study this exact thing, show us you can regurgitate it, we'll pat you on the head, rinse and repeat. Meanwhile I've yet to meet a single women who's genuinely interested in science, tech, philosophy, or generally building anything. Take away the scholastic environment and they wouldn't spend a minute thinking about the topic ever again.

>> No.21736545

In the books Hermione is described as fairly ugly, actually. Or atleast somewhat wallflowery. Curly hair, buckteeth, that kind of shit. She's a nerd, not a super model.

>> No.21736552
File: 86 KB, 602x803, emma watson age 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this cure you?

>> No.21736617


>> No.21736656

>suspending disbelief for a few minutes
Who in their right mind would suspend disbelief in a fantasy book?

>> No.21736660

IIRC Tensorflow is also written in C++ for the most part, proably some C at the lowest levels

>> No.21736881
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Not OP, but I downloaded the translated version. Fuck.

>> No.21736891
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it's worth to read them either way
they're about as good as y/a novels can get.
Top tier fantasy and definitive of an entire generation!

>> No.21736909

Wonder how she's doing lately with the hate brigade going around and harassing anyone who likes Harry Potter due to the new game

>> No.21736914

Man...what happened. I know the wall is a thing, but I didn't know it could hit that hard

>> No.21736918

Isn't Hermione also british?

>> No.21736944

\Harry also
there was this american boy about to be cast as him, and Rowling refused because he wasn't english

>> No.21736953

someone cast anorexia nervosa on her

>> No.21737828

Pepperoni is close to the worst topping.

>> No.21737970
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>"It's crea-TUra, not creatuRA~"

>> No.21737992

I bet she regrets now picking that backstabbing retard as Harry. She should have went with a nice Polish or Hungarian boy that is not brainwashed by woke culture.

>> No.21738024


>> No.21738026

It's a fucking dumb and asinine change, but it hardly effects the story. Quit your whining.

>> No.21738096

Narnia is better written; I would also recommend Drowned Ammet by a lady who was one of Tolkien's students and the Last Unicorn by his pen pal Peter Beagle.
Potter series is a bit ghoulish and way too liberal in tone. Even as a left-winger at the time of reading it I found it too on the nose and cringed at Hermione bragging about disfiguring a racist girl

>> No.21738161
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Voldemort defended her

>> No.21738352

are you implying 10 year old emma was a supermodel?

>> No.21738371

hated voldy's movie adaptation but this is very redeemable. Good on him

>> No.21738556

Thanks for the recs. I'm assuming Drowned Ammet is in relation to the Dalemark Quartet? That's what comes up when I search the name.

>> No.21738785

I think Luna, Hagrid and maybe Draco spoke out too, though the latter might have backed away after receiving death threats
Yeah, Drowned Ammet is one of the Dalemark Quartet. It's the one that I would most recommend if you want a longer series instead of a stand alone

>> No.21738813

>Villain defends the woman who created him
Gimme books for this feel ?

>> No.21739008
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Go to read fanfictions, if you only want to read abou her.

>> No.21739093

how can one man be so wrong

>> No.21740362

Why do so many people hate her. She has threads on forums with pages and pages where people bitchtalk about her. She seems harmless and hasn't been involved in any online drama

>> No.21740410
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>> No.21740528
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My dad used to be a fumer. Whenever he fumed he'd destroy our furniture and electronics. TVs, tables, vases, all smashed to bits

>> No.21740548

Have you tried reading the books and see?

>> No.21740571

Hermione fanfiction is all her getting raped

>> No.21741009
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Fucking pytranny. You will never be a real developer

>> No.21741015

>Waifu fiction isn't a cornerstone of 40chins