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21728246 No.21728246 [Reply] [Original]

>The medium is the message
>The map is not the territory
So which is it?

>> No.21728248

>The map is not the territory
it is in 2023

>> No.21728448


>> No.21728659

>The medium is the message
How a message is presented changes how the message is understood.
>The map is not the territory
How a message is presented (the map) changes how the message (the territory) is understood.

It's the same thing from another perspective.

>> No.21728670

>The medium shapes our thoughts
>Representations are not reality
What's the issue?

>> No.21728711

A map is not message in the sense that first quote is referring to

>> No.21729712

The medium is the message means how we receive impressions is altered by the medium, whereas the map refers to representation as you say

>> No.21730564

It can be either, depending on circumstances.

>> No.21730590

This post is Reddit.

>> No.21730707

Oooh, you're so edgy, you bleed all over the screen.
I'll bet you're the most popular bully in your whole middle school.
Do you say "bollocks" a lot, too?

>> No.21730717

Media is a simulation. Map or medium doesn't escape this.

>> No.21730808


>> No.21730988


>> No.21731044

>a clever saying proves nothing
>t. some cheeky old frog

>> No.21731071



>the medium is the message
>the message is a map
>the map is a drawing on a piece of paper and not some vast swathes of land
>the map is not the territory

>> No.21732179

>You can't milk the picture of a cow.

>> No.21733541

How about learning to look at the context of what you're trying to analyse rather than basing your views on cliches?

>> No.21733825
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Indeed. And the larger social context of mechanization (as "medium") has completely changed our relationship with cows (the "message", or effect). Non literate agrarian life is involved with livestock. Literate societies detach themselves from and accelerate processes involving livestock.

Mechanization/Industrialization is only possible because of the interiorization of the alphabet. The alphabet is a "map" (semantically meaningless symbols represent semantically meaningless sounds), but we live in the "territory" it creates for us. The medium of literacy makes the map possible in the first place.

These two expressions are not mutually exclusive, but dovetail into one another. Did you get the message, OP?

>> No.21733920

You summarize the first phrase correctly. The second phrase, in contrast, is challenging our imperfect perceptions and instead putting stress on the reality of the territory beyond the map (the medium).
But both phrases agree that the medium of information warps that information.

>> No.21733943
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>the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.

>Doublethink is a formulation to a thought process that man has always found to be ‘indispensably necessary’ – and not merely a thought process either: we are more accustomed than we know to reconciling opposites in our emotional, even our sensory, experiences.

>> No.21733962

Who said the first one? That's retarded and just sounds like coping.
I would say a sign of first-rate intelligence is being able to fully and properly understand two (or more) completely opposed ideas in your mind at the same time and still be able to function. You see it a lot in modern discourse that people are completely incapable of seeing and understanding things in a way which is different than their own perspective.

>> No.21733989

Sure is projection here. That IS essentially what he's saying, you just added some words which barely draw a distinction. Can't you imagine what the speaker's perspective was? Are you completely incapable of seeing and understanding the truth he was articulating?

But yes, I do agree with your last sentiment. It's why hearing normies parroting their political ideologies is painful cringe.

>> No.21734013

Hmm, now I see how your reading of it is similar to what I said.
The distinction which stood out to me was his use of "hold," which I considered to mean that the thinker sincerely believes both ideas. But you're probably right that he meant "hold" in a temporary sense.
>political ideologies
Yes, especially on that topic. People call it bad faith but at this point I'm convinced it's overwhelmingly just stupidity causing the complete disconnect.