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21731086 No.21731086 [Reply] [Original]

To comprehend universal principles directly the transcendent intellect must itself be of the universal order; it is no longer an individual faculty, and to consider it as such would be con tradictory, as it is not within the power of the individual to go beyond his own limits and leave the conditions which limit him qua individual. Reason is a specifically human faculty, but that which lies beyond reason is truly “non-human”; it is this which makes metaphysical knowledge possible, and that knowledge, one must again em phasize, is not a human knowledge. In other words, it is not as man that man can attain it, but because this being which is human in one of its aspects is at the same time something other and more than a human being. It is the attainment of effective consciousness of supra-individual states which is the real object of metaphysics, or better still, of metaphysical knowledge itself. We come here to one of the most vital points, and it is neces sary to repeat that if the individual were a com plete being, if he made up a closed system like the monad of Leibnitz, metaphysics would not be possible; irremediably confined in himself, this being would have no means of knowing anything outside his own mode of existence. But such is not the case; in reality the individuality represents nothing more than a transitory and contingent manifestation of the real being. It is only one particular state amongst an indefinite multitude of other states of the same being; and this being is, in itself, absolutely independent of all its manifes tations, just as, to use an illustration which occurs frequently in Hindu texts, the sun is absolutely independent of the manifold images in which it is reflected. Such is the fundamental distinction between “Self” and “I,” the personality and the individuality; as the images are connected by the luminous rays with their solar source, without which they would have neither existence nor reality, so the individuality, either of the human individual or of any other similar state of mani festation, is bound by the personality to the principial center of being by this transcendent intellect of which we are speaking. It is impossible, within the limits of this exposition, to develop these lines of thought more completely, or to give a more exact idea of the theory of multiple states of being; but I think I have said enough to show the extreme importance of all truly metaphysical doctrine.



>> No.21732574


>> No.21732751

big if true

>> No.21732762
File: 79 KB, 640x707, eaca2912cc036f14e9a3fad248871dc444c10fed86dd06f1c474ae9fe969625d_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21732813

The passage you have provided discusses the idea that in order to comprehend universal principles, one must possess a transcendent intellect that is not limited to individual faculties. This intellect is beyond reason and is not within the power of the individual to attain as a human being. Metaphysical knowledge, therefore, is not a human knowledge and cannot be attained by man alone, but rather it is the effective consciousness of supra-individual states that is the object of metaphysics.

The passage also highlights the fundamental distinction between "Self" and "I", or the personality and the individuality. The individuality is only a transitory and contingent manifestation of the real being, which is independent of all its manifestations. The personality is the connection between the individuality and the principial center of being through the transcendent intellect.

Overall, the passage emphasizes the importance of metaphysical doctrine and the understanding of multiple states of being beyond the limitations of individual faculties.

>> No.21732874

Big, good analogy too. I wonder if it would work on these utilitarian faggots who dismiss anything beyond their fucking nose.

>> No.21733961

no, because Guenon start his point already taking for granted that such a thing exist, so if you're not already agreeing with his notion of a trascendental aspect that can affect an imanent reality,then his argument has no ground of articulation, this type of argument just don't work with empiricist,materialist or utilitarians

>> No.21734045


>> No.21734059

So then how would you, if possible, approach transcendental without leaping faith for it in the first place?

>> No.21734148
File: 630 KB, 1920x1600, guenon (pbuh).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guenonbros, which should I read first, Perspectives on Initiation or Initiation and Spiritual Realization? Been working my way through the chart and I'm not sure which to spring for next

>> No.21734352

Initiation and Spiritual Realization, Perspectives was written after p sure and is complimentary to the former.

>> No.21734600

that's a good question(one dude who answered this question is Hegel in the phenomenology of spirit), but it's not the point i'm making, my point is that you can't use Guenon to refute empiricist because both school of tought start from different axioms