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21728687 No.21728687 [Reply] [Original]

>Cambodian government murdering 1/4 of its own citizens in the span of a few years = perfectly fine
>USA is unironically fascist because something something no free healthcare at home
I can see why pseuds like this guy so much.

>> No.21728697

Wtf is that black hole underneath his cheekbone

>> No.21728708

He's literally a genocide denier and claimed the us promoted propaganda about the yugoslav war to justify bombing a socialist country and not because of war crimes or something lol

>> No.21728815

>Media is propaganda and manufacturing consent for neocon war mongers
>trump is bad, vote for neocon war mongers

>> No.21728839

>US pharmaceutical giants killed off 1/5 the world’s population in the span of a few years = perfectly fine

>Biden isn’t fascist for sending billions to prop up a nazi regime, increase mass surveillance, write a crime bill that explodes the prison population, oversee a censorship campaign not seen since the 50s. Nawww. He’s a commie.

>> No.21728890

Mark of the beast

>> No.21728963

Theres only two things you can't trust in this world: jews, and genocide claims made by the united states federal government

>> No.21728967

Jokes aside, A lot of people treat him as if he's a nuanced, enlightened voice of reason among a sea of propaganda when in actuality he's extremely partisan

>> No.21728971

I think he just went senile like 99% of all public intellectuals who get that old

>> No.21728982

Yes, I've learned to separate the author from his work, particularly when they have access to social media. Could also be the case where the media has marching orders to dig up the ancient influencers and intellectuals to get sound bites for propaganda that supports their side.

>> No.21729038

Trump was just THAT bad.

>> No.21729065

this would be highly based if He actually stated this with full awareness and stated as such.

>> No.21729066

Sure. How's that 401k and WWIII coming?

>> No.21729727

You always pick the lesser of two evils

>> No.21729793

I fucked your gf.

Or maybe it’s just that he’s been play pretending as this edgy deviant rebel this entire time when actually it turns out he’s just another sock puppet of the establishment, just like 99% of all left wing public ‘intellectuals’.

>> No.21729809

Agreed. TV say trump bad, trump bad and no vote. Slave ukrana!

>> No.21729823

Strong, coherent argument. Thank you

>> No.21729831
File: 7 KB, 183x275, FE572077-C811-4B6E-9DE1-268971E9294A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chomsky is the greatest intellectual alive today, he speaks critically of the US because that’s where he’s from, and he’s been incredibly critical of Biden

>> No.21729855

He'd still vote for pedojoe if he raped his mom's corpse in front of him.

>> No.21729861

>he speaks critically of the US
A college intellectual hating America in 2023? Whoa man that’s so edgy and daring, do you listen to MCR??

>> No.21729863

your boos mean nothing, as I know what you cheer for.

>> No.21729888

There are no based left wingers. He has some correct ideas/understanding especially of the nature of media, but spiritually he’s blue pulled.

>> No.21729892

Checked. Where are the leftist elites calling for leaders that aren't geriatric kleptocrats?

>> No.21729970

I regret how influential his simple minded take on the Ukraine conflict is.
>What if we asked both Putin and Zelensky to stop fighting and find a peaceful solution through diplomacy, wouldn't that be nice!
A lot of left-isolationists like him have a fundamental blindspot when it comes to conflicts of interest. They don't understand that sometimes a compromise is not possible and disputes have to be settled through war. His view is especially naive in that if NATO was to withdraw its support to Ukraine while urging a diplomatic solution, further incentive to Putin to continue the war would be given, as his enemy would be militarily weakened.

>> No.21729981

This. Funding the corruption in Ukraine to own Putler is literally the only solution.

>> No.21730069

>I fucked your gf.
im happily married, anon

>> No.21730135
File: 77 KB, 1024x1024, 08a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neocons are based, being anti-war is for hippie soibois
>noooo you can't bomb the heckin' wholesome commies/muslim terrorists that's white supremacy and imperialism!
pic related, it's you

>> No.21730136

I'll never understand how did americans get psyopped into thinking that anyone with a university tenure was ever a serious threat to the system. If you promote actually dangerous ideas, you will never, ever get that high up in the institutional hierarchy. Like holy shit talk about pseudo-rebellion.

>> No.21730464

>>Cambodian government murdering 1/4 of its own citizens in the span of a few years = perfectly fine

Have you got a source for this? Other than your own ass?

>> No.21730484

>I can see why pseuds like this guy so much.

You are arguing with a straw man of your own creation.

You should consider challenging him on things he actually said.

>> No.21730503

>we need to spend billions to spread transgenderism around the world because… we just have to okay!

>> No.21730505

>noo these anti pharmacy product chuds won't vote for my fascist candidate!!
Thanks gnome