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21719368 No.21719368 [Reply] [Original]

This is hilarious. A western woman trying to justify Mohammed's polygamy, the mandated veil for his wives, the assasination of 700 jews, and failling. What is Karen Armstrong up to these days?

>> No.21719375

islam is like making a religion based on CNN

>> No.21719650
File: 89 KB, 648x446, 1677315417822600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a good biography?

>> No.21719825

>trying to justify Mohammed's polygamy
What's there to justify? You don't justify your monogamy?

>> No.21719827

Why would I read a biography of the Prophet (PBUH) written by someone named "Karen Armstrong"

>> No.21719833

>polygamy...LE BAD because umm...it just IS, okay?!
Uhh yeah I'm going to need a peer reviewed source for that one

>> No.21719867

I didn't say it was bad. It's just funny how a western woman tries to justify it after the Rushdie case in 1988

>> No.21719871
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It's like pottery.
Polygamy is nigger behavior. You don't need multiple wives. It's hard enough to handle one wife. By hording women, you are creating an imbalance in society by depriving other men of the chance of getting their own wives, thereby spawning a a hoard of disgruntled incels who will take their frustration out through other (often violent) means.

And I think Islam does it intentionally by design. If you allow a few "elite" men to have all the women, then you can use the disgruntled mob of remaining men as cannon fodder during expansionist conquests, by promising a harem of virgins to them in the afterlife.

>> No.21719875

>You don't need multiple wives.
You don't even have one...

>> No.21719886

According to the Qur'an, polygamy is permitted after men die in war and leave behind widows.
Mo's wives were likely political manuevering.

>> No.21719919

That wasn't my point, though. The Bible says that marriage is a union between one woman and one man, and so is every Western society set up, traditionally speaking at least. You don't need to justify yourself to the Muslims why you only have one wife, do you? Vice versa, the Quran says man can have 4 women, and their society is set up in this way, no justification necessary(even though in most Muslim countries polygamy is de facto forbidden, and is rarely practiced).

>> No.21719922

Mean to reply to this>>21719871

>> No.21720027

T. Don't know anything about Islam except what /pol/ told me

>> No.21720721

I have 6 wives and I can confirmed that you really only need one.

>> No.21720765

Reactionaries focus on woman's fascination with Islam as a desire to be conquered, when it's equally a desire to conquer an overwhelmingly repressive institution by softening, feminising it. And they will win. Islam won't save the West because it will be pussy whipped by white woman.

>> No.21721942

Yet immigration...

>> No.21722179

whining about those awful christians, who are just terrible you know, and she's not at all like that because she's good and she definitely didn't have a mental breakdown and is a collapsed former shell of herself or anything.

but seriously, bitch failed out of the nunnery and has decided that she needs to be principal skinner, the meme.

if it's anything like her previous books, there will be some interesting information, some cleverly omitted/glossed over facts contradicting her main thesis, and some outright inventions/stretching of the truth far beyond the breaking point.

>> No.21722197
File: 189 KB, 720x633, 288D1F50-C31C-4FF7-B28D-1F21D842C3A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very effeminate in your faith in the power of whites women who in fact have no power except what men willingly give them

>> No.21722274

The best biography of Muhammad is The Truth About Muhammad by Robert Spencer. His Quran commentary is also quite good, as is A History Of Jihad From Muhammad To ISIS, along with Did Muhammad Exist

>> No.21722482

>Polygamy is nigger behavior.
Ad hominem (a faulty one which will be explained in more detail.
>You don't need multiple wives.
I do, I need more help around the house and division of chores. This would help immensely and the presence of additional women would make the household more harmonious. I also want to produce as many offspring I can raise as possible.
>It's hard enough to handle one wife.
It's not.
>By hording women, you are creating an imbalance in society by depriving other men of the chance of getting their own wives, thereby spawning a a hoard of disgruntled incels who will take their frustration out through other (often violent) means.
Good. They don't deserve wives and if they react violently, they will be permanently removed from the gene pool. I used to sit on the streets and watch people walk by. I can't tell you how many average or ugly looking men were paired with very attractive women. This should never happen. 85% of men look ugly or average. They aren't entitled to procreate on physiogonomy alone and them having a wife and kid will worsen the gene pool in the long run. Polygamically speaking, all black people should be barred from such pairings.
>And I think Islam does it intentionally by design. If you allow a few "elite" men to have all the women, then you can use the disgruntled mob of remaining men as cannon fodder during expansionist conquests, by promising a harem of virgins to them in the afterlife.
I don't care about brown people or Islam. I am an atheist. Polygamy is eugenics. I look 10/10, and am intelligent. I should be allowed to marry multiple women.

>> No.21722596

The irony of this post is that it's your kind that's getting pruned out of the gene pool, thanks to birth control and abortion.

>> No.21722707

>Islam won't save the West because it will be pussy whipped by white woman.
You fool, western women secretly lust for tough love from the hairy arab manly-man who will treat them as property and whip them if they misbehave.
The whole process of western feminism is the typical shit-testing women practice, just on a societal level. They gauge how far they can go and wait for the guy to show some character, but western "men" just let it happen and in fact compete to debase themselves before whores.

>> No.21722717

>hairy arab manly-man
They only have a beard, the rest is shaven in line with their 'fitra'.

>> No.21722734

what fitra has to do with shaving? some arabs are hairy af and they don't shave, the ones who shave for "sunna" only shave their pits and pubes every 40 days

>> No.21722768
File: 46 KB, 950x534, mo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fitra instructs to shave pits and pubes and implied other body hair.

>> No.21723424

>Robert Spencer
Trusting this duplicitous, ugly Jew about anything...

>> No.21723487

>Mohammed's polygamy, the mandated veil for his wives, the assasination of 700 jews
yo he kinda sounds like a real nigga ngl

>> No.21723493

He is Greek-Lebo like Murray Abraham. They all look very Jewish.

>> No.21723524


>> No.21724936

you are retarded beyond belief and your jewdar is completely broken

>> No.21724973

her Buddha bio is pretty mid

>> No.21725092

>The Bible says that marriage is a union between one woman and one man
Does it really? At least in old testament men have many wives.

>> No.21725359

>slam won't save the West because it will be pussy whipped by white woman.
Islamic can't save the west because when something becomes Islamic, it cease to be western. It's literally in the name, the "east" it's relative to isn't China.

>> No.21726359


>> No.21726362

Fuck off back to your 3rd world toilet along with the rest of your stinky faggot family, shitskins

>> No.21726432

CNN is run by jews

>> No.21726457

This is like a Facebook boomer post

>> No.21727035

>Islamic can't save the west because when something becomes Islamic, it cease to be western.
Dubest take on Islam I've heard. Islam has been a part of the West since it's inception, and one might even argue since 4000 years given it's an offshot of both Judaism and Christianity both of which also originated in the Middle East

>> No.21727170

>musmutt cope
We have to get all 3rd worlders out of the West.

>> No.21727206

Sex, birth, death, all are the part of one thing, I wouldn't bar them from each other. You shouldn't ask why you don't have multiple wives with such pretty looks, the only question you need to ask is whether I'd consider you better off alive as a beautiful slave rather than just disposing of you.

>> No.21727658

Better thank Greeks.

>> No.21727665

You're confusing arabs with berbers. Arabs are not manly, lol. Both are manlets though.

>> No.21727721
File: 46 KB, 323x499, syroaramaickoran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joseph Smith tier bowdlerization of Nestorian Christian texts from Aramaic lead to many strange stray paths.

>> No.21727805

>the assasination of 700 jews
One of my favorite moments in our history and proof why Islam is the most based and only true religion was the destruction of the jewish tribe benu qureyza, after betraying their contract of non-aggression the Muslim army besieged and captured their stronghold, after that every adult man was killed while the rest were sold into slavery. This is the only way to deal with treacherous snakes like kikes.

>> No.21727814

Muslims in the west are increasingly becoming like Christians, toothless and pozzed. Islam is allowed to exist in the west by liberal elites, muslims are closer to a pet to them. There will be clash and I have my reasons to think muslims will lose that fight.

>> No.21728101
File: 69 KB, 720x960, 1666357879087306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memes aside what's the best book on the prophet.

>> No.21728129
File: 765 KB, 1707x2560, 91OXKBbljbL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. It's been said it's the best biography of the prophet. It's written by an Englishman who converted to Islam after coming into contact with works of Rene Guenon and Frithjof Schuon and was an actual disciple of Schuon.

>> No.21728139

>Polygamy is nigger behavior.
Shut your mouth

>You don't need multiple wives.
That isn't the problem. The issue is prohibiting polygeny

>By hording women, you are creating an imbalance in society by depriving other men of the chance of getting their own wives
Most often repeated meme by people who don't know what they're talking about.

Enforced monogamy insures a large portion of women will never be able to marry because men take years to become marriage material whereas women just need to exist and not be whores ("women mature faster"). The monogamy-only cult also creates easy divorce laws. Both of these combined create a promiscuous culture where women are constantly competing for the best man and women are constantly threatened by other women of having their man stolen, which makes them focus on looking young and attractive, which leads to thinks like abortions and piss poor fertility rates.

In monogamy enforced countries your fantasy of every man having a woman never existed. Polygeny (and I mean regulated polygeny as in marriage with multiple wives, not being a whoremonger) allows for social ascension of poor people (because rich men can marry poor daughters), it increases the fertility rrates (because the people who do marry end up having much more children, which inevitably will marry someone).

You don't like polygeny, specially the biblical one, because it ends up not allowing whoremongers like you go fornicating around with many "monogamous" women.

>> No.21728373

>Spencer co-founded the anti-Muslim group Stop Islamization of America (also known as the American Freedom Defense Initiative) with Pamela Geller in 2010.
>Stop Islamization of America is a pro-Israel, American counter-jihad organization
Hmm, very (((interesting))) recommendation! I'm sure there is no hidden agenda here and his books will be free of Jewish lies and half-truths!

>> No.21728954

The agenda of getting rid the planet of muslims is one I can get behind

>> No.21728969

Zionism is bad because of the destruction of Palestinian Christians, and I wish Robert Spencer want a supporter of the state of Israel, but it doesn’t change the fact that 1) he is not Jewish himself, 2) his scholarship and writing on Islam is legitimately top notch, some of the greatest of all time
Five hundred years from now, people will continue to cite Robert Spencer’s books in discussions of Islam, I truly believe that

>> No.21728973

Sorry, that should saw “wasn’t” not “want”

>> No.21729124

It's hypocritical anyway. If they care so much about ridding the world of terrorists, why is Israel giving medical treatment to wounded ISIS fighters? Why did Obama give them free weapons? I think it is rational to be wary of anyone who is pro Israel because of their well established record of duplicity.

>> No.21729172

Ehh, everybody has their blindspots

>> No.21729209

>>By hording women, you are creating an imbalance in society by depriving other men of the chance of getting their own wives
>Most often repeated meme by people who don't know what they're talking about.
U start with this but then never substantiate your claim. Are you a woman?

>> No.21729217

>U start with this but then never substantiate your claim
I already explained why. Men who want to marry and stay married, are able to sustain a family and raise children are very rare

>> No.21729226

We are free to interpret the world however we like, and you can underestimate them if you want. But when it comes to the Jews and their servants, I never ascribe to ignorance what can be explained by willful malice. They are too clever for that.

>> No.21729461

So basically your father left your mother when you were little and that somehow proves to you that there are only few Family-Men and those should just marry all the poor woman like you. I understand

>> No.21730054

Previous sexual partners is the best indicator of infidelity

Men and women today in this monogamous society are incredibly promiscuous, therefore, not every man and woman are suited for marriage.

Men take decades to become ready to marry and raise a family whereas woman don't, therefore, at any given peace time there will be always more women than men to marry.

>> No.21730094

I've found it fascinating how this is an entire genre of its own nowadays, making extremely illiberal things feel palatable and acceptable to upper-middle class western liberals.

>> No.21730154

>his scholarship and writing on Islam is legitimately top notch, some of the greatest of all time

>> No.21730534

>t. hasn’t read any of it

>> No.21731909

Mostly islam

>> No.21732093

Islam predates the west as we know it today because the "the west" as an idea was created in opposition to it.
The entire point of ithe concept is to designate groups of people who are not Islamic.

>> No.21732260

Thanks for the recommendations, kind stranger! I detect no ulterior biases behind these book titles! This is just what I was looking for in a fair, scholarly assessment of the topic at hand! :)

>> No.21732267

Christianity can't be Western either then. Nor can Greek philosophy. Actually, this applies to so many things that you just convinced me the West doesn't exist and hasn't for at least a thousand years. Could it be that we were all just obsessing over a fantastical mental construct with no concrete basis in reality this whole time?

>> No.21732279

Germanic men often had two wives before that subversive foreign cult was introduced.

>> No.21732339

Plenty of people across history and even today all over the world practice various forms of polygamy regardless of religion, culture, etc. In Western Africa, it's forbidden due to Christianity, but people still practice it. In Islamic world it's allowed religiously, try most countries don't practice it at all, and some countries even made it illegal. In the US, it's allowed religiously in Mormons, and it was practiced until the federal government got involved. And in most countries though you can't marry multiple people they still sleep around and have many partners, which is perfectly fine in their mind. So really it's a pointless discussion.

>> No.21732374

>I hate Islam
>wow, sounds like you’re a bit biased, kind stranger!
>Islam is a plague upon the planet
>hey there, kind stranger! I detect ulterior motives behind what you’re saying!
>billions of Muslims must die
>golly gee willickers, kind stranger! Why don’t you tell us what you really think?

>> No.21732389

Actually, the Vikings practiced free love and gladly shared their wives with each other and cared for their wives' sons regardless of the issue of fatherhood.

Is it such a surprise, then, that their descendants a millennia removed, would share their predilection for the same?

>> No.21732398

>I hate Islam
>Islam is a plague upon the planet
>billions of Muslims must die
This is so true <3

>> No.21732404

Any credible sources for this?

>> No.21732550

Wow kind stranger, I’m detecting some ulterior bias in your post there! That’s hecking unwholesome if so, kind stranger! Tell me it ain’t so!

>> No.21732565

You know what yeah I have an ulterior bias against pedophilia, systemic violence, categorizing people as subhumans and destruction of foreign cultures/civilizations

>> No.21732601

Gee kind stranger, why don't you tell us what you really think!

>> No.21732607


>> No.21732610

>Men take decades to become ready to marry and raise a family whereas woman don't,
yeah and woman become unready to marry after they hit 40, while man don't. so men marry down (age wise).

> therefore, at any given peace time there will be always more women than men to marry.

that does not follow, in fact it may be the opposite since men should be marriage material for a longer time in their lives then woman

>> No.21732853

>Actually, this applies to so many things that you just convinced me the West doesn't exist and hasn't for at least a thousand years.
If I had just convinced you, you wouldn't have phrased it like this:
>Could it be that we were all just obsessing over a fantastical mental construct with no concrete basis in reality this whole time?
Imagine being so "suddenly" convinced that you manage to repeat the exact ideas of academics who by-and-large have been saying the same for decades. What a coincidence this is?
Any sort of large-scale cultural grouping is going to be a mental construct, but the that of the west is meaningful in its origins, and this grouping has produced some of the best aesthetic and intellectual developments in human history, so so seeing it as a meaningful category makes you a better person. But I guess if you're a pig who wants to make the whole world resemble your stye, go for it.

>> No.21732860

I know enough to classify it as wrong and antithetical to Christianity
I paint all antichrists with the same brush

>> No.21732867

They are aligned until the west collapses I think, except maybe if they sacrifice Islam as a scapegoat and return to quiet infiltration. This would be giving up the 2030 goal so I doubt it, but they are cowards after all.

>> No.21732878

I dont care about jews as much as i dont care about muslims and christcucks. Any religion followers are utter untermensch.

>> No.21732880

Marriage is the foundational pillar of society. Monogamy is essential to civilization.
Without it there's the problem of angry young men - which Islam uses to wage war, but it demands an eternal war to let those men die

Without monogamy there's no selection pressure for beauty, either. The natural outcome of polygamy is savagery and harems of troll women, and eventually destruction

>> No.21732999


>> No.21733020

Dumbest post of the day, mindset clearly stuck in the 10th century

>> No.21733025
File: 250 KB, 767x430, robert_spencer_is_jewish_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember he used to be open about being a Jew, but now he is trying to hide it.

>> No.21733049

Yeah that's pretty much how you know Islam was a degenerate cult from the start. Mohamad made up the rules as he went along to justify his own appetites. These people talk about honor then turn into slavering animals when they see a woman's skin.

>> No.21733067

I'm smart, you're just coping with being a degenerate, find christ

>> No.21733097

All of Abrahamism and Mazdan traditions are retarded. It's impossible to say which is objectively worse. They have more similarities than differences, and it's their overarching theistic framework that involves a "final judgment" that's the problem.
Jesus, Muhammad, Moses, and Zoroaster were all narcissistic faggots.

>> No.21733099

>find christ
He was just a stupid oversocialized Jew from the Levant. There was nothing special about him or Muhammad. Muhammad was just a violent, barbaric Bedouin from the Levant.

>> No.21733204

>find christ
Islam respects all prophets including Jesus who is mentioned more frequently by name in the Quran than Muhammad. It's you who needs to find your brain which you so severely lack

>> No.21733385

If Jesus was merely a prophet then he was a heretic
Luckily he was the son of God
Islam is a war manual disguised as a religion and uses Jesus as a prop to feign legitimacy
Yeah well, that's just like, your opinion, man.

>> No.21733398

No, it's a fact. Abrahamism is bereft of all spiritual merit. I make sure to curse the Holy Spirit, Muhammad, Allah, Jesus, Moses, and all every day, and nothing bad has happened to me. Watch:

Damn the Holy Spirit
Damn Jesus
Damn Muhammad
Damn Allah
Damn Elohim
Damn Moses
Damn Jacob
Damn John the Baptist
Damn Jerusalem & Temple Mount
Damn Mecca
Damn Wall of David
Damn You

>> No.21733408

Damn Ali*
Too many Levantine & Arab schizos to remember

>> No.21733415


>> No.21733726

I at least admire your conviction
You're totally wrong though
Best of luck 4chan anon I will legitimately say a prayer asking for mercy on your behalf

>> No.21733745

Stfu, sanctimonious icchantika.
Buddha > Jewsus
You'll suffer for trillions of kotis of kalpas due to your attachments to such destructive delusions.

>> No.21733815

>the presence of additional women would make the household more harmonious.

>> No.21733871
File: 204 KB, 1125x1090, C9ACD711-CAF8-4F91-A470-EFAB76DCB9F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By hording women, you are creating an imbalance in society by depriving other men of the chance of getting their own wives
is this the pinnacle of the christlarper intellect: the rationalization of his religion stemming from ressentiment? lmfao, maybe nietzsche was right about you guys all along

>> No.21734810

You will never be white, middle-eastern muttman. Your ancient ancestors were ruled by Nordic-looking Aryans.

Hmmm somewhat based at least...

>> No.21734816


>> No.21734824

>the assasination of 700 jews
You mean that one Jewish tribe that broke the peace treaty and sold out Muslims to the ARAB pagans who the Muslim ARABS were at war with?.
You mean THOSE Jews? But sure continue to believe they were attacked because of Arab hatred towards Jews lol

>> No.21734826

>mooslem 12 year old likes stirner
I can't wait till we deport all the foreign shitskins lmao

>> No.21734827

Does she defend cunny?

>> No.21734855

I really like history of god. She's better writing denser, more academic books. When she dumbs down it doesn't work.

>> No.21735161

Sanctified by the precious blood of Jesus Christ
Cool word
>The rest of your post
Cope and seethe
I take back my kudos re: conviction since you were clearly just baiting for a reaction

>> No.21735188

Kek, keep LARPing, retarded fag. It seems these "Nordic-looking Aryans" are cucked by Jews now.. So much for being superior, lol.

>> No.21736428


>> No.21736483 [DELETED] 
File: 249 KB, 1125x867, C947667A-AC65-4E8E-8ECC-E0396D1C6D21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stirnerite nietzschean amalgation likes religion let alone abrahamitic religion
>not liking christlarpers who convert to christianity for inauthentically appropriating aesthetics and identity and being bitch ass niggas who are too weak to face the void equals being a muslim
Woah, such riveting critique. Truly the intellectual zenith of 4chan theology discourse. Next you’re also going to tell me that I’m a nihilist who left religion to pursue hedonism.

>> No.21736514
File: 249 KB, 1125x867, 36CD5672-764D-42FC-969F-E1B9CFB528B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stirnerite nietzschean amalgation in his head likes religion let alone abrahamitic religion
>not liking christlarpers who convert to christianity for inauthentically appropriating aesthetics and identity and being bitch ass niggas who are too weak to face the void equals being a muslim
Woah, such riveting critique. Truly the intellectual zenith of 4chan theology discourse. Next you’re also going to tell me that I’m a nihilist who left religion to pursue hedonism.

>> No.21736806

Yeah and this is how you pretty much know you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. You're actually retarded because Islam actually RESTRICTED the number of wives a man could have. In Pre-Islamic Arabia men could have an UNLIMITED amount of wives. Islam came along and restricted that. So how exactly was he justifying his own appetites by limiting the amount of women he could marry? Fucking spacker.

>> No.21737139
File: 873 KB, 833x1261, The Church And The Pope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He recently published a book on why Orthodox Christianity is the true faith. Either he’s a convert, or he really was never Jewish

>> No.21738354
