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File: 32 KB, 352x540, infinite jest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21725889 No.21725889 [Reply] [Original]

New to /lit/. One the second chapter of Infinite Jest. Never thought I'd say this word, but I am 'triggered'. Chapter 2 makes me realize I am an addict and no matter how smart I think I am alone in my bedroom, I may just need to kill myself.

Thanks for the book reference, faggots.

>> No.21725902

Does the audiobook have chapters or what?

>> No.21725920
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yeah. is it bad that I am listening and not reading? I can't concentrate well enough for a paperback.

>> No.21726164

that is one of the funniest chapters in the whole book.
no, this is an acceptable way of consuming this literature.

>> No.21726192

> I can't concentrate well enough for a paperback
Are paperbacks harder for you to read than hardcovers or something?

>> No.21726205

I don’t get the book. I don’t see how this is btfo’ing the entertainment industry.

All I see is some over educated lit major blowing his Jewish load all over the pages, cramming in as many big words as he can. Plus the author looks like he is chronic drug addict.

>> No.21726210


>> No.21726214

kek this is accurate

>> No.21726229

Could you post the specific passage that did it?

t. potential addict in denial

>> No.21726239

The second chapter. Where the addict's routine is explained. Also something about a fly and a stereo system.

>> No.21726261

found it


page 18 if anyone else is curious

>> No.21726279

Even more so, I think dfw was arguing that addiction and mass entertainment were two sides of the same coin as well; we replace one addiction with another, to varying degrees of harm to the mind and body.

>> No.21726288

That's the first thing you're supposed to infer.

>> No.21726312

Nothing wrong with audiobook at all anon. I’m sorry the book affected you in that way by the way. Personally, I think the second chapter is the best one of the best things ever written because it captures addiction so perfectly. If you can recognize it, though, you’re already on the road to recovery. Stay strong anon! YGMI

>> No.21726314

what's your poison

>> No.21726340
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Along the lines of, “I’ll get fucked up another last time”, after lying to everyone in his professional life about his multi day emergency. Him getting a shit ton of garbage food plus antacids for the indigestion. Saying that he masturbates an insane abound while he’s locked in his room for days, only getting out of bed to use the bathroom and grab food from the fridge. Then over thinking the drug deal while keeping his shit together on the outside.

The thing that fucjed me up the most was how he throws away his bong every time, not learning his lesson and buying g a new one each time he relapsed.


Yeah. This proves why I’m chronically online. It makes me sick how people just sit in front of a screen all day, getting programmed. Fuck I want to move to the Middle East.

>> No.21726341

how can just weed derange a man this bad

>> No.21726361

Is there any way to live a perfect life without harming yourself with substances, sedentary life style or media?

Actually, what I think of is being a public servant. Those people have to have their shit together for the most part. Maybe I will get into government.

>> No.21726368

Yeah from reading the first bit this is just a bunch of subjective word salad, not great. Still like his interview with charlie rose tho.

>> No.21726386

realizing you’re a roodypoo is half the problem. I realized I was completely addicted to silly old weed and started going to NA. It changed my life. Find a local NA meeting and check it out. Hell, I'll take you to your first one if you’re in the SLC area

>> No.21726407
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People who are prone to psychosis have a really bad time with weed. You’d be surprised at how many people in mental hospitals are there for either weed or synthetic weed easily obtainable in society (fuck China for importing synthetic marijauna btw, fucked up a lot of military and criminals who can’t smoke weed for drug tests)

Personal experience, my brother that hanged himself in my parents house at 25 went crazy on weed and synthetic marijuana. I got him hooked in 10th grade bc I was hooked being in the military. I kind of want to kill myself for it. 6 years I’ve been battling suicide.

Alcohol right now because I have to be infrint of clients for my IT support company I’ve been running for the last year. I avoid darknet markets now because I was ordering bulk MDMA, Meth, Ketamine etc to sell, but I’d just end up consuming it and go crazy.

Thanks anon :,) people like you who are kind are a rare breed. Im going to screen shoot your comment. I appreciate you man.

>> No.21726408

It is a very striking and well done addiction depiction and I like that it's just weed he's tormenting himself over

>> No.21726440

I’m excited to hear more. I’m doing 30 or so pages a day

>> No.21726443

It’s not just weed, is potent ass resin. How do you guys not understand the difference?

>> No.21726465

Sorry to hear that anon. I've heard that people with psychotic tendencies could have weed push them over the edge and such, but what really baffles me is the compulsive smoking of it like described in that chapter I just read. For me, weed simply does not have that "hook" in it, it just causes a vague trippy confusion, sometimes with a sense of dread, but there's no jackpot dopamine hit in the brain. But give me a bunch of whiskey and I just keep slurping (and chainsmoking cigs) until it's all gone. I guess it differs per person what gets you.

>> No.21726494

I’ve been a roodypoo for over 15 years. I’m in the upper Midwest and have been to NA a few times. Saw a semi cute girl itch her crotch and stealth smell her fingers. She notices me looking in disgust and got embarrassed. That confirmed my suspicion that I was better than everyone there and never went back.

>> No.21726533


>> No.21726544
File: 71 KB, 1024x718, 29B04AE3-B1F1-4A27-BA86-F58BA9D4AC6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you probably are objectively better than most, if not all, of the people in those meetings. But have those people figured out how to stay sober, something that you failed at?

Whether it’s weed, heroin, porn, gambling, whatever, it’s all addiction. You are unable to cope with life on life’s terms. Working the NA program is about accepting reality and making the most of it without having to run away to your drug of choice

>> No.21726551
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For context: I’m 30, been smoking weed problematically for 14 years. March 13 marks one year sober, the longest I’ve ever gone

>> No.21726562

Idk man you can be totally neurotic sober
I also think AA and support groups in general become a cope sometimes
So I might cope with weed, but as long as I don't make 'staying sober' my sole metric for success I can still objectively say I'm doing a lot better than I was ~6months ago when I was sober for several months straight

I used to have a lot more anxiety about it
Hard to argue with dubs tho, checked

>> No.21726565

Based elitist anon

>> No.21726573

I just read the chapter and it says 1250$ worth, 200 grams of unusually high quality dope, which he will smoke out of a bong in tight economical one hitters, over an oz a day, until it's gone.

>> No.21726584

As a (recently) sober alcohol this is sadly relatable but also weirdly very funny. There's something so absurd about living like this, it's such a retarded complicated stressful hassle, it's almost crazy to believe you did it when you get a little bit of distance.

>> No.21726603

You are right about that. However, these are all middle of the bell curve wagies and I have accomplished things that seem impossible to them. They are all “sober” yet they drink coffee and eat sugar like addicts. Yeah, you’re right. I am coping. I feel like they are all losers tho bro. Like how the fuck can I mingle with ugly people when I came from the bottom and did what I’ve done with my life? I am a success, what the duck are they? Wagies that tune into nigger collide every Sunday night and yell at their TV?

Fuck that. I think im better than them.

Yet. I can’t govern myself enough to stop drinking wine and beer when things get stressful. I’m confused.

>> No.21726611

Sounds like you didn’t read the entire chapter then, my low IQ companion.

>> No.21726616

nta but he said high-resin dope, doesn't that just mean sticky strong bud with lots of trichomes?

>> No.21726635
File: 779 KB, 1284x1848, 2725EF8E-4F3F-4EF4-A3D9-4DA884D42F98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re a goofy fuck

>> No.21726640

You are the low IQ fren
Made me double check myself and for that I'll give you a c--
see me after class

>> No.21726647

The addiction stuff hits hard. I've realized I'm psychologically addicted to acid; I take it at least three times a week. I've probably fucked my brain up beyond belief

>> No.21726648
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Bro you just posted cringe

>> No.21726659

The book says high resin dope meaning high quality regular flower. Try buying 200 grams of wax for 1250$
You are a cocky fool
I turn my nose at you, I spit at your feet.

>> No.21726663

So you're telling me that:

>He had been very casual about the whole thing. She said she knew a guy just over the river in Allston who sold high-resin dope in moderate bulk, and he'd yawned and said well, maybe, well, hey, why not, sure, special occasion, I haven't bought any in I don't know how long.

Means they covered the weed in bong scrapings?

>> No.21726679

You can forcibly insert that c– up your anus. Resin is resin. Where I’m from it means a form of thc medium in an almost black wax form, not just sticky weed, goofball

Captcha: WAX H8N

>> No.21726692
File: 137 KB, 1284x381, 2EABABA1-5CC6-4F30-B6D2-1E0F3B5DA1D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this far under the bell curve

Anon, get your things and leave the classroom.

>> No.21726706

You are alone in your bedroom, mentally masturbating to a screen. Chances are you are under 6 foot and tense up in public places.

>> No.21726725

I know what people today refer to when saying resin, but you lack the contextual awareness to realise that can't possible be what this guy in the early 90s is referring to when saying "high-resin dope" for 6 dollars a gram. Especially since if he is smoking pure resin, why is literally talking about "destemming" it a few lines further on?

The pdf is right there anon, it's better to give up.

>> No.21726738
File: 3.36 MB, 4032x3024, 0EF9A3A4-9397-4D4C-A59C-21986CD0BB16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally agree, abstinence from your substance of choice leaves you to choose another “more acceptable” cope. But actually working the 12 steps is about finding a way to no longer need a cope at all.

In the meeting I go to, there are about 20 regular attendees and only 4 of them are actually real people with brains, accomplishments, hobbies, etc. The rest are the same junkie sub-humans they were on drugs except they’re off drugs. But the companionship and guidance of those 4 makes it worth tolerating the existence of the rest. Granted, I’m in an up-and-coming metro area so my meeting might have a higher proportion of humans to subhumans than bumfuck Indiana does, but there really are 2 types of NA attendees.

>> No.21726746

Wow. Im wrong. You can come back in and take your seat in the front of the class again, nerd.

>> No.21726766
File: 555 KB, 1076x711, F6E06EF7-0558-479B-AFCC-7A94A1E945AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel your pain. See >>21726738. I make 6-figures, own a home, earned a STEM master’s degree, have a loving wife and kid, am in good shape, etc. It was difficult at first trying to find common ground with brain dead consumers. Now I’m polite to them, but mostly just ignore those “people” and go talk to the real ones

>> No.21726803
File: 105 KB, 750x570, 7F445269-57DC-4A9D-9B2A-9FDE18456FB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picture is hilarious.

I actually appreciate the reply here though. I can see where I don’t have to be friends or like the brain dead attendees. Finding the people that I have common ground with and can hold a conversation with me might be a good play. You seem level headed and cool, anon. I hope to find some group goers like you if I decide on going.

>> No.21726839

Thank you for admitting defeat, kind stranger!

>> No.21726871

You’re welcome, traveler. I apologize, but I am fresh out of rebbit gold. Enjoy your stay.

>> No.21726941

I can see where you're coming from. Like I said I'm not really stressing about it currently. I feel like I'm at a point in my life where stressing about it is counterproductive. I've regulated my use within acceptable parameters and try to use it as a tool to positively reinforce good behaviors- e.g. I smoke after I have exercised or accomplished. It's not perfect and I haven't had much success with the positive reinforcement, because my self-discipline structures collapse around a month into steady usage, but I did successfully inculcate an exercise habit which I did not have prior to my most recent series of weed consumption behaviors, and I am successfully managing my various responsibilities at this time.

I will, however, take this conversation into consideration, remember it and review in a few months.
I do worry somewhat that my efforts have merely slowed the process of self-destructive decay to a manageable level. I'm keeping journals so I can review and identify trends and make adjustments. I think I'll be fine.

>> No.21727325

Food industry knows that big shocking flavors don’t get people addicted. It’s the subtle flavors that keep people feeling justified in eating “just one more.” So yes weed isn’t addicting really but that very fact keeps people attached

>> No.21727459
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the weed in IJ is implied to be much stronger than regular weed. in fact another character goes to the hospital over it. or at least thats how i interpreted it

>> No.21727516

Synthetic weed is dark shit and basically fucked me up for 3 years after I smoked too much and had a horrifying trip. I have read people describe salvia and I never like to say it's what I experienced because many anons don't like it when you try and "stolen valour" their bad trips but it's the closest thing to the shit I felt. Literally for years after stuck with depersonalised shit I nearly went insane.

>> No.21727527

Audiobooks are different from reading a reading requires a more active involvement on the part of the reader to understand the text

>> No.21727980

I couldn’t hold a conversation forever and had severe social anxiety because of it. It ruined me too.

>> No.21727981

It is difficult. Why faggy writers do their very best to use obscure words to sound ebin smart will always be a mystery to me.

>> No.21728055

I had my first ever panic attack while smoking weed. Now I have an anxiety disorder, not sure if the weed contributed to that, I've only smoked a few times.

>> No.21728385

Funnily enough, since this was written in the way back when, it'd probably just mean the ultra high grade shit he writes about is par for the course nowadays.

Also wishing successful sobriety++ to my fellow addictanons. WAGMI

>> No.21728825

The constantly switching media neurosis he describes is also basically a mild version of TikTok.

Imagine DFW with a dab pen and an iphone.

>> No.21728938

sounds to me like you need some humility