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21723529 No.21723529 [Reply] [Original]

Can't believe you memed me into reading this scheisse. Total garbage. I dare you to came defend this.

>bugiboo I'm going to kill you until you are dead!
>oh noes I'm dying myself.

>No son, you are the character shield.
>wow ingeniously explained!

>> No.21723530


>> No.21723554

at least you got straight to the point unlike this series

>> No.21723613

I enjoyed the series very much. I have no argument to defend it. Just that I really enjoyed it.
Maybe it's not for you. What other fantasy series have you enjoyed?

>> No.21723639

Never read a fantasy story where the retards recommending it mention the most shallow aspects of story-telling, like worldbuilding and magic as the one of the foremost "strengths" over things that actually matter, like characterization, dialogue, prose, or even themes. Also, never touch a story that has the name Sanderson attached to it either. Anything longer than a trilogy is also milking it, with terrible pacing, unless it more of a collection of loosely related short stories.

>> No.21723651

I can't believe you were stupid enough to be memed into reading it either, but here we are.

>> No.21723660

>Just that I really enjoyed it.
Well I can't debunk that. Only you should feel bad about it then.

GoT, and LotR was Ok. Maybe Lovecraft and Dune counts?

>> No.21723668


>> No.21723677

u r only supposed to read the first book
... if you couldn't tell from the first ten pages of the second book that is; if you went there, don't complain!

>> No.21723693

What authors/books would you recommend which fit that standard? Malazan and Discworld are the only ones that come to my mind. I didn't even finish Gardens of the moon, out of pure boredom, but i enjoy discworld quite a lot.

>> No.21723704

>replies to somebody annoyed by autistic over-reliance on magic and world-building with "discworld"
this is some prime grade trollage

>> No.21723747

Well, the "world" wasn't even that great. Too small, too heterogeneous without reasons, too much relied on suspension of disbelief.
Magic system was also meh, and turned you to be ridiculous later on. Anyone who got there first could just "cut off" others ability. Villains had no way of defending and died to one fire ball.

1-3 bundle. It was right choice since first book was on it's own category, which was expected.

>> No.21724037

>The air turned to fire, the fire to light liquefied. The bolt that struck from the heavens would have seared and blinded any eye that glimpsed it, even for an instant. From the heavens it came, blazed through Lews Therin Telamon, bored into the bowels of the earth. Stone turned to vapor at its touch. The earth thrashed and quivered like a living thing in agony. Only a heartbeat did the shining bar exist, connecting ground and sky, but even after it vanished the earth yet heaved like the sea in a storm. Molten rock fountained five hundred feet into the air, and the groaning ground rose, thrusting the burning spray ever upward, ever higher. From north and south, from east and west, the wind howled in, snapping trees like twigs, shrieking and blowing as if to aid the growing mountain ever skyward. Ever skyward.
>At last the wind died, the earth stilled to trembling mutters. Of Lews Therin Telamon, no sign remained. Where he had stood a mountain now rose miles into the sky, molten lava still gushing from its broken peak. The broad, straight river had been pushed into a curve away from the mountain, and there it split to form a long island in its midst. The shadow of the mountain almost reached the island; it lay dark across the land like the ominous hand of prophecy. For a time the dull, protesting rumbles of the earth were the only sound.
>On the island, the air shimmered and coalesced. The black-clad man stood staring at the fiery mountain rising out of the plain. His face twisted in rage and contempt. “You cannot escape so easily, Dragon. It is not done between us. It will not be done until the end of time.”
>Then he was gone, and the mountain and the island stood alone. Waiting.
Tell me this isn't kino

>> No.21725123

It is anon. Mr. Jordan was a master of his craft, he may as well have had a
heron-marked pen.

>> No.21725150

It’s a slow-burn story. I suspect a large reason that most people can’t read it is due to short-attention span and need for instant-gratification. I myself had a hard reading the story in the beginning for these reasons(in part).

>> No.21725164


>> No.21725199

This book made me despise women to the bones. Every single girl in this godforsaken book is either a lunatic, a cunt or both.

>> No.21725230

Have read the WoT?
Aside from some unnecessary toxicity, the characterization is excellent. The dialogue, while I do think their could have been more, is likewise excellent. The prose are literally the best I have ever read, Jordan has a poetically unique way of articulating. The themes are debatably the best thing about WoT. Duty, Honor, the relationship between free will and destiny, good and evil, Man and Woman- to name a few.

>never touch a story that has Sanderson attached to it

This is just goofy.

>> No.21725275

I enjoyed it. Don't really care what you think.
Later books are better.

>> No.21725288

This is garbage, I'm so glad I never read this shit. Imagine reading 14 tomes of this shit.

I have yet to see a way in which Malazan is inferior to basically any other "epic" high fantasy--it has vastly superior prose, a more interesting and unique world, and a sprawl of interconnected stories that doesn't take book after book to get going.

>> No.21725292

>The prose are literally the best I have ever read, Jordan has a poetically unique way of articulating. The themes are debatably the best thing about WoT. Duty, Honor, the relationship between free will and destiny, good and evil, Man and Woman- to name a few.
Utterly embarassing

>> No.21725851

I challenge your opinion

>> No.21725874

He has completely "fine" prose, stand out only in the toxic waste-pit that is 99% of epic fantasy. Most of the themes you mentioned are entirely one-not and juvenile (not to mention have been discussed endlessly by better authors going as far back to Homer), and if the best prose is >>21724037 this, and themes you have are just "duty and honor" than I'm terribly sorry but you're a pseud and or very poorly read.

Of epic fantasy authors there are better, and of authors in general there are vastly superior.

>> No.21725930

Epic fantasy in general is trash. The genre has very few good books in it. WoT is one of the more bearable examples of it, as it is not as pretentious as some others, but its still very dull and empty of anything interesting.

>> No.21725938

>1-3 bundle. It was right choice since first book was on it's own category, which was expected.
is 3rd book better than 2nd? might actually read it if you vouch for it

>> No.21725941

Recommend some good ones.

>> No.21725961

m8 it's really overrated what are you on about

>> No.21725980
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>The prose are literally the best I have ever read
the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.21726101

Books 1-3 are quest fantasy, the story really begins to blossom at book 4.

>> No.21726106

There's a reason /sffg/ is the only regular general allowed on the board.

>> No.21726115

The themes are a lot more complex then that… honestly. I just didn’t want to go into thematic detail. Mainly because I don’t want to spoil the story for anyone who hasn’t read all the way through.

>> No.21726141

i asked because i stopped at book 2, that being a pretty boring story of teleporting witches between castles, and no questing at all
now you are saying that form book 4 it's even worse? lol thanks, I guess

>> No.21726145

Brandon Sanderson is a living printer. Writing at such speeds can not produce anything of quality.

>> No.21726262

>unironically defending Malazan as superior high fantasy
Nigga, opinion absolutely discarded. I can't tell if you're trolling, that's how bad this take is

>> No.21726278

Books 1-3 are unironically kino and some of the best of the series. Book 4 is really good, too, but some of the most fun stuff happens in the "beginning" trilogy.

>> No.21726295

pls is book 3 better than 2 or not (or at least closer to 1)
simple question :(

>> No.21726298

There’s questing in all of the books, but the first three are the most questy. It may not be for you, it’s a slow-burn read, reserved for readers who like journey before destination.

>> No.21726348

this series is "Lost", the fantasy series. sets up a billion interesting plot points and does nothing with them, does directionless meandering bullshit with them, fumbles them, or does something underwhelming with them.

>> No.21726355

anon the 1st one is practically 100% questing, more than anything else I have read
book 2 is an incredibly brutal change of pace from book 1, that's why my comment was so condemning
from what other anons said, books 2 and 3 are like 4, that's why I asked if 3 is better than 2
don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved book 1, that's why I'm asking if 3 is better than 2

>> No.21726365

what's more funny is it was edited by his wife, so every line was given tacit acceptance by a woman

>> No.21726412

Why, are you having trouble finishing it? If you're not liking book 2, I don't see how Book 3 is gonna be much better.

However, I always tell anons new to WOT to read the first 3 books and if halfway through book 3 you still can't get into it, dump it.

>> No.21726439

I liked it. Granted, I read it while I was on bedrest and didn't have access to a phone or computer, or really any good books at all.

>> No.21726459

having better books/texts to read basically.

>> No.21726472

I dunno what to say. Keep reading and if by book 3 you still ain't feeling it, move on

>> No.21726481

Yes, multiple pages of purple prose about roof tiles is definitely considered worth reading by people with normal attention spans and no need for instant gratification.

>> No.21726485

White zoomer detected.

If the take is so bad, it should be pretty easy to point out the flaws so, go ahead.

>> No.21726821

I can tell you haven’t read it anon

>> No.21726834

Book 2 is just a hare better then book 3 imo. Mostly due to the fact that Rand is hardly in book 3, which left me irritated at the time of reading it as he was my favorite character.

>> No.21726857

>multiple pages of purple pros about roof tiles
Anon’s chillin at the exaggeration station.

>> No.21726870

>white zoomer detected
Boomer alert

>> No.21726873

I personally recommend finishing book 4 and then making a decision from there.

>> No.21726880

I half-think he’s channeling a spirit while writing, don’t know how else to explain it.

>> No.21726886

We owe the delight that is WoT in part to Harriet

>> No.21727000

>White zoomer detected.

>If the take is so bad, it should be pretty easy to point out the flaws so, go ahead

-Malazan started as a literal D&D campaign
-It's bloated beyond belief (a flaw that WOT shares, btw, especially in the Slog so I'll give you that)
-Edgy in all the wrong places
-Weak prose
-a whole book of literally walking through a desert
-an obscene amount of time is spent in building the world rather than fleshing out the characters

Just a few off the top of my head

>> No.21727008

Being honest, if you don't like Book 3, I don't think you'll like Book 4. Just my personal opinion

>> No.21727102

What’s ur fav book in WoT anon?

>> No.21727416

>It’s a slow-burn story. I suspect a large reason that most people can’t read it is due to short-attention span
Anon by this logic Tolkien was an ADD zoomer incapable of taking his time and enjoying a story as it naturally unfolds - just look at how rushed and rapid the entirety of LOTR is compared to the WoT.

>> No.21727425

Have read the this post?
Aside from some unnecessary toxicity, the baiting is excellent. The memes, while I do think their could have been more, are likewise excellent. The subtle smugness is literally the best I have ever read on /lit/, anon has a poetically unique way of articulating. The provocation is debatably the best thing about . Praises of prose, dialogue, themes and characterization - to name a few.

>"He is not merely pretending, he genuinely believes that"
This is just goofy.

>> No.21727511

I read the whole series and I regret nothing because now I can gloat that I did it

>> No.21727747

Don't talk about Aviendha like that.

>> No.21727810

>Have read the WoT?
>The prose are literally the best I have ever read

>Have read the WoT?
>Have read the WoT?
>Have read the WoT?
So this is the power of an ESL, huh?

>> No.21727853

>I have yet to see a way in which Malazan is inferior to basically any other "epic" high fantasy
That's an incredibly low bar.

>> No.21728002

second book was the best by far, actually acceptable

>> No.21728257

I'm younger than you.
>-Malazan started as a literal D&D campaign
It didn't, and even if it did lets not through stones in our glass house--the first book in the WoT is a near 1:1 of Fellowship of the Ring.
>It's bloated beyond belief
Yeah, every book could be trimmed by 2-3 hundred pages with little loss, but the same is true of WoT as you said. In fact books 8-10 could just be tossed out, that's around 2.5k pages of material no one wants to sit through.
>Edgy in all the wrong places
>Weak prose
Colossally ignorant take, the prose in Malazan is noticeably better than anything in WoT or any other Epic fantasy of the kind. I'll post excerpts after class.
>an obscene amount of time is spent in building the world rather than fleshing out the characters
I'd rather have this than the opposite, most of the characters range from "fine" to "great" with plenty of variation, Erikson plays to his strengths and the series is the better for it.

In short: Malazan is better written, has a vastly more interesting world; and has a continuous sprawl of storytelling that is never boring to get through. Even the most ardent WoT fans like Daniel Greene still think Malazan is one of the best, and has better writing, battles and more.

>> No.21728271

>Weak prose
>"He stood in a shallow, broad valley, the dwarf forest covering the basin behind him and climbing the slopes on all sides, strangely park-like in the generous spacing of the trees. And they swarmed with birds. From somewhere nearby came the sound of trickling water. Overhead, dragonflies with wingspans to match that of crows darted in their uncanny precision, feeding on midges. Beyond this feeding frenzy the sky was cerulean, almost purple near the horizons. Tatters of elongated clouds ran in high ribbons, like the froth of frozen waves on some celestial shore."
Reading through the series and came across this bit, better than any descriptive prose in WoT. Robert Jordan is literally one step away from being YA, and Sanderson is literal YA.

This thread will eventually devolve into a fighting match between people complaining about the opposite series (without having finished the one they dislike)

>> No.21729005

Avhienda is best girl

>> No.21729027

Are there even character arcs in LotR

>> No.21729041

He can only finish someone else's series, and even then it's rushed.
I want Sanderson to work on his prose and pacing but that might be a monkey's paw wish, maybe he should just keep to schlock action.

>> No.21729075

Pretty weak criticisms. Sounds like you better stick to basic fantasy my dude.

>> No.21729225

He says he plans to be done with Cosmere by 72

>> No.21729234
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>you just have to read the first 10 books and then it gets really good

>> No.21729250

>the power of an ESL
ESL moment

>> No.21729286

You probably think Sandershit is deep, too. Fuck off

>> No.21729312
File: 275 KB, 1024x962, do it nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the far-away fantasy world with some details being eerily realistic doesn't capture by book one, then there's no need to continue reading the series.
>what are rushes? what are they talking about? who grabs rushes? blankets? carpets? reeds? what? before bed?
>those are rush-lights, and they're a cheaper version of candles
>candles were expensive, and peasants more commonly used rush lights, wicks soaked in fat, for emergency lights at night
who fucking wrote this

>> No.21729336

Book 2 is the best book imo.

>interesting twists
>The portal stones
>The other worlds
>The Seanchan
>the flicker scene
>the Cairhien plot
>Ingtar character arc

If Jordan had sticked to this pacing and lore for the rest of the series, WOT would've been a lot better, imo.

Honorable mentions:
Book 4
Book 6
Book 11

>> No.21729347

What's yours?

based Great Hunt enjoyer

>> No.21729363
File: 51 KB, 399x328, superham has a stroke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty versed in Wheel of Time lore if anyone wants to discuss it or has questions

>> No.21729388

>It didn't
Objectively wrong and shows just how much you know about fantasy
>Colossally ignorant take
wrong again
>Colossally ignorant take

>In short: Malazan is better written, has a vastly more interesting world; and has a continuous sprawl of storytelling that is never boring to get through.
>"Hey guys, wanna know what the cultural implications a mechanical velociraptor has on a continent hundreds of miles away that has literally nothing to do with the story?! Worldbuilding and complex POVs, amirite? XD"
>"bro, I swear to God you gotta wait for a character from book 1 to appear in Toll the Hounds. Bro please, I swear bro every character is important"
Yeah, no thanks.

>> No.21729402

Why do you think that Book 2 is very underrated? And do you find it to be a high point in the series? I found that 'The Great Hunt' is not on most of WOT fan's top 5 list but I have found some anons that appreciate it and agree that it's a pretty awesome book.

>> No.21729429

I didn't read Malazan but Wheel of Time definitely has some "remember me?" moments two or three thousand pages later.

disclaimer: all the books run together for me
>Why do you think that Book 2 is very underrated?
I think book one was a good start for a series but Robert Jordan might not have expected them to continue into a series, so he hedged his bets and wrote a good stand-alone novel. Book one is a concise plot with some catharsis that something was achieved, book two is just more "worldbuilding" or explication. Most people read that and since it doesn't end in some magnificent discovery at the end of the world (unless they saw the magic tree at the edge of the desert?)
>And do you find it to be a high point in the series?
I couldn't stand Perrin's miserable march looking for his wife off in the woods, but that battle at the end was fine enough. Everything else, good enough. It's sad that I seem remember the low points more, but maybe everything else was well off.
I'm not in the fan list or reddit this or that. I read the series twice and consult the companion piece every now and then as needed.

>> No.21729441

I unironically read the Wheel of Time series cover to cover 6 different times.

>> No.21729460

Perrin's miserable march doesn't begin until much later into the series, tho. I personally find Book 2 a peak moment in the series.

Also, how do you place spoilers?

>> No.21729466 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 362x95, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know
the idiot way of placing spoilers is to type out to start a block and to end it
but ctrl+s works if you're using the quick-reply window feature

>> No.21729482

Anyways, just to refresh your memory, Book 2 is when Rand is told to go to Illian. The Horn is stolen and instead of going to Illian, Rand accidentally gets transported to an alternate world where he eventually arrives at Cairhien. Hilarit ensues and we end up in Falme where Ba'alzamon and Seanchan are at.

IMO, no other book has matched the chaotic and unpredictable nature of the Great Hunt

>> No.21729500

yeah, and at least the horn did something before the tower locked it up and kept it secret like they do with everything else.

>> No.21729560

This may sound heretical, but 14 is my favorite. I don’t like particularly like Sandersons prose but that book had the advantage of wrapping everything up in an overwhelmingly satisfying fashion. The only drawback in book 14 was that the duel between Rand and Moridin should have been a little longer Book 11 is a close second, very close.

>> No.21729583

you must have a lot of free time

>> No.21729607
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maybe he's ageless

>> No.21729609

I thought /lit/ loved Sanderson

>> No.21729619

I appreciate and think it’s an awesome book. I don’t think it would make my top 5. I suspect it’s underrated because its a smaller scale WoT quest-fantasy novel. Things haven’t quite “opened up” yet.

>> No.21729630

I don’t blame you man, I want to go back reread, I just finished last summer.

>> No.21729637

Sanderson has a few key virtues
>he works hard and fast
>he's great at writing action sequences
>he asks for help when he has to deal with a topic he doesn't understand
In effect he is an endless font of schlock action. This is technically the board to discuss his works, and people sing his praise, mostly in sci-fi/fantasy generals, but his many flaws earned him many detractors.
>characterization is either barebones or heavy-handed, and wildly swings between the two depending on narration and who is "main character" at the time
maybe everyone will get side-novels like Lift
>his "magic systems" are all scientifically explored and not mystical, or really magical feeling
this does make action easier to follow.
I like how he has a ONE character that is just a straight psycho-killer, like magic John Rambo, Szeth son sons son with extra-magic death blade

>> No.21729819
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>a lunatic, a cunt or both.
Your loss, i love bitchy women. Moirane best girl

>> No.21729848

Nightmare to date, but delightfully exciting in literature.

>> No.21729907

>Objectively wrong and shows just how much you know about fantasy
I know that it wasn't a D&D game, and it was a gurps setting. Inb4 semantics, but if you use the word "literal" at least be correct in what you're saying, you fucking retard.
>wrong again
He says, with not even a smidge of analysis to back up his original claim. At least I posted something.
>Yeah, no thanks.
This happen in WoT, especially in the middle. Not that it's a problem because it actually does build to something. Its fun to read about different characters on different continents and see them finally meet and clash. If you are too simple minded to read something with the most basic levels of complexity when stick to your YA.

You haven't even mentioned the real issues with Malazan, ill spoon feed you later if you cant come up with anything

>> No.21731392

*tugs braid*

>> No.21731444

The first book is almost a LOTR clone, even Jordan said that.

>> No.21731584

Ehhh, the beginning and the basic substructure is inspired by LoTR. Shire-Two Rivers. Innocent Farmkids-Hobbits. Aragorn-Lan. Gandalf-Moraine. The story most spiritually mirrors LoTR in the beginning of Eye of the World. The whole book is not really a clone, by any stretch. If you take a walk outside the exaggeration station you may be able to be open to learning that a clone is literally a one-for-one copy. That doesn’t mean that there isn’t any* truth to what your saying though, the substructure of LoTR and the EoTW do mirror each other to an extent(again particularly in the beginning), but by no means it is a clone.

>> No.21731714

Stupid frogposter.

>> No.21731716

Go back to writing, George, you fat retard.

>> No.21731717
File: 3.59 MB, 4032x3024, B890006A-A92C-46E0-97DF-E36B0FF7F1F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to share this with 4chan.

>> No.21731741

>Also, how do you place spoilers?
Can you picture yourself being as terribly pristine as this poster?

>> No.21731742

Hate it when /sffg/ freaks get out of their ghetto. That general should be moved to /tg/, /co/, or /v/, where it belongs.

>> No.21731784

I can as I once didn’t know. I reckon your the same.

>> No.21731803

Fellow Anon, fantasy is* literature. The Odyssey is a well respected classic among /lit/, it is fantasy- is it not?

>> No.21731831

Please tell me for I must know, how were you able to solve the captcha? Did you refresh until you got verification not required, did you buy a 4chan pass, or did you have you carer solve it for you?

>> No.21731959

i read all of them cover to cover and the prequel

>> No.21731985

Personally I needed more characterization to flesh the people out and more world building to explain everything

>> No.21731991

>you just have to not read the last 10 books before it gets really bad

>> No.21732030

I finished it last year. It's definitely too long, the 14 books could be 8 or 9 with nothing significant being lost. It has some big flaws. The Forsaken are mostly bumbling retards who should've been able to kill the protagonists immediately with the God-tier abilities they possess. Egwene is a sociopath but we're supposed to root for her. The world building gets a lot of praise but to me it's one of the worst aspects. The nations are mostly vague squares on a map and while the author explains their clothing and architecture in painful details, he rarely gives you a conversation with the common folk, just to see how their attitude differs. If you meet some foreigner it's usually a pretentious noble and they're mostly all the same. And that brings me to something else - Jordan CANNOT write political intrigue to save his life but he insists on dedicating chapters upon chapters of NOBLE 1 plotting against NOBLE 2 but being foiled by NOBLE 3. I wanted to know more about the Age of Legends but we're given almost nothing and the only people who know it are the Forsaken who usually appear to A) justify filler chapters to remind you they exist or B) get immediately killed by supposedly inept Rand before they've had a chance to say five sentences. The Faile prisoner arc is useless, the women in Ebou Dar arc is useless, the women in Tanchico is useless. That's basically 2 books of material right there

>> No.21732082

I stand corrected

>> No.21732091

Are you implying I am a bot? If so why?

>> No.21732096

Is this a copypasta or am I having deja vu? I think I’ve read this exact paragraph before

>> No.21732100

It's not pasta but I'm sure others have had the same complaints as me

>> No.21732199

>it’s definitely too long

I can see your criticism with it being too long personally, I feel it could have been trimmed a tad more and book 10 could have been condensed into 9.

>The Forsaken are mostly bumbling retards

Some* of the Forsaken are at times bumbling fools, I can think of 5 that range from competent to mad genius.

>Egwene is a sociopath


>The world building gets a lot of praise but to me it’s one of the worst aspects… He rarely gives conversation with the common folk, just to see how their attitude differs

Hard disagree. “Common Folk” is pretty vague. I tried addressing all the cultural distinctions among “common folk”(whatever that means) and it is simply too much to put in one message. It’s true that the characters don’t often go around chatting up “common folk”… lol can you even define that? Honestly that kind of sounds like a romantic stereotype.

>Jordan CANNOT write political intrigue

It’s not the best. Rand’s main political maneuver is I’m the Dragon and I’ll fucking kill you if you don’t do what I want.

>the Faile prisoner arc is useless

Sort of, but not really. It’s more about Perrin’s emotional journey then it is anything else. wrestling with his inner aggression, his shadow-wolf self, and bring it under control

>the women in ebou dar arc is useless

This is flat out wrong. Book 8 It was essential in restoring the cycle of the seasons, and ending the long summer-drought that the DO was plaguing the land with

>> No.21732210

Beedo boop bop beeda beep boop lop bleeda bee bop bleeda booop bopp beedlaboop boooopppppp

>> No.21732282

>Common Folk” is pretty vague
here's one example. Your typical Aiel is hardy, has a weird sense of humor, feels responsible for the well-being of his sept and clan, wants to promote his society, hates/avoids Tinkers, and is obsessed with the Aiel honor system

now give a similar characterization of someone from Tear, Andor, Murandy, Cairhien etc.

>> No.21732420

The typical Altaran has little National loyalty and is happy to compromise with foreign National leadershipnonchalance and openness to Seanchan Invasion . Altarans are generally lusty, risqué and open about sexual matters. Beslan telling Mat he’s happy for him that him sexing up his mom. Random person telling Nighnaeve and Lan “she who is in charge in public is submissive in private” In a typical Altaran marriage, the wife will wear a “marriage knife” signifying her social dominance over the husband(communicated by common folk).
The people are generally very hot-headed and quick to duel other people to the death(communicated by common folk). which if I recall correctly was legal, until the Seanchan gained leadership

>> No.21732487

This series really should have been an anime instead.

>> No.21732566

Yea it could have been an excellent anime. I like to think it could still happen someday, but Amazon will probs never give up the rights, they will both slander RJ and gatekeep anyone else from doing him justice… :’(

>> No.21732707

I was implying that you're too retarded to possibly be able to solve captcha on your own, based on your criminally low IQ statement that Odyssey has anything to do with genre fiction dreck.

>> No.21732709

WoT has better characters than Malazan. Both have totally uninteresting and unengaging prose. Maybe you'll get an overwrought paragraph describing something with zero artistry, but then it just goes back to the same plodding sentences that focus far too much on explaining the character's actions and 'worldbuilding', that being (over) explaining everything going on.

>> No.21733325

Objectively incorrect for Malazan.
>zero artistry
I'd love for you to try to expand on that, and actually provide an analysis but I think we both know you're too stupid to do so.

>> No.21733979

It does Anon, like it or not, if your into The Odyssey your into Fantasy. Welcome to the club! Your on of us!

>> No.21734086

Expand on that. I like watching retards flail.
>A story that was passed down orally for centuries and is an embodiment of the culture and religion is in fact completely comparable to fantasy.