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/lit/ - Literature

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21720769 No.21720769 [Reply] [Original]

>The most influential author alive uses /pol/ incel lingo

>> No.21720790

4chan has been culturally programming the rest of the world for decades now.

>> No.21720794
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we can't stop winning

>> No.21720795

That's exaggerating it a bit.

>> No.21720800

It’s really not that influential. Every other social media site has way more impact

>> No.21720804

Not literature

>> No.21720930

A bunch of dumb tinder slampigs use "clown world," too. I wouldn't put much stock in it.

>> No.21721280

It comes from 4chan you redditor dumbass

>> No.21721312

and that anon is saying that jbp saying it is not much of a surprise because despite coming from 4chan, it's also used by normalfags. similar to how normalfags also now say based.

>> No.21721552

The point is that this cesspit is extremely overrepresented when it comes to the formulation of internet culture.

>> No.21721696

Yes, J.K. Rowling said "cope & seethe" too; some attractive chicks unironically said "based" out loud at my college and I pissed my pants. 4chan is too powerful.
>It’s really not that influential.
It really is. If you look at individual boards then maybe you would have a point (e.g. the most /lit/ contribute to the world was make big chungus).

>> No.21721709

Like many thinkers of his time, he was influenced by Indian philosophy. The Hindus and Buddhists understood that what gave man continuity over countless lifetimes was not his body, or even his mind, but his identity, his karma. The identity determines his future, not his class or the whims of God. If you want to understand Peterson, you have to understand the Upanishads

>> No.21721751

Which came from a Black person that whitoids stole from as usual.

>> No.21721764

ah yes jordan bucko peterson; the biggest charlatan of our generation. yes we should surely discuss his tweets. it’s not a waste of time! through our discussions, we can explore the many stale ideas expressed by our beloved canadian benzo eater. o! he said clown world! hehehe! for one who actively dismisses and mocks those who take part of the dissident online culture of our time, he seems to have taken much influence by these incels! his main audience to boot!

what a fucking twat

>> No.21721778

You know the word incel was coined by incels. You are using incel language. Are you an incel yourself?

>> No.21721780

Holy fuck, you are so ass-pained. Get a grip.

>> No.21721794

NTA but dilate you sucker.

>> No.21721802
File: 82 KB, 654x540, jordan-peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clinical psychologist who spent decades personally helping hundreds of people severely afflicted by mental illness
>academic who published dozens of widely cited papers ranging in subjects varying from practical counseling, historical/philosophical roots of psychology, research paradigms in neurology...
>research scientist working on the operationalization of personality constructs as well as the neurobiological basis of addiction
>university professor who mentored dozens of grad students into academic, research, and counseling careers
>assisted in the development of software that increases the likelihood of at-risk students reaching graduation as a side project
>accidentally became internationally famous and ended up publishing 2 best selling books (so far) as well as organizing lectures in various countries throughout the world
>he's a drug addict tho!
>his office was messy once!
>er...you don't have a dad!
>er...wash your dick!
>his daughter is a slut!
>he likes the Jews!
>he's controlled opposition!
Still triggering trannies who don't like the truth, libtards who propagandize, racists he won't associate with, and pseuds who can't tell the difference between a media personality and real life

>> No.21721803

what the fuuuuck do you mean. what are you a jordan lover? LOL! if you don’t agree with my underlying message, then you are a midwit.

>> No.21721804

Based came from Basedgod and /mu/tants just parroted it.

>> No.21721807
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, fasdfew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ hates Peterson you retarded tripfag
>he's a drug addict
>his daughter is a slut
>you don't have a dad
>wash your penis
>you're Jordan/Mikhala
>he cried in public
>he associates with Jews
>controlled opposition
Ad homs that distract from his arguments are all they have. The sad thing is that they're the same ones over and over and have been for years. The fun thing is that it's easy to point to where his credability comes from and the positive things he's been doing for years and make these people seethe.

>> No.21721809

nothing compared to all the bikes you've stolen
give it back, Jamal

>> No.21721811

We say "keyed" around here, now.

>> No.21721828

>give it back, Jamal
Nah it mine as your mom ass on this dick, timmy.

>> No.21721829

so you’re saying he played the typical academic circle jerk game? very impressive…
maps of meaning is shite. 12 rules is a decent enough self help book i suppose.
he’s essentially a student and professor of jung bringing little to no novelty who got thrusted into the cultural zeitgeist because some kid happened to record him debating a group of dumb, impressionable college kids.
obviously he could not handle the fame received very well in the immediate aftermath and now we see him playing his cartoonish media personality as if it’s his real life personality. it’s funny to watch at least.

>> No.21721850

Why do people not realize this site became more relevant than it's ever been since 2016. Joe Rogan has talked about us, SNL mentioned us twice, we've been name dropped on American Horror Story and Resident Evil, the news, etc.

Yet every week some faggot makes a thread saying "Bros look, my favorite internet pseud used a meme 4chan invented that has been popularized elsewhere." Like it's fucking 2004.

>> No.21721853

did it really originate on /mu/?

>> No.21721862

Other sites are programmed by the rest of the world. Only 4chan actively does the influencing.

>> No.21721869

It’s still in the shadows of Twitter, Instagram and the ilk, which are part of everyday life for most people to interact with the real world

>> No.21721874

Which website got Trump elected in 2016 and is actively monitored by federal agents?

>> No.21721877

I'm pretty sure it did because Lil B was a big meme on there all the way back in like 2011. Meme rap I think is what we called it and it encompassed a few others like Odd future

The modern meaning of based though was mostly developed by /pol/. Lil Bs version was like "Bee yourself even if you're weird and be positive about everything", /pol/ altered this into something like "completely and cheerfully disregarding social norms by asserting oneself". The gigachad meme is pretty much a condensation of the /pol/ meaning of based into a character, as were some of the Pepe variants though they all have different connotations and nuances

>> No.21721882
File: 96 KB, 1200x675, kd-curse-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lil B, the Based God, is a meme rapper who achieved minor celebrity on /mu/. But where he REALLY took off was when he started to get into a fight with Kevin Durant of the NBA and /sp/ picked up on it. "Thank You Based God" became a popular phrase on /sp/ about a decade ago because we became more and more aware of this hilarious feud that this mediocre rapper was trying to start with one of the most famous athletes on the planet.

It went to a higher level when Durant, out of the blue, declared that Lil B was a "wack" rapper. This caused Lil B to get extremely upset, and he declared that Kevin Durant was cursed. Specifically, he declared that the #BASEDGODCURSE was now in effect on Durant, and KD would not win any championships, or get any women, until he played Lil B in a game of 1v1 pickup basketball. Durant, of course, refused to do this. And then KD began to suffer a series of increasingly ridiculous misfortunes in the NBA playoffs: terrible luck, stretches of awful play, freak injuries, etc.. So the curse seemed to have an effect. This increased Lil B's fame on /sp/ and spread the "Based God" name more, and "based" spread more as a result.

To top it all off, Lil B finally lifted the curse on his own accord... when Durant joined the Golden State Warriors, Lil B's hometown team (Lil B is from Oakland). And those are the only rings Durant has ever won, lending credence to the idea that the curse does in fact have some legitimate supernatural power.

/sp/ of course always got a kick out of all of this, and I'd argue they are much more responsible than /mu/ for spreading "based" as a word.

>> No.21721894

Also, Mikhaila's husband helped out immensely when Peterson was coming off the Benzos and he helped with the business side of Peterson's career all for Mikhaila to drop him and their child to go and slut it up with random Chads who pump and dump her. It's almost poetical in it's refutation of everything Peterson stands for lol

>> No.21721911
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daddy issues are brutal

>> No.21721916

>incel seethe

>> No.21721921

I have a loving and committed girlfriend, and I also have the principle to cut off family members who beclown themselves on a regular basis

>> No.21721922
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>> No.21721923

Kek at 4chan getting trump elected. You think the 60 year old boomer who hates Hilary was influenced by here? Half the site seems underaged anyway. As far as this site being monitored, that is for good reason; there are deranged anons here. Sometimes they’ll commit crimes. Anyone remember, I think it was on /b/, a guy giving coordinates to where he buried a woman? Also I vaguely remember a guy murdering his gf and posting it. I’m also pretty sure the Culture of Critique anon is in jail as we speak

>> No.21721926

Her husband was literally more chad than half the guys she fucked. Like hes objectively much better looking than Andrew Tate ffs

I honestly dont understand how incels/blackpill guys dont understand that looks dont matte that much. Of course they do matter but they're not everything, not even close

>> No.21721929

>I come from a fucked up family so I assume others do while I make shit up

>> No.21721930

fascinating history lesson, that
effort appreciated

>> No.21721931

>takes a picture with a man
Incels are retarded.

>> No.21721932

you’re not thinking far enough in the creeping influence back then. maybe you’re unable too. that’s ok.

>> No.21721935

That makes it worse, he was high status, but not quite as high status as Andrew Tate and his dozen Lambos or whatever he has so the literal mother of his child dumped him to ride the cock carousel. It's genuinely hysterically funny.

>> No.21721937

This shit is literally the natural outcome of the sexual revolution. The Catholics tried to warn us, we should have listened to them.

>> No.21721938
File: 40 KB, 870x524, 4dna1xy4w8z11-870x524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They say you can judge someone by the company they keep (inb4 "JEWS THO!") but with Peterson you may judge him by the company he does not keep: ideological libtards, reactionary racists, seething trannies, and vapid pseuds. These barely human toxins have had to recycle the same 5 ad homs, pathetically doing so for years now, because they're incapable of actually understanding what he has to say--they're too far gone into ideological possession (and retardation) to even recognize when they're being disingenuous.

So please (you queer amalgamation of libtard, chud, and tranny) just keep doing what you're doing. You can be assured that Peterson keep doing what he's doing.

>> No.21721941

> hey did you know that culture "comes from" one of the most popular websites in the anglosphere?

2015 was almost 10 years ago

>> No.21721943
File: 496 KB, 411x549, mikhaila-peterson-jbps-daughter-with-andrew-tate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks they just got together as friends
lol. lmao.

>> No.21721946
File: 58 KB, 466x600, Society-of-the-spectacle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone who idolizes any kind of 'public intellectual' that does more speaking than writing is falling for a personality trap that embraces parasocial relationships and rationalization at all costs.
i notice similar themes from people who defends zizek at all costs, but at least zizek bothers to write more than self-help books (even if zizek's books and articles are mostly rubbish).
i also notice that these public intellectuals sell themselves on many domains instead of staying in one domain, as if to imply that they have some kind of natural talent that expands into all areas.
always keep an eye on those that rationalize at all costs (and those that focus on few individuals) instead of having mixed opinions.

>> No.21721961

Tate was just an example, it doesnt even matter him specifically. And I'm literally arguing against incels and their obsession with physical appearance

>> No.21721966

cluster b we dont want you here we dont like tripfags
well the tripfag i grew to loooooove was butterfly
but thats it she was the onlyone and she's fuckin GONE now you

>> No.21721983

Elon Musk mentioned us a few weeks ago.

>> No.21721994

>I made shit up to cope that looks don't matter with women
They do. Men are far more likely to fuck an ugly woman than woman are to fuck an ugly man. Simple as.

>> No.21722016

The jews are telling him to use /pol/ lingo to seem hip, but the message is still the same boomer shit: fascism is bad and liberals are the real fascists. This shabbos goy is absolutely shameless.

>> No.21722019

Ah yes, when a mother and wife leaves her husband and is seen out on a date with an extremely high profile pick-up-artist it was strictly a platonic get together for the engaging conversation! lol

>> No.21722029

4Chan has an average userbase of 7 people, when you compare that to the rest of social media its influence on the world is astonishing relative to its population. Its like the Jew of the internet.

>> No.21722033

>meets with a man

>> No.21722034

the jews huh? its the jews?
lol ok bro, yeah i hate the jews they are doing all this

>> No.21722044

>4Chan has an average userbase of 7 people
Over 22 million visitors/month. Most people don't post. I lurked for around a decade before posting.

>> No.21722045

Its completely irrelevant whether she fucked Andrew tate, she still went through a slew of men who were not in any sense way better looking than her husband. That's the point

>> No.21722054

The bots (you) don't count. There are 7 people on this site right now, and I am the only one in this thread.

>> No.21722057

wtf I love Jordan Peterson now

>> No.21722060

>she still went through a slew of men
Married young and remarried again young. Stop making stuff up, incel. Good girls marry in their 20s. The worst thing you have against her is a divorce and it isn't 1950.

>> No.21722068
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What are you serious? There were like 3 years of this stuff

>> No.21722070

4chan was probably more influential, at least in the internet culture sphere, back then because there was much more creativity and better content. Many oldheads remember being nervous the first time they posted. Today it just seems like teenage neo nazis who aren’t nearly as influential as they think, just because you can find what you are looking for with a couple clicks, and be deluded into thinking things are bigger than they really are because you see what you want to see. 99% of the world’s population isn’t inline with 4chan culture. Sure is a high bar 4chan is setting with “based”, “cope”, “seethe”, or whatever meme words there are

>> No.21722078

Yep. All the cool 4channers moved to niche subs on reddit. Even the /lit/ anon got tired of the nazi bulshit and now most of us are on /r/literature

>> No.21722080

i am in the thread

>> No.21722085

That's her ex-husband, retard.

>> No.21722086

;) ok

>> No.21722099

The type of people who have always been 4chans base are those with zero concern for propriety

That means all taboo, both the left wing stuff about racism, sexism, Jews, etc and the right wing stuff about gays, transgender, degeneracy

Just total disregard of these social norms, but not in an angry butthurt manner, but just a free expression of ideas entirely unfetterred, making memes out of literally anything because it's the internet and it's not serious business

This was totally lost once internet became associated with real life, and like 75% of 4chan there days dont even get it. So many people here act like they're on Twitter or reddit or something. I dont mean what they say in content, but the tone. So fucking self serious, not even vaguely understanding the spirit of free friendly transgression and intermingling and resultant memes.

>> No.21722103

/lit/ is slowly changing into imgur.

>> No.21722107

/r/literature is amaezeballs, but it moves too slow for my liking, so I keep coming back here, even if the content is much worse.

>> No.21722113

I’ve debated making the switch for the last few years but it’s too much of a change. I should just bite the bullet and make the jump. Once you’ve been here for a while, it’s hard to kick. I come here infrequently now, with some long periods of abstinence, yet I’ll always come back because I think maybe things have gotten better. Every time it’s worse and worse. Majority of threads are circumventing rules by just mentioning a book, discussion then precedes about the topic of that book. Not /lit/. Too many bait threads and crusaders. Burn it down and salt the earth

>> No.21722116

this. so much this.
wat is your user so i can gift you gold?

>> No.21722124

>So fucking self serious, not even vaguely understanding the spirit of free friendly transgression and intermingling and resultant memes.
The problem is that right wingers, understandably, got banned from everywhere else, so they came here, and these people have no fucking sense of humor. They truly believe they are in some sort of cultural crusade to save the west (??) or something.

>> No.21722130

so the right ruined 4chan and the left ruined the rest of the internet

>> No.21722133

You just fell for bait, fucking retard.

>> No.21722135

The left hasn't ruined anything. Liberals did tho. But leftist communities are the only cool places still on the internet.

>> No.21722136

This a million times. There was always degeneracy here but there was also individual board culture for anons who respected it. Newfags are all of the same ilk and think this place is the Wild West. Shit, when was the last epic thread? Now the tone of this site is one of misery and angst. There used to be a much stronger sense of community with better jannies and gatekeeping. I remember getting chewed out by some anons for just dropping a book title and not elaborating why. Now dropping just a book title makes you in the upper echelon of posters. In a few years this whole site will just be angsty disenfranchised young neo Nazi larpers. Might as well rename 4chan /pol/

>> No.21722140 [DELETED] 

Well I half agree. A huge portion of those right wingers are just butthurt but the same is true of left wingers, and they're often even less aware of how butthurt they are.

Transgression as a general rule for free expression seems incomprehensible to them.

People wont engage in argument and fun

>> No.21722143

I’ve never been one to use Reddit but it’s clearly head and shoulders better than this place for those into literature

>> No.21722144

>but the same is true of left wingers
Except it's not. We have never stopped being the cool kids. You're thinking of liberals.

>> No.21722150

It’s almost like the radicals of both sides are different sides of the same coin. They are loudest, draw the most attention, and ruin it for everyone who isn’t into their little culture war.

>> No.21722155

are you transgender or thinking of becoming transgender

>> No.21722160

Cool kids is exactly what I don't mean

4chan is not about being cool

Its about doing literally anything no matter if it is uncool, or wrong, or crazy, or whatever

Because we are just playing a game together on here and it offers new possibilities of interaction
It would be very big shame if we reduced to another social media network about who is cool

>> No.21722163

You should check /r/literature. It's the closest thing out there to classic /lit/ from three or four years ago. It has more moderation, sure, but it's not lame as mainstream reddit. There's a lot of overlap with /r/redscarepod and /r/stupidpol. We don't take ourselves too seriously and we can be edgy and be critical of liberalism and identity politics, but we're well read enough to know the answer is not in the right wing.

>> No.21722165

YWABAI. You will always be an incel.

>> No.21722201
File: 222 KB, 1040x1108, unh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit those libtards are unhinged. They can't watch more than 10 seconds of him talking before they start freaking out and break down into talking about him getting punched in the face/raped. Kek.

>> No.21722206

Why leftist women always look so withered? It is as if there were no vital force within them.

>> No.21722207

You’re just now realizing this? There are conservatard roastie shills with 100k + followers saying based, cringe, and other 4chan lingo. It’s everywhere

>> No.21722213

Even redditors say based. I wonder if they even know where it comes from.

>> No.21722217
File: 283 KB, 956x902, njbnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, this new tripfag makes me miss butters. Why'd we do it, bros?

>> No.21722220

Cluster B is butters. The B stands for butterfly.

>> No.21722226

I miss Jeff Mangum.

>> No.21722227

Naw, he's too angry and can't even hit back as well as butters could. Butters was unhinged but not on this level.

>> No.21722232

It's impossible not to like someone who makes objectively terrible people seethe as much as Jordan Peterson does.

>> No.21722233

>make post talking about literature and the state of the West
>no replies
>make no effort twitter screenshot shitpost at 2am
>all litroglodytes riled up because some pseud e-celeb used le 4chan word
You’re all fucking stupid. Don’t call me a dumb tripfag ever again, you deserve this.

>> No.21722235

Same with Trump.

>> No.21722236

go away never come back fuck you you stupid asshole

>> No.21722243

I don’t take advice from random women.

>> No.21722251
File: 143 KB, 884x884, unh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely unhinged.

>> No.21722257

The absolute state of this retarded tripfag, kek.
That's easy when women never talk to you. Fuck off and never come back.

>> No.21722259

Or what? You won’t do shit.
I’ll just keep posting.

>> No.21722260

Lmfao. Cope Nigger

>> No.21722262

imagine actually thinking this.


>> No.21722295

Yeah it’s really everywhere now. I see people mention 4chan and specific boards fairly often. And there are entire meme pages that just repost 4chan greentext stories. A lot of chan culture has seeped down.

>> No.21722302

I'll make fun of you for being a retard. Over time more and more people will do so as well. Many laughs will be had at your expense (with a trip there's a good chance you'll eventually get doxxed) and you'll leave.

>> No.21722353

No ones been doxxed in years desu. At least from what I’ve seen. This place doesn’t have the technical abilities it used to

>> No.21722391
File: 361 KB, 320x320, 1661972097943286.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a reactionary and I actively act and vote and write in ways that I hope will hasten the downfall of Modernity and the ushering in of a new Age of Faith.

But I also like anime and enjoy shitposting and I like to talk about things like cars and cartoons and sports, so here I am.

>> No.21722396

>But I also like anime and enjoy shitposting and I like to talk about things like cars and cartoons and sports, so here I am.

>> No.21722420

4chan created Zyzz and every other meme

>> No.21722435

>There are millions of bots casually passing the turing test on an american based anime imageboard

>> No.21722447

It's more likely than you think.

>> No.21722496

Who's Jordan? Never heard of him.

>> No.21722644

Here's a pro-tip - it's not /pol/ lingo. It's jewish lingo. 4chan is swamped by bots and astroturfed to hell. The tranny shit is just another psyop, and it's not surprise that a shabbos goy like Peterson is parroting the zionists' talking points, because all this LGBTQXYZ+ nonsense exists solely to distract people from the real cancer killing society:

fucking kikes.

>> No.21722694


>> No.21723823

dumbest tripfag of this board

>> No.21723853

yeah but I can't wait until terms like nearcel and fakecel and its over becoming part of the discourse

>> No.21723855
File: 1.33 MB, 1024x771, antifa-armed-drag-1024x771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Perhaps one of the most disturbing attempts to undermine families can be seen in a slick video produced by LGBT in the City, a multi-media organization that produces talk shows and videos related to LGBT issues and is sponsored by such monster corporations as Telus and TD Bank. To say LGBT in the City has a hedonistic focus would be a grotesque understatement and it might be argued that at least one of their videos encourages the sexualization of children, specifically in the form of an eight year old boy mockingly named “Lactacia.”


>In a slick video released on Facebook with over one million views so far, a hyper-feminized/sexualized 8 year old boy (who some have compared to a drag version of JonBenét Ramsey) is featured partying in a hypersexual adult LGBT environment and telling kids watching that if their parents or friends do not support their desire to be drag (or trans), they need to get new parents and friends. Professional quality video and editing made this call to young children to the queer lifestyle all the more appealing. As “Lactatia” speaks to his peers, while an all too happy host leers, bold text leaps out at the viewer saying “YOU NEED NEW PARENTS! YOU NEED NEW FRIENDS!” You too can be a drag queen or transgender superstar and perhaps head out on the town to party with the wild LGBT boys and “Lactatia.” If your parents won’t get on board, they can simply be replaced with a new “glitter family.”






This would have been unimaginable only 10 years ago, now people are afraid to speak out against it for fear of loosing their jobs and livelihoods. i shudder to think about were the next 10 years of "progress" will take us if no action is taken to stop them. Reminder This is cultural marxism this is the future they want for our children. if you support "queer theory" "gay rights" or "trans rights" if you are for ''pronouns'' if you on the left this is what you are supporting. smash cultural marxism though radical and uncompromising action.

>> No.21723862

Debord was a hylic idiot

>> No.21723877

Oh look. Another humorless crusader. Probably doesn’t read either

>> No.21723946

This is important. How do we capitalize on this

>> No.21724007

This whole thread has made me come to the realization that white women cannot be trusted

>> No.21724211

Yep, except we never seem to program them to do what we want. We have a horrible habit of programming them to internalise jokes and shitposting as if that were reality.

I think what the average 4channer has generally wanted throughout the years, is to live in a world where people tell the truth, where people aren't hypocrites who think rules should only apply to some people, and to live in a world where people relax and don't take shit so seriously all the time.
We get none of that, we get people thinking memes about "feminine penises" or "the beta uprising" were supposed to be some kind of political manifesto, and people doubling down on being offended by jokes, when the point of telling offensive jokes in the first place was hopefully for people to realise that it's all frivolous bullshit, and move on.

>> No.21724245
File: 72 KB, 584x866, _91408615_3335af77-e7a9-4b7d-bd82-6adead261ebd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bookmakers on the day of the 2016 election were offering more than 7 to 1 odds on a Trump victory. they never thought she could lose. praise kek

>> No.21724662

Clean your room, fagget.

>> No.21724682

And the country got browner and gayer as if completely unimpeded while no wall was built, a neutered fake muslim ban still got mostly stalled in the courts, niggers committed crime waves at record pace since the 60‘s, she wasn‘t locked up, the voter rolls weren't purged etc.

But hey, cool tweet.

>> No.21724688

you’re gayer than petersons nightly homosexual dreams

>> No.21724937

Pretty sure a lot of people started reading due to /lit/
Especially with Pewdiepie coming here for book review material

>> No.21724955

I’m sure some people did but places like Reddit an booktok are still vastly more influential than /lit/. A lot of anons have this weird thing going on where they are anti populist or mainstream yet want to be influential

>> No.21724984

wtf I love troons now

>> No.21725000

And then retards ask why board quality has gone to shit. None of this is a good thing.

>> No.21725012

Wait? How did they spend 8 fucking minutes on his brief comment on historical law practice?

>> No.21725014

really good post

>> No.21725024

>when the point of telling offensive jokes in the first place was hopefully for people to realise that it's all frivolous bullshit, and move on.
This kills the 4channer

>> No.21725034

I genuinely long for a world where the word nigger has no power over people. Instead it's just getting all the more powerful, and more words are being added every day.

>> No.21725047

So these people can't actually grapple with the main thrust of his idea that women with a better understanding of male psychology due to upbringing are less likely to find themselves in circumstances that lead to what they consider rape?

Is this why all leftists seem to write great thousand page tomes?

>> No.21725057

Reddit will warp your mind to group think worse than this place but the manipuation might be more visble.

>> No.21725068

This post makes me almost psychotically angry and disgusted. How could you be so utterly not from here and claim to be an arbiter and paragon of from hereness and dare to speak about what people from here think and feel? You are a fucking parasite, there's something deeply wrong with you that you would do this. You know as well as I and everybody else reading this know that you aren't from here, you aren't accepted here, yours is at best a minority perspective here, and at worst a totally foreign perspective to the point of being uncanny and unsettling. You know this, I don't care about your stupid low effort response to this post, you know it, so what kind of honest person knows that and then acts in the completely opposite fashion? Even if you hate something, how can you ever be so dishonorable and ugly as to want to deceive and manipulate and infiltrate like this? I hate some things a lot and I would never ever in a million years think to go there and try to fit in like a chameleon, or a disease mimicking its host organism's functions and then act as an arbiter of what is good or bad for the organism. I would feel so dirty doing that. You are disgusting to me in such a way that before I ever wrote or articulated any of this I knew you had a dirty soul and I could feel it radiating from your post like a brown aura or like a flat note in a symphony hiding behind other notes. You are corrupted and twisted by evil.

>> No.21725108

Exactly. They are still just as opposed to us in mentality. They aren't assimilating to chan culture. They just co-opt our terms because normalfag media backed culture is barren and astroturfed to shit and everything they try to come up with is cringe.

>> No.21725127

Good post. Should become a pasta.

>> No.21725128

>except we never seem to program them to do what we want
Sometimes it works short term but nothing holds form over time, even when there's a chance it's ripped apart by media nonsense..
Hitler will never stop being funny and a cool dude. The real problem was always trains. This is my political manifesto.

>> No.21725154

I’d imagine normies perception of 4chan is vastly different than it was 15 years ago, and it probably had more impact back then too. People thought of /b/ and anonymous with the guy fawkes masks. Now it’s /pol/, who don’t seem to be able to do much besides whine and post Twitter screencaps.

>> No.21725283

Really good posts, luv u anons u got the message

>> No.21725287

>>The most influential author alive
That's not Kimberle Crenshaw or Judith Butler.

>> No.21725301

u are literally me

>> No.21725307

Was it the part about feminine penis?

>> No.21725309

Everything else

>> No.21725318


>> No.21725322

literally who?

>> No.21725408

So basically 4chan is to the internet as Duchamp is to art.