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File: 1.35 MB, 1652x2532, the end of history fukuyama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21716289 No.21716289 [Reply] [Original]

is he the most mentally unhinged author alive?

>> No.21716360

Not as long as Steven Pinker is still breathing
>sure we've added so much CO2 to the atmosphere that we've all but guaranteed another mass extinction for thousands of species, but we have the lowest infant mortality rate in human history!

>> No.21716376

Most over-hated book and thinker of our time

>> No.21716393

No, but his thesis will be debunked once western institutions of accountability and rule of law finally collapse into oligarchic tyranny.

>> No.21716413

you don't understand his thesis and have not read the book. liberalism already fucking is oligarchic tyranny

>> No.21716524

CO2 is plant food, retard.

>> No.21716542

I mean, from a purely cynical point of view he's a genius - he identified the faction that was about to take power, wrote a work tailor-made to flatter them, and enjoyed a gravy train of banquets and speaking engagements that continues into the present day. Once you've secured the bag, who cares if you were right or wrong?

>> No.21716570

How is liberalism so fucking based? There’s literally no alternative to neoliberal capitalist hegemony

>> No.21716787

>it's what plants crave

>> No.21716812

Fukayama, pinker and harari are the true con chads of our time. Get on bill gates’ reading list and have that davos wef ted talk money flood in

>> No.21717617

Nothing about that book makes him unhinged.

>> No.21717658
File: 116 KB, 220x220, pepe-why-pepe-the-frog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if a mega-miracle changes the entire world and we live truly like humans and not hedonistic animals, one can never ever let go of the paranoia that there are a group of elites who've made the world as it is, for their own personal benefit, leading a mysterious but alluring lifestyle.

>> No.21718037

Pinker, Harari, Fukuyama, who else is on the WEF fellator list? It’s amazing how successful you can get spreading the right midwit garbage praising the neolib world order. Someone looked into Kurtzgesagt prior and post getting hooked up on the NGO money teat and it’s crazy how much money they are making and how their videos became pure propaganda tools including applauding vaporware green technology that They are invested in.

>> No.21718343

Malcolm Gladwell, John and Hank Green, that teen "poet" from Biden's inauguration

>> No.21718450

Remember their pro-refugee vid that got quietly deleted among when all the rapes started happening?

>> No.21718887

If he still stood by the book I'd think he was a bit of a crank. fortunately, he's dismissed most of it.

>> No.21718933

just kys Mark Fisher

>> No.21718967

read his book, it's actually good

>> No.21719028
File: 975 KB, 1000x562, 99032abcecbfffcfcfc33b9705509733[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They use this trope against the Third Reich in media like Wolfenstein and Man in the High Castle, and America in Bioshock Infinite. But it was liberal democracy that is most guilty of this after all.

>> No.21719039

I said it once and I'll say it again
Capitalism would have already fallen apart if it wasn't for american agencies like the CIA and NSA safeguarding it

>> No.21719081

Thomas Friedman, probably

>> No.21719608

>Remember their pro-refugee vid that got quietly deleted among when all the rapes started happening?
Sometimes I wonder whether people here are trolling or genuinely insane. The video was specificaly adressed in one of their videos as being published too soon and not up to standard.

>> No.21719715

Jordan Peterson unironically.

>> No.21719852

Typical midwit responses to Fukuyama

>But 9/11 and the multiple wars in the Middle East proved history didn't end
Fukuyama's thesis was that Liberalism constituted the end of human political development. No further systems will be invented, Liberalism will just continue to be refined in various ways. Cycles of war and violence can still happen.
>China and Russia have already refuted Liberalism
Russia is a reviled dogshit country and China does not export Chinese socialism anywhere else. Both countries are nationalist states and keep their ideologies within their immediate borders. They don't counter liberal hegemony in an existential manner.
>Fukuyama has disavowed his former claims
Flat-out untrue. He has acknowledged that liberal democracy will struggle for dominance but still believes it is the ideal system that most people will strive towards. He has reaffirmed his beliefs in plenty of recent essays, books and articles.
>Liberal countries have devolved into police states ruled by oligarchic classes and coerce people into their progressive values, which contradictions liberalism
None of this is a betrayal of Liberalism, it's a realization of it. Liberalism's true purpose is to placate the masses into passivity and economic production. Liberalism is not a rigid dogma, it's a malleable and arbitrary ideology. As Fukuyama constantly argues all that matters is that people believe in the tenets of liberal democracy and the superiority of liberal countries in order for the system to survive. The loss of faith in Soviet communism was the true reason for the country's collapse and Fukuyama knows this. The only reason you whine about these "contradictions" is because you pathetic losers are in fact liberals too (see Jordan Peterson)
>Right-wing extremists and commies are everywhere today
The vast, vast majority of leftist activism is peacefully represented within liberal democracy and most of them intersect with liberal values anyways. It has been like this since the 60s. Right-wing extremists are barely relevant outside of a couple terrorist attacks, and again most conservatives only whine about the current state of the world because they think it betrays liberalism.

>> No.21719938

NTA, intending to read Fukuyama in the near future.

>None of this is a betrayal of Liberalism, it's a realization of it. Liberalism's true purpose is to placate the masses into passivity and economic production.

I see and agree to a point with that statement, but doesn't it arise from a framework of assuming the world continue to work in similar way in the future? I don't see the economy and society staying the same once the hard automation of labor starts hiting in the near future. Will Liberalism survive once the masses will no longer be economicaly productive?

On one hand it could be claimed the automation will make the masses even more passive and irrelevant, on another it sounds like a pipe-dream because people won't just quietly sit at homes and consume their state-assigned resources.

To reiterate: Liberalism might be the end of all systems as long as the current system is at work, but we are approaching a state where it is no longer going to apply. We MUST come up with something else to manage a new society or something new will emerge by itself, rising from strife and chaos of the transition.

>> No.21719957

>They don't counter liberal hegemony in an existential manner.
in the case of china, all it has to do to counter liberal hegemony is nothing because the entirety of the liberal world is currently engaging in a collective -ACKing of itself

>> No.21720036

>None of this is a betrayal of Liberalism, it's a realization of it. Liberalism's true purpose is to placate the masses into passivity and economic production. Liberalism is not a rigid dogma, it's a malleable and arbitrary ideology. As Fukuyama constantly argues all that matters is that people believe in the tenets of liberal democracy and the superiority of liberal countries in order for the system to survive. The loss of faith in Soviet communism was the true reason for the country's collapse and Fukuyama knows this. The only reason you whine about these "contradictions" is because you pathetic losers are in fact liberals too
If you actually read Fukuyama's other works you'd know he makes explicitly clear that liberalism is built upon the institutional pillars of rule of law and accountability, and both of these are rotting away on a daily basis. They will leave in their wake nothing but despotic police state oligarchicism that uses a completely fraudulent election cycle to mask its existence from the retarded, miseducated plebs.

>> No.21720043

I suggest you re-read the passage you just quoted because I guess you didn't understand it, that's what liberalism has been since day 1. It's a system founded by slave-owners.

>> No.21720075

>just listen to their bullshit excuses
highest iq neolib cocksucker

>> No.21720085

No, what you're describing its downright despotism - which admittedly we are becoming, but thats because the institutions of rule of law and accountability are rotting away and the public is too stupid to even care or notice. Even by your own argument, these institutions, or tenets, are key to the systems survival, and Fukuyama makes this central to his thesis in comparative political-history volumes. Once they are gone it is no long liberalism, just naked authoritarian despotism.

>> No.21720173

Yet again you're making the error of thinking that there's a distinction between liberalism or despotism. The propaganda narrative is that any time liberal states perpetrate atrocities then it's not *really* liberalism, it's instead "authoritarianism" or "autocracy." It can't possibly be the way liberal democracy actually works because liberalism is perfect and pure and liberating. The institutions that you're describing still exist and they've always just been used to mask the power relations of liberal democracy. If those institutions were entirely abolished then we can talk about the collapse of liberal democracy but otherwise it really doesn't matter how many countries America invades or how many fake elections the masses care about

>> No.21720193

Considering all of the West's multipolar enemies have failed to content the hegemony, he is still right.

Huntington was the wrong one and I was sadly a fan of his. Putin is a failure, a pathetic faker and loser that doomed the positive changes he made internally in the country.

>> No.21720802

>who else is on the WEF fellator list?
Every opinion columnist for The New York Times

>> No.21720897

He's only "unhinged" in that he recognises how pointless, depressing and inhuman the end of history is (in the final chapter) but still acts as a cheerleader for it.

>> No.21721904

He's like all liberals, pathetically afraid of conflict to the point of wanting mass-enslavement of society

>> No.21721951

>fortunately, he's dismissed most of it.
Why do people keep repeating this? He's been especially triumphant since the Ukraine war happened.


>> No.21721968

they simply refuse to engage with this man and his thesis out of spite