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21716197 No.21716197 [Reply] [Original]

>”pity and mercy are tools of the weak to trick the mighty into defeat!!!!”
>*chimps/troons out, goes insane, becomes an invalid and has to rely on all care from his sister*

>> No.21716205

>terrible, clueless thread
>posted from my iphone

>> No.21716208

What part of this incorrect? That’s almost a verbatim quote by Zarathustra and Nietzsche’s sister had to bathe him as he was nearly catatonic.

What is incorrect here, tranny? Enlighten me.

>> No.21716226

kek look at this retarded impotently seethe

>> No.21716234

The weak will never defeat the strong, because the one who wins is always the strong.

>> No.21716253
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He was right.
>But he went insane!
So? Nietzsche advocated living dangerously, and said that the noble are more fragile than the common.

>> No.21716268
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At the point of his insanity nietzsche declared himself both dionysos and the crucified christ
It is clear that he was a man battling with history
His works are a martyrdom all the same, which led also to the tragic hero of adolf hitler, in the momentum of german spirit
all great artists are mentally unstable

>> No.21716419

Whoah people deteriorate as they get older..damn..

>> No.21717348

>weak minded npc coping

>> No.21717424
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>dances naked in front of people, vomits and calls himself Dionysus
Honestly, based

>> No.21717550


Fuck this faggot

>> No.21717560

Branding. It's the same reason why people freak out seeing Will Smith.
>No way is that Nietzsche??? I recognize that guy from the freaking cool books!!! Dude said he's wicked smart and doesn't need God just like me! I better buy his books and adopt his ideas! I love to consooom

>> No.21717637

Jewish. Nietzsche loves Jews.

>> No.21717675
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Nietzsche was a subtle thinker and he constantly tried to redefine what 'might' and 'weakness' mean.

>> No.21717678

Tell us more about your boyfriend.

>> No.21717723
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>”pity and mercy are tools of the weak to trick the mighty into defeat!!!!”
>then uses those very same tools on his sister to make her take care of him while he retreats for ten years into his mind palace so he can escape gigafaggots like OP
Nietzsche wins again.

>> No.21717732

I hope all the christfags realize that every time they present a transparently seething and piss-poor critique of Nietzsche, they are strengthening everyone's belief that he was actually amazing, regardless of whether that belief is justified.

>> No.21717747

>>”pity and mercy are tools of the weak to trick the mighty into defeat!!!!”
i actually hate this part of his work, especially since it's so commonplace after the death god, which he did announce. how could he have predicted what a hellscape late capitalism would be? the average person is a nietzschean, these days. the average person is evil, is a violent criminal bent on domination, exploitation, etc. these things that nietzsche glorified to spite christianity. in that sense a lot of his work isn't relevant. he was a prophet of postmodernity, but the nihilists (and everyone today is a nihilist, even the christians) are too animalistic to know it.

>> No.21717825

Every Nietzsche thread like this one only serves to show us how painfully asshurt he still makes you christfags 120 years later.

>> No.21717832

truly? because he was a philosopher who could actually write in a way that is a pleasure to read. Most philosophers, profound as their ideas might be, write like stumbling fools. It's a chore to read them. Nietzsche on the other hand is a joy.

>> No.21717845

He realized he had been wrong but nobody else did. This happens commonly in the philosophical world actually.

>> No.21717863

>dislike the bad parts of nietzsche
>automatically a christfag
you're an idiot

>> No.21717865

i'd rather read a "difficult" philosopher, nietzsche's kind of a wank to read.

>> No.21717868

I have yet to see a NEETszchuh fan who isn't an uncultured midwit. I found him interesting in high-school, but I tried re-reading his works and it's dumbfounding how stupid they are. He is the epitome of a thinker of his own time and place. I can't think of a more dated "philosopher" from the 19th century.

As for Christianity, I find it ironic that one the principal popularizers of Nietzsche today is Jordan Peterson (a prince among midwits) who is also ironically a popularizer of... Christianity. My advice is to stop fighting with windmills and READ MORE.

I don't think it's a coincidence that Nietzsche is far more popular in (fiction) literature departments/circles than philosophy ones.

>> No.21717874
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>> No.21717882


>> No.21717896

>Oh I just hate the bad parts of nietzsche, that's why I spewed random adhoms!

>> No.21717904

what makes his works "stupid" in your opinion?

>> No.21717910

Peterson is not a nietzschean, he straight up misinterprets him. He only "likes" Nietzsche because of Jung.

>> No.21717928

Most obviously (and the chief reason why he comes across as dated), it's the crass historical inaccuracies. A lot of his arguments are not so much arguments as they are forced conclusions drawn out of a history that quite simply never was. His takes on the ancient Greeks suffered massively from this. The whole Dionysian vs Apollonian dichotomy that so much of his thought rests on is closer to a certain kind of ahistorical "fanwank" than a description of anything. Made-up categories with misread, misinterpreted, or just plain wrong details shoehorned into one or the other.

Frankly, I couldn't be bothered to go into more detail. (I will also readily admit that part of my dislike of Nietzsche is rooted in the fact that I read him in high-school and found him compelling then, and I have a general disdain for that time period of my life. I was young, uninformed, and all too eager to adopt a worldview for all the wrong reasons).

>> No.21717931

That's no different from any other "nietzschean".

>> No.21717934

I agree that he borders on romanticism at times regarding history, but I think he was using these simplified narratives to drive home his points about order and chaos, and power, etc, and those points are all compelling.

>> No.21717938

>interprets "god is dead" as "the death of god is a TRAGEDY and we need to reassert JUDEO CHRISTIAN VALUES", yes, just like any true nietzschean!

>> No.21717946

Yeh yeh. Whatever floats your boat, "king". Keep being "based".

>> No.21717964

15 year old retard

>> No.21717967
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WHO ARE YOU to say that we're right or wrong? To say that one cannot worship this faggot means you have automatically exploded. This thread is MEANINGLESS as all are the posts. It's time to break it up. This is a convulsion. An upheaval. A reverse movement. This begins the age of Lex Luthor posting which can only rise out of such a terrible beginning!

>> No.21717976
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>muh christfags!
I loathe Nietzsche because I'm a platonist. What now you little bitch? I hope a pack of Christian niggers rapes your loved ones.

>> No.21717978
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>thinking nietzsche is le anti-plato man
yep, midwit confirmed

>> No.21717997

>calling a christfag a christfag = ad hominem
fuck off christfag

>> No.21718000

lmao people like that are fucking cringe. reasserting religion won't revive a dead god.

>> No.21718072

Nietzch especially hated those parts of Christianity that are the most 'otherworldly' (really, most platonic). That along with his critiques on platonism aren't the crux of the matter however. It's his concept of resentment, which underpins much of his ideas including master-slave morality. Max Scheler's book Ressentment absolutely rips him apart for this, and yet I've never heard a nietzchean even try to rebut Scheler