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/lit/ - Literature

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21711687 No.21711687 [Reply] [Original]

>James Bond novels have been rewritten to remove a number of racial references from Ian Fleming’s work, The Telegraph can reveal.

>All of the author’s thrillers featuring 007 are set to be reissued in April to mark 70 years since Casino Royale, the first book in the series, was published.

>Ian Fleming Publications Ltd, the company that owns the literary rights to the author’s work, commissioned a review by sensitivity readers of the classic texts under its control.

>The Telegraph understands that a disclaimer accompanying the reissued texts will read: “This book was written at a time when terms and attitudes which might be considered offensive by modern readers were commonplace.

>“A number of updates have been made in this edition, while keeping as close as possible to the original text and the period in which it is set.”

>The changes to Fleming’s books result in some depictions of black people being reworked or removed.


>> No.21711695

Stop posting this shit. No one cares. No one is angry. Stop trying to make us care or feel angry.

>> No.21711700

If nobody cares, then why change the text in the first place?

>> No.21711701

they are paving the way for the black woman james bond in the movies.

desu I've read one of those books and the quality is really low. Literature for boomers who bought playboy magazines to read "masculine" content.

>> No.21711707

To see if they can sell these silly books that are no longer being read for decades.

>> No.21711712

Who gives a shit?

>> No.21711719

Clearly somebody gave enough of a shit to change the text in the first place, didn't they?

>> No.21711720

Name one successfull non-comic book action movie with a black lead

>> No.21711730

Lethal Weapon
Beverly Hills Cop
About 500 other 80s flicks I dont care to name

>> No.21711750

Shaft, Pulp Fiction, Black Dynamite, Django Unchained, National Security, Planet of the Apes, etc;

>> No.21711752

>lethal weapon
Mel gibson vehicle
It's a comedy first

>> No.21711767

>Planet of the Apes

>> No.21712922

What's with bongs censoring books?

>> No.21712929

They need a license to shill

>> No.21713127

Oh look it's the telegraph angry at something that's sure to drive up sales of existing books.

I suppose in a few days we'll see the publisher assure everybody they're republishing the originals in response to backlash.

It's incredible how many idiots fell for this the first time.

>> No.21713542

Why should the books be censored in the first place? Why are we not allowed to complain about blatant censorship of literature for political purposes?

>> No.21713747
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>For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

>And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

>> No.21713865

>no one cares
You don’t care
>no one is angry
Uhh, you are rather angry just by your response.
>stop trying to make us care
Stop showing anything that makes revisionist faggots like you that get butthurt over “racist” depictions look bad.

>> No.21713874

Oh, look, the same poster keeps spamming how there’s nothing to see here.

>> No.21714364

It's the same progression of arguments every time

>Stage 1: "It's not happening, chud. You're just fearmongering and spreading conspiracy theories."

>Stage 2: "Ok it is happening, but it's only a small few isolated cases. You're blowing it out of proportion."

>Stage 3: "Ok it's happening, but it's not for the reason you think it is. And why do you even care anyway? Get a life."

>Stage 4: "It's happening and it's a good thing, and if you disagree you're a bigot."

He's currently on stage 3. After a few more big cases hit the news he will progress to the final stage and just start calling everybody who doesn't like censorship in books a "chud".

>> No.21714383

It's fucking astounding how this progression unfolds exactly the same way every time you argue with one of them. It's just mind-boggling. When you understand that this really happens it's like finding out that goblins are real.

>> No.21714542

I'm glad I don't read spy novels.

>> No.21714560

You got me guys. You're all so smart and your online protesting have changed the plans of multi-million dollar companies.

>Ok it is happening, but it's only a small few isolated cases.
I actually think it's going to happen more. It's so easy to outrage you, publishers will only do it more.

If you think you're more level headed than your average retarded fox news viewer, just have a think about what you've been upset about the last few days.

>> No.21714566

I think your types just hate seeing your side of the aisle abandon the principles they used to preach. Seeing "liberalism" mutate from advocacy for freedom of speech for all to the history erasing abomination it is now must bring you some significant discomfort for you to lash out like this.

>> No.21714574

From here on out it’s just going to be censorship and thinly veiled /pol/ threads, isn’t it?

>> No.21714583

The editing of previous texts must not be normalized.

>> No.21714634

Ah yes, this is just a fucking /pol/ thread and not brining up the worrying increase in censorship and defacement of literature on y'know the fucking literature board. Hang yourself moron.

>> No.21714667

Why don’t you try talking about literature instead of something related to literature for once, like you know, the actual James Bond books?

>> No.21714705

>The editing of previous texts must not be normalized.
Good job too, nobody would ever buy a whole book of Robert E Howard, Arthur Conan Doyle, CL Moore, Ray Bradbury, HP Lovecraft etc.

We'd much rather track down each copy of weird tales instead.

And keep Mary Shelly from Frankenstein, she'll only revise it a decade later. Same for Tolkien.

Don't let any Harlan Ellison book get a subsequent publication, the bugger will only just add another forward. Same for Tolkien.

>> No.21714712


>> No.21714717

Can you at least keep it all in one thread? They aren’t even hitting bump limits

>> No.21714731

How the fuck can they change the racist stuff but keep the bit where Pussy Galore is a lesbian that gets turned straight by Bond sex.

>> No.21714740

I care. I’m not angry, I just think it’s gay. Trying to sanitize the past ironically whitewashes the reality of racism, sexism and so on. It’s strange this has to be pointed out by people that aren’t woke.

>> No.21714746

>editing content for legibility and for changing social mores are both editing
>I am very smart
Suck a tailpipe you waste of space.

>> No.21714752

That's cleary what I meant retard.

>> No.21714825

I was ill earlier this month, really bad flu. I was eating some strong painkillers and decided to watch all the James Bond movies from end to end, and I gotta say, the casual sexism and racism is extremely kino. One of the funniest scenes is in You Only Live Twice, where Sean Connery undergoes surgery to look like a Japanese man, and all they did was give him a bowlcut, fuck up his eyebrows, and make him have terrible posture. He then trains with ninjas for two days to become one of them. Hilarious and wonderful.

Roger Moore was a huge step down from Connery and even Lazenby. The boyish charm of Bond is something he just cannot do. He is stiff and aristocratic and it doesn't fit the character at all. The movie that poster is from, Live and Let Die, was released during the height of blaxploitation. James Bond goes to Harlem, and every black person is in on the secret heroin trade that James Bond is trying to unravel - the taxi driver, the barbers, the musicians, the shoe-shiners, the bartenders, everyone in Harlem is a heroin salesman. It is so over the top and insane, and paints all black people as a singular drug-dealing hivemind.

Anyway, power-ranking the Bond movies, my personal top three would be
From Russia with Love (this is unironically a great movie, even beyond the Bond meme)
The Living Daylights (Timothy Dalton is underrated, and this is his best. He does the wiry, amphetamine-popping, darker Bond so much better than Craig)
GoldenEye (Pierce Brosnan is the first actor after Connery that has some of the same boyish charm)

As for people having a fit over censorship and rewritings, this has always been the case with newer editions, it's just that now it is in the hands of wokies. That sucks, sure, but you can still get the older editions.

>> No.21714844

One day people will get tired of you

>> No.21714853

>No one cares about cancel culture

>> No.21714854

Probably not before they tire of your hysterics.

>> No.21714855

>cancel culture
Name three people who've been cancelled

>> No.21714862

>Bad economy
>Mass layoffs hitting publishing
>Middle-management editors will be the first to go
>Suddenly these middle-management create new jobs for themselves to "fight racism" where there is no public demand to do so
>"You better let us keep doing this work, otherwise you're condoning racism!"
This isn't about racism. This is a power-play for white woman editors to keep their cushy jobs in a bad economy.

>> No.21714864

>just have a think about what you've been upset about the last few days

Ironic advice.

>> No.21714901

I agree but really, I see pretty much all of wokeism as just rent-seeking for lazy midwits who want a six-figure job despite not having any intelligence, skill or entrepreneurial spirit - even in a good economy. But I'm sure you're right that the deluge of stories about it right now is because of lay-offs.

>> No.21714953

You can wonder why your reading comprehension is in the gutter. I don't get upset by newspapers telling me to get upset.

>> No.21715042

To generate discussion, publicity, attention, and thus revenue.
And you fell for it.
You dense motherfucker.

>> No.21715234

Well, that sucks. I wouldn't want pesky editors to alter popular literature, just because it hurts their fee-fees.

>> No.21715247

this is why the grandfathers were fighting against communism so hard, they knew the hell leftists bring in if they won

>> No.21715275

And yet, it is you that is the dense motherfucker.

>> No.21715298

There is no saving Britain. They are destroying every national icon they have.

>> No.21715314

Wild how leftoids and shitlibs became pro-war and pro-censorship. So much for fighting the power, eh?

>> No.21715327

Because it's outdated and racist

>> No.21715333


To think they changed their mind due to outrage after spending hundreds of thousands on wages and consultancies, months of approvals, is some top Reddit tier activism.

We know the term woke makes some smooth brains foam at the mouth, people who would never actually read these books, but they got millions of dollars of free publicity from this.

And they'll keep doing it, because that's pretty much the business model.

>> No.21715345

Think both ends of the spectrum were against the changes.

The schism was this: did they plan to cause this outrage.

Think we know you fell for it. Don't feel bad, most of the illiterate right did too.

>> No.21715461

The fuck you on about? Saying "actually both sides" and then saying it's the right's fault?

>> No.21715478
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/tv/ is making fun of us again

>> No.21715494

You know buying up old copies that haven't been censored would be a perfectly natural reaction to this kind of censorship if it were made non-cynically, as in the publisher actually wanting to change text on ideological, not commercial, grounds. Saying that it's just a marketing stunt when the outcomes would've been the same as if they were in earnest censoring books just means people are defensive and already fear/suspect that institutions are becoming more and more totalitarian, that the wrongthink meme isn't going to be a meme for much longer.
Accusing people of "falling for it" isn't the own you think it is.

>> No.21715500


>> No.21715515

In two more weeks?

>> No.21715536


>> No.21715612

>leftoids and shitlibs
Just balancing the argument.

>> No.21715615


>> No.21715622

The chuds sure aren't pulling these kind of stunts. Can't distribute the responsibility when all the people that have any kind of sway or power all have the same politics.

>> No.21715846

I mean, this is taking place in the UK. And the party running the government is so right wing, the party who's sole political policy was 'send darkies home' folder up because they didn't want to split the vote.

It's also a government who loves a good woke war to distract from its many, many failings.

It's choice of herald? Oh, The Telegraph.

>> No.21715859

So leftists and neoliberals.

>> No.21715888

>the conservative party
>right wing

>> No.21715893

Out of curiosity, what do you consider them?

>> No.21715900

The same as the RNC in the States, a mildly different flavor of the single oligarchic party that pushes domestic policy towards leftist collectivism. What they've done to farming in this country alone disqualifies even entertaining the idea that they're right wing.

>> No.21715923
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Fleming's hate on Germans was undeserved. Fuck anglos

>> No.21715985

By definition right wing is small gov. What they've done to farming is completely in line with that.

In fact their whole schtick is to do as little as possible until a problem becomes too large to do anything but the most obvious (often socialist) choice, like bailouts.

Even a homeoffice report concluded migrant boats were a problem they could fix overnight if the homeoffice got it's shit together.

>a mildly different flavor of the single oligarchic party
I would agree with that. But at least labour spent money on the poor rather than the rich.

>> No.21716015

>Fleming's hate on Germans was undeserved.
>Naval Intel officer during world war ii
Why zoomers like this?

>> No.21716052

This has worked out for subversives for decades with seemingly no effective counter measure. Why would they not carry on using it?

>> No.21716062

>Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.
How did he manage to predict it so well /lit/?

>> No.21716074

I support anything that makes /pol/ or sjw’s cry

>> No.21716081

Because censorship or alteration of texts shouldn't be tolerated, even if the text in question is mid genre fiction. They recently tried (and failed) to get Roald Dahl's texts altered because some of the words could upset children ffs - the speed of which this keeps happening is concerning.
Just wait until the likes of Ovid or Joyce are censored for their problematic words or themes.

>> No.21716082

Over/under 4.5 censorship threads made tomorrow? Secretly you guys love this as it gives you something to rant about

>> No.21717251

So will leftards now complain that we're erasing the 'intrinsic racism' of western literature?

>> No.21717349

>most of the world has been voting for this shit
Anyone who agrees with this is a faggot beyond belief.