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21705606 No.21705606 [Reply] [Original]

Childhood is believing that space humans will be Star Wars, adolescence is believing that Dune will be the fate of space faring humanity. Adulthood is the slow, horrific realization that Warhammer 40k is the fate of humanity if it ever touches the stars.

>> No.21705610

This is your brain on genre fiction

>> No.21705640

More like Alien: mega corporations send wagies to die in unforgiving space, profit if they manage to survive.
They own your dna and may clone you, use you for research.
Boss turns out to be an egocentric douche who wishes to become immortal.

>> No.21705722 [DELETED] 
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Transcendence is realising Warhammer 40k lore is limited hangout occult knowledge released by the elites to offset karmic debt.

>> No.21705723

Dune would be a relative utopia since they managed to defeat AGI and ban it from ever arising again.

>> No.21705727

Adulthood is realizing that a centralized interstellar humanity would be practically impossible due to the scale of distances in space. When it takes, at a minimum, 4 years to even communicate between another star system and Earth, the idea that people on Earth should have any say on the governance of people on these distant space systems will seem ludicrous.

>> No.21705802

Adulthood is realizing that interstellar humanity is practically impossible and we’re still in this ball of dirt with an exponentially growing African population.

>> No.21705809


>> No.21705814

Total nigger death is more believable than maintaining a political leash on people 50 years away

>> No.21705839

Adulthood is realizing we will travel to space rocks and find nothing

>> No.21705864


>> No.21705962
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This statement objectively registers at only a fraction less cringe than the "We are fighting against Thanos, Mordor and Voldemor" Ukraine tweet.
Good news however, we have a cure for it.

>> No.21706288

adulthood is when you SHUT THE FUCK UP

>> No.21706340
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Childhood is believing a human is his body.
Adolescence is believing humans will copy their brains into computers and live beyond space as ethereal computer spirits.
Adulthood is knowing the best thing the computer could simulate for you would be a mortal human body like you already have. Life is symbolic, not physical or even "spiritual".

>> No.21706362

>Warhammer 40k is the fate of humanity if it ever touches the stars.
Wh4k is actually quite a hopeful future, if you think about it.

For all the eugenics, bigotry, genocides in the future, it means at some point before then we all put our differences aside to achieve galactic flight.

>> No.21706369

Space rocks on space rocks. Piles and piles of space rocks. Space rocks for days.

>> No.21706392

It will be cool when we figure out that contaminating the space rocks is not an issue. Then we'll contaminate the galaxy, the first galactic empire will fall and the world will be filled with unique and strange life forms as the isolated populations diverge. Then they discover each other again and figure out how to use the nanobots from the first galactic empire to interface their minds with material things to do things like levitate their light sabers and choke people over skype.

>> No.21706409

Why are frogposters so dumb?

>> No.21706481
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>> No.21706491

Adulthood is not giving two fucks about space and realizing humanity will sabotage itself before it ever builds a civilization outside of Earth.

>> No.21706558

Your civilizations will sabotage themselves but mine will be fine. Eventually someone will do the space thing.

>> No.21706588

The actual future is post-human. There won't be people fighting wars on other planets because there won't be any people at all.

>> No.21706617

Stop larping as a christian.

>> No.21706629
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>> No.21706642

Adulthood is the slow, horrific realization that entropy and hedonism is the fate of humanity and we will never touch the stars. Face it, you will never die for the emperor.

>> No.21706649

This is why Contact is a great movie and a superior adaptation of the book. [spoilers]Humans kicking and screaming to find an answer. Build a crazy machine. We destroy it. Oh actually second machine is over there lol. Kick it. Our symbol of time and space is wrong. Welp label it as a loss. Oh wait we have recorded time. Cover it up. Along with the first contact notion.[/spoilers] Such a badass movie.

>> No.21706944

A human is his body. The spirit is physical.

>> No.21706956

Globohomo faggotry like all sci-fi bullshit.

>> No.21706976

Outer space is literally a psy-op for dumb nigger cattle to immerse themselves in. Thinking about it for prolonged periods of time is sign of a dull mind that needs to be spoonfed that "things aren't as they appear" as if it wasn't immediately obvious to even a child.

>> No.21706987

If your body had been raised in isolation the current you wouldn't identify with that creature at all. You wouldn't consider it you, the process you identify as is not your body. This is beside the fact that experience itself which is the most fundamental you happens outside time and space.

>> No.21706989

My cock is a relative utopia since it managed to defeat your mum and prevent her from ever walking again

>> No.21708518

What are photos from space then are they all computer generated?

>> No.21708536

Why are you five in a thread about scifi? I’m going to be meta here to say there are two masks to wear on lit: one of teaching and one of hubris. Why must you choose the hubris every time to tear down others because of your own failed knowledge? Feel free to tear me down if it will help you reach the next fork in your life but not giving a fuck is a long road so why not look back to see the destruction you’ve caused others to avoid you in your war path.

>> No.21708561

We will either destroy or totally pervert ourselves beyond recognition before ever reaching anywhere near the levels of physics-bending technological advancement found in even the most banal of Science fiction "Space Opera" type literature.
Not only that, but the type of "future" you're imagining would likely be much bleaker and less fantastic than anything thats been written so far, even if one were to assume the elements present in most Science fiction have manifested somehow into reality. Think for a second about the actual ramifications of a multi-species interstellar civilization ala Star Wars. What would that ACTUALLY look like?

Sci-Fi of that variety is really only good for the fantasy aspect of it, the idea that by some alternate path or different spiritual force that Star Wars could ever be possible.

>> No.21708563

Same goes for all other media too

>> No.21708573

lol this. Just endless miles upon miles of dead, silent nothing. Like a desert but with even less shit in it. Space is extremely gay. I recognize the necessity of reaching out into the stars, but oh my Christ, the mundane terror of trillions upon trillions of miles of just nothing fills me with terror. Even if we do eventually reach Earth 2, it's going to be a multi-generational push and a lot of people are going to lose hope.

>> No.21708582

So what will they be? Octopi? Wolves? Biomass? Machines?

>> No.21708584

The Chinese and the Indians will make it to space, maybe the Nigerians too. Pretty much everyone else is going to be picked off by something extremely prosaic and gay

>> No.21708589

Imagine divergent evolution on different planets. Like what you said, isolated populations will diverge and re-discover each other. Will it be after hundreds of thousands of years? Less? Will we look different but be very similarly genetically? Will we be very different genetically but look very similar? Neither? Imagine that level of racism, that level of ACTUAL xenophobia. It'll be like joggers vs. huwhites turned up to a thousand.

>> No.21708596

"The 40,000 Year Desert" would be a cool name for a science fiction novel. As well dont use Christs name in vain.

>> No.21708598

Hope this never happens. Earth is supreme.

>> No.21708601

All of this shit is never going to happen lol. "Colonizing the galaxy" is a complete fucking fantasy fed to you by the same elites you want to escape so bad

>> No.21708609

>"The 40,000 Year Desert" would be a cool name for a science fiction novel.
Hey you're right, that's really cool! It would be a very dark, bleak one though I'd imagine. Like maybe about a "colony ship" heading to the nearest habitable expolanet and we get a firsthand look at how the multiples of generations just give up as they sail out across unbelievable oceans of deep time, until finally the suicidal great-grandkids of the first generation aboard just finally throw up their hands and let fate steer the ship...
>As well dont use Christs name in vain.
No? Where is Christ? Is he behind the stars? Behind the veil of life itself? Will I ever get to meet him and hold his hand, because I really fucking want to. If I don't, then he's useless.

>> No.21708615

You need to watch Aniara.

>> No.21708619

I'm kind of in the same boat, anon. Although I would rather that than a future where we turn our ships "inward" and just build pleasure bunkers so we can lose ourselves in high fidelity simulations. If that's the most likely course though, then I think it'd be better for us to just go extinct and let something else maybe one day take up the torch and ride the parabola of sentient life. I think it'd be better to be the last clutch of human beings in a faded world watching your kin disappear than to be one among billions of imprisoned minds.

>> No.21708626

Looks miserable and cold. Thanks for the recommendation.

At the end of the day, I'm trying to learn to accept that neither me or anyone in our generation will probably find the "hope", that sense of "all tomorrows" and just learn to live with multi-generational thinking, learn to think beyond my own life, because the next half a century or so (I'm 26) probably won't get any better lol. If we live for hedonism, we live for today ultimately, and if we live for today we rob our children of their birthright, like the boomers robbed us of our own.

>> No.21708641

>Looks miserable and cold. Thanks for the recommendation.
A whole movie on that terror of the void of space. Probably the only film that challenges my belief in a higher power, the atmosphere is so thick with despair and the horror of eternal night. The most authentic science fiction movie ever made

>> No.21708667

>A whole movie on that terror of the void of space. Probably the only film that challenges my belief in a higher power, the atmosphere is so thick with despair and the horror of eternal night. The most authentic science fiction movie ever made

I believe you. I believe this shook your foundations, and I know exactly what you mean. The higher power is life itself though, or at least it's inseparable from life itself. It is our generation's duty, same as every other one's, to be the best stewards we can to the living world in the hopes that we can save some richness and beauty for posterity, and failing that, that we save enough for the non-sentient animals, and failing that, enough for the retarded scuttling life-forms that will outlive us in any case.
God exists in every stone and every ganglion of every of each fiddler crab striving for life in the sulfurous mud beneath our feet. We have to realize this or we will sacrifice our future generations to Nothing, which is always a temptation to the depressed, the pessimistic, the hedonistic, the atheistic. My friend, we cannot overvalue our own lives or our own impressions of the world as it stands, because we are no different, no more significant, taken in isolation, than any other cohort of golems briefly animated with the lifeforce after being pulsed forth from innumerable red wombs.

May we find peace, and may God be with you too, whatever that means.

>> No.21708699

Shatner didn't cry his eyes out when he saw the black void of space contrasted with the beauty of the planet (that we are destroying for baubles) for no reason. I want to launch all "mankind's destiny is to spread anti-life industries to the stars" faggots into the sun.

>> No.21708708

I think I agree with you lol.
Shatner clearly locked eyes with God when he was up there locked in dead orbit around the unblinking blue eye. I can't help but thinking I would feel similarly. And the saddest part is all the Elonfags who are riding in the 0 G compartment with me would probably look at me and go "but bro, dude, isn't this fucking EPIIIIIIIIC!!! Who has time for tears when we're in hecking SPAAAAAACE!"
Yeah I'll tell you something, anon: when it's a race to mankind's finish-line, the retards win 1st place.

>> No.21708713

I want to grind every last one of those midwit, champagne-popping, immune-to-the-overview-effect faggots into fertilizer

>> No.21708714
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shit I didn't proofread what I wrote at all there, that whole first sentence I wrote is repetitive and clunky as all hell, damn sonny I'm out here trying to write pottery for a debased era, not schizo post

>> No.21708731
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Hey. My man. I'll keep the barrel pointed downrange for you ;)

>> No.21708746

the bible implies mankind will end on earth.
simple as.

>> No.21708752

>mankind will end on earth
based or cringe?
what thinkest thou, anon?

>> No.21708846
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Don't worry, the Khoisan will rebel and kill all bantus in 2063
>t. knower

>> No.21708851

>when it's a race to mankind's finish-line, the retards win 1st place
So, “total nigger death” it is.

>> No.21708857

I thinketh the only real space exploration happens through reincarnation to higher or lower planets, and that's how it should remain, at least until the end of days.

>> No.21708865

are you a Mormon?

>> No.21708901

I am the sort of guy who thinks the truth is beyond any organized doctrines. But I guess culturally I'm mostly a Christian because that's how I grew up.

Mormons believe in actual space exploration in this material life, don't they? So they're pretty much opposite to me if so

>> No.21708906

but if you wonder where I got the higher and lower planets from, that's actually in the Baghavad Gita (hindus)

>> No.21708911

>Star Wars and not Gundam.

>> No.21709193


>> No.21709204

maturity is when you realize Warhammer is a shitty franchise for troons

>> No.21709252
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This is your brain on genre fiction

>> No.21709913

One of you guys should write a sci-fi novel that explores the concept of Total Nigger Death (TND).

>> No.21710251

Typical COMBGENIE retardism disguised in a layer of coping, half-ironic "profundity"

>> No.21710843


Nah. Life is great don't get your view on life from your Google Feed, the internet, or the web. "Society" or "civilizatiom" is made up of billions if not higher because of exponents right? of relationships

>> No.21710850


meant to say or the "media"* since this is a lit board put in quotes as they arent my media

>> No.21710875
