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21709151 No.21709151 [Reply] [Original]

the experience of involuntary celibacy has the power of moving human civilitzations towards progress as it has propelled the creativity of virtually every writer
>rejected lover
>the effects of love
>wound of love
>loving service
>religion of love
>description of the girl
>I hate and I love
>the war of love
>platonic love
>wild love (rape)
>love after death

>> No.21709171

Well the idea that I might not ever get to experience love is definitely what motivated me to get out of my parents house, get a job and lose weight.

>> No.21709201

but I have a job and I'm skinny

>> No.21709219

But are you also attractive and not unattractive?

>> No.21709220

strictly literary writers don't move human civilizations, and your thesis is flawed anyway.

>> No.21709227
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>> No.21709230

disposable men have always existed there just aren't institutions in this society that give them a purpose. incels as they are known today are only known about today because of the term incel relating with an otherwise distasteful "alt-right" ideology. unfortunately, you are looking for self-validation in a completely deluded way if you believe these disposable men have a significant influence on society in any meaningful way, short or long-term. the days of eunuch advisors are over.

>> No.21709234

>if you believe these disposable men have a significant influence on society in any meaningful way, short or long-term
You've been refuted by mass shooters

>> No.21709244

I'm not talking only about disposable men. Almost every men aren't born with the quality of being attractive enough to the opposite sex and have to work on building status to get laid

>> No.21709256

>le disposable man because isn't having sex
Why are people so fucking stupid and shallow today? Also you faggots need to REJECT these labels. All they seek to do is put you in a box so the market can sell you shit. I loathe how pervasive this "incel" trash has become.

>> No.21709288

not quite, it's more like in rising springtime cultures sex is just something that happens in the background almost like the drinking of water and men are judged entirely by other qualities, whereas in decrepit estrogenated civilizations they are judged by the basest function of of simply biologically continuing the species

>> No.21709292

Most people don't remember mass shooters and not a single mass shooter has had the profound societal impact that someone like the Unabomber achieved with shock and awe. Shootings are the tonsillectomy of political violence.

>> No.21709293

Then get into bdsm and gimp suits

>> No.21709297

You seem to have interpreted that I'm passing judgement. I don't care if a man lives and dies without so much as kissing a woman, I acknowledge and accept that people like that have always existed, it just so happens that societies at this point in time do not typically have ways for these men to live in a way that is realistic and fulfilling. For the shallow reasons you loathe, the idea that all men HAVE to seek a relationship and reproduce - have you ever considered THAT is the problem, not the side effects of it?

>> No.21709304

it moved me even though I'm pretty much a total 40 year old nearcel. girlfriends used to come easy to me, now the well is dry. but you know what? it moved me to write stuff, which is something that I can add to my resume aside from music.

>> No.21709311

women idolize Elliot Rodger now. "I could have saved him, he's so adorable"

inceldom isn't really marketable
>inb4 the 40 Year Old Virgin
doesn't count, ended up having sex in the end

>> No.21709530

>not ugly, actually been called very hot/cute/handsome by women other than family
>not fat. actually in decent shape
>developed a sense of fashion, dress better than average guys
>always groomed and maintained well
>can get by in social interactions enough to pass as a normie
>get over my crippling social retardation, only slightly awkward now
>still no gf, date apps are worthless and I'm approaching 30
it's definitely over for a lot of us. Pussy market is overvalued. Not all of us are going to make it. Take your black pills and direct them towards anything else.

>> No.21709803

>inceldom isn't really marketable
Sure about that? Once you identify as "incel" or any other demographic you join a personality bubble with others, then you start lining up other interests, ideas, memes, etc. Don't forget we are tracked now more than ever, and also mere engagement and followings are a part of the system. Adopting any cultural label leads to this, maybe not in the beginning but once it gets larger.. And this incel subculture has grown to the point where women have even been jumping on board because they think the memes are cute.

>> No.21710101
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not my problem

>> No.21710108

>inceldom isn't really marketable

Everything is marketable.

>> No.21710214

You forgot to
>be yourself

>> No.21710621

'Myself' is a high functioning autistic failed normie. It's over..

>> No.21710662

This is just some kind of Adorno tier nonsense that can be safely ignored

>> No.21711618

>the power of moving human civilitzations towards progress
Why would you ever want to do that?

>> No.21711745
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As a means to "take back" the term chud these pics have always been fun and creative. As it stands inceldom has been an engine for much creativity. Much of it is irreverent, but it's one of the few, true irreverent outlets

>> No.21711776

"Chud" failed because leftypol unironically expected us to edit the images to make fun of ourselves rather than create their own various chudjak images, and because they chose /qa/ of all boards to spam it on, which quickly muddled the meaning by splicing it into surreal little comics along all the other wojak characters

>> No.21711837

lul you will never win or not be absorbed by the machine. Just another worthless sub culture to be sucked on.

>> No.21712261
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Outside of the specific incel genre, you can't create if you haven't known love or, if nothing else, had sex. You end up with autistic retards who have no idea what they're talking about like Sid Lukkasen who aren't much more than lolcows.