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21705573 No.21705573 [Reply] [Original]

The Sexual Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.21705578

Books with this thesis?

>> No.21705580
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Translation: beautiful women aren't fawning over me.

>> No.21705581

>what could have been
I wonder if Teddy would be where he is if he transitioned.

>> No.21705590

He looks like she would be very stuck up and prudish with a mean streak.

>> No.21705594


who dis

>> No.21705646

The COOMER Manifesto

>> No.21705653

I have beautiful women all the time. Doesn't change the fact op is correct

>> No.21705659

Hory sheeit that looks like a carbon copy of my friend's sister

>> No.21705663


>> No.21705673

frfr on god

>> No.21705749


>> No.21705752

my momma said i look like the unabomber

>> No.21705803

The plain fact of the matter is that if the state didn’t exist none of this crap with men being sexless would be a thing.

>> No.21705811

You’d think but no

>> No.21705812


>> No.21705823

Women and elites share the same brains. They are never going to acknowledge a wrong deed and will only laugh at you for being at the bottom of the state machine.

>> No.21705862


>> No.21705893
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Combine Sex revolution and industrial revolution

>> No.21705901

>having defectives breed at all.
Maybe hypergamy isn't that bad after all.

>> No.21705915

Except the non-defectives aren't actually breeding because there are no families formed by this.

>> No.21705919

Even better.

>> No.21706206


>> No.21706223

Uhh, no? It has been absolutely wonderful. Men and women are free to explore pleasure and sexuality together, and I simply couldn't imagine how boring it would be to have only had one woman for my entire life - and to not have had sex with her before marriage, and have her be totally neurotic, anxious and tense about sex even then. It would absolutely suck.
No, it has been marvellous.

>> No.21706228

Supposedly third ugliest girl looks super cute.
Also that shit is retarded cope incapable of explaining why the vast majority of average men and below average men are still in committed loving relationships with average women.

>> No.21706567

Beyond retard
Kys dumb animal

>> No.21706637

What about that triggered you?

>> No.21706680

she probably finally realised why the chad she envisioned a relationship ghosted her after that tuesday afternoon pump and dump

>> No.21706683

Many such cases

>> No.21706701

yes, a lot of women make the mistake that men, like them, have to like someone to have sex with them.

>> No.21707198

Nigger babble.

>> No.21707207

>why the vast majority of average men and below average men are still in committed loving relationships with average women.
Those birth rates will rise up any second now...

>> No.21707210

Bottom half of those guys don’t deserve a woman. Also anyone can make up info graphs and propaganda

>> No.21707254
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>anyone can make up info graphs and propaganda
Make up? It's just common sense that thanks to technology, women can have a wider selection of men to choose from, instead of a limited selection at say their college/local bar/workplace/church/etc.


>> No.21708678

>sex is…LE BAD!!
People who think everything about other humans should be controlled down to a T are retarded and evil people. Christcucks and fundamentalists alike deserve to be forgotten.