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21704558 No.21704558 [Reply] [Original]

burliok edition
prev >>21696074

>> No.21704566

I'm broken by pussy.

>> No.21704568 [DELETED] 
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After 2.5 years, just when I thought the danger has passed, my stupid NPC mother finally managed to infect me with the normoid coof.
I resisted the initial outbreak, every wave of new strains, stayed clean and unvaxxed even as the stupid mother was coofing in the next room a year ago, but now that there are like 10 cases in the whole country of course one of them has to be a stupid NPC collegue and my stupid normoid mother infects me even though I only leave the apartment for solitary nightwalks. I hate women.
Anyway, what's your experience with the post-covid brain fog? The fever and shivers are gone now, taste and smell will return eventually I assume, but there's undeniable NPC coof retardation clouding my thinking at the moment. What do?

>> No.21704586

What book are you currently reading?
Are you enjoying it?

>> No.21704614

There is no such thing as politics. In any given system propaganda and proxy arguments saturate to a point where discourse and "political opinions" are nothing more than a simulacrum. Nobody knows what they want or what's best for them, nor do they want to know, nor can they know. The greatest peace we will know is when we give up the illusion of the informed citizen. What can "informed" even mean when the people's interest can be hijacked?

>> No.21704624

I snuck in liquor and was taking shots in the bathroom at work. I was swerving all over the road on my drive home. Fuck bros, time to admit I have a problem

>> No.21704634
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There is a way, Anon.

>> No.21704636

I read an interesting interpretation here that basically amounted to the notion that the role of politics is in deciding what’s most important and needs to be heard or take precedence, if the decisions thus made are informed or uninformed is another matter.

>> No.21704642
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>> No.21704644

Not reading anything at present, but thinking, in my desultory way, about what Keats meant by "negative capability". True, there's a certain practical utility to projection, as in politics, but all poetry runs to the contrary, and is reflective at best. That is also to say that description, however lame, is always more potent than opinion, in the same way that pleasant engineering is.

>> No.21704698
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>> No.21704715
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What's it called when you have a deep dread going to places you've never been before and don't like driving to new places.
Idk wtf is wrong with me but over the past decade I'm becoming more and more of a recluse where I don't even go to areas I used to go to all the time.

I also hate being around on busy streets and until recently haven't entered a shopping mall in over a decade and when I finally did, I felt so sick. I also feel this same sickness when crossing the street especialy crossings where you have to walk longer and there is even a stop/island in the middle to wait if you didn't cross in time. I feel so weird where half way across or when waiting for the walk sign I start to feel self conscious about how I'm standing or how I'm walking. I also get paranoid about my walk when walking in the open if I'm not holding my keys or my phone in my hand.

I also hate seeing people I know outside of where I generally know them. Eg seeing people at work outside of the workplace or seeing my family outside of their homes. Eg I can't and refuse to go to a restaurant with my family now if they invite me

It's actually really debilitating and makes me not want to go out much more than I have to and I dread what family plans for birthdays and stuff in case it's going to be somewhere outside of their homes. Even though driving can also stress me out I can't see myself using public transport anymore due to the crowds and my constant paranoia over being filmed or something while out.

Lost my job a year ago and I'm finding it hard now as my old job fit all the criteria to keep my stuff in check but now the idea of a new job and finding a new place to go is making me shut down.

Why TF is stuff that people find so natural and normal so hard for me. Everyone seems to go out to do something out of the blue but fuck, I feel as though I need to prepare a few days in advance to do anything. Like ffs I fill my car up at the same station at the same pump. It used to be worse where is did all that but would only fill my car up on a Sunday morning before 8. Another weird thing is I'm not particularly afraid of people or anything and not really actually shy or that shy, I can interact with them just fine but feel self conscious about them from a distance.

>> No.21704744

its related to agoraphobia. look into exposure therapy, which is the only effective treatment of agoraphobia.

my brother had the same thing for like ten years. it took him three years of treatment until he got out of it. he started by jogging in the park at dawn, taking long walks, going into stores and maybe challenging himself to say ONE thing to another person per day, even if it was "hey whats up" to a cashier. getting the ball rolling is super important.

its pointless and even harmless to endlessly ask yourself "why am i like this?" its like picking at a scab over and over, and it only prevents you from doing what you need to do, which is taking the first steps.

you can boost yourself by doing something that makes you feel confident in anyway, listening to music, doing pushups, wearing new clothes, hell even wearing sunglasses

>> No.21704771

i am actually the same anon that wrote the post i’m replying to, but for anyone curious it makes a lot of sense, in terms of checks and balances, to have the class that is responsible for such decision making separate from the class whom’s responsibility entails justifying the moral or effective basis for such decisions, who the latter class is and from whence they get such authority is probably one of the biggest issues of our times in terms of how it relates to the ideals of an open, transparent and accountable society, but it doesn't actually concern us inasmuch as this post is merely intended to expand upon the managerial class.

>> No.21704785

Why haven't I read Houellebecq earlier? Atomised is brilliant. He seems a bit too preoccupied with showing off his knowledge in the natural sciences and the theses in that direction don't make good sense, but other than that, it's a very good book indeed.

>> No.21704854

Did he ever get into professional help or anything like that?

I saw my doctor earlier in the week and they referred me to a psychologist who I'm seeing on Saturday. Tbh I don't even know what to say or what I'm supposed to get out of it.

>> No.21704876

yeah he was in therapy. well youve already articulated your problem very well so just tell that to a professional -- and btw that sets you in a better starting point than my brother because hes terrible at articulating things (he has ocd).

>> No.21704877

1) stop being a hateful little faggot towards your mother, you literal child
2) realize that there is no such thing as static mental capacity, it is always and forever changing, and at all times, you must use it or lose it - to put it in terms you may understand better, it is not a pristine action figure that never leaves the box, it is a dynamical, adaptive and ever-changing thing. If there has been an impairment of it, as is the case in all infectious diseases (though it only ever causes despair in retards who are aware of it, which they are with the china coof), the solution is to use your mind again. But be aware that the coof is not nearly as likely to blame as your lack of exercise while you had it, or, even more likely, the result of shitty diet.
It never stops surprising me how many people are still folk Cartesians.

>> No.21704926

Austrians are so fucking boring. Of course there are exceptions, but in general, Austria is worse than hell for me.

>> No.21704953

Yeah but they're pretty good at dubtech. From what I remember just now, Maurizio lives in Austria.

>> No.21705044

Was Lazarus always in the Bible?

>> No.21705045

What can be done about guys like this? >>21699573
He shows up everywhere but doesn't understand how anything works, not even basic communication. I thought it was a different retard each time but no, it's mostly this same creature bringing everything down to his level. He doesn't understand reason so he can't be corrected in any way.

>> No.21705048

Christ that thread is hard to read lol

>> No.21705073

kinda hope that everyone in that thread dies

>> No.21705082

60 long blogposts that needed some effort, one would expect it's some interesting subject the guy is passionate about but it's just a confused retard congratulating himself on being smarter than everyone. That was a short thread compared to previous works by this master of rhetoric.

>> No.21705123

Destructive instincts don't come from strength.

>> No.21705130

In book I of The Republic why does Socrates compare a just man with various jobs?
He compares a just man and healer, a shipbuilder,a horse seller,etc to show that it's justice is not "perfect". But these things aren't comparable, no? Those are all professions but "just" is a trait

>> No.21705145

Justice is a skill much as those job are which is his point of comparison. You will find in other dialogues too that he frequently compares/ contrasts justice and wisdom to shoe making and woodwork and other stuff of this nature to show it is not as easy to pin down as you would be led to believe.

>> No.21705156

In The Apology, Socrates compares justice to the horse breeder who makes the horses better while most people who do not know about the topic would only make matters worse for the horses so that the one man with the intent and knowledge makes them better and others worse. The point of comparison should actually be in the contrast. In one dialogue, I forget which but it might be the Charmides, someone even tells Socrates "you are always talking about shoe making and cooking and other silly things." The point should actually be that if those topics are difficult and require someone with expertise then a matter as great as philosophy (which is much much more important difficult) should be given even more attention.

>> No.21705178

Yeah, they are good at many things, they are just unbearably boring mostly.
Fabio Wibmer is also an Austrian, probably the coolest one.

>> No.21705186
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>one would expect it's some interesting subject the guy is passionate about but it's just a confused retard congratulating himself on being smarter than everyone
Well, this is 4chan after all

>> No.21705192
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What am I missing for never experiencing love in my life?

>> No.21705264


>> No.21705265


>> No.21705270

getting conflicting answers

>> No.21705273

Shrek. You're missing Shrek.

>> No.21705398

I felt really bad and disgusting after some mormons approached me. Then I learnt that there's a whole south park episode about that. Pro-social activities, proper mannerisms, good clothes, a strong community.. always feels fresh at least for me. It's the whole conservative is the new punk Peterson shit, isn't it.. whatever man

>> No.21705430

>born too early for Shrek
As a dark academic genius and lone wolf it often feels like I was born in the wrong generation. I blame society. This proves God does not exist.

>> No.21705515

hopefully you die and learn to appreciate what you have before the end

>> No.21705532

Groups do not exist in and of themselves, there are only individuals who are mentally ascribed towards being in one. As such, there isn't necessarily any shared characteristics between the members of any particular group, and stereotyping is invalid for any arbitrarily defined group. However, there are three particular instances (might be more but I haven't thought of any) wherein a group can show shared characteristics.
>Selection Bias
This is pretty straightforward. These are groups wherein membership requires the individual to pass some sort of criterion or test in order to be considered a member, which means they're more likely to have whatever characteristics are beneficial for passing said test.
The extreme variation of this would be a definition, wherein the individuals of a group are all defined to have certain characteristics, and if they have said characteristics then they're immediately considered part of that group. However, most groups don't behave in a definitional way. There are individuals who could be members of said group, but didn't opt to join, and usually members who joined through some sort of luck but don't possess the usual attributes. The definition is the only case where selection bias becomes both necessary and sufficient, while otherwise it's only necessary but not sufficient.
The strength of selection bias is proportional to how selective the selection mechanism is. In the lowest case, a purely random selection mechanism would lead to a negligible selection bias, as in a random sample. However, it's important to note that even things like geographical region can betray something like a selection bias, even if it's not explicitly defined. In the strongest case, you have something like MENSA, where the criteria are clearly defined and membership is solely limited (yes I know this might not be *really* how it goes) to those who pass the test.

1/2 I guess, a lot more long-winded than I thought it would be.

>> No.21705583

>let's see what this community is like-
Kids should not be allowed on the internet. The problem is really that there are too many children online. If you're online in your 30s it feels terrible. It's like you're a 90 years old surrounded by weid alien creatures. I don't understand how is everyone so obsessed with this queer shit. There isn't even a real culture around it, it's not like punk music or being into metal. It's just this weird alienating pronouns shit. I don't understand it, I swear to god. How the fuck did it take root so fucking hard.

>> No.21705586

It's exactly like punk or metal. It's shitty US-pushed postwar subcultures taken to the next level.

>> No.21705592

>shared incentives
This is the classical marxist analysis of group behavior, although he specifically focused his group analysis on the economic classes. In the optimal case, the members of a group are defined definitionally (e.g. the upper class are all those with a certain level of income) and the shared characteristics come from that definition. For example, people with wheelchairs will generally show more approval for building ramps and elevators, when compared to people without disabilities.
To note, this is generally nowhere near as strong a connection as selection bias can be. We can view this method of group connection as being a shared impulse, but the presence of said impulse does not necessarily mean that every member of the group will behave in the same way. The main factors for strength are the strength of the impulse, whether it provides large or only marginal benefits, the awareness or obvious nature of the impulse, that is how much members are aware of their position, and the disconnectedness of the impulse, that is how unlikely it is to contrast with other incentives. In mentioning other incentives, it's important to note that group identity is non-physical so people can (and usually do) belong to a multitude of groups simultaneously.

>Group Affirming Actions
This is the one which might seem the most strange. Humans, as social animals, like to belong to groups, and generally define themselves in that way. Once the individual's self-identity is firmly entrenched with a group, they then get some sort of pleasure from performing actions in line with that definition.
This is the realm of culture, and nationalism in general. Americans do not have to support gun rights or drink Coke, nor is there necessarily any benefit they get from them (above other nations) but Americans are still more likely to do these things simply because Americans are more likely to do these things.
This is, naturally, the weakest form of connection.

>> No.21705598

>The main factors for strength are the strength of the impulse
Lol, by strength of the impulse I meant the amount of benefit that could be attained by following the impulse.

>> No.21705605

I'm 24 and I feel the same way about it. It's awful.

>> No.21705613

There isn't even an aesthetic to being gay since queers just appropriate something and say it's gay. Really what the fuck is so attractive about making your entire identity a set of pronouns and saying you like taking it in the ass? I don't fucking get it.
I agree that punk and metal and being into Che Guevara were all just memes but I don't agree that it was the same.
Being a punk at least came with a bunch of beliefs, most punks followed a certain current of pseudo-anarchic beliefs either right or left. They were actually pretty varied in that you could find actual extreme right punks or whatever, but they had an internal consistency. If you talked to a punk he or she would tell you actual, concrete beliefs, maybe juvenile but still structured beliefs. There was an aesthetic about it, music, some kind of meat to it. This shit is just a weird blob that makes no sense. All these queer kids always have to draw some Muslim woman with a hijab but they also want to support feminism, but also trans rights, so you can be a feminist but not too much otherwise you're a TERF, you talk to them for 2 seconds and they sound like schizos and they only thing they're clearly sober about is that they'd gladly put everything they dislike into a gulag. I don't understand how the fuck a generation like this one came into being. It's terrifying.

>> No.21705614

Ethnic tribes or nations are the most strongly linked groups after families. America is a multicultural and multiethnic federation not a nation.

>> No.21705620

Is it that hard for you to use a pronoun?

>> No.21705625

>Groups do not exist in and of themselves

I don't even need to read beyond this.

>> No.21705628

>Ethnic tribes or nations are the most strongly linked groups after families. America is a multicultural and multiethnic federation not a nation.
This isn't about bonds but about shared characteristics

>> No.21705643
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im starting to really deeply resent contrarian card-carrying atheists and hippies and fags and feminists and other assorted degenerates and "activists" for what they did to western culture and social norms. seriously, what the fuck? and just to clarify I say that as someone who grew up an edgy contrarian atheist and did my own fair share of partying and drugs and trouble making what not.
there so much fucking stupid shit and hoops we have to jump through to come even close to living a decent normal life that used to be straight forward and almost guaranteed before, is fucking insane, and even if you make it somehow, youre still nothing but an island with no cohesive community around you.

>> No.21705655

YES. It fucking annoys me because it's part of techno-totalitarian politics. You could achieve the same result by listing your sex, gender, whatever the fuck you want to call it, since that's what choosing he or she pivots around. "They" is not a gender. You're not nonbinary, this shit doesn't exist and I don't cave about hermaphrodites. I don't have to specify every single fucking time that a person has two arms and two legs because I need to account for people born without. It's fucking psychopathic shit. Just say
>Gender: female
I'll call you a she. I actually don't even care if someone is trans. It's not like I'm going to check. You have a handle like Anon123, ok, you want me to address you as female, ok, I understand it, so just say you're female. I will call you a she. But no, this pronoun thing isn't about this at all, it's about making me agree with the fact that I have to bend my reality for you and 2+2=5. You can say you're trans, so you're a man who is trans, but I have to think of you as a female because you say your SEX, which is not your sex, is female, but I have to call you THEY because your GENDER is non-binary attack helicopter. It's fucking schizophrenic. When people list their pronouns anywhere I just blacklist them instantly. It's fucking irritating schizo inducing 1984 reality-denying cancer.

>> No.21705678

yeah blame the hippies bro, they masterminded the decline and fall of postwar prosperity from beginning to end

>> No.21705684

Im not going to play you play-to-pretend game. Respect my decision.

>> No.21705688

The people you share most traits with are your family and extended family. That's the kind of group you evolved for. All other groups are synthetic reproductions of tribes usually constructed to manipulate its members or simply undermine the collective power of your actual tribe.

>> No.21705690

i dont care if they masterminded anything, they made themselves a key part of the problem. fucking useless boomer faggots

>> No.21705710
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>We're gonna have to let you go, effective immediately. Clean out your desk. A security guard will escort you out. Respect our decision.

>> No.21705712

While I find it a little cringey whenever an author universalizes their principles, there's a general connection to be made between these three conceptions and political ideology.

Progressives view group characteristics from the lens of shared incentives, so they say that changing the incentives will change the group characteristics.
>if Blacks had more money, they would commit less murder

Conservatives, or at least Republican neo-conservatives, generally view shared characteristics as a part of culture. Change the individual's culture and change the individual's behavior
>if Blacks would abandon "thug culture", they would commit less murder

Alt-right types believe that group characteristics form from selection bias, especially on the genetic level.
>being Black means you're much more likely to have certain genes connected to a predilection for murder

>> No.21705716

I don't know about you anon, but my dick's closer in size to my friend's than it is to my mother's.

>> No.21705728

Atheists and fags aren't stopping you from being polite, becoming a plumber/carpenter/painter/electrician/road worker and settling down with a plain normie gf, dude.

>> No.21705748

Thought about how cringe it would be if I survived. I literally died once and got resuscitated with permanent damage, I have been terrified of surviving a suicide attempt ever since.
When I went to kms I was just overtaken by an extreme desire to escape. I just want God to help me. I can't do this anymore.

>> No.21705750

Why did I expect a commie to be able to be honest?
Would you save your mom or your dickbuddy? If you choose your mom that introduces cracks into the small-dick-club, the interests of the club members don't align when really hard choices have to be made so it dissolves into chaos like America. Commies don't care about real world consequences like that, they're considered "appeals to nature", a logical fallacy. All that matters to commies and commie derivatives is undermining real power using manipulation of perception. Because real groups become powerful they all have to be replaced with fake nonsense clubs based on dick size.

>> No.21705751

see >>21705628

>> No.21705761

Explaining it a bit more. I could define a group of "Guys who are exactly 6 feet tall" and every guy in that group would be the same height.
This would not mean they share any other characteristics, except those which are incidentally related to height
This certainly would not mean that they'd feel any sort of camaraderie.

>> No.21705764

>just be heckin' polite and go along with the schizophrenic anti-human program
Not him but I don't even know if this is bait or you lefists are genuinely this slimy.

>> No.21705769

They would feel camaraderie if you put a second group of guys 5'6 across the room...

>> No.21705775

they are that slimy. their entire dogma is to turn the world into miserable shithole then say "well TECHNICALLY you dont have have to participate, you can sit alone in the corner, so who cares if everything has gone to shit :^)"

>> No.21705776
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>having a normalfag life like everyone else in recorded history is "anti-human"

>> No.21705778

I already saw that you mindless golem. That you desperately want to organize the world based on dick size or some other nonsense you come up with doesn't change reality. As if you can analyze group behavior at all while completely ignoring where it comes from and what purpose it originally serves. The only reason commies push so hard for that is so you can manipulate people that would otherwise understand they need to stick together as ethnic tribes against your manipulation.
The information that determined your dick size is in your family, if your goal is similar sized dicks ruling the world which seems to be the implication, your interests are still with your family. Your instinct to want to pervert basic facts of life is a symptom of a deeply diseased body.

>> No.21705791

yes anon, you got me. my secret plan was to create a moderately-endowed-ocracy
there is no reason to even consider the reasons behind shared characteristics within a group except to arbitrarily put one on top

>> No.21705804

modern normalfag life is nothing like old normlafag life. we have absolutely not been living the way we live now for all of human history.

>> No.21705833

>For example, people with wheelchairs will generally show more approval for building ramps and elevators, when compared to people without disabilities.
>This is the realm of culture, and nationalism in general.
>This is, naturally, the weakest form of connection.
The strongest form of connection of any of the ones you mentioned. Statically the wheelchair person prefers ramps to no ramps but almost all of them prefer their families to ramps. The idea with the wheelchair and the classes was to predict their behavior like that the wheelchair guys vote for ramps. Using biology to do the same thing with much more reliable results is illegal in America, the land of the free.
>there is no reason to even consider the reasons behind shared characteristics within a group
You keep backtracking into math as if you were just describing sets for no reason and not group behavior. The reason behind the things you seem to not understand like group affirming actions are biological. If you don't understand the biological origin and when it's appropriate and productive to engage in these behaviors you'll be easily controlled.

>> No.21705838

I live in a shitty apartment. There is no soundproofing whatsoever, neither to the apartments on either side of mine, nor to the one below. The former tenants who lived below me were a couple in their late 30's. Both of them very classically trained musicians, and they would play the most wonderful duets on cello and piano. The most remarkable thing I ever tried was when I was reading a short story by Thomas Mann, and he was writing about the sublimity of the opening of Tristan and Isolde by Wagner, and I swear, as I was reading that, one of the musicians started playing it on the piano. It was exactly what Jung meant by synchronicity.

Anyway, those tenants left for somewhere else, and in moved two medical students of arab origin, early twenties, rich parents who bought them the apartment, and all they do is have parties where they invite underage girls over, get them drunk, and fuck them. They listen exclusively to the most mindnumbingly awful rap music and I feel the bass in my entire body even with earplugs, earplugs that do nothing to drown out the shrill, hysterical cackling of the underage bitches who are getting drunk and semi-molested for the first time in their lives just below my floorboards.

I miss the former tenants like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.21705840

I actually tried reading the Black Swan and holy fuck is Taleb insufferable

>> No.21705844

Practically everyone lives his social life like an aristocraft a few centuries ago. Oh look, he used the WRONG fork for the dessert! I'm afraid you're not welcome here teehee. Except you still have to work like a peasant and you think you're not poor because you can purchase clown shows that the Romans gave away for free. LMAO

>> No.21705850

*aristocrat I hate this keyboard

>> No.21705856

Global labor market means all worker wages trend lower except for the ones that used to work for a dollar a day. The normie gf is brainwashed by tiktok into thinking running the house on peat moss and whale oil is bad for the environment somehow.

>> No.21705886

I wish I had someone I could trust and turn to for advice.

>> No.21705927

You will find that person within yourself, anon. It's the wrong person, though.

>> No.21705930

Wow, I thought that same thing word for word just this morning.

>> No.21705953

How the fuck did Jackson make the LOTR movies only 20 years ago and now things are completely fucking unwatchable? 20 years is nothing. I'm saying this with the full understanding that the LOTR movies weren't good; they were in fact schlock. That's what worries me so much: those movies were still, by all means, commercially oriented schlock. And yet they were pleasant to watch. Yes they removed Tom Bombadil and other atrocities, but if you are a sane person you can definitely sit through the thing and enjoy it. It's not actively fucking offensive. The shit they're making today is just offensively bad. I don't even know how it's possible that standards have plummeted so hard in just a few years. And there were people who used to enjoy these definitely better things 20 years ago who are now enjoying this new shit. Have their brains turned to mush? Did they actually put something in the water that eroded people's brains? How is it possible? I just cannot believe that people have changed so much and things have gone so bad so hard in such a short time.

>> No.21705973

>I don't even know how it's possible that standards have plummeted so hard in just a few years
It's simple. They're trying to appeal to the wider audience, hence the more possible moneys.

>> No.21705994

This doesn't explain how the audience has changed. The same people who criticized that the first Avatar was a dumb movie are now enjoying atrocious Netflix shit that makes Avatar look like a masterpiece of cinema. I never met anyone who used to read so I can't tell about that, but fuck, every single activity has dumbed down so hard it's unreal, and people have adjusted so easily, it's terrifying. I'm really starting to wonder if they give everyone a secret lobotomy in some way.

>> No.21706027
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I realized that almost every relationship I've ever had, whether with a friend or a coworker, wasn't what I thought it was. People didn't think I was funny or that I had deep insights or whatever, they liked watching me act retarded in front of them so they could laugh about it together afterwards, or using me as a foil to make themselves look smarter and more competent. They don't trust me with things because they trust my judgement, they do it because they know I'll probably fuck up and if I don't they can take the credit for what I do easily. I only ever figured it out in hindsight, after it was all over, and I still kept believing that things would be different until just recently.

The common variable in all of it is me, though, so what does that say about me? That I'm a clueless fuckup and retard? I don't want to believe that but the evidence stacks up. I'd almost prefer if there was some other reason, like a brain tumor causing me to become dumber over time or something, since at least it would make it excusable and potentially treatable. How do you treat having a faulty view of reality and bad judgement? I can't even trust the choices I present myself, much less my own decisions about those choices.

I'm tired of being tangled up in a world I don't understand. I want to be left alone and to pursue my stupid little interests without getting close to anybody or having to try and navigate some ridiculous social system where it seems like no one genuinely likes anyone else and everyone is just waiting for the right time to throw someone under the bus to get ahead. I'm tired of having the urge to connect and socialize and have intimacy with people because it's only ever caused me stress and heartache. I don't want to hear another motivational speech about how I'm really a cool interesting alpha chad deep down and I just have to realize it if it's just going to give me false confidence and bring me to another failure again - I'd rather just be the dull, socially stunted loser I know I really am, alone and in peace.

>> No.21706056

I am outraged by the behavior of this driver in this traffic situation. His actions are a slight against God and they define who that person is to me.
It's another day and another traffic situation. I'm distracted by a conversation with a friend next to me so I do the same thing that so outraged me when done by someone else.
Does this lapse of judgement define me? Should I no longer identify as a driver but as a sinner against traffic?

>> No.21706063

I am going to try to live again. I am going to keep pushing my boulder. It is so painful bros...
I pray to God that He will release me from my burdens.

>> No.21706089

new /lit: god god god god god...so sad

>> No.21706107

Thank God you're here to elevate it with posts like these.

>> No.21706197

idk if this is a copypasta, but this is certainly never the case. people won't hang around you if they actually think you're a complete retard. they'd just avoid you.

>> No.21706219
File: 248 KB, 592x657, Screenshot 2023-02-24 at 20.12.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannysisters... LGBTQbros... PoCsissies.... we lost again

>> No.21706300

No one lost here. Everyone gets to pick the version they like, and the publisher can sit back and rake in the big bucks after all the press attention. All according to keikaku.

>> No.21706320
File: 90 KB, 728x1055, 1-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I now felt a new, pitiful tenderness towards the poem as one has for fickle young creature who has been stolen and brutally enjoyed by a black giant but now again is safe in our hall and park, whistling with the stableboys, swimming with the tame seal. The spot still hurts, it must hurt, but with strange gratitude we kiss those heavy wet eyelids and caress that polluted flesh.

>> No.21706346

>be me
>weird fucker born with above-average sense of smell
>only really noticed with experience and really got a hang of it when we compared the distance at which we could smell things with friends
>never had covid, now my smell is basically superhuman compared to coofers
>anyways, be me, go to laser game
>begin sweating cus doing lots of efforts running and hiding
>get out of laser game, speak with friends
>fuck, something smells really off, oh shit is that me? is that my crotch smelling like that from under my pants?
>crotch smell literally getting in my nose from fucking standing crotch distance
>spend rest of the evening wearing my jacket close to my body
>keep distance because no one seems to notice but one is never too sure
>get to dinner
>sit down
>smell my crotch
>tfw critizing other people smell when they smell bad and smelling horrendous myself when sweating
I just got home and smelled my pants cause I couldn't believe it. Yes the smell was coming from my crotch. I have a sweaty ass and crotch.

>> No.21706349

>No one lost here.
First day in trannyworld? They hate it when people are given choices. Why do you think censorship is so big?

>> No.21706388

How the fuck do I stop being cringe?

>> No.21706414

>implying they won't quietly put the non censored version out of print immediately after this has blown over

>> No.21706416
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and I felt saddest of all when I read the boring chapters that were only descriptions of whales, because I knew that the author was just trying to save us from his own sad story, just for a little while.

>> No.21706441

Do not take advice from frogposters.

>> No.21706449

Fantasy productions are extremely costly to make, movie studios usually shun them unless they are VERY safe to make and guaranteed cash cows (like Harry Potter or something).

>> No.21706458

I don't know why I keep bringing up complex topics with my parents. I'm trying to discuss something I find interesting with them, and they nod along but every single time they say something back I know they completely misunderstood the topic. This morning I brought up how wolves domesticated themselves by humans not killing friendly wolves that invaded their food storage, and they say "the mama wolves must've taught the baby wolves to be nice; wolves are much nicer than humans."

>> No.21706470
File: 856 KB, 1080x1033, 1640029027660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The day I stopped cringing I transcended the realm of mortals and their societies.

>> No.21706500

Don't worry about it. They're playing along. Not everyone has time to think about these things.

>> No.21706501

Because you think they are the same as you. They are not. After the age of 40, the brain just seems to solidify for some people and they become unable to think outside of what they've taught themselves to think. They're living in a mental feedback loop of their own doing, if you will. Old ladies become obsessed with cat pictures, old men constantly think about the past and how they used to be great, etc. That's just life, and they're not from our generation so they don't know of the things that are funny or common knowledge to us. You should lower your standards and think more simply to enjoy the company of your parents, like most people here.

>> No.21706504

kek based image

>> No.21706568
File: 42 KB, 492x647, 1672619250729914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish i could find myself so i could kill myself.

>> No.21706573

You know that feeling you get when you're about to fall asleep, and you suddenly remember some minor social mishap or faux pas, could be years ago and surely no one remembers but you, but you still get an electrifying jolt of pure unadulterated cringe?
Learn to live for that feeling. There is no feeling that makes you feel more alive.

>> No.21706577

>Fantasy productions are extremely costly to make
You don't need to make grandiose LOTR shit to make fantasy. There are many very skilled directors who'd die to have even a low production show. But even outside of fantasy my point remains. Have you seen today's crime shows? They are fucking unwatchable. They're made for literal braindead people. I've legitimately seen fucking anime that was better written than some of the shit on Netflix.

>> No.21706587

What is the most turbo-simp behavior you can come up with? Like if you had to write a character that was completely over-the-top as a simp, what would he be doing?
I had an idea that he would have a fleshlight of his favorite porn star and instead of fucking it, he would make a small alter to it, placing it on a literal pedestal with candles and flowers and shit around it, and then kneel in front of it and jerk off into a bowl as an offering, which he would then place in front of the fleshlight.

>> No.21706593

That's just creepy and bizarre, not simp behaviour. You're terrible at this.

>> No.21706596

Very rude and hurtful anon, honestly.

>> No.21706599

>There is no feeling that makes you feel more alive.
For me, it's pretending I'm hugging my waifur when I'm lying in bed

>> No.21706624

That's really sad.

>> No.21706657

Yeah, I hate it

>> No.21706674 [DELETED] 

I was going to quit my job next month. I was just in the hospital and I’m concerned about health insurance, and also my clear lack of direction at an age where that’s not okay anymore.

>> No.21706681

Camthot says her boyfriend is ill and makes a gofundme. The simp donates his kidneys to the camthot's boyfriend, and also donates money for the operation. One day he comes visit her on a wheelchair and knock at her door, the boyfriend answers and tells him to fuck off because he's filming a scene. He's fully clothed holding a brand new camera in his hand and there are 12 black men in the room all brutally gangbanging the girl. The pimp tells the simp he's gonna have to pay to keep looking, and when the simp says he doesn't have anything left the man pushes his wheelchair down the staircase. 30 minutes later all the niggers walk all over him like in a comedy movie as they exit the building. The girl comes out after them and waves them goodbye and says she's had a lot of fun getting three cocks in her ass at once. The boyfriend comments that the new camera is great and all those donations and that retard's kidneys were well worth it. Ignoring the simp on the floor she greets another man at the doorstep and anon feels something wet on his face before realizing that a dog is pissing on him. Girls asks her new guest which of the dogs will go first and the man holding the leashes says it's all of them at once. Simp watches a large number of dalmatians get into the house and thinks he still loves her after all and she's just had a hard childhood. Two of the black guys come back and steal his wheelchair and his wallet. Two fat cops arrive and tell him to leave the woman's property and taze him while he's on the ground for not complying. While he passes out he watches the girl say they can make a scene on the fly and she gives both of them a blowjob while the boyfriend films. The cops slap her and fuck her face in unison. He dies on his way to the hospital and someone on Twitter makes an article the next day claiming that an unnamed incel had attempted to rape the popular entertainer and instagram model and was stopped by the police.

>> No.21706688

the jaffa cakes have arrived

>> No.21706705

hi stoner Winnie the Pooh. Nice double dubs

>> No.21706732

I'd feel sad too if I were you. You don't know how nice my waifur is.

>> No.21706742

I'm starting to realize that there's nor real answer nor truth to anything. We can just do the best with what we have. There's no magical solution.

>> No.21706765

10/10, i loled

>> No.21706770

>Two of the black guys come back and steal his wheelchair
> someone on Twitter makes an article the next day claiming that an unnamed incel had attempted to rape the popular entertainer

>> No.21706788


>> No.21706805

it would be funny if someone wrote a story about a simp who daydreamed about defending some e-thot, but she's obscure and doesn't really have any trolls, so he invents an alter-ego that harrasses her and the "real" him defends her. I guess either she could find out he's both people, or he starts to agree with the "bad" self and it usurps his old personality. Like a zoomer Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

>> No.21706815

That's an actually interesting premise.

>> No.21706865
File: 14 KB, 239x211, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actual simp story
>be me
>dating a girl in college
>meet her brother
>literally 30 yrs old, lives in his mothers attic
>he always babysits this little twerp
>literally does it for free and buys him stuff
>buys him retarded shit like an entire star wars themed back-to-school set because HE's into star wars
>turns out the kid is his EXs son from her new husband
>he helped his ex get through college, only for her to dump him for a rich guy that looks like that fancy mfer from twin peaks
>his ex and her husband come over to visit and she barely acknowledges him
>according to my gf, he refuses to date anyone new
>entirely content to be a simp godfather surrogate
>he isnt even the actual godfather
>my gf says one time she was on his computer and found his chloe folder

>> No.21706868

>only weirdo adults and weird loser kids are very online
It was always like this, we just got old. It sucks, though. Everyone else is living a life.

>> No.21706886

Been thinking about how, a year or so ago, as we attempted to discuss US politics, my meemaw said that there needs to be civility in the discourse. At the time, I kind of left it alone because it's not like any of these partisan ghouls were truly heinous to one another on the US political stage, nevermind the fact that Trump was hilariously quite uncivil and definitely lacked a filter for whatever would spew from him, which is somewhat refreshing and often funny.

But yeah, my thoughts were that civility is pointless when you're, behind the "politeness" a fucking vampire. It isn't civil to deny Medicare for All. It isn't civility to constantly neglect infrastructure, or unions, or anything of the sort. It isn't civil to peddle the Great Replacement or other Nazi propaganda, or to call refugees at the American border animals because of US backed destabilization in their countries which make the bullshit American dream look enticing due to their ruined countries (again, headed by the CIA so as to support American interest).

It's all bullshit. I love baseball.

>> No.21706892

I don’t really regret the things I’ve done. I regret the timing. As I look back on my life, where it is, where it’s going, I’m filled nothing but depressive despair over the details and the main cause of it that is bad timing.

>> No.21706905

fuck, that's horrifying
>chloe folder
what's a chloe folder?

>> No.21706909

I feel sorry for the people around you.

>> No.21706914

There is such brutality in simps, it is like watching really thorough and tenacious self-harm unfold in real-time.

>> No.21706930

but why?

>> No.21706937

I’m 29 and been living at home for the last year. I’m moving out next week but this really hurt.

This was such a horrible mistake.

>> No.21706951

I'm stuck at my mother's house in my mid 30s since the memevirus. Thankfully I haven't taken any burdens. Gonna off self soon

>> No.21706965

Made me chuckle. HR and journalists truly are the biggest globohomo foot soldiers

>> No.21706973

Would be more funny if the e-thot preferred to respond to his alter-ego because his witty remarks make her laugh and she finds herself agreeing with even the most insane shit he says rather than his true simp self. Noticing the whole thing, he would get stuck on a crossroad; fully losing himself for his loved one, or choosing his true self but probably never being able to exchange words with her again.

>> No.21706995
File: 51 KB, 589x283, Screenshot 2023-02-24 at 23.48.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ B T F O

someone make a thread with this image please I don't know how to make it on topic

>> No.21707004

Where we're going, we won't need to be on topic

>> No.21707030

Truly spiritually broken men are a sad sight, even more so since the disgust almost surely outweights the empathy you can have for someone so far gone. There's more dignity in drinking yourself to death than doing shit like this, total surrender is just vile

>> No.21707035

>Like if you had to write a character that was completely over-the-top as a simp, what would he be doing?
I would just write myself in. I devise nefarious plans to get in women's pants and they all fail miserably. Once I invited my crush to eat cheese together and have a movie night at my place and she responded that I should invite her not-so attractive friend instead, since she likes cheese unlike her. I did and her friend ended up kissing me in my bed when I really didn't want to. It basically broke any smudges of intimacy I had built over the month with my crush (hugging every day and making compliments) because the bitch respected the sistercode.
After this episode I jacked off to the thought of her naked body.

Another time I simped hard on a woman at the cafetaria next to my workplace and she giggled whenever she saw me. I thought I had a catch so I bought her a cig everyday to chat and one day I overheard her saying I looked like Walmart Chris Marquette to her coworker. I don't even smoke.

>> No.21707044

Since the virus here too. I think there are many of us.

>> No.21707051 [DELETED] 

When I was younger, I thought fate would intervene somehow but it’s not admirable being a dreaming poet by night and underpaid public servant by day when you’re in your 30s.

>> No.21707078

I really want to believe that I can still learn a new skill and not become a warehouse slave forever. The world is changing extremely fast and I've never been this stressed in my life, and my life's always been extremely stressful.

>> No.21707103 [DELETED] 

Attempts at socializing have become fruitless now. People just want to get over with university. I don't blame them, I really don't care about most of my senior classes, it's mostly introductions to stuff that you really need to study in graduate school to understand better I think. It's not useful to the average job you get after you graduate. I just want to get some money now.

Now, I can't help but wonder if my social failures are a result of my own inadequacies or simply paranoia. Lately, I don't know if people are just being assholes or if I'm just being paranoid. I ran into an old friend, one of the few people I socialized with outside of university, but the interaction feels distant, as if he wanted to get it over with as soon as possible.

I think we both understand that we don't have anything to talk about anymore. Maybe we've grown older and no longer want to engage in those long, pretentious? Talks about life we did a few times. I told him a lot about myself, and he did the same, but now I don't know what to say to him, I basically do nothing, I can't focus on TV, I don't enjoy music anymore, I can barely focus on reading. I swear, I still don't understand what people talk about. He has friends and a girlfriend now, I don't. He grew up, I didn't.

Went to the gym yes, for months and I enjoyed it a lot, but God seems to have some strange of humor, and I'm currently injured. I injured in a very silly way and it will take some months to go back.

Last year was so much better I don't know what happened to my brain. Is it really just the lack of exercise? It's probably the lack of a job

>> No.21707133

Final year of University and walkting through the campus really feels like shit now. Everywhere I look, students laugh and socialize, seemingly never alone. Meanwhile, I still walk from class to class, building to building, and then back home. I was never able to integrate myself into a group, to experience the camaraderie that seems to come so easily to many. I wasn't able to stop being a coward I don't know. Now I have convince myself that being unable to connect with most peoplel wasn't really such a big deal and get a job.

Attempts at socializing have become fruitless now. People just want to get over with university. I don't blame them, I really don't care about most of my senior classes, it's mostly introductions to stuff that you really need to study in graduate school to understand better I think. It's not useful to the average job you get after you graduate. I just want to get some money now.

Now, I can't help but wonder if my social failures are a result of my own inadequacies or simply paranoia. Lately, I don't know if people are just being assholes or if I'm just being paranoid. I ran into an old friend, one of the few people I socialized with outside of university, but the interaction feels distant, as if he wanted to get it over with as soon as possible.

I think we both understand that we don't have anything to talk about anymore. Maybe we've grown older and no longer want to engage in those long, pretentious? Talks about life we did a few times. I told him a lot about myself, and he did the same, but now I don't know what to say to him, I basically do nothing, I can't focus on TV, I don't enjoy music anymore, I can barely focus on reading. I swear, I still don't understand what people talk about. He has friends and a girlfriend now, I don't. He grew up, I didn't.

Went to the gym yes, for months and I enjoyed it a lot, but God seems to have some strange of humor, and I'm currently injured. I injured in a very silly way and it will take some months to go back.

Last year was so much better I don't know what happened to my brain. Is it really just the lack of exercise? It's probably the lack of a job

>> No.21707173

it seems it's some virtual youtuber

>> No.21707208
File: 25 KB, 669x115, 1653206516415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly this one is somehow heartwarming.
Sad to know he only got sales because of her. Sad to know that a lot of these people aren't going to read it and a lot of the reviews are well-meaning superficialities.
At least it's a guy - a good, hardworking father and writer - finally receiving some praise for what he did. Even if this visibility is, for the most part, surely superficial. I'm willing to bet it's better than whatever passes for thrillers these days.

>> No.21707227

The fuck is that?

>> No.21707231

Seriously where did things go so wrong? I love pussy very much, in fact I am low key obsessed with women. I'm a big lecherous swine and a hopeless romantic. But I seem to be nowhere near the worst. I don't even seem to be average. People seem to live in this semi-pornographic world. Hey look at this heroine she's HOT and she's all dressed sexy like Red Sonja. Every single thing is Red Sonja, or about the MC banging Red Sonja. There seem to be no real themes in anything. What the fuck is a litRPG? Oh my God what is this shit? What the fuck happened? When I was a teenager I enjoyed themes like, I dunno, power, legacy, mortality, love, ambition... Where is all this? Have we really collectively stopped caring about all this shit and everything is just pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy? I think even Red Sonja wasn't like that, I'm sure that in order to keep readers somewhat enticed you'd need some substance behind the chainmail bikini. I remember the Conan comics weren't so bad, relatively speaking. It was stuff for young people but it had a fullness and a maturity. There's no such thing right now. The deep stuff now is covered by anime tropes that only a 14 year old would think are deep. Jesus Christ what the hell is this. Is that tons and tons of people are producing content now and trying to ape last week's lowest common denominator in hopes that they'll blow up?
>a good, hardworking father
>daughter is an e-thot

>> No.21707237

they're youtubers but instead of being normal people they're trannies and they use a voice changer and some VR anime girl as their avatar in order to attract simps

>> No.21707244

>The fuck is that?
But now that I think about it's probably the girl the simp in question simps for but anon forgot to take her name out lmao

>> No.21707259

Vtubers made me realize every man is a cryptopedo, probably every woman too.

>> No.21707287

>Vtubers made me realize every man is a cryptopedo
I mean I think the same but are vtubers really that popular to infer that? I'm very out of touch with internet

>> No.21707294


>> No.21707304

Well we had to make a vtuber board for a reason.

>> No.21707327

I really don't know where I'm going anymore. I'm being carried like a leaf by the winds of life. I have basic goals I want to take care of, but beyond that... nothing. I keep hanging out with the wrong people; the druggies and the depressed. Everything feels so stagnant that bad news don't even hurt anymore. I was happy once. I had normal friends and a girlfriend. I wonder if the whole "happiness comes from the self" shtick is real or just a celibate cope. Either way I don't want a girlfriend, no one in my social circles can pick my brain and make my heart miss a beat like my previous exes. It's funny how spending time with really special people make you think the rest of the world is shit. Perhaps I should just pick some bland girl and try to love her as much as I can.

>> No.21707427

What exactly is the line of reasoning there

>> No.21707432

Because virtue to the Greeks was a function, or in other words, a well directed action.

>> No.21707436

I suggest you do not go to that board. It's one of those things that make you lose hope

>> No.21707442

Live, laugh, love

>> No.21707446

Isnt this basically nominalism applied to human organization

>> No.21707460

People will say an anime girl is attractive and look at pornography of that anime girl, but those anime girl are made to look like children, and even adult anime women have a childlike face. AI will identify adult anime women's faces as belonging to children.

>> No.21707479

They are really popular with lonely poeple. There's a lot of lonely people.
I was searching for a review on some popular DAC and found this.
Some 40 yo mexican guy with a vtuber intro kek

>> No.21707482

This kills the pronountard...

>> No.21707498

>a good, hardworking father
>daughter is an e-thot
anon, none of us, individually, is stronger than the powers that be and their malignant forces at play. Realistically speaking, we ourselves do not know the full extent of the effects that things like the books we read or the sites we visit have on our minds.

>> No.21707501

I got really lucky with jobs after I graduate from college and ended up working for a college. A warehouse job might be good if you can rise through the ranks. Is there any chance of that at all?

>> No.21707508

There’s something sort of romantic about being an underpaid public servant by day and poet by night when you’re 25, but not so much when you’re 35.

>> No.21707512

>look up book online while in the middle of reading said book
>accidentally ruin it for myself

>> No.21707537

Sexual signals are mostly about youth and health. Kids have additional signals which trigger nurturing feelings and reduced sexual signals. To maximize visual stimuli since that's all you have in videos you want babyface, big eyes, wide hips and big boobs.

>> No.21707557

Not wrong, a lot of that stuff has a subtle impact on us and shows itself in ways where we can't trace it back to that source.
> individually, is stronger than the powers that be and their malignant forces at play
The only way you're gonna avoid this for yourself and your kids is to go live off the grid. People don't get that their kid's schooling and their social environment has a more subtle impact on them than just overt exposure to fags and trannies. They're going to be influenced by the underling philosophy of the age and that's even harder to root out because it's the overall lens through which the analyse and understand the world. This makes them more susceptible to certain ideas and lifestyles down the line other than just being an outright degenerate as described above

>> No.21707580

me with every book

>> No.21707589

Same. What a life. Meme virus absolutely crushed me after the mass layoff. I have lost all hope.

>> No.21707593
File: 230 KB, 653x1104, 1666392440769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People don't get that their kid's schooling and their social environment has a more subtle impact on them than just overt exposure to fags and trannies. They're going to be influenced by the underling philosophy of the age and that's even harder to root out because it's the overall lens through which the analyse and understand the world. This makes them more susceptible to certain ideas and lifestyles down the line other than just being an outright degenerate as described above
Indeed. But,
>The only way you're gonna avoid this for yourself and your kids is to go live off the grid.
how do you do this, realistically? Alternatively, would you recommend some books that would help an anon with this purpose?

>> No.21707614

I chug the first mug quick
Surely it will stick.
As I raise my finger
For another pitcher
One more victim I see
For my bad jokes and glee.

A joke here, a laugh there
And I’ve made a new friend.
Conversation is fair
And I don’t want an end.
But she checks her watch and phone,
I know I won’t take her home.

It’s been fun, her nice smile
And I’have yet to feel vile.
I say goodbye once
It’s time for me to bounce.

>god, I’m a faggot

>> No.21707622

I don't have a degree, I dropped out for health problems

>> No.21707629
File: 11 KB, 159x326, 1607145493184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was about to make a prideful remark about how childish and stupid an anon was being in some other thread, then it kind of hit me that I started browsing here when i was like 14 years old and im still here at almost 30 so what the fuck do I expect???

i guess the problem is that Im a failure and dont know where else to go so im here forever. i dunno. i wish i could have had a normal life, went to school, got married, had kids and a dog and a white picket fence. the worst part is that some sad saps never had a chance, but I probably could have made it if i just set some goals and got my anxiety under control and didn't focus so much on doing drugs as a teenager. this is just fucking pure misery sitting around alone day in and out for years, and soon, decades.

>> No.21707652

I hate anime, otaky and weeaboos and I could write a book on everything I hate about anime but I'll play devil's advocate and say that first, anime faces aren't meant to look childlike, they're meant to look iconic. They're like emoticons/cartoons. I think what makes socially inept autists attracted to ponies and moeshit is that they have big clear expressions that are completely free of nuance. This is soothing and comforting. Generally when a manga or anime isn't made for autistic permavirgins it uses a different drawing style that is more realistically proportioned. I think Japanese men are so inept that they have no idea. Have you seen Japanese porn, it's fucking weird. They have a weird sexuality. It makes me think that the entire market for Japanese moe porno is aimed at people who are genuinely autistic to the point where actual human faces makes them uncomfortable.
Second thing I"m gonna say is that Asian women look way less mature than Caucasian women in terms of body. They tend to be way more petite and the way Asian women are drawn is often off reference of real girls. It's just that Asians are a lot smaller.
That said 90% of Western otaku are cryptopedos

>> No.21707672

Could you say more specifically what happened? I really wonder if you're overthinking maybe a joke or comment friends make. It doesn't necessarily mean they don't like you and just see you as someone to laugh at.

>> No.21707729
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When I feel like death would be really enjoyable, I get the feeling that I want to talk to someone. Yet, if I really wanted to die, wouldn't I have killed myself already? Or, supposing I did want to die and called a hotline, wouldn't that prevent me from killing myself?
So 'I am weary with my groaning; all the night make I my bed to swim; I water my couch with my tears' and post on 4chan.

>> No.21707752

after years of suicidal thoughts i came to the conclusion that the problem was obviously not that i wanted death but that i wanted something else and didn't have it and was tormented by its absence, so there was no point in being all suicidal.

it was an inspiring if not obvious realization and im not really suicidal anymore, but its still utterly miserable living without that thing.

>> No.21707759

Anime characters are actually modeled after cats thus proving everyone is secretly a zoophile

>> No.21707797

I realized something similar. When I get to the point that I 'actually want to die' then I'll kill myself, if not then I'll keep up the Sisyphus games and blow up a federal minecraft server.

>> No.21707809

I dunno realizing that I don't want to die but I actually just want to drastically end my current state of living without getting into something way worse didn't do much to end my suicidality. People say JUST TAKE A PLANE AND START OVER BRUH like wow fantastic now I"m in some other country and I'm broke, I don't have a roof over my head and everything is 10x harder. Genius! Of course you choose suicide because the current state of things is unbearable but the world is unking and nothing is just handed to you when there are hundreds of people who aren't crippled by depression competing for the spot you're looking for. Doesn't change a thing.

>> No.21707846

Um so like...is it ok to do this sort of stuff but for you actual nephews and nieces?

I'm in my 30s and have no kids and live with my parents.

I couldn't imagine doing this for an ex or past oneitis though

>> No.21707850

it's perfectly normal to babysit your nephews as a failed man, they're family

>> No.21707954

>how do you do this, realistically?
I've yet to work that out desu. The theoretical answer is to buy a plot of land to life self-sufficiently but that's a pipe dream for most including myself because of money, logistics, skills etc. The more feasible alternative is to move to areas and/or interact with like-minded families to support each other through the tough times and have your kids socialise with their kids. At minimum, I think it'd wise to at least move away from major cities if going completely Uncle Ted is not feasible like it is for the majority of us. The other issue is finding a woman who agrees with all of this which is nigh impossible these days too
>Alternatively, would you recommend some books that would help an anon with this purpose?
It's foremost a spiritual struggle. I don't know what your religious beliefs are but speaking from a Christian perspective it'd be a question of reading Bible regularly as well as the lives of the Saints to gain inspiration for how they faced difficult times. Practically, watching homesteading/gardening/farming videos to develop some semblance of self-sufficiency. Reading books about that stuff would be equally beneficial I guess

>> No.21707971

you know if you think about it, ancient egyptian hieroglyphics are ancient emojis

>> No.21707976

Except not, because they were words, and the images they depicted were not literal.

>> No.21707985

People ONLY criticize what they don't understand. There's no other kind of negative criticism.

>> No.21708000

Black people are giraffes. Haven't you seen the horns? When they make my pajamas I just think, "Have you never seen horns that big on a polar bear? Cause I ain't never seen em use those things like they do." And every time it ends in some sort of bullfighting scenario, terería hopping around every which way trying to grab 'em by the horns and, boy, that's why I never visit my uncle's old place.

>> No.21708184

stuff when I'm not in the mood or I'm not down for another round. But then when I give in and fuck her or eat her out or whatever she thanks me and says she loves me.

Heck she even does it when she wants to cuddle but I feel too hot or uncomfortable and really need to sleep.

Do you think she really thinks I'm gay or something cos I'm not 100% horny for her 24/7. It's been like this since we were teenagers and we are in our 30s now

>> No.21708214

If it makes you feel any better lots of people are fuckups in different ways. Maybe the people who seem perfect around you have a drug problem, a dui, cheating on their spouse, etc.
I can relate to looking back on your life and having more clarity on how it actually was. I can see how people saw me but I didn't see it because of my autism. So many things could have gone so much better if I didn't have this deficiency.
I recommend "Flowers for Algernon". It really gets at those feelings and makes me feel a little better.

>> No.21708218

How can you be with a woman for 15 years, togrther since your formative years,and still not understand her

>> No.21708224

>this is just fucking pure misery sitting around alone day in and out for years, and soon, decades.
Why isn't it romantic and cool like an alcoholic noir detective? I bet you romanticized the misery of made up characters before, why not yours?
Life is a tragedy and even the fantasies we write are tragic. People are so cool that they even smoke cigarettes, I've seen them do it.

>> No.21708228

>People are so cool that they even smoke cigarettes, I've seen them do it.
Hey, I do that

>> No.21708234

I don't know how many different people make these posts, but I even if they don't post they should prolly get what they hope to provide. I can't stop drinking.

>> No.21708238

Not all emojis are to be taken literally

>> No.21708239

Do men get the sudden and strong impulse to have children the same way women do? Lately I've been wanting children.

>> No.21708249
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Imagine not wanting to be one of these.

>> No.21708285

Some of them do.

>> No.21708289

Yes. Wanted kids since I was 12. Divine biological hardwire.

>> No.21708291

I want a large a family but it's a long way off. I guess men do get an impulse to have kids but it probably feels different to when a woman gets it. For me it's being able raise kids in the Lord and help them live a virtuous life. Plus a large family is a beautiful thing

>> No.21708344

Yes, its biological.

>> No.21708358
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Male sexuality is a perversion. In the ideal utopia all men would be castrated at birth.

>> No.21708367

Penis too big.

>> No.21708368

i wish i was tough and could go out and live my out my ideals and be unconditionally free but instead i keep drinking myself into hospitals and cop cars and mental institutions. i've spent nearly 4 of the last 6 months in institutions, i'm unemployable, i'm not allowed in the army, i can't make it on the streets, i'm being forced back into rehab again. the worst part is i already know i'm gonna have to wake up every day at 6 am and sit through 8 hours of groups about "mindfulness" and "coping skills" and "talking about our feelings" with a bunch of dudes who literally kill people and are court ordered to be there and i'm just gonna have to sit through it and pretend i don't wanna break into the nurses station and swallow all the librium and gabapentin and pray that it kills me. gonna have to talk to the same councilors again and listen them be all like "it's ok buddy relapse is part of recovery sometimes" and fill out those gay little homework packets like i'm in middle school. it's so fucking over dude

>> No.21708381

I have a very contradictory split personality. People have described me as very intense but cold. Sometimes I manage to be both at once.
Yet I can also be very silly and lighthearted.
Sometimes life hits me intensely, or the strength of a new idea that can become an obsession, but at other times I have this muted, detached quality to me.
Like I care so much but really I don't care at all.

>> No.21708386

Samerino by bro

>> No.21708452

Perversion of what?

>> No.21708454

Damn you sound exactly like my brother. I hate you for existing.

>> No.21708476

Celebrity worship is so pervasive here. Even threads about old authors and philosophers are basically celebrity gossip. This is place is no different from normies who many here deride. Hypocrisy... inconsistency.

>> No.21708479

You just sound like an asshole. That guy's situation is fucked up, but shitting on someone doing a good thing is just evil.

>> No.21708485

Theres no hypocrisy. I'll shamelessly gossip about hollywood drama on /tv/ and then come here to make gossip threads insinuating that Socrates was gay

>> No.21708488
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That it seeks to take, to win, to overpower, or penetrate. The word corruption is a conjunction of "co" + "rupt". Rupt means to break like the spanish verb "romper", or for some force/energy to break out of something (a rupture).
And "co" means with. So the word means to break within, or to enter/break into something.
So there is a very direct literal sense in which male sexual desire is corruptive--in that it is a kind of breaking into what is not its own.
This nature is not a perversion in relation to to anything, rather its own nature is to be perverse, a perversion of itself with no unperverse nature.

>> No.21708499

You just conflated corruption with perversion, which is a cop out.

>> No.21708519


>> No.21708523

yeah being an involved uncle is cool but people can tell when youre overdoing it instead of having your own kids

>> No.21708528

write a book bro

>> No.21708550

I conflated nothing, the two words have analogous meanings.
But I will humor you if that's what you want.
Perversion derives from perversio in latin, which is a compound of "per" + "versio. Versio is a noun meaning a change or version of something. You might also think of the word "verse" in English, a line in a song.
The prefix "per" means "through" in english .
The word comes out meaning to go through, or rupture into some ordered thing.
So even using your word "perverse", male sexuality is perverse in the sense that it actively seeks to break into, disrupt, or penetrate.

>> No.21708551

I want to, but I'm sacred.

>> No.21708562

I had that too as a kid, but somehow lost it years before memecoof. I used to be able to tell people what they ate for lunch.

>> No.21708567

Why is he doing a good thing? He's validating someone for bad behavior

>> No.21708569

What would you consider overdoing it?

Tbh I feel I've missed the boat for kids/wife. At the same time I don't want to seem creepy/weird

>> No.21708585

He's taking care of a child. Everything else is secondary. You'll understand when you become an adult.

>> No.21708588

So lets follow your reasoning. Per grammar "perverse" can be contrived to mean to penetrate. But "perverse" has a cultural connotation independent of your pedantic word play. Therefore, all males should have their penises mutilated. Sophistry at it's finest

>> No.21708590

Fuck off imbecile. You're trying too hard to bait.

>> No.21708591

i'm thinking about it
you're not me, don't reply as if you were me, that's rude

>> No.21708593

I accept your concession.

>> No.21708595

>Per grammar "perverse" can be contrived to mean to penetrate. But "perverse" has a cultural connotation independent of your pedantic word play. Therefore, all males should have their penises mutilated. Sophistry at it's finest
I was just playing and exploring the etymological meaning to make an analogy to male sexuality.
It's fine if you don't want to tackle your own corrupting nature.
Either way your penis will be on the chopping block.

>> No.21708614

>etymological meaning to make an analogy to male sexuality.
That was no analogy. It was your entire argument.
>if you don't want to tackle your own corrupting nature.
Again with the sophistry. Sex is "corrupting" only in so far as it can be defined to penetrate. But you've again attatched a connotation to the term that long supersedes the words ancient etymology and can therefore not be connected meaningfully. You are a sophist.
>Either way your penis will be on the chopping block.
Dream on

>> No.21708622

The cultural meaning clearly comes from or has some relation to the etymological. The cultural connotation is that of a degeneration of something natural or good. Whereas the etymological meaning is to go through, enter, a version of something, i.e to disrupt what ought not to be disrupted. That of going through, breaking something ordered (a verse). So the meanings are not separate.
A penis is inherently vile and corrupting, it seeks to break through like a thief. The penis,, the height of the male sex, ought not to exist.
Upright, erect it offends both gravity and all moral sensibility in its appearance. Like a virus it seeks to infect its subject with itself, to replicate itself.
With all penises chopped, this viral aggressive nature would disappear and men would become clean, moral, neutered pets.
Your penis will be made forfeit to the state, it is immoral and perverse, and we have made a decision against it.

>> No.21708625

Should I get the Tolkien or Heaney version of Beowulf? I know that Tolkien is the more respected scholar, but Heaney's version is more poetic. I'm torn.

>> No.21708634

Commendable attempt, anon. Retard parents fucked me over, keep up the isolation if you don’t need social contact. Covid is damaging still, people just don’t care anymore.

>> No.21708638

Circular reasoning.
>the culture comes from the etymology and rhe etymology defones the culture
Weak minded
>seeks to break through like a thief.
Meaningless statement. The penis has no agency itself. It steals nothing. And it's invited in as a guest more often than not
>height of the male sex
By what metric? Why not the testes or prostate?
>offends both gravity
Meaningless statement. Gravity has no moral function, and if it violated gravity it couldnt stand
>moral sensibility in its appearance
Thats entirely your opinion.
>infect its subject with itself, to replicate itself.
Meaningless statement. All sex, both male and female exists for the sake of replication
> we have made a decision against it.
Who? Can you reply without sophistry this time?

>> No.21708654
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>Circular reasoning.
>Meaningless statement.
>By what metric?
>Thats entirely your opinion.
>Can you reply without sophistry this time?

>> No.21708663

>The penis has no agency itself.
The male mind is influenced primarily by the penis. The penis is the head of the male body, and the brain serves it. When you get an erection all the blood and neurons in your brain go to your penis.
> It steals nothing. And it's invited in as a guest more often than not
It sprays its liquid all over the "guest". This is very selfish, inconsiderate, and unsightly of penises.
>By what metric? Why not the testes or prostate?
Testes produce for the penis, clearly the penis is superior and the testes are subservient to it.
Prostate sounds mighty similar prostrate. As in the servant prostrated himself to his master.
>Thats entirely your opinion.
It is not my opinion but that of God. It is written in an ancient holy book which confirms in many wise and venerable sayings that male genitalia offends the truth and sanctity of all moral custom and tradition. This is the word of God not of any singular man.
> All sex, both male and female exists for the sake of replication
But females have no seed to spread, nor do they use aggressive, penetrative, and immoral tactics like we do. They are not active agents in the encounter so can't be held morally accountable.
>Who? Can you reply without sophistry this time?
We have decided against penises because they are a corrupting force, and males without penises are far more docile.

>> No.21708689

What is that thing you want?

>> No.21708690

>When you get an erection all the blood and neurons in your brain go to your penis.
>It sprays its liquid all over the "guest". This is very selfish, inconsiderate, and unsightly of penises.
It is invited in literally for this reason. Are you asexual?
>Testes produce for the penis, clearly the penis is superior and the testes are subservient to it.
The penis serves no function without testes. It is entirely dependent on testes for its act, thus making the testes more significant
>Prostate sounds mighty similar prostrate. As in the servant prostrated himself to his master.
Litrtally schizo tier levels of association
>It is not my opinion but that of God
Schizo confirmed
>But females have no seed to spread, nor do they use aggressive, penetrative, and immoral tactics like we do.
Their egg is a seed. And women are often aggressive and manipulative in sex. What rock do you live under?
>They are not active agents in the encounter so can't be held morally accountable.
Women are very actively involved in sex, incel
>We have decided against penises
Oh okay, good luck with that
>corrupting force,
Back to this pedantry again.

>> No.21708695

Get the Heaney translation.

>> No.21708702

Women enjoy being penetrated, therefore women enjoy being corrupted and perverted. Their entire essence is to degrade that which is good and pure and so therefore women are the incarnation of evil itself. All women should be circumcised amd sewn shit so that they stop corrupting men into their evil.

>> No.21708711

Femboys enjoy being penetrated, therefore femboys enjoy being corrupted and perverted. All femboys should be de-feminized so that they stop corrupting men into their evil.

>> No.21708944

>It basically broke any smudges of intimacy I had built over the month with my crush (hugging every day and making compliments)

Holy shit lmao. When will you fucking mouthbreathers learn that if a woman isn’t immediately showing signs of being attracted to you then she isn’t interested at all. If a bitch is hugging you and you have not felt the inside of her mouth with your tongue yet then she views you as so incredibly inoffensive and nonthreatening(ugly and uninteresting) that you will never touch her.

If you’re buying a woman things and she is not yet your gf you are fucking retarded. A woman who is attracted to you will be giving you things, you’ve got the dynamic so unbelievably fucking wrong lmao.

>> No.21708958

>When you get an erection all the blood and neurons in your brain go to your penis.
This shit is amazing, please don't stop posting.

The difference between schizo-tier association and confusions of semantic strata and brilliant, genius-level insight is a fine one anon.
And this guy is clearly waaaaay over on the schizo side of the line but it's fun

>> No.21708959

Epic Redpill Guy has entered the thread.

>> No.21708960

>When will you fucking mouthbreathers learn that if a woman isn’t immediately showing signs of being attracted to you then she isn’t interested at all.
Not my experience.

>If a bitch is hugging you and you have not felt the inside of her mouth with your tongue yet then she views you as so incredibly inoffensive and nonthreatening(ugly and uninteresting) that you will never touch her.
Not my experience either.

>> No.21708966

Being ugly must be nice.

>> No.21709027

she a baddie she know she a 10

>> No.21709185

It’s ironic that the Christian Western culture produced the most profoundly non-Christian, even anti-Christian civilization to ever have existed in the modern Western civilization. To us, the Romans appear more like the Puritans of early America than like us.

>> No.21709283
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I finally got the AI to admit that blacks are less likely to be intelligent

>> No.21709286

Baby realizes that by nature women are in the submissive position, and the continuation of the species requires women to be so.
Now, instead of assenting to nature, they kick their feet and cry.

>> No.21709303
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There's a free concert going on near me. Should I go? It is infested with normalfaggots and their normalfag must. Not sure what I'm gonna do alone.

>> No.21709313

Just took a massive, absolutely humongous constipated shit, and I am so euphoric you wouldn't believe it. The massive strain had me feeling like I was going to have a stroke or pass out, my legs were shaking and I was pissing all over the place involuntarily, it was immensely painful, and looking at the diameter of the literally american football shaped-and-sized turn in my bowl, it must have distended my asshole much as an entire fist, and let me tell you, I'm sitting here giggling like a retard on MDMA or his first ever shot of morphine it feels so god damn good that it's over, just the freedom, the release, the joy, the entire lightness of being, just endorphins flooding every nerve in my body because my body has correctly surmised that just back then, I was in real danger and real pain. I had to get an old screwdriver and sort of chop it up to make it flush (took three attempts and lots of plunging), but even doing all that in the awful stench of it, I was giggling with relief and joy.
My God I love being alive. I'm gonna go for a walk in the sun, there is a spring in my step and butterflies in my stomach - much, much better than fifteen pounds of impacted fecal matter.

>> No.21709316

>this is what anon does in his free time

>> No.21709327
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You are playing a game, /lit/. The purpose of the game is to kill as many bad people as possible before you die.
You have $5000 to spend.
The rules are:
>There must be no collateral damage.
>Who you kill must be unambiguously evil.
>You cannot use firearms.
>You must pull it off by the end of Spring 2023.
>You must die as a result.
>Driving an explosive filled truck through a riot is cheating.

>> No.21709329

Backtrace this thread to find every poster in it, find the cheapest flights to their homes and eliminate as many as I can with garden tools and kitchen appliances, prioritizing the frogposters.

>> No.21709358

i suspect you are trying to induce me to say things that i should probably not say on the internet

>> No.21709364

Is there a word for the "literally me" phenomena Notes From Underground engenders upon the reader?

>> No.21709367

i'm 24 and just noticed there is white hair in my beard

>> No.21709414


>> No.21709424

I wonder whether internet archaeology will ever become a thing, especially in relation to the study of culture. I heard conflicting opinions as to whether data uploaded to the internet is preserved forever or if it's extremely unsuited for preservation of data, either because the preserved data is buried under/among junk data, or because data becomes inaccessible after people stop paying for its hosting, usually due to low popularity.

>> No.21709634

The inherent aggressive nature of the vagina means all vaginas must be sewn closed to protect the world from their overbearing attempts to encompass everything within their folds.

>> No.21709637

Like everyone else, I’ve dreamed about getting published for a few years now. I question it sometimes. Do I really want this or do I just want the fame and freedom? Either way, I wish I had put in a lot more effort earlier and followed a different path. I could’ve learned from it.

>> No.21709660

>You have $5000 to spend.
Okay, first: I open a very large Minecraft server

>> No.21709680

It's me again. They're back at it. Two nights in a row. I fucking hate them so much its unreal.

>> No.21709704

Invite internet users to kill as many "bad" people as possible. Kill the people that think it's a good idea.

>> No.21709717

I ended up in a dead-end career I’m really at a loss trying to salvage it. It’s all I can think about.

>> No.21709728

Tell me, anon, what is bad about killing people that are "unambiguously bad?"
We should assume, say, that they are those who are free due to jury nullification, or have not yet been arrested but which you have damning proof of crimes, e.g., participation in a riot.

>> No.21709757
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>> No.21709798

Everything about it is retarded. You seem to think "evil" comes from "evil" people which is retarded, doubly retarded when you suggest using murder to solve it, as if you're not falling for the same temptation as those you judge.
Murder rates are higher in places with the death penalty, it has the opposite effect. Regulating humans is not a math problem.

>> No.21709800

Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em!

>> No.21709810

Thank you, I will save your post. And yes, I am a Christian.

>> No.21709817

This but unironically
I cannot win against this

>> No.21709835

people think i'm an alcoholic but what they don't understand is that i need to be drunk all the time or my voice is really annoying. it's high pitched and there's a lot of vocal fry and the only thing that fixes it is drinking at least 4 steel reserve tallboys every day. it's fucking hard going through life with an annoying voice, people don't wanna talk to you, if i can't relax my vocal chords i can't function in society

>> No.21709842

How the fuck do you actually make it clear to a socially autistic woman that you want to pump kids into her

>> No.21709849

>can't live without 'em!
My 30 years of experience says otherwise.

>> No.21709859

When you can't have em you say that. I just can't wait to get my great broken a bitch so I can finally learn a lesson in life

>> No.21709863

>I want to pump kids into you.

>> No.21709864


>> No.21709868

I'm just built different.

>> No.21709888

Thank you anon. To clarify, I was referring particularly to the similar phenomena that occurs when a teenage girl learns their zodiac sign and without fail determines it to represent their personality entirely.

>> No.21709889

can anyone help me create a word that means "to do math"? like mathesize or noete or something.

>> No.21709893

It's better explained after you pin them down and blast a load into them; removes all the ambiguity.

>> No.21709902

Compute and calculate.

>> No.21709903

that's just arithmetic not mathematics

>> No.21709912

Tell me where it does come from, and why it would be bad to 'murder' anyone regardless of intent?
If your daughter were in the process if being raped, I would assume you would place your hand on the rapist's shoulder and kindly explain how, in your personal opinion, you would hope he does not continue, but that he has a right to do so should he wish?

I am just trying to understand, so please tell me what I am getting wrong.

>> No.21709934

When you have spotted a doer of evil, your first course of action must be to give him whatever he desires; the reason being that to injure anyone, regardless of whether they are just or not, is evil, and to do good to anyone likewise is good.
So if he desires a knife with which to remove your mother's throat, you ought to give it to him and suck his cock for good measure. These will both immensely increase the amount of good you do.

>> No.21709957

>If your daughter were in the process if being raped
The murder would still be evil but subjectively to you a lesser evil and the immediate threat of further harm justifies your actions toward society. If you find out later she was raped and murder the guy in revenge that's objectively bad if the goal is to further human prosperity. You're undermining the project instead of helping, the murder was not righteous because it didn't serve anything except immediate petty emotions. Societies with revenge killings are not pretty, propagating it is more evil than any crime an individual can do to another.

>> No.21709971

Then would it not be better to finish him off with a little head to clean the blood from his genitals? That way you contribute only good, and not even a lesser evil.

>> No.21709974

I really don’t know if I hate remote work or going into the office more. Obviously, I hate going into the office but remote work is it’s own special type of misery too.

>> No.21709999

Do you really think watching a bunch of videos is gonna teach you to farm?

>> No.21710009

Please answer these questions as well:
>Societies with revenge killings are not pretty, propagating it is more evil than any crime an individual can do to another.
Are they violent because there is evil among their ranks, which they must root out, or is it the other way around? How do you know? And is it merely your subjective opinion?
>You're undermining the project instead of helping, the murder was not righteous because it didn't serve anything except immediate petty emotions.
Wrongdoers are likely to do more wrongs. You must prevent them from spreading their genes, or if you do not believe in evolution, their ideas to children and culture.
>The murder would still be evil but subjectively to you a lesser evil and the immediate threat of further harm justifies your actions toward society.
If everything is subjective, then in my subjective opinion it is better to go about raping and killing whomever I encounter.

>> No.21710011

When you're bluffed in poker you lost one hand but you gained knowledge about the opponent which increases your edge. If you trust the rules of reality and place +EV bets you know your persistence will be rewarded despite things looking grim in the short term. The evil-doer in general chooses an easy short term win at the cost of long term success.
If it really did any good maybe you should, next time test your theory and see if you suck the evil out or something. If with just one kind word you could turn the rapist into a great man that only contributes great things to the world from then on would you? Do you only care about your petty, immediate urges?

>> No.21710025


>> No.21710056

>If you trust the rules of reality and place +EV bets you know your persistence will be rewarded despite things looking grim in the short term.
The rules of reality in no wise indicate that good will necessarily be rewarded, unless you take good to be anything which will reward the doer, in which case there it becomes a truism. The only reality is as Glaucon says, that 'the just are torturted, maimed, their eyes put out, and after some time impaled and executed,' while the unjust live happily, having the appearance of justice only, but not the reality.

>If with just one kind word you could turn the rapist into a great man that only contributes great things to the world from then on would you?
Yes. Whatever contributes to the greatest total good over the longest period of time.
>If it really did any good maybe you should, next time test your theory and see if you suck the evil out or something.
On the contrary, in my subjective opinion, (as you have appealed to subjectivity and now all is subjective) sucking the evil out of you with a knife may be the greatest good.

I will not reply again unless you reply to this one, so that, if you are not bored already, there are not two separate reply chains.

>> No.21710076

>Are they violent because there is evil among their ranks, which they must root out, or is it the other way around?
Read the Sagas. Or just imagine a simulated world with 100 people in families and a 1% crime rate. 1 guy commits a crime against another family, that family takes revenge which causes revenge. The 1% crime rate multiplies so everyone gets affected by the one crime. The only thing that reduces the spread are previous strong ties between the different families.
>If everything is subjective
Why do you say things like this. Subjective feelings exist, that doesn't mean everything is subjective. I talked about the objective reality right after but you ignored it. Why do you that?
>Wrongdoers are likely to do more wrongs
Like men? Almost all violent crime is done by men. This line of reasoning does not create societies anyone wants to live in.
You come at this from an American perspective where your main motivation is getting rid of blacks. The arguments for relatively homogeneous societies are solid but undermined by retards like you.

>> No.21710088
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>It is invited in literally for this reason. Are you asexual?
No, I wish I was as asexuals are superior to us we can never know their purity. In the ideal future state all men will be castrated at birth, and forced to study the complete works of Plato and practice Geometry for the remainder of their youth. This final pure generation of Castrati Intellectuals will be the last and best generation to ever walk this earth. Able to contemplate pure geometric forms without the clouding corrupting distractions of sex, they will probe the ideal realm farther than any man has ever gone before.
Over night violent crime and rape will also disappear. We already circumcize children, all it would take is to move the knife back a few inches and a quick stroke. One moment of pain to forge a purer penis-less planet.
>The penis serves no function without testes. It is entirely dependent on testes for its act
This is like saying the master is dependent on his servant's service. Superficially true, but the master is still the master, and the penis still the penis. Your sophistry is insufficient.
The word penis derives from Penne, a kind of pasta. Like pasta penises can be soft or hard; this changing dual nature is a sign of their corrupting nature. The divine forms are unchanging, but a penis always changes, always inserts itself outward, from soft to hard. If a penis was not corrupt it would be one or the other, but a penis can't decide Corruption is change, and there is nothing more transformative than a penis.
>Their egg is a seed.
Sophistry, an egg is the opposite of a seed; an egg is fertilized by seed. Their egg is not spread outwards in a moment of aggressive ejaculation. It is a passive recipient. We taint their eggs with our viral load, and in so doing defame God and all morality. Speak no further your sinful defenses of an unnatural immoral act are blasphemous to the divine.
God does not engage in sex because he transcends such revolting, corporeal acts.
Seek to imitate the divine and you shall have your own reward which is the taste of the divine. False prophets such as yourself seek only to defend your own base corporeal, corrupting pleasures.
>Women are very actively involved in sex, incel
Women are not active agents and so can never consent. All sex is rape, and is immoral because it harms the souls of men. The aim of sex is the corruption of women--as in the ruption within from without. Or the perversion--the breaking into a verse, an order which cannot be restored after its breaking.
The saying of Al-jaheed Bahrat muuk Faal give testament to this ancient truth that the male sex lives on only to disseminate itself outward in a moment of ecstatic self-denial, that it is an inferior replication of the more pure complete female form. That the male form lives to corrupt the moral female form. You may deny this elemental truth but you do so out of self denial.

>> No.21710118

>The rules of reality in no wise indicate that good will necessarily be rewarded
Like in poker you will not "necessarily" be rewarded whatever you choose but choosing the best moves is most likely to reward you over time. Like Job navigating the world full of monsters.
If you play one game of prisoners dilemma betrayal is the best move. If you play multiple games then cooperating and justly punishing betrayal with one betrayal in turn is the optimal move. If you want to pursue the betrayal strategy over time you have to find new targets, you have to be a rootless cosmopolitan.
>Yes. Whatever contributes to the greatest total good over the longest period of time.
So even if you had to suck him off?
>as you have appealed to subjectivity and now all is subjective
You might as well say "I'm a braindead liar that will never engage with anything honestly".
>sucking the evil out of you with a knife may be the greatest good
History and simulations say you're wrong. You just feel like it's good, the rapist felt good too.

>> No.21710119

I am seriously thinking it has to be like this. This is honestly hilarious.

>> No.21710128

to love and be loved

>> No.21710131

going for a walk lads

wish me luck with my new plan, not looking at or recognizing the existence of any woman

>> No.21710140

>wish me luck with my new plan, not looking at or recognizing the existence of any woman

what if there's a hot woman with great ass in yoga pants walking in front of you

>> No.21710144

>Or just imagine a simulated world
>If you play one game of prisoners dilemma betrayal is the best move. If you play multiple games then cooperating and justly punishing betrayal with one betrayal in turn is the optimal move. If you want to pursue the betrayal strategy over time you have to find new targets, you have to be a rootless cosmopolitan.
We live in a world of rootless cosmopolitans, and I'm afraid giving their tummies a little rub will not be changing their strategy.
>Why do you say things like this. Subjective feelings exist, that doesn't mean everything is subjective. I talked about the objective reality right after but you ignored it. Why do you that?
I don't care about the feelings, mine or anyone else's presently. If the most beloved man on earth were also the one contributing the greatest suffering, he ought to be killed, no matter what anyone might feel about it. I only care about, we should say, the mathematics of it.
>Like men? Almost all violent crime is done by men. This line of reasoning does not create societies anyone wants to live in.
>You come at this from an American perspective where your main motivation is getting rid of blacks. The arguments for relatively homogeneous societies are solid but undermined by retards like you.
If I see a black person, I can say he is 3x more likely to murder or rape, but he is an individual and individuals may not align with the tendency of the group. However, if there is someone that has murdered or raped in a grievous and selfish manner, then there is no debating what sort of person he is. If it were possible to turn them into paragons of virtue with only a word, then that would be better than killing them; not because punishment is not good, but because their doing good would contribute more to the greater good than their being punished would.
>So even if you had to suck him off?
>History and simulations say you're wrong. You just feel like it's good, the rapist felt good too.
The one does good for other's gain.

>> No.21710150

Cool, good luck.
As for myself, I am going to watch one of those pornographic movies where Syren de Mer calls herself mommy.

>> No.21710154

usually when i see a physically attractive woman i think of her talking or try to imagine what her thoughts are about at that moment and it instantly disgusts me and makes me want nothing to do with her, but this counts as recognizing the existence of women, so i was going to think about concrete universals instead

>> No.21710161

>think of her talking or try to imagine what her thoughts are about at that moment and it instantly disgusts me and makes me want nothing to do with her

You failed at the step where you gave the thought of woman enough value and respect to sway your thinking

>> No.21710219

my only hobby is making inflammatory statements on the internet and hoping someone gets mad enough to post an angry reply. this is what i do for 18 hours a day

>> No.21710221

>If it were possible to turn them into paragons of virtue with only a word, then that would be better than killing them
Then the right thing to do is address the environmental contributors, to metaphorically suck him off. Data says shorter sentences with comfy jails work better. Death penalty fucks with brains, even more with simple minds in heightened emotional states like when serious crimes happen.
>The one does good for other's gain.
You feel justified because you feel like you're helping others but you don't know, it's just a fantasy starring you as the hero. Everything I know says you're not helping.

>> No.21710223

do you enjoy it?

>> No.21710235


>> No.21710281

>Then the right thing to do is address the environmental contributors
I would consider rapists to be contributing to a fairly negative environment.
>Death penalty fucks with brains, even more with simple minds in heightened emotional states like when serious crimes happen.
I don't believe in the death penalty either. People ought to just be killed on the street if they are so bad.
>You feel justified because you feel like you're helping others but you don't know, it's just a fantasy starring you as the hero. Everything I know says you're not helping.
You have been conditioned to sit and do nothing while horrors worse than you will ever experience (if you are lucky) happen every few seconds and, statistically, every minute or so within a mile from your location.

I don't think history has shown us anything of the sort, that leniency is good. In an interpersonal relationship, definitely; but in an atomized and utterly nihilistic society where some people are born psychopathic or, for whatever reason, are raised to be psychopaths, there is very little room for reform. Here is why: While you spend 5 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to get ONE man to POSSIBLY become less evil than he was, hundreds more are doing and receiving evil.
Another thing to note is that research on lenient sentencing compares very peaceful scandinavian countries with incredibly violent ones like America or Brazil. In the latter countries, the types of criminals they are dealing with are far more vicious, so much so that the average bourgeois liberal couldn't even begin to conceive of it. Only in rich countries that rarely have to deal with atrocities is there this petty belief that enough tum-tum feelgoods will make the world better. Shithole people realize that there really are psychopathic monsters that require death or permanent detainment.
Even in Scandinavia, their lenient prisons are being taxed to the max. Third worlders (no matter why they are evil, environmental factors or no) are destroying their little system and most of them are deciding to deport rather than jail, because they have found some people to be largely incapable of reform.

>> No.21710351

And to add on to this, every privileged first world baby that screams for leniency and reform allows the unreformable to rape, kill, rape, kill, again and again until someone has enough of it and allows themself to be killed or jailed to put a stop to it.
I remember the case of a Somali immigrant that raped a child and was given leniency because they though he didn't know better, then he rapes a boy, and they sentence him to two years of classes, then he commits murder, and gets sentenced to years in prison, then we he is finally released gets interrupted in the act of sexual assault before being deported.
You yuppies allowed every single one of those evils.

>> No.21710366

To compound this further:
You are permitted to shriek for leniency because you are not likely to be negatively affected by these policies; but as a direct result of your actions, good people are forced to suffer so that a few psychopathic monsters MIGHT be taught how not to rape and kill. You force other people to suffer for your ideals, because you know you will probably be safe in your ivory tower.

>> No.21710374

>while horrors worse than you will ever experience (if you are lucky) happen every few seconds and, statistically, every minute or so within a mile from your location.
Not since we abandoned revenge killings.
>in an atomized and utterly nihilistic society
Revenge killings won't help, in that situation the only counter is combating the actual atomization and nihilism, depending on your values maybe even at all costs including your life.
>scandi vs brazil
That suggests there are no universal solutions, maybe brazilians need the whip. It still seems even the worst individual can be reformed in the scandi system but I think it's true that you can't just suddenly implement it in very violent areas with the same results. A single african surrounded by scandis doesn't get the social reinforcement he needs to behave as he would around other africans.
The problems you keep bringing up all have to do with globalism, they're not happening because more murders and chaos is needed.
>; but as a direct result of your actions, good people are forced to suffer
This just assumes you're right to argue that you're right. If I'm right revenge killings would force more suffering on innocent people

>> No.21710390

going to start lectures in few days, this is my second semester that I'll live alone in the dorm and I want to take control of my life, I want to do things that I'll feel happy about after some years:
>eat more
>study constantly to pass all exams this summer and get good grades and also to hone my future craft
>dress well in uni and have fun with classmates during breaks, obv girls too
>maybe go out to parties sometimes(idk I'm autistic in those environment)
>take more care about my skin and hair, like apply oil/honey in them
>buy a good perfume
Do you have any other (better) advices? I'm 21

Thanks /lit/anons ily

>> No.21710391
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How to disappear, hide your identity, disguise your income, etc.?
There are techniques applicable to rich people, like creating a pass-through corporation, getting citizenship in tax-shelter nations like the Cayman Islands, and so on.
But what's available for everyday schmoes like me?
I'm not planning to do any of these things myself...it's research for a novel I'm writing.

>> No.21710411

you can also just make a corporation for yourself. have a legitimate small business doing some bullshit, could be anything, then just attribute your ill-gotten means to your legitimate business. most people who do this aren't rich, money laundering isn't really a white-collar crime

>> No.21710416

Right, that's one way...but do you know of any general discussion of this sort of thing?
It's OK if the techniques are sleazy, as long as they're legal.
I have an e-book on this topic, but for the life of me, I can't remember the title. I think it was dated in the mid-1990s.

>> No.21710419

>This just assumes you're right to argue that you're right. If I'm right revenge killings would force more suffering on innocent people

>Family1 Guy rapes (Evil)
>Family2 Guy kills F1G (Good and virtuous)
>F1G's family kills F2G (Evil, because they kill a defender of the good)
>F2 kills F1 (Good, they killed a family that would defend an evildoer.)
>Alternatively, F1 is victorious, and while evil has prevailed, it is better than many evil and many good are slain than to permit evil to exist)
>Not since we abandoned revenge killings.
The only form of law in primitive societies was necessarily vigilantism. Do you think it was constant terror, really? Or do you think evil was quaking in its boots, for the moment it sticks its head from out the gutter is is quite literally defaced, scalped, and beheaded?
>The problems you keep bringing up all have to do with globalism, they're not happening because more murders and chaos is needed.
Killing evil is always the opposite of chaos.
>This just assumes you're right to argue that you're right. If I'm right revenge killings would force more suffering on innocent people
All law is in theory the will of the good to impose punishment on the evil. All it is is abstracted vigilantism.

Rule of Law only works when the masses respect it. Otherwise, more practical means are necessary.

>> No.21710439


>> No.21710462

A lot to dig through there...also, I wanted legal methods.
Rich people have options, like creating family trusts, and borrowing money from their stock holdings instead of selling stocks.
I'm trying to find techniques available to everyday schmoes.
My proposed novel will have a devil from Hell offering business/tax advice to mortals, all of it legal, most of it really sleazy and underhanded.

>> No.21710471

>Do you think it was constant terror, really?
The Sagas describe it.
>The only form of law in primitive societies was necessarily vigilantism
You assume they were as atomized as you are. Usually the only threats were external.
>All law is in theory the will of the good to impose punishment on the evil.
Everyone thinks they're good. You haven't described a structure that supports your position as good.
"land shall be built by laws, but desolated without them"
The lawgivers have to rest their case on something productive, the law is structured to build upon it.

>> No.21710492

>the worst individual can be reformed
They can be but do they deserve to be?
You say "worst" here, but i would think the scandi system only seeks to reform minor offenders.
If you could reform a serial killer would you?

>> No.21710501

>Everyone thinks they're good. You haven't described a structure that supports your position as good.
Pointless sophistry. I should bash your head in and await my reform, whereupon I shall bash your children's heads in.

>> No.21710517
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A new thread


>> No.21710525

>"land shall be built by laws, but desolated without them"
If the laws were effective, there would be no need for vigilantism. Instead, the streets are riddle with crime, 80% of homicides in the US go unsolved, and things are getting worse despite hard reform towards leniency.
In the US, we are not living under laws, but under tyranny.

>> No.21710546

>Pointless sophistry
Not according to the goðar of Alþingi. You don't believe in reason so any cooperative enterprise with you doesn't work.
>In the US, we are not living under laws, but under tyranny.
Exactly, so how is abandoning lawmaking built on real foundations working out for you?

>> No.21710588

I am not saying rule of law is bad, but that it does not necessarily always align with the greatest good.

>> No.21710642

The way we evaluate it is by presenting a case based on agreed principles like agreeing to build and avoid destruction. Mass media is too powerful partly because its new, defense mechanisms will develop. I think organizing smaller communities will be part of that.

>> No.21710856

Yes. And as far as I am concerned, to do punish or prevent evil is the agreed upon basis for law. Crime must be punished, and if I kill unlawfully even if justly, I would expect nothing less than to be killed or imprisoned, and neither would I want anything else.

>> No.21711275

Easy. Advertise a place where you can rape and torture women/kids. Make sure they are evil by spending time in a chat room with these guys. When they come and ring the doorbell confirm again what they're here for. Let them inside. Have them sit on the couch and tell them they're getting the girls ready. Have alcohol and a tv for them to watch. Finally, come up behind them and bludgeon them to death. If you don't mind cleaning up the mess you can do it American Psycho style.

>> No.21711302
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This will be the last thing yiu see