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21699558 No.21699558 [Reply] [Original]

Based NEETs of /lit/, what's your daily routine?

>> No.21699570

I just kinda sit in front of the computer all day

>> No.21699574

I usually start the day by being a big gay queer.

>> No.21699583

>Go to work
>Go home
>Try to drown out the dread of going to work the next day with booze and books
>Go to bed early so I'm not too tired for work the next day
Just like my father and my fathers father and his father before him. And just like them I will be remembered as a good guy. But only after the stress induced heart attack at around 56.

>> No.21699591

Wake up around 10, get out of bed around 12
Make music + read
Play games around 5
Walk dog
Make music + read

>> No.21699592
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>> No.21699604
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I work on this with a bunch of NEETS

>> No.21699614

>wake up around noon
>make myself breakfast and a cup of coffee
>depending on the weather and my mood, go for a walk or bike ride around town, the forest or the countryside for one to three hours, maybe stop somewhere to take in the beauty along the way
>maybe pick up some groceries on the way back
> get home nice and tired, relax, potter around the house, browse the internet, maybe listen to a podcast or some music or socialise
>prepare and eat dinner
>run a hot bath and lower myself into it, light some candles, maybe play some soft ambient music, occasionally smoke some hashish if i’m in the mood
>read in the bath for one or two hours
>afterwards go online or maybe watch a movie or show or play some vidya or read some more
>go to bed around four o’clock

>> No.21699617

>Wake up at 4 am
>Drink water for an hour while I complete my fast, usually watch youtube or read this place
>Shower (every second day in winter, every day in summer.)
>Eat small breakfast and make coffee
>Go on a walk then workout
>Read until supper
>Cook supper
>Read until I'm too tired. Then turn off the lights and go to bed at 8 pm
Got molested at ten years old and my parents said they didn't care, ended up dropping out of school. I've seen a dozen therapists and they were all useless. The only thing in life that will help you in life is yourself. Going to get a nepotism job at my relatives cleaning service business, and will aim to become an author eventually.

>> No.21699624

Bless you anon.

>> No.21699625

>go to work
>come home
>read 10-20 pages
>don’t understand any of it
>watch people play vidya
I don’t know how long I can last doing this.

>> No.21699626

>lay in bed for an hour imagining what it is to love and be loved
>skim all the threads I still have opened; close most immediately
>skim new funny content for 30 mins
>read my primary book till 1
>read secondary book/videogames/mindless musings or wanderings till 5 ish
>get into bed, masturbate, and then read bed time book, usually poetry/light novel/natural history or travelogue
>go to bed at midnight
>hope to never wake

>> No.21699630

This is a thread for neets — not wagies

>> No.21699635

fuck consumerism
are you an Oblomovist?
Sounds like we're similar, I wasn't molested but my parents also had that attitude of carelessness and I had a lot of bad luck in my life, besides having terrible school certificates and being a high school dropout looser. Worked for more than a year and became antiwork. I've been neeting for the last two months but parental pressure forced me to search for a job. I'll probably become homeless in a few months.

>> No.21699639

Bless you and good luck anon. Therapy only works on normies who never had a self-reflective thought in their life

>> No.21699643

>go to class
>go to library after classes for some hours to read and study
>maybe gym
>if no class go to library all day or sleep the day away

>> No.21699650

> are you an Oblomovist?
Well, Oblomov stayed in bed all day and suffered a lot of cognitive dissonance and guilt. I’m more of a deliberate leisure enjoyer that made the choice willingly and wholeheartedly and actively enjoy this lifestyle.

>> No.21699664
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keep it going anonbrah
"I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become"

I just graduated with a degree. Moved back home. Don't have a consistent routine yet but generally a mix of: lift weights, work on farm, read, write, stretch, cook, career-learning and job searching, oftentimes too much social media and/or videogames that I know is dishonourable and regret

>> No.21699667

Any good novels with NEET protagonists lads?

>> No.21699671

Sorry, I meant to mention Im a former neet. I just wanted to show you current neets what you are missing out on. Don't you want to be seen as a good guy by people who's opinions mean less than nothing? You know, instead of being known as leaches suckling on the blood of a host designed to grind up us good guys into a useful paste the elite can fill their bellies with as the ship we call earth sinks into hell fire.

>> No.21699815

>instead of being known as leaches suckling on the blood of a host

Often when he was begging, Diogenes would be spat on by the people who passed him. Diogenes would ignore this and simply wipe his face with his sleeve. When ridiculed for his passive behaviour, Diogenes said, "Since men endure being wetted by the sea in order to net a mere herring, should I not endure being sprinkled to net my dinner?"

>> No.21699837
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The fact that neets celebrate neetdom over homesteading ams freeholding demonstrates their complete failure in life. They destroy their body, their mind, their spirit by simply existing.


>> No.21699842

Did you read the rest of the post? I think we are saying the same thing here.

>> No.21699851

I live in a dual state where I long for that kind of life while also living in fear of the certainty that if I tried to live it I would fail and die like the into the wild kid. I am not cut out for real life.

>> No.21699852

>uses a pic that lauds a lifestyle of naked barbarism in contact with nature
>achieved via modded skyrim
You're caught in a paradox and there's no way out, bucko.

>> No.21699863


>> No.21699877
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You are not special, you would adapt. You are adapted to your living space now when a century ago a man would say the same of you now.

Sometimes picrels are posted for amusement and to mock. I am saddened you're too retarded to understand this.

>> No.21699890

That would be inspiring if I believed it. I guess I should test myself more. Maybe then I could prove to myself I can handle surviving this weird place I was born to.

>> No.21699893
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Good luck anon, join us in /fitlit/ when you are ready.

>> No.21699898

Wake up, eat, sometimes shower, read for a while, go into the internet to listen to music, watch anime or play videogames with friends on discord, read again, eat again, watch anime or play videogames with friends on discord again, go to sleep.

>> No.21699907

NEET for a month now
I was slaving whole year at warehouse, saved some money and told my parents that I need to take a 2-3 months break, then I will go abroad, make a lot more money than in my country, and either continue NEETing or go back to school. It's not really entirely NEET since I'm contributing to taxes, and pay for my own food. Here's how life goes (22yo now btw):
>wake up at around 10am
>browse 4chan, some yt videos
>read 50-100 pages of a book (trying to go through /lit/'s top 100 and other books (currently reading Goethe))
>working out 4 days a week in the evening
>running/handstand practice every morning (except sundays)
>watching movie after working out or browsing 4chan or continue reading

>> No.21699909


>> No.21699922

Wait, how do NEETs get pussy? Do they get any at all?
It's hard enough with my middle management job, do you guys just give up on women and stay incel willingly?

>> No.21699942
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>Wake up at ~12:30
>have lunch with parents
>read and shitpost a bit
>go in my backyard around 16:00, workout for 1 or 2 hours
>read and shitpost a bit
>make dinner around 20:00
>read and shitpost until ~03:00
>go to bed
>rinse and repeat

>> No.21700035

For me, yeah. Of course the grand majority of relationships are based solely on greed. Not worth it in my view. I’d rather gather wisdom and snuff out irrational passion. Falling for someone feels like insanity.

>> No.21700114

> wake up
> go to my grandmother's house
> have breakfast
> come back to my home
> bathe
> put on a tv show or a movie
> cook a meal and eat
> sleep
> go for a long walk
> go shopping with my cousins or read a book
> go outside for a light dinner
> internetz till sleep

>> No.21700125

this, but in addition I make six figures and am not a NEET

>> No.21700130

>Of course the grand majority of relationships are based solely on greed.
That sucks anon. I hope this changes for you because...
>I’d rather gather wisdom and snuff out irrational passion.
... good relationships are the number one source of wisdom this life offers.

>> No.21700163
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>this thread
Reminder than being a NEET is literally worse than being a nigger, at least most niggers hustle and sell drugs ie they make money and keep the means of production running. You faggots are literal leeches. Remember that next time you're posting your daily anti-negro sperg rant

>> No.21700212

29 here and been NEET since 15 when I left school. I take care of my nieces and nephew 3 days a week for free, other days I read and sit at my pc, work out 3 times a week and also walk my dog. I have been complimented for a poem or two in the write what is on your mind threads, so I have thought of trying to become a poet but never committed to it.

>> No.21700385
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u mad, wagie?

>> No.21700411

I don’t even think I know what a good relationship is let alone experience one. It’s all varying levels of power games which disgust and make me want to power down. I have some good friends, but even they are more absent than not.

>> No.21700421

>go to work

>> No.21700453

12PM wake up
12-1 shower, dress, brush teeth, comb hair, pee
1-1:20 eat toast and egg with green tea while watching an education YouTube video
1:20-4:30 watch YouTube, go on /lit/, browse the web, read PDFs of books, listen to music (2:20 wash dishes and make coffee)
4:30 eat dinner while watching an educational YouTube video
4:30-2AM same as 1:20-4:30 but also playing video games, watching anime or TV show or movie (5:30 wash dishes)
2-5 go to bed and listen to music on phone and browse the web and /lit/, sometimes watch ASMR around 5 before sleep
5-12PM sleep

>> No.21700533

>The fact that neets celebrate neetdom over homesteading ams freeholding demonstrates their complete failure in life. They destroy their body, their mind, their spirit by simply existing.
NEETs live like aristocrats, homesteaders live like peasants. The former is freedom and the latter is toil.

>> No.21700544

see >>21699671

>> No.21700552

So when Evola said 'aristocrats of the soul' he really meant NEETs

>> No.21700569

>wake up around 11
>Go swing around my lightsaber in the back yard for an hour
>Noon eat a bowl of Mac n cheese
>4chan time noon to 5
>5-7 piano practice, currently working on Chopin berceuse and getting Bach's Goldberg variations up to tempo
>7-9 krav maga
>Dinner, usually grapes
>10-12 more lightsaber practice, smoke pipe
Midnight I sleep

>> No.21700585

well yes, he himself was a larping neet parasite obsessed with obscure old stuff, basically ignatius reilly

>> No.21700586

My respect for the greeks both modern and ancient know no boundaries. They have turned Germany into their eternal paypig via the EU because they insisted that they should be allowed to retire at 45 years of age after working gruelling 10-15 hour weeks, and then when blonde German tourist girls come down to them, they relentlessly sexually harass them and fuck them. Germans can do nothing about this, cucked as they are by Kantianism and protestantism, so they'll just keep being a paypig, working 80 hour weeks until they drop dead, convincing themselves that dedicating their lives to funding the paradisiacal lives of the Greek Chads somehow makes them morally better people.
Greece is the societal-level version of the ChadNEET. Yamas to all my Greek brothers, respect.

>> No.21700599
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>2:30pm Wake up and journal dreams
>2:35pm Order food to be delivered and respond to messages and emails inbetween
>3:00pm Eat while watching a strange VHS tape
>4:00pm Shower, make plans with friends or go on a date, read inbetween
>10:40pm Head home from plans or I ask date to leave my house
>11:00pm Exercise
>12:00am Do skincare routine
>12:10am Read
>4:30am Journal
>5:00am Start writing
>11:00am Go to sleep

>> No.21700598

I use hinge. I only neet for a few months at a time and this is my last time doing it, but I can use apps for sex.

>> No.21700609

absolutely based.

>> No.21700618

honestly i think the logical progression of neetdom is to transition into homesteading and thats why they fear neets so much.

>> No.21700621

i used to get pussy purely on broke bohemian charm, but once the novetly wore off i went volcel since i no longer considered it worth the effort. if the desire ever arises again to a degree that requires acting on i'll just go to a brothel, the easiest and most honest approach and the lindy way for a bachelor to get laid without having to play games.

>> No.21700623

- Wake up at 8 AM
- Check my 4chan threads for replies
- Read some book (lately old myths & history)
- Sip some coffee
- Take a bath, read in the bath or do a Wikipedia binge on my phone
- Practice drawing animals with graphite pencil
- Eat a snack
- Take another bath, daydream about my fantasy world
- More coffee
- Read more
- Jerk off
- Sleep

>> No.21700629

Yeah it's like ubereats for pussy except, you know, free.

>> No.21700633

>- Take another bath, daydream about my fantasy world
based schizoid activities, tell more about the world

>> No.21700634

Dating apps I mean

>> No.21700636

Women don't care about your job if it's just casual sex. In fact, lots of career bitches get off on fucking a piece of shit bum, if it is part of an otherwise attractive gestalt. They'll make up whatever story they have to - you'll be a struggling arist, or a uncompromising free-thinker, or a former criminal on the edge of society - whatever works for their imagination, seems dangerous and exciting, and gets them wet.
Absolutely abysmal chances of finding a woman who will want to be in a relationship however.

>> No.21700639

prostitutes have been a fixture of the literary lifestyle for millenia

>> No.21700643

>Wake up 9
>Read/work on things 10 - 3
>Read 4-6
>Dinner 6-7
>Draw/read/write 7-10
>Sleepy so go to bed around 10:30ish
>Watch movie until bored or upset about it being bad then fall asleep.

>> No.21700647

I love whores so much its unreal

>> No.21700651

>wake at 12-1 pm to let my parents have the morning for themselves.
>eat breakfast/lunch
>2 pm go to the gym
>3:30 pm cook food
>4 pm shower
>4-5:30 lose time on the web
>5:30 pm walk the dogs
>6 pm go to "class"
>6-10 pm roam the city at night like a steppenwolf
>10:30 get back home and eat
>11 pm-3 am smoke weed, play videogames, play piano, youtube
>3-4 am go to sleep

Repeat. I'm just an actor and I've gotten used to lying, I expect everything and nothing from the future.

>> No.21700653

>X until bored or upset about it
Literally every activity I've ever done in a nutshell

>> No.21700666

Sorry for lack of context I wasn’t trying to argue, just wanted to add a fun anecdote.

>> No.21700696

they’re the purest of all women

>> No.21700732

The booze isn't to drown the despair of working, but the despair of boredom. Its boredom that makes room for your hands to jack off and drink, which would otherwise be working. Your job may be boring, and so you despair because your job isn't work.

>> No.21700743

Essentially it's a work in progress fantasy world where people go after they die (they do not forget their past life). Existence in this realm is eternal, and it's divided into multiple worlds where great souls rise to the top and live in a Garden of Eden-style paradise where all fruits exist in abundance and grow fresh each morning, and men live happily. Most men live the lives of Epicureans, but some dedicate their lives to philosophy or religion still. Others still find this boring, and migrate to the Eastern side of the realm where conflict is never-ending and one can win glory in battle. There is a mountain range separating the east, and by mutual agreement any who commits murder west of this point will be bound and gagged, either placed in fetters indefinitely or dropped into a crater which leads to the hell realm below. The hell realms are a place of endless war, some great souls of conquerors have voluntarily entered this realm to lead armies of the dead, but none know what becomes of them. One may leave the hell realm, but exactly how to do this is unclear. One may leave the upper realm (i.e. purgatory) by stealing the life from a visitor from the land of the living.

Ostensibly the point is to explore religious and philosophical ideas through this form, like a modern Divine Comedy. But I am still working through the details.

>> No.21700752

Not a neet exactly I just loathe work. Fuck the Protestant work week. I’m gonna study all day.

>> No.21700778

>6-10 pm roam the city at night
>like a steppenwolf
So you spent 4 hours daily walking around alone?

>> No.21700784

nta, but it's an incredibly fulfilling activity. Alone or with friends.

>> No.21700975

At least I drive 1 hour. I'm not american so all the city is walkable. I walk in avenues and public parks and when it's getting late and dangerous I take public transportation which in my country is cheap and go downtown. That takes like 2 hours in total (I avoid using the car in case I have an accident). I generally walk no more than 1 hour and a half and of course I do it alone, nobody knows I do this. Its only 3 times a workweek. The others 2 days I actually go to class. When I started all of this it stressed me out a lot, now I think I quite enjoy watching everybody doing their life while mine goes by. I have also developed compassion and attraction for homeless people, I feel like one of them when I walk by and sometimes I give food to one who is clearly a schizophrenic.

>> No.21701046

Not going to lie.

Nothing, nowadays. That's probably the endgame if you're at it for long enough (going on 7 years now).

It's weird however how I've still matured despite not having accomplished much over the years. I guess there are still some things for me to reflect back on but nothing too significant.

>> No.21701085

It kind of reminds me of the many different realms you can reincarnate in buddhism depending on your karma

>> No.21701098

>your misery is caused by not working even more for your boss

>> No.21701134


>> No.21701159

>if I simp for the queen and do all the jerbs, the queen might let me BREEEEEEED with her
Holy shit, ants are just like us!

>> No.21701175
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Just another way of saying NEETing.

>> No.21701191

Yeah, I'm familiar with that. It's like a mix of Christian and Buddhist interpretations. The important part is that like Christianity it's eternal, but unlike Christianity it has no set goodness value: It's simply another place. But because time is infinite, hunger is non-existent and death is impossible you get a clearer view of human nature unobscured by conditions of society
Not like it really "proves" anything about human nature more than usual, of course. I just think it's a neat framework, another way to envision people. Like how Dante's Inferno is not real but it still tells us a lot about people

>> No.21701210
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I love my job actually
You and the rest of your ilk are worse than niggers. Remember that

>> No.21701235
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An aristoctat is the noble martial leader, the peasant is the honest warrior-farmer. You are neither. The NEET is the socialist/globalist, wishing to intrude on the natural order. They are the rot and the spoil.

They were allowed to go fallow but never were seeded the following seasons when all around their peers grew and gave a bountiful harvest the fallowed NEET could not even dream of achieving, so they deny it. They are as Caine is to Abel. What they can not embody they despise.

NEETs are not in any capacity self-sustaining. Without an elaborate support structure, be it family, friends, government they wither and die. The only people who should be NEETs are grandparents.

>> No.21701248
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>NEETs are not in any capacity self-sustaining. Without an elaborate support structure, be it family, friends, government they wither and die.
I will become a hermit, even if it kills me!

>> No.21701261

i honestly read a lot less as a NEET than i did when i was in school despite having much more free time
i think the longer you spend in this lifestyle the more your brain atrophies and you become more and more addicted to quick easy dopamine fixes as opposed to anything that requires actual effort

>> No.21701267

And yet you do none of those things, you sit on 4chan like everyone else in this thread. At least I have the poor excuse of being a disabled, dysgenic freak who would die in such conditions. I would give anything just to have the opportunity available for me, even if I wouldn't take it.

>> No.21701268

I'm a NEET and I have several hobbies that doesn't include shitposting.

>> No.21701307

Lel, I thought I was gonna get Dharma Bums Walden edition but instead I got Leaving Las Vegas with no whores Walden edition.

>> No.21701312

Nice digits, I assumed you just thought I was shitting on neets. Chalk it all up to miscommunication over text.

>> No.21701324

>An aristoctat is the noble martial leader, the peasant is the honest warrior-farmer
Lol, maybe in your retconned romantic era fictions. The aristocrat is the crude warlord and the peasant his slave.

>> No.21701335

>The NEET is the socialist/globalist, wishing to intrude on the natural order.
diogenes actually coined the phrase cosmopolitan and was known for defacing the currency and drifting from greek city to city.

>> No.21701355

why not just play them yourself?

>> No.21701378

In my experience just rotting and consuming cheap dopamine fixes gets tiresome after a while so then you start experimenting with better ways to live and pick up exercise, good nutrition, enforce a sleep schedule, take internet breaks et cetera.

>> No.21701387

Too tired. You know, from the suffering.

>> No.21701457
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You can try to deny the natural order of society but in evey society a martial leadership class was the aristocracy, that is what the root and origin of the word meant. Dating from Ancient Greece where the best fightere would lead the warriors, this has always been the case.

An aristocrat is a leader, nothing else. Evert other aspect that we associate with this elevated class of people is simply wall hangings that have been adopted over time largely at the expense of their original purpose which was leadership. The mannerisms, the dress, the estates, the schooling all was later adopted when the need for martial leaders declined.

The peasant, despite modern conceptions and the gradual twisting of the class during the march of history. There is no middle class, nor any need of one.

A subversive man wandering around city to city, a precursor to the Wandering Jew archtype?

>> No.21701576

If you say so Dr. Phil. If you say so.

>> No.21701837

Why do all you niggas have so much coffee? It's such a wagecuck drink. Wouldn't relaxing with green tea be more NEET?

>> No.21701864

>the beverage of choice of east asians
>less of a wagecuck drink than the beverage of choice of cafe dwelling lazily smoking mediterraneans

>> No.21701934

I drink it for its effect, not for how it makes me look in the eyes of strangers on the internet.

>> No.21701976
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>not drinking or smokong for taste
You absolute scrubs.

>> No.21701984

Im a junky. wacaneyesay

>> No.21702050
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> Remember this
I don't think I will, buddy. You don't love your job, you lie to yourself to feel superior to anonymous strangers on 4chan because you subconsciously envy them. Pathetic, I'd say, but this is where our chat must end. Now you have to go to sleep, work awaits you tommorrow. You don't want to disappoint your boss, aren't you, wagie?

>> No.21702101
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>NEETs need to project this hard to justify their own lazyness and niggardry
I know you find this hard to believe, but trust me, people like me exist. I love my job, I've been doing it for more than 10 years and almost every morning I wake up excited to go to work. My job is not my life, but it sure does adds to its purpose and 'meaning'

But do ahead and keep being a leech. Like I said, you're below most niggers, as most niggers actually hustle and move money. You post frogs on a siamese slug dancing forum and pretend your pathetic life has any meaning >inb4 the u sual "hurr wagie" drivel

>> No.21702140

>moving money through harmful crimes is superior to someone harmlessly existing without contributing to the economy

terminal level wagie stockholm syndrome

>> No.21702142

NEET here for 14 years. I don't care if you work, if you enjoy it then go ahead but I myself believe people should have the choice to work or not, working your whole life is wrong and such a waste, slaving away at least 5 days a week while the government takes half your wages with taxes, fuck that. You get 1 life and I will spend it doing what ever I want, if what you want is to work then work away.

>> No.21702151

based veteran leisure enjoyer