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/lit/ - Literature

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21698588 No.21698588 [Reply] [Original]

What books are you going to buy to your kids when they start reading?

>> No.21698599

I don't plan on having kids. Hope you can understand and not seethe over my right to not have children in awful world.

>> No.21698614

Wheelock's Latin. He's gonna go through some declensions if he wants tablet time

>> No.21698636

Nta but if you could return to the untrammelled state of carefree childhood, what do you think you would enjoy reading or having read to you? For me it’s Kipling’s Jungle Book and Milne’s Winnie the Pooh.

>> No.21698643

Oh and maybe 20000 Leagues Under the Sea.

>> No.21698650


Wait for the new editions of Jungle Books to come out. They haven't aged well. Very incendiary book that could radicalize a child into being an imperialist.

>> No.21698651
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>> No.21698655
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Best book I read as a child

>> No.21698657


>> No.21698658

I plan on having, but I don't think anyone will ever want to have them with me

>> No.21698665

Getting old suck. I feel my choice to have kids slipping threw my hands and pressure of it weighs on my mind. Even the mayonnaise we men have has shelf life.

>> No.21698673

I have hard copies of old editions and I will defend them to the death anon. Don’t test me.

>> No.21698698

>if he wants tablet time
you've already failed

>> No.21698700

Best book I read in 2022

>> No.21698817

I plan on not having kids, but it's mostly because I know I would be a terrible parent. Plus I'm a probable hepehile so that doesn't help matters.

>> No.21698828

You're gonna regret it. Kids are the greatest joy in life. Don't believe so this propaganda. They're trying to brain wash you

>> No.21698869

Picture books i guess, i hope to marry a smart woman so i don't have to deal with bullshit like this

>> No.21698901

Tons of good books for kids. I remember reading TinTin and the Hobbit when I was 7. Still havent gotten around to reading the Lord of the Rings though.
>The insatiable desire to tell people about your poor life choices at any given moment

>> No.21698925

this desu. i have a two year girl and i'm having a boy in a few weeks. being a dad is the greatest feeling in the world.

>> No.21698934

>Hope you can understand and not seethe over my right to not have children in awful world.
Yeah guys like you make it such a nice place to live

>> No.21698938

Famous last words. I know plenty of guys who have their first kids in their 50s. Keeps them young.

>> No.21698939

Nah, you're fine. You're not a woman. You can have kids very late into your life

>> No.21698944

>You're gonna regret it. Kids are the greatest joy in life.
I agree, they are the best worst decision you can make.

>> No.21699008

Whatever they want. I want them to develop their own taste.

>> No.21699017
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>> No.21699020

You should mold them in a particular direction before that. Setting context is important.

>> No.21699067

I don't think I can ever have kids. The way I live my life doesn't even put women in the same area code as me. And as much as it sounds like cope even when i was more involved in society I really didn't want anything to do with the women immediately available to me and even turned down someone who approached me.
I think if I had kids I'd want to homeschool them which probably just alienates me further from the wants of the average person.

I don't really know. Everything feels so atomized. No wonder more people are single.

>> No.21699072

my boy is currently reading goosbumps and minecraft books. He is showing an interest in my large library and will probably send him down the hobbit/ golden age sci fi as a start. The greeks are not far away

>> No.21699080

Not quality kids, anon, and not with quality women.

>> No.21699117

>tablet time
You’re gonna be the house my children aren’t allowed to go to.

>> No.21699151

Le roman de Renart
Le petit prince
Warrior cats
Harry potter
Percy Jackson

>> No.21699161

The Road, so he or she understands that many people are evil and would rape and eat him or her, and that I won't always be there.

>> No.21699162

>many people are evil and would rape and eat him or her,
Aside from you?

>> No.21699163

Should I beat my offspring if they dislike the books I liked at their age asking for a friend

>> No.21699165

I can be trusted because I'm the father. It's in the book.

>> No.21699169

>tell me you grew up in early 2000s without telling me you grew up in the early 2000s

>> No.21699208
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based little prince enjoyer

>> No.21699211

There's nothing wrong with Lucius watching tik toks on his tablet to wind down from a few hours of heavy Latin language learning

>> No.21699254

The wind in the willows (which I will be making a thread for later today)
The Hobbit
The little Prince

>> No.21699281

I won't have kids either. Lost the genetic lottery, seems cruel to pass even half what I'm dealing with on. Theoretically I could adopt, but I have a dog, and that satisfies any need I have to care for another being.

In a hypothetical reality where I did have a child... the answer to this is difficult because I couldn't read at all until I was 9 and then somehow jumped to the average reading comprehension level of a university entrant by the time I hit 12, at which point I was reading Romance of the Three Kingdoms, so I think it's suffice to say I skipped a lot of the classical children's literature and came back to read it as a curious adult, at which point it feels very different. But I suppose I would acquire, or dig up, assorted works by Roald Dahl, I imagine. Like others in this thread, Tintin, Watership Down, The Wind in the Willows. Various of The Little Golden Books. Tistou: The Boy with Green Thumbs.

>> No.21699483


>> No.21699504

Depends on if it's a boy or girl. That said, mostly english classics. The Wind in the Willows comes to mind

>> No.21699507

>implying kids
I can’t even get a job or gf. Life is so shit I don’t even wanna participate anymore.

>> No.21699519

My children will be exposed to only the finest in pre-schooling media


>> No.21699550

The hobbit
Treasure island
Bad day at riverbend
The sailor dog
Oliver Twist

>> No.21699551


>> No.21699552
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>> No.21699575

>You're not a woman.
Actually most studies into that was done between 20s and 40s.

The chance of a problem in pregnancy DOUBLES in women over 40... to a whopping 1%.

Young is better as you have more energy, and less nice shit to break, but older pregnancies happen quite often.

>> No.21699957

As does Down’s syndrome and autism (the actual crippling kind, not the trendy version people around here ascribe to themselves). Good luck!

>> No.21700217

Wayside School series is good (feel free to correct me, /lit/).
Great Illustrated classics are usually good.
My daughter reads like a lunatic.
My son still likes Dogman and Big Nate. Grrrrrr....

>> No.21700220

I read it long long >>21699483
ago before I was jew-woke.
Is it really just about rabbits?

>> No.21700225

None, I'm going to give them my books from when I was a kid.

>> No.21700238

Bumping with Asterix. In the highly unlikely event that I ever have kids I’m going to push as hard as I can to encourage them to be multi-lingual.

>> No.21700250

German folktales and english classics, i read to them a good 20 to 30 minutes before bed.

>> No.21700351
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Just So Stories

>> No.21700390
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A children's book containing life lessons through the character of Diogenes loosely based on the historical anecdotes about his life.

I've yet to write it.

>> No.21700391

Calvin & Hobbes
Geronimo Stilton

>> No.21700472


>> No.21700578

Narnia, Hobbit, Tarka the Otter, Wind in the Willows, Gospel of Matthew

>> No.21700797

top kek

>> No.21700803

Just The Phantom Tollbooth

>> No.21700942
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One would be this one. Being virtuous is something with many facets. The selection is not about who are the heroes, but how a will to help and overcome feats is something doable.

Heroes / Patricia Kalember
A prayer at Valley Forge / Campbell Scott
The Sphinx / André Braugher
How the animals got sunlight / Elayne Bennett
The knights of the silver shield / Campbell Scott
David and Goliath / André Braugher
The Minotaur / Campbell Scott
Mother Teresa / Patricia Kalember
Jackie Robinson / André Braugher
Helen Keller's teacher / Patricia Kalember
Tashira's turn / Elayne Bennett.

Nowadays I would have removed Washington and Mother Theresa. But the important point is not who is there, but the different representations of the most positive trait they had (even if it is almost a fiction or twisted)

Also an assortment of folk tales on the lines of grimm and all those similar ones (if possible with some more serious versions than the very childish ones). Maybe some selection of jules verne, the famous five, monographics of ancient civilizations, books about space, etc. I grew like that.

>> No.21700952

also this

>> No.21703061

Surprised so many books recommended are typical dumbed down kid lit (just from 2 or 3 generations ago, because that's 'trad' guess.)

>> No.21703072

> You're going to regret being able to do whatever you want anytime you want because...uh...you just are.

>> No.21703080


They can read any book from my library (except for the edgy stuffs). But more realistically, I will give them enough allowance to buy whatever books/comics they want. I doubt they will be interested in boomer stories.

>> No.21703188
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Anyone remember the Edge Chronicles? This is what REALLY got me into reading.

>> No.21703896

Would you recommend reading them as an adult? I’d give them a go based on your opinion. I’m pretty childish fwiw.

>> No.21704805

I've heard this before. Whatever your hobby is, it's gay. A friend of mine got a vasectomy and he loved hiking. I told him hiking is awesome and I loved hiking Acadia and the smokey mountains and Mt Washington, but hiking is retarded. How much hiking can you possibly do. It gets boring like everything. Plus, you can make the time with kids. If you prioritize it, you can do your stupid hobby. And the other thing is you can teach your kids to love the things you do. Your favorite movie, you'll get to see their look in their face when they see it. Like ping pong? You'll have a ping pong buddy to play with every day. Care about global warming? You'll give birth to the most radical environmental ever. Trust me, I'm telling you dude. I see my friends on Facebook and the ones without kids are miserable. The religious ones with kids love they had kids

>> No.21705421

“You can’t like what I don’t like” and/or crabs in a bucket are recurring themes in history and literature. If I could get over my trust issues and find a woman willing to tolerate my bullshit I’d happily convert to a religion of her choosing and have some kids, but alas and alack ...

>> No.21705647
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>just from 2 or 3 generations ago, because that's 'trad' guess
Because all current kid books are just propaganda to turn them into trannies

>> No.21706580

i went to barnes n nobles for the first time in years a couple weeks ago. checked out the rl stine section. didnt see any of the old goosebumps i remember, but it seems he's still putting out new stuff. you got your old books, or you buyin the new ones? they seem to be VERY Slappy-focused

>> No.21706612

>Would you recommend reading them as an adult?
No, it's for children

>> No.21706622

Cope post purchase rationalisation. Breeders are like vaxxies, they want everyone to make the same mistake as them because misery loves company.

Also the nuclear family is a recent invention that goes against all healthy male instinct. A woman has children, a man does not. Men just got tricked into caring for a woman’s children by the longhouse about 10k years ago, the 290k years before that we were free. Spending your life in a shack with women and infants is effete and soul crushing.

>> No.21706644
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of course the best one there is

>> No.21706652

I got an orchiectomy so I'm not having kids but if I did have kids I'd be reading to them constantly
As a kid I loved Roald Dahl and Dr Seuss so I'd read those to my theoretical kids
I think about it a lot because I have a passion for science and reading seems to be incredibly powerful for raising good kids

>> No.21707437

Ok thanks, just checking. I already have a substantial backlog anyway (none of which is Harry Potter).

>> No.21707648

I can't wait to read to my children every night and take them to the library to instill a love of reading in them at a young age.

The Wind and the Willows
Grimm's Fairy Tales
Harry Potter
Where the Sidewalk Ends
The Phantom Tollbooth
A Wrinkle in Time
The Hobbit
Dr. Seuss
Winnie the Pooh

>> No.21707789
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I am happier than I've ever been. I cannot express to you how happy I am when I see my little baby son and visa versa. I also feel very close to my wife. We're both on the same team taking turns shaking a little human life. When he's asleep, my wife and I both look at videos of him laughing with his baby laugh.

Study after study has proven that illegitimate children are like 9 times more likely to drop out of high school, 10 times more likely to try drugs, and 8 times more likely to stay in the same socio economic level as their parents. If monogamy is a recent inventions then it's been proven to be a good one.

>> No.21707877
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>taking turns shaking a little human life
Please don't shake the baby, anon.

>> No.21707902

My gf wants to marry but not have children...then what the fuck is the point of marrying?...

>> No.21707914

To hen peck ur man into doing shit

>> No.21707937

I bought my 10yo the complete tin tin collection for Christmas.

>> No.21708010

So many books..
I hope to read stories and tell them tales of adventure.
I want them to wonder about this world before they’re exposed to it.
All I’ve wanted since I was 16 was a son.
A young man who would know my hardship but know real love.
One free of burden and the pain I’ve experienced.
I’d read to him and answer every question.
I’d talk to him and try to match his imagination.

>> No.21708215

It’s a trap anon. Let me guess: she’s already made you get a dog that she wanted but somehow you get to take all the responsibility for. Am I warm?

>> No.21708235

I feel you. I know you’ll be a good father someday, and I wish mine was like this.

>> No.21708321

honestly I just want my kid to have the hope and family that i wish I had. i was an orphan. but I don't think having a kid is in the cards for me. it's funny though cause I think I've seriously wanted to start a family since I was very young.

>> No.21708334
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The other guy that responded to you is not me. I would recomend them to read to you, i reread the whole series like last year and it was fun. The Twig books were kinda boring but the rest was amazing. Plus the illustrations really made it. The girls were hot af and the sky pirate guys were SO COOL tfw not born in a world with floating pirate ships

Fuck off hoe.

>> No.21708364

Vaguely horrifying, all of them

>> No.21708764

She wants to marry so when she gets bored of you and wants to leave she'll divorce and take half your shit. And not even give you children at least

>> No.21709294

Thanks anon. I’ll put them on my list but it looks like they’re quite long if I decide to read the whole series. I’m not anticipating they’re a difficult read, but the more I lurk the more of a backlog I develop. Have a good one.

>> No.21709309

You think people in a hunter-gather band of 20 people would lose their middle class status and do too much blow because they lack a 1950s nuclear family?

The healthy environment is the

>> No.21709314

*extended family or band