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21697498 No.21697498 [Reply] [Original]

D’Artagnan is broke as a mofo, literally his servant complains he is going hungry from not being paid and he tells him to sleep more and he won’t be hungry so much. D’Artagnan has five nigga moments in rapid succession early on (with Rochefort saying “wait a minute, I’m white”). And the guy feels the need to cuck people incessantly culminating in him even cucking the king in later books

What does this tells us about Gascons?

>> No.21697518

Also Féraud from Joseph Conrad’s “The Duel” is a Gascon and has a nigga moment that sets of the story, then an officer comes to arrest him and he chimps out

>> No.21697864
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It's actually very humorous these retards complain about diversity in Hollywood. Wait until they find out Dumas was a MELINATED INDIVIDUAL.

>> No.21697876

He wasn’t named Buckingham or McDonald either

>> No.21697996

>what if character from old thing but black
really kinda cliche by now innit

>> No.21698001

It's not for profit or for any audience, it's part of the new religion being pushed by the deep state, it's basically the Stalinist orthodox dialectical materialism of the western bloc

There really is no profit being generated, the state will prop up these media industries even if they aren't generating profit.

>> No.21698008

No. They're going to take your culture and ground it into the dust until there isn't any memory of what it was like before. They hate you with every fiber of their being.

>> No.21698024

Performing arts have used black actors to play white parts for a long time. James Earl Jones played king Lear and many other white parts. Black singers were in Wagner decades ago

>> No.21698035

Don't try to defend it that way. The goal with things in the past was simply letting blacks into the arts. The goal today is to create a broad consciousness among people that our history was "diverse" in the way they're depicting it on screen. It's a deliberate re-orientation and overwriting of people's cultural and historical memory to make them accepting of demographic displacement.

>> No.21698037

Denzel Washington played better Macbeth than a lot of "Shakespearean" actors from RSC. These people are just retarded.
>take your culture and ground it into the dust
Like the time a "quadroon" wrote The Three Musketeers? Get a grip. This is just alarmism.

>> No.21698039

>Get a grip. This is just alarmism.
That's what I've been told over and over for the past decade, and it's been wrong every time. Go bury your head in the sand. I won't.

>> No.21698043

Your culture was written by the descendant of a black slave on an island that beheaded all the white people?

>> No.21698048

I feel that the universalism of Shakespeare and Wagner lend themselves better to race-agnostic casting than a presumably historically grounded adaptation of three musketeers.

>> No.21698050

See >>21698035

>> No.21698052

Since when was The Three Musketeers even historically grounded? It's fiction first and foremost. If a black actor on BBC upsets you, make your own movie, don't whine about it on 4chan.

>> No.21698063

The only people who defend this shit support it and what it's trying to accomplish it. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.21698069
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I remember a time when you could browse 4chan have yourself a good time without a constant stream of chuds and incel DA WEST IS COLLAPSING OMG NIGGERS ON MY TV WHAT THE HECK NICK FUENTES SAVE ME garbage. Oh how did I take that time for granted

>> No.21698083

How about instead of making my own movie I do my best to convince others of my views for several decades and watch as a consensus forms around them, gradually becoming large enough to sustain a nativist and nationalist political movement that can no longer be isolated and excluded through soft power techniques, so that the security state is forced to act in full force against me and the people who disagree with me, causing a visible civil cold war that causes even more people like me to see the writing on the wall and wake up and join my side, and eventually we have a cataclysmic confrontation to see once and for all whether your fag-enabling multicultural security state side (wrapped in the dead husk of "negative liberty" ideology and calling itself liberal and democratic) or my nativist ethnonationalist side will be the one to ultimately lead white European societies in the 21st century?

>> No.21698085

It's not really about diversity though is it? That means more negros to the left. It's like some kind of autistic cultural stimming on black skin. More negros, we don't have enough. King Arthur? Negro. Socrates? Negro. The Kaiser? Oh you'd better believe he's going to be a negro. More negros, all negros, everything is negros.

>> No.21698089

>the people who disagree with me
the people who agree with me*

>> No.21698094

You can barely speak English, so I doubt this little tete-a-tete will go anywhere. These mysterious, vague boogeymen who've hidden in the shadows all this time pumping out black renditions of your precious white characters you've only now cared about (oh, wait, Orson Welles already did an all-black adaptation of Shakespeare almost a century ago)... still haven't accomplished anything, if they can't even convince mouth-breathers on the internet that acting isn't real.
This made-up revenge fantasy isn't going to happen since the BBC and thespians of all people simply do not have as much power as you are claiming, nor are they on the payroll of some nefarious Other.

>> No.21698120

I think we've made pretty good strides since the '90s, certainly since the '60s. Not only is the radical right becoming almost mainstream again in Europe, for the first time ever since WW2, the mainstream left is completely discredited and ineffectual, and the center is disgracing itself daily and alienating more and more average joes.

I think ten years ago or so, it was a long shot to gamble on the radical right but I'm happy with my bet and I'm eager to see where things go by 2030. Especially with the world's economy about to go to shit. It's almost like we're mirroring the 20th century year for year. We're due for a March on Rome, but the NSDAP doesn't start doing respectable numbers until the late '20s. Codreanu didn't start doing very well until the mid '30s.

>> No.21698125

You just have to worry about the numerous fake opposition groups you whine about, or the fact the Jews still hunted down all the Nazis, or that war economies never last...

>> No.21698128

Sharp looking fellow. Where's D'Artagnan?

>> No.21698143

National socialism is perennial. Nationalism is the normal state of any healthy society, so is socialism (not statist totalitarianism but Volksgemeinschaft). "Nazism" or what most people mean by the term is just a particularly high state of national-socialism caused by emergency or war. You don't need any direct or even any ideological links with the German NSDAP to reconstitute national socialism. Just throw together economic depression, resentment of incompetent reigning elite groups and stagnant power structures, pendulum swingback after 50 years of state media propaganda, especially pent-up moral outrage at all the fag and tranny shit being pushed on kids and the second class citizen status imposed on middle class whites.

Samuel Francis has good writings on this. The "middle American radicals" he wanted to organize into a bloc are still there, with some modifications. The first ones to really rise up will be opposed violently, and then ritually humiliated by the security state, which will bring in more.

>> No.21698152

The problem is once it got into mooooooooobies then midwits got upset. Just like Japanese characters are still played by white people often in plays and opera and ballet and black people are often in Chekhov but midwits on the left would flip out over whites playing Japanese and rightoids flip out over blacks

>> No.21698153
File: 664 KB, 1200x1200, average polchud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Samuel Francis
You're a joke at this point. Nothing sadder than an American Nazi.

>> No.21698180

Samuel Francis is brilliant, one of the few truly powerful tacticians on the radical right, basically a right-wing Gramsci. His book Beautiful Losers is necessary reading. Any of his other essay collections are also good. There are collections on race for people especially interested in that topic, I believe with forewords by Jared Taylor and such.

Leviathan and its Enemies is his magnum opus, sort of. It was discovered on floppy disks after he died, but he had written it 10 years even before his death. It's hard to say what he wanted to do with it. But again it shows that he was trying to synthesize a kind of Gramscian metapolitical approach to attacking the embedded managerial state (using Burnham's thesis).

I recommend reading Francis in tandem with Christopher Lasch while keeping your eyes open for any mentions of agrarianism and yeomanry, Jeffersonian democracy, etc.

Imagine how happy millions of bored 20-40 year old men are going to be when the first ruptures in the status quo happen, and real politics become possible again. Millions of men will suddenly have purpose, after a lifetime of being stomped on in the dirt and told they have none, and that their existence is supposed to consist in pathetic humanism and consuming whatever slop the infinitely distant media-state conglomerate feeds them. Imagine the feeling of being able to lobby your actual government again, your actual government that actually cares about you or at least claims to and needs your support so you can hold them to that claim. Imagine the feeling of being able to participate in politics again, of the political realm not being some infinitely distant infinitely stagnant mystery machine, but a real thing, responsive to its constituents because it has to be. We're about to enter exciting times, and the regnant managerial elites have done absolutely nothing to entrench themselves strategically. They are stupid and started believing their own propaganda about multiculturalism, they really do think they can recruit legions of footsoldiers from deracinated mixed race people using their phones all day. As long as the radical right holds on just a little while longer, we will win. Read Alain de Benoist. I only hope Benoist lives long enough to see the victory he has worked at his whole life.

>> No.21698201

So using bullshit non-Marxist ideas about common-sense and cultural ideology? Who cares? These aren't innovations in political theory; it's the schizophrenia of the contemporary state of things: neoliberalism. Ideologies mix and blend into horrid monstrosities that promise you paradise and utopia, but only take you further under the fold of illusions and idealist politics from those who you pretend you're overthrowing or against.
>agrarianism and yeomanry, Jeffersonian democracy
Ezra Pound already did that half a century ago, or even longer than that, and probably better. You think people haven't developed such things before? You are just spouting this because you think others are listening, when you will only convince the gullible.
>Imagine how happy millions of bored 20-40 year old men are going to be when the first ruptures in the status quo happen, and real politics become possible again.
So you promise people with some religious utopia that will never happen because you don't care about life nor understanding reality? Well done. You're as much a messianic schizo as the rest of them. You will never bring any material gain nor lessons to anyone.

>> No.21698202
File: 48 KB, 512x407, French-costume-17th-Century.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside, from niggerness, what a poorly designed larpy looking costume. This doesnt even look period correct for poor nobleman like fictional D`Artagnan would have been before his enlistment into company. And real musketeers were upperclass fratbros with income adequate to equip themselves and support their horses and body servant. They were basically obliged to dress in flamboyant way to project the splendour of their master, the King of France.

>> No.21698206

theres a french movie with Eva Green that looks much better.

>> No.21698219

If you read the book you’d see they’re all broke moochers and have to butter up wealthy women to get money to buy their war crap

The 1970’s three/four musketeers is and will remain unsurpassed both for fidelity to the book and for the cast>>21698206

>> No.21698222

No, what they want is for me to be mad like you. Culture is impervious, they have no reign over it. They aren't capable of creating anything that isn't a cheap gimmick that will be forgotten in 3 months.

>> No.21698234

You’re projecting a little hard there bud. They don’t give a shit about you at all, you don’t even exist to them other than as some amorphous imaginary enemy to frighten children with. Sound familiar?

>> No.21698419


>> No.21698433

Don't want niggers in my media, simple as. I would still be annoyed if I was living in the 19th century and one came on stage during a play

>> No.21698502
File: 319 KB, 2066x846, reasonable blackman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were black people in England even in Shakespeare's time, not sure why you chose the 1800s when there were far more...

>> No.21698534

This is just the last groan of agony before we go full North Korea and you just spend your daily life nodding at propaganda
All the /pol/ shit is just a natural reaction to heavy propaganda. People don't like being fed propaganda but if you make ir unbearable and ubiquitous they will simply annoy the people who were first to cave in, and over time the dissenters will just go away. I just don't like propaganda and people say I'm /pol/. I wouldn't like right-wing propaganda, I just don't like the idea of living in a world where the government constantly tries to shape my thoughts with propaganda. Now that we have AI it will probably soon be possible to straight up ban people and report them to the authorities through typing patterns and other bullshit and there will be no /pol/ problems forever until the sun burns out

>> No.21698539

The past is not a magic place where everything is good because it has historical precedent. Maybe centuries ago it was a fun novelty to see some colonial mulatto on stage but that's not comparable to what's happening in today's media. I wish people like you would stop being gaslighting psychopaths and just come out and say that you know it's anti-white propaganda and you like it

>> No.21698550
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"Anti-white propaganda" hahaha, tovarisch, the working class has no race.

>> No.21698559
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>you know it's anti-white propaganda and you like it
this is your brain on /pol/

>> No.21698560

You deserve death

>> No.21698565

I’m actually kind of enjoying it. I never watch tv or much other media other than books and so when I am exposed to mass media it’s so blatantly obvious what’s going on and what’s being pushed, often by omission, that it makes me chuckle, then seethe a little, then chuckle again as I bury my head back in a book. Perhaps the book is made of sand, but nary a fuck is given.

>> No.21698570
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>> No.21698581
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>One more post complaining about /pol/ and communism will win

>> No.21698585

>if you aren't a /pol/cuck you are a commie
like clockwork

>> No.21698592
File: 470 KB, 1500x1500, ach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your one ultimate fear is being treated like a secondary class citizen, or to be genocided out of existence, which is just how you want to treat other people.

>> No.21698705

Can’t tell if esl or illiterate. Good point though.

>> No.21698870

Nothing. Why would it tell us anything?

>> No.21698954

>They're going to take your culture
>French book
>British TV show
More like Britbongs pissing off the French for no reason again.

>> No.21698971

Its propaganda, it can be as cliche as it pleases. In fact, thats the point.

>> No.21699126

>holy shit is that a d'Artagnan Romances thread
>just reread the first two novel last year
>open thread
>it's actually just another Twitter culture war thread

>> No.21699137 [DELETED] 

Let me guess, you get off to interracial cuckold porn

>> No.21699173

You should hope that Hollywood is completely destroyed, beyond hope of repair, if you ever want to be free of this nonsense.

Like, I honestly would not mind if someone set five or six good fires in Los Angeles county that led to the entire city burning to the ground. I hate Hollywood and everything that comes from it. If it were destroyed I can't say I'd shed a tear. I feel like that should be a unanimous sentiment across the political spectrum.

>> No.21699181

>shitty irrelevant show nobody except feeble dementia patients like President Bidet will watch
>shoehorns a simian homo in the role of a white man yet again
>mentally retarded people get excited because the goyflix affirms their simpleton worldview
Am i missing something? Why is this thread still up?

>> No.21699186

This is quite clearly another attempt at forced diversity aka white replacement. If you legitimately believe what you wrote then you're an idiot.

>> No.21699190

>inbred antifa halfwits can't refute a pol shitpost
HAHAHAHA let me guess you're "trans" too? And fucking fat?

>> No.21699191

Hollywood has lost a good deal of its relevance with years, Netflix and Disney are the biggest players (of which one is in different city and the other could easily relocate anywhere in the world), and the image in OP is from a British tv series, so burning Hollywood wouldn't really do anything except give them material to make a true story movie how evil right-wingers burned down the center of american culture, while heroes that tried to defend it are played by diversity hires.

>> No.21699197

The point is that they aren't indigenous Europeans, and therefor should not be portrayed as such, you monumental fucking retard.

>> No.21699201

>Like the time a "quadroon" wrote The Three Musketeers?
The one portraying white males right? not forced diversity aka non-white propaganda.

>y-you're a joke
Good argument.

How is he projecting, dumdum?

>> No.21699215

Three Musketeers was written by a black man if any of you mentally handicapped folk were unaware of that.

>> No.21699220

1. He wasn't black, he was a mutt, more white than black.
2. What does that have to do with portraying the characters as non-European for no sake other than anti-Whiteism?
>mentally handicapped
You're obviously projecting, because your idiotic post blatantly does not follow basic logic.
Oh, are you a faggot as well?

>> No.21699315

Just means that you're cool if you go against it, and a bore if you like it

>> No.21699325

This is one of the best posts I've seen in a long time.

>> No.21699333

>Since when was The Three Musketeers even historically grounded?
It is set during the reign of Louis XIII, there's Richelieu and Anne of Austria

>> No.21699351

Theatre has a way lower threshold for realism than cinema, it's not the same

>> No.21699379

Theatre in fact has a much higher threshold in many respects, cinema tends to be focused on escapism and wild visuals whereas theatre tries to draw very complex psychological portraits

>> No.21699450

It's more coerced via stock extortion with esg than pushed by the state when it comes to private businesses.

>> No.21699453

Nobody gives a shit about plays because nobody watches them- least of all not children.

>> No.21699459

Who gives a shit. Every global fiat currency is about to collapse. We have no idea what is going to happen but odds are there will be governmental failure all over the world.

>> No.21699470

I really hope so. I hope for a reassertion of aristocracy and monarchy. I'm tired of playing pretend at "the people" having a say in things. It's all been a sad farce, I'd rather just report to my local duke.

>> No.21699471

Your school never took you to watch plays? Where I'm from the selection wasn't that great, but there was maybe one or two that didn't make me hate my literature teacher that much.

>> No.21699488

No. My parents did but that is more because my dad loves opera and musicals.

>> No.21699520

traditionalism is when you complain on twitter about the casting of tv shows and movies

>> No.21699526

>your culture
(Black) people in retarded TV shows isn't "my culture".

>> No.21699545
File: 239 KB, 1920x1080, 3-musk4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d'Artagnan isn't a nigger though

>> No.21699556

He’s a Gascon which means Basque so

>> No.21699566

Oh, no, not forced diversity?! Don't make me see and hang out with new and interesting people. Please obese anon incel, is there nothing your superpowers can do?

>> No.21699580

Please think of the consequences anon... I might see fat and black people or even trannies on television... I want to consume the product with white people only... that's my culture after all...

>> No.21699608

If you want that just watch movies from before the 1970s.

>> No.21699616

I dare you to find one black person (or friend as I like to call them) who knows the names of the three musketeers.

>> No.21699836

Basque does not translate to ooga booga shaka zulu

>> No.21700137

Whole book is about a long-standing feud between the musketeers and the guards because they wear different gang colors and they guy randomly chimps out wants to kill people for the most trivial reasons and gets by almost essentially by shoplifting and borrowing money he doesn’t pay back and spends his free time at the liquor store or tryna holla at married women

>> No.21700149
File: 135 KB, 1600x1300, depositphotos_138772292-stock-photo-overly-shock-and-surprise-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah woah woah woah woah woah
u arent allowed to say that

>> No.21700673

>every single show, movie, ad had le black man
>every day some jew tells you this isnt true and its weird that you point this out
>then his brother tells you its a great and stunning and historical precedent that there is a black person in said piece of media but we need more because they are never in any media

take your own advice, kill yourself.

>> No.21700728

>Tell me you're not European without telling me you're not European

>> No.21702103

>utterly BTFO
Statistics show that the more "diverse" or "melanated" an area becomes, the more violent and shitty it gets. Also, i can meet interesting people within the white race, you idiot. Most shitskins I've known (through university and work) have been boring npc retards who unironically get excited for marvel movies and show me tiktoks. The white people who i meet are much more "interesting".

>> No.21702122

Wrong. The consequences are white replacement, there are already niggers and faggots forced in ads and shitty tv/movies for NPC bugmen like you. In fact most ads these days feature shitskins, there isn't a movie poster without a nigger on it, despite them being an irrelevant and backwards segment of the population. How stupid are you to use 4chan and not know this stuff? This is like babbys first redpill

>> No.21702137

Both of you give off zero-pussy vibes; but so do other incels who get racebaited.

Please, kill yourselves.

>> No.21702211

That's because they're trannies. Trannies are incels, they just wemt a step further.