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/lit/ - Literature

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21696868 No.21696868 [Reply] [Original]

How educated are you and what are you currently reading? What do you most want to read but haven't yet? What are your politics?
I'll start
>How educated
Mastersfag now studying a PhD
>What are you currently reading
Slavoy Zizek, Surplus Enjoyment, 2022
>What do you most want to read
Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure reason, 1781
>What are your politics?
Leftistfag, Marxist, socialist, class reductionist.

>> No.21696877

Masters in what? The opinion of someone studying for a real degree (STEM / medicine / law) should weigh more than that of someone going into debt for a piece of toilet paper (humanities degree).

>> No.21696878

>How educated
Kill yourself for data mining and trying to steal my thoughts you fucking OSS nigger clown
>What are you currently reading
"Redeeming the Time," Russell Kirk
>What do you most want to read
Church History, Eusebius
>What are your politics?
Ephesians 6:12

>> No.21696888

>How educated
>What are you currently reading
If It Ain't Woke, Don't Fix It - Ben Shapiro
>What do you most want to read
Bronze Age Mindset
>What are your politics?

>> No.21696890

Imagine getting a PhD in 2020+3

>> No.21696904


>> No.21696907

What is your degree faggot?

>> No.21696911

Life has filtered you, which is why you ended up here. Make my coffee.

It’s a real degree. I’m not doxxing myself.

>> No.21696914

>All this schizo posting
>No mention of any education
Yep it checks out
>Misspells conservative

>> No.21696920

I remember when academia or university threads were common just 5 years ago. Now it’s very against academia. It’s probably no coincidence this place is retarded now

>> No.21696929

Posting the name of the field you have a degree in isn't doxxing you retarded zoomer newfaggot. Now post it unless you are really that insecure.

>> No.21696931

>real degree
Absolute retard topkek

>> No.21696938

This. Now Masters and PhD's are less common place but everyone seems to have an in-depth understanding of Spinoza, Hegel, Aristotle, etc. Then you ask a question and it turns out they don't understand any of it. Sad!

>> No.21696947

Exactly. It's a worthless degree unless you already have connections to a good law firm.

>> No.21696963

>>How educated
Primary school dropout
>>What are you currently reading
Some Nabokov's bullshit
>>What do you most want to read
The Book of Disquiet
>>What are your politics?
Far left fascism

>> No.21696965

I have a BA. I am currently reading Faust. As for what I want to read, I've also been looking at Critique of Pure Reason, because while I am familiar with the gist of it from secondary sources I feel that I need to wrestle with it at some point. More generally, I want to read Nietzsche in German, but I haven't studied German seriously at all. As for my politics, I'm generally on the left. I don't have a coherent system I champion because I am not that kind of autist, but I understand the issues I am facing in my life to be a product a transnational capitalist system that needs to be put back on the leash.

>> No.21696971

based chud owner responding to satire posts

>> No.21696976

its after we got brigaded by /pol/cels and reddit refugees in 2015. They viewed /lit/ as some kind of intellectual epicentre of 4chan that must be conquered. Unfortunately, most of them weren't into literature and actively lauded and celebrated ignorance. The constant obnoxious, off-topic shite scurred away most of original /lit/. Mods + jannies are to blame for this (especially the fat fucking middle-aged one)

>> No.21696989

Yeah this is exactly my thoughts on why things are the way they are. The demographic turnover was damaging but the mods didn’t stop this while they had a chance. I guess they just care about site traffic

>> No.21697010

I remember when /pol/ was just starting to poke it’s head into /lit/ and they would get shouted down. Since I only go on /lit/ I wasn’t aware of the damage they could do. I thought /lit/ was overreacting to some corny edgelords. How wrong I was and those litizens are vindicated

>> No.21697013

I hate academics. Pol Pot was actually a hero.

>> No.21697051
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>I guess they just care about site traffic
not exactly lol. They have their biases and preferences and this manifests itself in moderation decisions to act or not act.
At the time it felt highly orchestrated

>> No.21697057

Law forms the bedrock of western society. It’s at least as valuable as medicine and engineering, if not more so.

>> No.21697067

When /pol/ claims to be a victim of jannies, or say that they are leftists/trannys, are they just trying to subvert appearances? It’s obvious jannies have sympathy to /pol/ or are ambivalent at best

>> No.21697075

First time cluster b says something honest

>> No.21697077

Retards think this is a profound idea. Law is retarded, inherently low-IQ, and sucks in schmucks to spend $200K to study it

>> No.21697091

>Primary school dropout
Based if you are self educated
>Far left facism
So your a tankie or an unusually zealous antifa? Very interesting either way.
Based. Globalisation and privatisation are two of the biggest blights of capitalism and it's amazing that conservatives don't understand how this damages their material conditions. As for reading Kant I haven't read him in the original either but have read him through secondary sources and contemporary philosophical movements that contest his positions. My advice generally which is should take myself is to read academics who have written about Kant before going to his work. I learnt this from reading Freud, there are some connections which would be impossible to see without a guide and the significance of certain ideas get watered down by how they are incorrectly discussed in pop culture which doesn't help.
This sounds accurate I never posted much here bit I have come back over the years and it definitely feels like the MAGA wave hit this place just like it did to /fit/ replacing people talking about lifting technique to arguing about the redpill and incel shit.
Yep you can tell the /Pol/posters by the way everything has to be written as an epic own to the libs with nothing else behind it whatsoever.
Haha Law cuck confirmed. Let me guess you haven't finished your degree yet and have no connections to a good law firm but are convinced you will get to work in one. Also let me guess you are under 30.

>> No.21697134

>How educated
BSc applying for grad scho
>What are you currently reading
Confessions, St Augustine
>What do you most want to read
Not sure, Neuromancer - William Gibson or dune
>What are your politics?
>>21696878 dis but moderate

>> No.21697145

If you read Neuromancer I'd also recommend the Blue ant trilogy from Gibson. In my opinion Gibson does world building very well but his characters are a bit 2-dimensional.

>> No.21697263

>Tim pool
>Some basedfaggot with an ironic zoomer quote slapped under a picture of Karl Marx
I'm willing to bet this mod has to pay to be in this room full of losers.

>> No.21697336
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>Slavoy Zizek, Surplus Enjoyment

>> No.21697442

Who is this goofy looking mf?

>> No.21697500

>How educated
BSc, final year of medical school
>What are you currently reading
History of China, John Keay
>What do you most want to read
Everything on my shelf I've not had time for the past 5 years
>What are your politics?
Centrist :)

>> No.21697618
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i think it would be more accurate to say that they paid the ginger for his services. Mods and jannies don't actually work for free and 4chan was fairly influential once upon a time. It could have been quite lucrative.

>> No.21697622

You seem to know about the inter workings. What’s the dirt?

>> No.21697740

jannies scrape "post ur wife" type amateur threads on /b/ for OC and sell them for pennies a piece to eastern european and asian porn sites. They also deduce information from confessional type threads to blackmail anons. jannies are able to see your ip and what site you were on prior to 4chan (including social media). Coupled with whatever personal info anons have posted they can occasionally work out who an anon is irl and extort money from them. Its not much but it supplements their benefits/neetbux. A blind eye is turned to this so long as they tow the line.
Gingermod runs 4chan since moot left as hiro doesn't give a fuck and can barely speak english. He actively turned it into some kind of alt-right, newfag cesspit, presumably in exchange for money.