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21692904 No.21692904 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, Sirius Black
>live in a world that has literal truth serum potions and mind reading memory magic
>get falsely imprisoned and tortured for a decade
Is Rowling a hack or am I missing something here?

>> No.21692922

also inb4 it's a children's book

>> No.21692938

Dumbledore pulled strings to get him in prison, so Harry would get sent to the Dursley's.

>> No.21692949
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>be me, sirius black

>> No.21693078

>be me, the whole saga of Harry Potter
>be bad written
>lol, lmao

>> No.21693097

I remember thinking about this stuff when i was 10 amd reading the books

>> No.21693111

It’s cause of their racial prejudice they called him Sirius Nigger no joke I was there.

>> No.21693146

Imagine being called Serious Nigger

>> No.21693155

Sort of mutually exclusive terms one would think

>> No.21693172

Why didn't the eagles just fly the ring to Azkaban

>> No.21693192

It takes place in England, where no one gets a fair trial

>> No.21693200

He was afraid they would find out he was born a woman.

>> No.21693223

Generally not admissible as evidence due to Obliviate being so easy to use for anyone with a wand and the skill. That being said, hhe was sentenced without trial by the most ruthless DA in wizard history due to being perceived as having killed 13 people + a wizard everyone thought was a hero. Pettigrew used Barty Crouch Sr's 0 tolerance policy towards Death Eaters in his favor.

>> No.21693644

It's because he was black (yet to be revealed by jk) and was meant to be an extremely funny joke, but now she's too scared to go through with it

>> No.21693681
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>> No.21693682

Baby's first greentext

>> No.21693706
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>Is Rowling a hack
Well yeah

>> No.21693819

No one likes you.

>> No.21693847



>> No.21693855

Why didn't they just use that control curse on people who claimed to have had the control curse used on them?

>> No.21693862


>> No.21693920

That would be great, yes. Kill yourself.

>> No.21693929

>doubting the raw power of the human essence

>> No.21694120

Did you even read the book? It explains it.

>> No.21694281

That's still a horseshit excuse. Even Nazis had a fair fucking trial.

Could understand if Black was considered a terrorist and extradited to Azkaban Bay for questioning. But that place is a legit prison, not black site.

Why are wizards so bad at managing everything.

I mean, if you read Terry Pratchett you know why. He can handle the whole arc of one wizard wanting all the power in one book compared to Rowling's bloated plot-holed magnum opus.

>> No.21694295

>Even Nazis had a fair fucking trial
no they didn't lmao

>> No.21694344

i do

>> No.21694345

please do

>> No.21694430

only time you've ever been based

>> No.21694475

They did.

>> No.21694626

It’s a children’s book

>> No.21694707

>>Generally not admissible as evidence due to Obliviate being so easy to use for anyone with a wand and the skill.
Tampered memories are easy to spot.

>> No.21695372

This obviously can't be true or Lockhart would have been caught much earlier

>> No.21695383

There's no connection here since there was never any reason for anyone to doubt Lockhart's accounts of things. Of course no one would spot a tampered memory if no one looks. We're not talking about some bumfuck village in Romania that had a banshee problem here, we are talking about Wizard Hitler's next in command who murdered the parents of "the chosen one" the fact no one gave it a 2nd glance, or even a proper first one even, is astonishingly bad writing.

>> No.21695390

What example is there of someone easily spotting a tampered memory? I don't believe it

>> No.21695409

Slughorn memory of the horcrux conversation. Even harry who only had a handful of previous experiences with the pensieve realizes right away that there's something funny with the memory

>> No.21695475

lmao. We live in a world with literal camera footage, they still ignore it and convict innocent people.

You are naive

>> No.21695490


>> No.21695491

Yeah, because Harry knew the people involved but because the memory itself was obviously wonky

>> No.21695700

Not only that but there's people are who skilled with Legilimency, which is literally all about finding out the truth behind a person's thoughts. Surely the ministry has experts for this sort of thing in their justice department?

>> No.21695703

Yeah I remember now, Voldemort was famous for being able to instantly tell if someone was lying to him because of this and basically only super autistic gods of occlumency like Snape and Dumbeldore could trick him.

>> No.21695714

Let's take this example to real life.
Imagine you were a police chief, and captured Osama Bin Laden. And in prison he would start yelling "I didn't do anything!!!", would you go through a lie detector test?

>> No.21695727

Yes, it's called due process.

>> No.21695733

The only reason Osama Bin Laden is famous as Osama Bin Laden is because he openly confessed his long involvement in terrorism repeatedly. Sirius was never a death eater and only got labeled at Voldemort's #2 after his alleged only outrage. Plus not only did he deny his guilt, he was willing to say who was responsible, so imagine if Osama was going to detail Bush's involvement in 9/11 the first time you heard of him instead everything else being a clean slate.

So yeah, really shit analogy.

>> No.21695740

due process means that the state must respect the rights of the prisoner. Demanding to go through a lier detector process is not a right.

You are overthinking a simple example. I said Osama Bin Laden because it's the most popular example of a terrorist. If you want a better analogy, then imagine the same example but with the right hand of Hitler (Whoever he was)

>> No.21695759

>>due process means that the state must respect the rights of the prisoner.
Innocent until proven guilty is a standard right in western society.

>If you want a better analogy, then imagine the same example but with the right hand of Hitler (Whoever he was)
Again a bad example for the exact same reasons offered before.

>> No.21695773

>Innocent until proven guilty is a standard right in western society.
He was already a fugitive, he was already guilty.
>Again a bad example for the exact same reasons offered before.
How? I don't see it. Are you saying that if the right hand of Hitler after being arrested would say "I didn't do it! It was [Insert random german name]", the police officers would believe him and go through a lier detector process? Do you know that the majority of arrested persons say the phrase "I didn't do anything!"? Why would the police not go through that process with normal guys, but go through the process with someone who not only was found guilty (Talking about Sirius here), but he was also a fugitive?

>> No.21695795

>He was already a fugitive
Says who?

>> No.21695828

Sorry, I confused times.

He was imprisoned without a trial. And, as the (framed) right hand of the Hitler from the Harry Potter universe, that makes sense.

>> No.21695845

>If you want a better analogy, then imagine the same example but with the right hand of Hitler
Ever heard of the Nuremberg trial?
Btw I do not consider the wizarding world being a dystopia bad writing. Every wizard with power is consistently depicted as either incompetent or immoral throughout the series

>> No.21695850

magic is like science for the neoliberal discourse dont think about it too much.

>> No.21695863

That's fucking cool man, we'll get that guy one day.

>> No.21696023

t. thinks a man literally multiplied food with magic

>> No.21696214

Because they didn't want to take an arrow to their knee.

>> No.21696270

The books.

>> No.21696430

sometimes people in power just makes shit up and fucks people over. magic wouldnt change that horrible tendency. Besides, his true crime was being a furry.

>> No.21696438

>That's still a horseshit excuse. Even Nazis had a fair fucking trial.

>he doesnt know

lol, lmao even. those mfs confessed after having their genitals mutilated, they were given a kangaroo court where prisoners were allowed to testify against their captors. Whether or not you think nazis were good guys or bad guys, the whole thing was a hilairously obvious show trial.

>> No.21696440

>The only reason Osama Bin Laden is famous as Osama Bin Laden is because he openly confessed his long involvement in terrorism repeatedly.

do zoomers really not know the last 40 years of history?

>> No.21696487
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>anon reads a couple of cherry picked newspaper clippings from pol and thinks he knows shit about shit and is better than anyone else

>Is Rowling a hack or am I missing something here?
Rowling is a complete hack. Harry Potter is a swiss cheese of plot holes. Pic related, these things are somehow completely undetected and some big surprise when they've been invisible and pulling the carriages to the school...because in all that time not a single student has ever bumped into the giant invisible horses.

>> No.21696927

He was the one who gave Hagrid the bike in the first chapter of Philosophers Stone, he was clearly randomly named and mentioned character that Rowling decided to make important to the story but never bothered to explain how he was able to help Hagrid in the first book when he should have been in prison by that point and everyone thought he was a murderer.

>> No.21697362

I hate Harry Potter. All its characters suck except for the ones that I am not supposed to like.
Good thing the author is a cute milf.
Btw, anyone else sympathetic to Dursleys and to the Malfoys?

>> No.21697640

>Watching 4th movie
>Potion class
>Snape mentions how verifiserum will make even the dark lord spill all his secrets
>Dark arts class
>Moody talks about imperio and how the ministry can't tell when people lie about being controlled during crimes

>> No.21697645

And now you browse 4chan

>> No.21697668

>Sirius Black
>Turns into a big black dog
Fucking hack rowling.

>> No.21697678

honestly, just do it

>> No.21698098

This, Dumbldore might’ve known he was innocent but it’s explained that Harry need to live with the Dursley’s every summer to protect him from Voldemort

>> No.21698156

>Btw, anyone else sympathetic to Dursleys and to the Malfoys?
the fat retards and the nazis?
no just you

>> No.21698964

>he doesn't name his characters after their archetypal role or plot relevance
The mentor character in my novel is named Diogenes (he lives in a barrel outside the city walls), and the early rival of the main character is named Chad Bradington. The evil pope uber-antagonist is named Francis I.

Face it, that's the peak of human wit, the height of literature.

>> No.21698965

I keked

>> No.21698978

>where prisoners were allowed to testify against their captors
No fucking way. The victims were allowed to testify? What madness is this? Won't somebody think of the Nazis?

Why does Rowling's work suddenly attract the stupidest fucking edgelords all of a sudden? Don't you have an event at a library to protest?

>> No.21698988

>Sirius Black
>Turns into a big black dog
>In the same book as a werewolf
I can just imagine her getting to the point Lupey turns and she's like 'shit... How do I get the kids to escape? Fuck it. Sirius also turns into a dog on the reg. totes not also a werewolf'

Rowling, you've done it again.

>> No.21699074

day by day you are becoming more coherent

>> No.21699159

>the Nazis were given a fair trial
You do know they stipulated at Nuremberg that the evidence doesn’t matter and the truth was whatever they dictated, correct?

>> No.21699247

I respcet Rowling just because she's a terf

>> No.21699728

>You do know they stipulated at Nuremberg that the evidence doesn’t matter
>they were given a kangaroo court where prisoners were allowed to testify against their captors
Don't know which of you nazis to believe.

>> No.21699739

Some did but the Nuremberg trials were widely criticized as not following due process because they absolutely didn’t. Later trials of Nazis did like in the 60’s

>> No.21700840
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>maximum luck stat potion exists that makes you succeed no matter what
>no one thinks to use this against Voldemort as he almost conquers England twice
The list of plotholes in this series has more pages than the 4th book. Speaking of which
>Voldemort finally does it, he finally becomes Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
>a decade of scheming finally brings the boy who lived in his grasp
>Voldemort is a super genius greatest of all time prodigy wizard
>designs the portkey that brought Harry to him to also work to bring him back to Hogwarts
Oh right and
>getting in or out of Hogwarts is a huge deal in Half Blood Prince
>Rowling mentions you can't apparate in or out like 20 times
>Voldemort doesn't think to use a portkey again even though he literally did this earlier
>instead there needs to be 450 pages of retarded subplot about the vanishing cabinet catching Dumbeldore off guard

>> No.21700919

Those statements don’t contradict each other you illiterate retard

>> No.21702699
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>Even Nazis had a fair fucking trial.
>defense lawyers hat to be approved by the court
>no appeal court
>evidence doesn't matter
>Americans on record that they tortured the defendants during interrogations to force testimonies

>> No.21702900
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>>live in a world that has literal truth serum potions and mind reading memory magic
We pretty much already live in that world and false flags happen all the time.
> anon doesnt know about the clockwork suicide armband.

>> No.21703070

>We pretty much already live in that world and false flags happen all the time.
Except it'd be in the government's overwhelming interest to discover the truth of the events involved. It's not just the public that was deceived but the actual authorities themselves because they couldn't be bothered pursuing their own interests.

>> No.21704423

Did you not read the books?