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21691242 No.21691242 [Reply] [Original]

Is there an specific ancient treatise about people turning into animals? I've read from Guénon that such a thing is possible and also heard that Aristotle held the same views, but I just lack the very sources of these claims.

>> No.21691254

The Benandanti come to mind, but this whole shit is fucking stupid.

>> No.21691263

Furries go to dog parks to rape dogs and they adopt puppies from shelters to fuck them and they wear fursuits so they can masturbate to children without the parents knowing and they groom children on discord and they moderate teenager subreddits and they are all pedophiles that deserve to burn

>> No.21691271

The native Americans consider all life relatives

>> No.21691293

Why do this type of written statements feel so convincing. A short bold phrase with some gibberish info and definite tone can easily convince me for a few moments

>> No.21691424

>tfw no barbarian warrior gf to rape me and force me to sire her children

>> No.21691645


>> No.21691739

Not at all the same things. Idiots identify one similarity and assume that the two things are the same when they are completely different.
>people turning into animals
That's not what Guénon believed you dumb nigger tranny.

>> No.21691746

and your point is?

>> No.21691771

This is fucking false for the simple reason that furries are among the people most entrenched in technology currently living on Earth, and this makes them as a consequence the people most divorced from the mysticism of animals. The entire concept of a fursona is literal cyberpunk shit about dropping your IRL body to become your internet avatar. This angle in the furry community is completely fucking absent. They are literally just hyper-gay people whose brain is scrambled by internet fetish porn. The whole community is filled with predators, cons are filled with creeps, and everyone is just a gigantic fucking fetishist. It's no different than a BDSM community. But this is a digression. What's important is that these people are extremely wired-in and unless you believe somehow that being plugged into the internet is a mystical experience the statement in OP is fucking false.
I love animal people exactly for that mystical aspect and I fucking despise furries

>> No.21691779

yes, he did. as the psychic elements of a person can ascend they can descend as well. he talked about this when talking about evolution

>> No.21691796

My brother in Christ, you did not need to type all this out. Nobody, not even OP, is taking that image seriously. Nobody is disagreeing with you. Nobody needed you to descend to the level of arguing against that image. Nobody is reading past the first few lines of your autistic wall of text.

>> No.21691802

well I did so fucking read it

>> No.21691803

>"psychic elements"
>the same as turning into an animal
>the same as being a furry
HA go read marx ya dumb nigger

>> No.21691895
File: 49 KB, 604x516, 1662954350234724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based animal people enjoyer.

I personally fancy myself with this fella.

>> No.21691935

>The entire concept of a fursona is literal cyberpunk shit about dropping your IRL body to become your internet avatar
Fursonas are literally just method acting, wtf

>> No.21691951
File: 72 KB, 735x690, 85b72969edf083c6ddcbac1bd27c63f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody, not even OP, is taking that image seriously
I for one take it bloody seriously, come at me mfer

>> No.21692260


You are a furry aren't you?

>> No.21692363

>notices yow lack of twigger discipwine
ÒwÓ whats this

>> No.21692369

its not literal. when you subcumb to your base instincts you are an animal. when you let logic and reason dictact your actions you become a man, and great men can become god.

>> No.21692513

What if my logic and reason dictates that I should succumb to my base instincts

>> No.21692560

>The entire concept of a fursona is literal cyberpunk shit about dropping your IRL body to become your internet avatar.
To add onto your point here: in the Germanic tradition people would wear a skin of some animal to become that animal. When Valkyries turn into swans they're just wearing a literal swan's skin (presumably with the feathers in it) which turns them into the animal. When Loki borrow's Freyja's falcon cloak, he's wearing a literal falcon skin. You're still "in" your body, you just have another layer on top.

It's the complete opposite of how furries conceptualize the fursona which, as you point out, is a body that their soul enters after having left their... do furries have a term for the human body? Whatever the fuck they call it, the human body.

>> No.21692666

i hate that i'm autistic enough to respond do this
a fursuit isn't made of pelts, it isn't even an artificial recreation of one. the symbology of a fursuit is NOWHERE near that of an actual pelt. fursuits have more symbolic attachment to walt disney's frozen head than an animal skin.

>> No.21692746

I don't know about Germanic tradition but I'm sure the vikings and Valkyries do not change their names and become someone else either. It's not just a matter of body - furries become a new identity. The fursona is an alternate person.
Also something I fucking hate about furries is that they have no respect for animals. Aside of the zoosadism which is carried onto powerless creatures, furry porn in and by itself is degrading. Furries, these fuckers, do the opposite of what wearing a defeated animal's skin to earn its strength and visage. Furries are parasitic. From within the animal avatar they degrade it. They not only fail to get in touch with the mystic aspect of the animal, they actually kill it spiritually by putting that being into pornographic orgies. And pornography is the absolute, supreme form of technological slavery but that's another schizo ramble for another day. Furries are parasitic spirit-killer agents of the machine-God.

>> No.21692762

What does a faceless autist like you know about respect for animals anyway

>> No.21692781

Here's one of them. You are a spiritual version of the Terminator, but instead of a human skin you wear a fursuit. Weeaboos are also robotic agents but at least they have the decency to keep nature alone. In fact anime degeneracy will always be purer than furshit simply because anime is largely unconcerned with the animal world. It's primarily urban and centered on humanity, although the same practice is taking over there as well with kemono.
You're not supposed to do that shit. It's disrespectful.
captcha: PAWHSD

>> No.21693197

I wouldn't be surprised if Varg actually said this

>> No.21693594

So these aggregated psychic elements are reflected in the physiological/somatic complex?

>> No.21694250

Is there an essential furry /lit/ chart?

>> No.21694260

>ancient tribal people killed actual animals and wore their fur to keep warm, and to give potential animal threat the impression it's the animal they are wearing and not some pathetic human (things look differently in tall grass)
>at most they thought the fighting spirit of the animal will pass on to them
>"like, dude, this is totally the same as furries wearing costumes made from artificial materials and shaped like cartoon characters"
Mental illness is a sad thing.

>> No.21694272

Berserkers and ulfhetnars lived outside society and were seen as plague upon the land. Basically young men from foreign land and tribe raiding and pillaging other societies. They also ritualistically destroy their animal pelt to return to society.

>> No.21694284

I'm glad that all modern fursuits look like soulless garbage, otherwise my life might have taken a bad turn as a teen.

>> No.21694301

Jung talked about something:

"Among such people, whose consciousness is at a different level of development from ours, the “soul” (or psyche) is not felt to be a unit. Many primitives assume that a man has a “bush soul” as well as his own, and that this bush soul is incarnate in a wild animal or a tree, with which the human individual has some kind of psychic identity. This is what the distinguished French ethnologist Lucien Lévy-Brühl called a “mystical participation.” He later retracted this term under pressure of adverse criticism, but I believe that his critics were wrong. It is a well-known psychological fact that an individual may have such an unconscious identity with some other person or object."

Some /x story I've read theorized that dogs are linked to they're owners as if they were their psychological shadows or something too, but most furries probably just molested their dogs at a young age

>> No.21694308

JungFag here, I didn't read before posting and I like this guy's response a lot more than my own

>> No.21694519

It's a common misconception that furries identify as animals. What they identify as is cartoons. Disney ones, mostly. They're people who watched too much Lion King growing up, and they identified with those images more than anything in the material world.

>> No.21694744
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High agreeableness signal

>> No.21695433

you are the great animal god.

>> No.21695469

Lycanthropy, werewolf symbolism, regression into an animal-like state

>The beast 666
It helps if you dehumanize your target and re-assert your morality by implying your enemy isn't human

>> No.21695483

Just realized reading this post that the "social media tone" that annoys me isn't just an averaged-out obnoxiously feminine tone every influencer uses, it is literally a hypnotic signal that zoomers have been conditioned to pick up and obey instantly

I'm not getting annoyed because it's just annoying, I'm getting annoyed because a signal that is mostly noise for me is bristling over my skin. But this zoomer receives the signal and instantly changes his worldview and identity. For me it's just obnoxious feminine glibness, for him it's "authoritative and confident" (because zoomers reduce everything to personality and pseudocharismatic "confidence"). For me it's a boring simplification and rearranging of a few bits of junk information, for the zoomer it's a perfect bite-sized tweet-length snippet of information paired with visual stimulus. In his brain it's almost like the creator of the social media post is doing him a favor, by "packaging" the information in an "efficient" and appealing format that conforms to the zoomer's instinctive sense of how long an exchange of information should be.

I've often thought about the results of degrading people's consciousness with this kind of homogenized social media way of speaking, but I never considered that it was actually CONDITIONING them to respond to it (and only it) positively. I guess this social media "tone" and soundbite/meme format is the 20something male zoomer seeking an edgy identity equivalent of what basedface youtube thumbnails are for 13 year old boys.

>> No.21695498

Grow up and stop making so many assumptions, not everyone had the same life as you

>> No.21695579

Making assumptions is good, it enables you to model reality in interesting ways. While the model may not be perfectly correct, it creates new ways of thinking about something that others can then interact with. Then, for instance, if you saw something they didn't see and included it in your model, and they see things you don't see, therefore negatively impacting the accuracy of your model, they can suggest corrections by presenting their own model, a modification or at least a determinate negation of your own. This is called conversation. Sometimes people do it in writing for many pages and then it's called a book. For example, you don't agree with all of Dostoesvky's "assumptions," but you read them all at once and take them for true in a virtual way, then assimilate them into your worldview and modify them later. Sometimes interesting things happen, like you read an author and think he's simply wrong, but later after your consciousness has been modified by many other authors and many conversations and life experiences, you realize in hindsight that the original author was saying much more than you were capable of understanding at the time, or perhaps even that certain things he said nevertheless percolated down into your unready consciousness and worked on it subtly over the years, contributing to the very transformations that have now led you to make this very reassessment of the original author.