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21685000 No.21685000 [Reply] [Original]

Books describing this feel

>> No.21685184

I'm a toy collector. I started in childhood of course, but the magic never died. Something about the aesthetic value of those little plastic sculptures pulls me in till this day. An action figure is a medium. It represents the idea in one unique way. This love is natural. I didn't choose it, and its not going anywhere.

That said, the OP pic provokes I think the same reaction a woman could have when asked to accept a mentally ill castrated man as a member of her gender.

This is just not toy collecting.

>> No.21685206

What am I supposed to fell?

>> No.21685208


>> No.21685210

You're a fucking magpie at best and a squirrel at worst. Humans create animals collect. Make something with your hands you fucking disgusting spiritual jew.

>> No.21685266

I think the anon you’re replying to has done enough introspection such that it can be said that their hobby of collecting toys has actually allowed them to grow as a person, to create themselves, so to speak. Hobbies like collecting often require quite a bit of specialist knowledge and can often be a source of catharsis.

>> No.21685303 [DELETED] 

theres no excuse for collecting funko pops
theyre the ugliest shit ive ever seen. soulless dead eyes and all of them look alike except for like the very rare times they do something different with the face.
anyone who collects them is 100% of the time a total waterbrain

>> No.21685411

I sometimes buy lego sets because I like there designs and I really want that UCS Imperial Star Destroyer but those funko pops are pure soulless garbage.

>> No.21685414

walter benjamin

>> No.21685415
File: 14 KB, 320x180, _97564052_gettyimages-685911480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the latest, most over priced hardcopies of all the classics then have no interest in reading them. Further, if you lack the ability to read them you will get closer to that feeling. The anxiety the person feels is the creeping, gnawing realization that they have wasted their resources in something useless but are gripped by the sunken-cost fallacy.

>This love is natural.
I can see a love of old hand made toys from before the 1900s, or about there. But anything made with automation, or out of plastic, is just consumeriem disguised as something else. Pair that with toys and you have one of the most infantile and useless hobbies our economic system has.

>This is just not toy collecting
How you view the funko collector is how regular society views the average toy collector.

>> No.21685421

>Humans create animals collect.
These aren't opposites, they're not mutually exclusive and even apart from that, it's not even true. Humans have always collected. It's the reason we have museums. How can you stuff so many layers of both shitty formal reasoning and false information into four words, it's honestly amazing

>> No.21685428

>How you view the funko collector is how regular society views the average toy collector.
While this may be true it does not detract from the reality that "regular society" views funko pop collections as acceptable and not a sign of a hoarding disorder

>> No.21685432 [DELETED] 

>regular society
doesnt exist. the manchild millenial generation of 'nerd culture' IS regular society.
if you think it's all leave it to beaver out there you've got another thing coming

>> No.21685449

You finally posted a different picture of Rockwell.

>> No.21685450

Human's have this innate drive to complete a set. That's how they fucking get you- they just keep adding to the set, keep adding new sets, etc, etc. The only way to win is to not play. I learned this a long time ago as a teenager.

Funko pops are the single most perfect example of this. They're all more or less identical, and they can just make up new things to turn into their horrible little plastic homunculi.

>> No.21685453

>talking about funko pops
>has to mention transgender people for some goddamn reason
man will you fuck off?

>> No.21685461

I threw away my Harry Potter funko pops after I heard that JK Rowling is transphobic.

>> No.21685547

We will be seeing you.

>> No.21685586

Tiqqun - Preliminary Materials for a Theory of the Young-Girl

>> No.21685593

Collecting anything other than vintage/ancient weapons is for faggots. i havent, started yet looking for an original scimitar or gladius anyone know where i can get one?

>> No.21685608
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>While this may be true it does not detract from the reality that "regular society" views funko pop collections as acceptable and not a sign of a hoarding disorder
No they don't. Outside of the bubble people would be quietly judgemental of such a collection. This is still a fringe behavior and it is looked down on as infantile.

>doesnt exist. the manchild millenial generation of 'nerd culture' IS regular society
It most assuredly does though it may be smaller and gradually diminishing in the face of overwhelming hostility. Not everybody in the West is plugged in to video games, toys and other child oriented hobbies.

Thank you for noticing.

>Human's have this innate drive to complete a set. That's how they fucking get you- they just keep adding to the set, keep adding new sets, etc, etc.
Not humans, obsessive people who substitute other more meaningful experiences with consumerism need to collect sets. Most people who have a funko are gifted them, it is a simple, easy gift that can be personalized. No healthy human would collect these meaningless, mass produced hunks of plastic.

>> No.21685614
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what is wrong with squirrels?

>> No.21685625 [DELETED] 

>man will you--ACK!

>> No.21685674
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The book of our times

>> No.21685681

>He doesn't know that the impulse to collect or hoard comes from the leftover neurotic impulses left by our evolutionary ties to rodents

>> No.21685682


>> No.21685694

>attracted to a thread because there are funko pop figures in OP’s pic
>reminded he’ll never be a woman
It’s like watching someone step on a rake.

>> No.21685702 [DELETED] 

fucking kek

>> No.21685703
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Magpies, any covid really, collect things and can be reared and trained to collect specific things, rings, coins, money. So even they are far more useful and discerning in their behavior than the sad adult toy collector.

A squirrel can only collect foodstuffs and can not be trained. A man like OPs pic can only gather lumps of plastic, can not be trained and is worse than even a grey squirrel.

>> No.21685719 [DELETED] 

i always just assume these guys with massive collections are a viral marketing ploy and that room is in the studio of a viral marketing company and the collector is an actor from some second rate talent agency. they're attempting to make a consumption role model. sort of like "pro-gaming". people will pour hours into pointless games known as "sports" with the tiny sliver of a chance of being pro, but previously you couldn't use that cope for video games, but now thanks to the brilliant marketers who created "pro-gaming", you can.

>> No.21685750
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>> No.21685766

>any covid really,

OK glowie. I mean, nobody is so stupid to say covid in place of corvid, so this must be a subliminal plant. Inb4 "it's my phone's fault!! Waaaaa". Dumbass.

>> No.21685777

Yeah I spent a bunch of money on hardcover comics and books before I discovered piracy that I wish I didn't. Now I dont know what to do with them because I infinitely prefer reading books on my kobo and have accepted reading comics on my tablet because its free

>> No.21685803

Bet you wanna be reared

>> No.21685836
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Hello mohel, i did not take the vaccine.

Donating them to a private charity, if they helped you discover reading the best solution is one that lowers the entry barrier for another.

What an odd thing to say.

>> No.21685845

Cultivate better taste.
If you can torrent it then you either haven't expanded your interests enough, or you don't have your finger on the pulse.

>> No.21686324

>i am not an insane basedconsoomer but this redditor is a tranny
give it a rest faggot

>> No.21686507

Reminds me of the dentrites from THX 1138

>> No.21686509
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Is collecting and painting Warhammer and historical armies as bad as this?
At least they are easier to hide and they can use them for wargaming rather than just collecting dust

>> No.21686515

>Make something with your hands you fucking disgusting spiritual jew.
I paint miniatures.

>> No.21686555
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>> No.21686588

This what zero pussy does to a nigga.

>> No.21686616

you guys are missing the existential dread in this picture by simply talking about how onions it is/comparing your own onions hobbies.
what's he going to do when the collection is complete?

>> No.21686629

Our emotions are a primitive language that tries to speak to us if we listen. Anxiety often comes with an epistemological aspect, or rather an aspect of ignorance. Cognitively speaking, anxiety in the sense of apprehension is a breakdown in the ability to identify what's wrong and what to do about it (the one depends on the other). It is often "generalized" in the sense that its cause has no definite object. In this case the anxiety has a specific object, the collection of toys.

What this man needs to realize is that his avid collection of such an uncool object is both financially counterproductive and socially off-putting. Anyone who walks into that room who doesn't share his consumerist fetish will be immediately turned off by the idea that an adult man has created such a puerile shrine.

What his anxiety is saying to him is that "it's time to grow up. This is no longer an appropriate activity for me to pursue. It is a strange and unhealthy obsession that I have outgrown. It's time for me to accept that this was just a quirky phase of my life that I am embarrassed about now but will look back on and laugh at once I have embraced permitting myself to mentally mature to a level that is consistent with my age."

>> No.21686751

>what's he going to do when the collection is complete?
it's impossible to complete. do you know how many of these things are made? it's like NES game faggotry on steroids

>> No.21686946

total pseud wordsalad
be embarrassed for yourself.

>> No.21687008

If you limit yourself to collect practical things which you can use then you won't feel this existential dread. For instance, classic cars which you can drive or expensive shotguns which you can shoot. Even Warhammer miniatures can be used to play the tabletop game rather than wasting space.
Coins and stamps are fine though as you can at least admire their historical legacy.

>> No.21687030

nta but makes perfect sense to me

>> No.21687042

it shouldn't make perfect sense, his use of language is muddy and imprecise.
>Cognitively speaking, anxiety in the sense of apprehension is a breakdown in the ability to identify
This whole thing is just word salad

>> No.21687053
File: 410 KB, 600x750, d1wjiid-4a7950cc-4656-42b9-a924-b113de254227.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said total, as in all of it is wordsalad, when most of it reads fine. Your use of language is muddy and imprecise.

>> No.21687060

total is hyperbole
its not the same thing as saying
>cognitively the anxiety emotion of existentiality is identity perplexed in the dopamine center of the third chakra
you fuckin fag

>> No.21687801

>He was shot and killed near a Laundromat by a Greek.

What a goofy death.

>> No.21687848

They're sick in the head, just ignore them.

>> No.21687877
File: 89 KB, 817x649, Funko Pop is for faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This company basically copied the Beanie Baby model, but they weren't as successful.
It's collecting and company-created scarcity around a few models, and the possibility that you'll buy one which becomes discontinued.
Better off collecting NFA firearms.

>> No.21687881
File: 258 KB, 1147x837, Madoff financial victims_Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Books describing this feel
the feeling of being a massive faggot that got scammed by a corporation?
Pic related.

>> No.21687935
File: 103 KB, 625x791, not-mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a musician. A real one.
I don't need a lecture on creation.

>But anything made with automation, or out of plastic, is just consumeriem disguised as something else
It sounds like your preferences come with a lot of baggage. As I said, it is purely natural. I didn't get a chance to make sure my passions aligned with a Mark Fisher book. It just is.

>> No.21688140

>paint them, involving some sort of creativity and expression
>use them, functional
not even in the same ballpark
what you do is a hobby

>> No.21688177
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>collecting funky cocks
>keeping them in boxes
what is the point of this?? it isn't some valuable memorabilia, it's a piece of mass produced plastic and they cannot even look at them properly or touch them
the manufacturer should really troll these fags and make the transparent part of the box smaller and smaller

>> No.21688901

He makes the cage precisely so he can destroy it. He passively circulates anger into a feedback loop until he can't contain it any longer. It's a kind of technovoodoo. The funkopop is the voodoo doll of his self. A wall of smashed mirrors, smashed dreams, smashed hope. That is his modus operandi. That is his creation: destruction.

>> No.21688905
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>> No.21688925

>That said, the OP pic provokes I think the same reaction a woman could have when asked to accept a mentally ill castrated man as a member of her gender.
>This is just not toy collecting.

based. fuck anyone that isn't a Caucasian male

>> No.21688953

death of a salesman

>> No.21688961
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I think having books is always useful because they can increase in value especially the hard cover versions. You have all the time in the world to read them or even reread them or let friends read them. I love books and Nikola Tesla said of all things I love books best.

The shit with collecting toys or stupid shit like that is you cant actually do anything with your collection but add more shit to it and it slowly destroys your mind and your life. No one is going to respect a person who collects pokemon cards or funko pops but im pretty sure most people on this planet are going to respect a person who collects books because books have value and can be extremely practical as well as very aesthetic.

I look at my book collection and I respect myself for the time, money and willpower i invested into obtaining it and then reading some of the books.

I have gotten away from my pretentious intelectualism and im more interested in building my WH40k novel collection because they make very pretty books and the stories can be very spiritually/intelectually involved if you know what to look for or have the prerequisite reading.

IE the Horus Heresy novels start off with members of the legion being corrupted by chaos (satanism) due to participating in a secret society with a lodge system where they all start to think they are hot shit and can rule over humanity and overthrow the Emperor.

The Emperor is also super based and bans making AI, bans interacting with aliens, says baseline humanity and not transhumans are the future.

The thing is also when just looking at the book in my collection I can remeber the fun I had reading it, the characters and the lessons I learned regardless if its the Bagavad Ghita, Carl Jungs books or Horus Heresy novels. If I ever need them for reference for education or entertainment I have them on hand at all times.

>> No.21689083

read books? no thanks, i would rather get laid.

>> No.21689157

Cruelty Squad

>> No.21689191

>classic cars
Garbage. They take up space and you're never gonna drive them because "you don't want to damage the resale value"
>expensive shotguns
Same deal, though in a pinch they can be used to arm a militia I suppose.
>Warhammer miniatures
Good idea for a collection cause you can actually use the things and apparently you can paint them which seems fun
>Coins and stamps
Worse than trash

I have an old pilot jacket from World War 2. It's heavy as fuck, warm, and looks intimidating.
I don't keep in a closet. I wear the goddamn thing. And because it's so nice, I don't have a need to collect more because the one I have is already super nice. I appreciate the history of it and what it represents a hell of a lot more than a person who would lock it up inside a display case
Collection is a mental illness. It's hoarding. Learn to let go. Material possessions are temporal, they can be lost or degraded. Put your faith in something else

>> No.21689197

you're still a faggot

>> No.21689205

US coins pre 1965 are silver.

>> No.21689661

1 Corinthians 13:11

>> No.21689684

>autist mad that other autist is not as autistic as himself
>This is NOT toy collecting!

>> No.21689831

Kill yourself you retarded pseud faggot

>> No.21690249

what do you collect anon

>> No.21690456
File: 42 KB, 155x209, kx_rockwell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mass produced
>no practical use
>no skill, talent or craft used in their making
>literally made by sub-human bug men
>Meant for children
>Made of the cheapest materials

I would compare you to blacks who collect shoes, but at least you can walk in a pair of shoes. Despite none of them doing so. Collections can be great things insofar as the items being collected are unusual, beautiful, difficult to reproduce or historically meaningful. Toys are none of these.

Had me at the first half, lost me in the second half.

>> No.21690802
File: 47 KB, 566x528, FTB2GzRaIAAWEFi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people in this world who collect their own toenails, different types of deer urine samples and hard fetish pornography. It is not so bad to enjoy hoarding simple trinkets.

I myself used to collect plastic Deer Park bottle caps because I liked the noise they made when shaken around en masse. I felt nothing when I threw them all away, because I had no real attachment to them. It became collecting for the sake of it.

The individual here ought to understand the lore and personalities of the Funko Pop characters he's purchased. What do THEY think and feel? Can he name them all just by looking at their simplified depictions? Does he have any personal attachment to them as entities and not toys?

>> No.21690865

I'm not sure about you, but there's a sort of cathartic satisfaction that comes with throwing away or otherwise destroying a collection. I used to collect wooden model ships, and somehow great relief came to me when I took the whole lot to the thrift store.

>> No.21690872

Collecting is fine as long as you don’t go crazy, or it doesn’t lead to some detriments in your life

>> No.21690910

I will not accept a clinical dysfunctional fetish as normal human behavior, nor will I redefine reality and my own understanding of the immutable physical world in order to accommodate it.

>> No.21690917
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fpbp, lots of mad sorts in this thread for whatever reason.

>> No.21690956
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>> No.21690989

Makes sense to me too
Be mad tho

>> No.21690996

>just collect product goy

>> No.21691018

Having an appreciation of what you're collecting (w/e it is) and caring for it's cultivation and the erudition it provides on a matter is one thing (art - which toys and comics are; coins, stamps, etc.). But collecting for a 'dopamine' hit is just perverse materialism, childish and stupid. It falls into the same category as people who hoard books with 0 intention of reading them. Having some funko-pops because it adds to a collection of memorabilia for a cherished book, movie or tv series is acceptable (imo).

>> No.21691193

you don't know anything, and that's okay
just don't presume to lecture like you're someone with falsely colored hair

>> No.21691489

>tranny janny deleting replies
And yet there are a dillion or so twittercap threads... curious

>> No.21691539

Why are redditors obsessed with the word dopamine.

>> No.21691552
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eternally btfod by the Anglican

>> No.21691617

This but for religion

Believing in imaginary entities and a "voice" is schizophrenia, if you believe in such things, you need to take your meds until the voices quieten down and you can see reason again.

>> No.21691622

get the fuck away from me tranny

>> No.21691839

I genuinely believe that collecting is a form of mental illness