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/lit/ - Literature

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21681490 No.21681490 [Reply] [Original]

/unreal/ here
We just released our first horror Anthology; 'Tales Of The Unreal'
You can read it for free here: https://unrealpress.com/tales-of-the-unreal-vol-1-no-1/
Or buy the paperback (pic related) here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BVTFZ1TF
Submissions are open for the next horror anthology and won't close as this is now a quarterly series

We will also be releasing a one time anthology of creative non-fiction, for which the deadline is April 1st. We are calling for: essays, journalistic style articles, manifestos, reviews and other similar such assorted types of writing
There is no guiding theme, as we usually provide for the fiction anthologies, instead the only connective tissue we expect there to exist between most of your pieces is that you present some genuinely novel idea or perspective

Word limit (not strict) is 2 to 5k words for both projects
Just join the discord and ask for an editor if interested https://discord.gg/gANTBhhr

>> No.21681546

Give me 50 bucks and maybe I’ll let you publish me. Otherwise stop asking

>> No.21681566


>> No.21681587

Can’t write academic shit. Can I submit my mom’s recipe instead

>> No.21681604

you troons better publish the stalker drama

>> No.21681605
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Just read Traffic Stop last night and was overall impressed. Kind of a flat first page but really delivered as it progressed and created a great feeling of dread.

>> No.21681617

I'll send in something. At least you guys are doing something for literature. Unlike illiterate children on /lit/.

>> No.21681636

Would you guys accept a narrative in the form of a recipe?

>> No.21681639

diggin the cover; looks really tiny in your hand doe

>> No.21681645

So, the first idea was to make it Magazine sized, since our inspiration for this anthology was Weird Tales. But that just wasn’t going to come out right with the resources we have right now, so the second idea was to style it after an old school pulp pocketbook. Both of the deisgners have a bunch laying around and enjoy that style of paperback. So we kept the Weird Tales cover design but made the paperback 7x4. It fits in your pocket. The guy’s hand in the op is huge though.

>> No.21681654

discord tranies

>> No.21681669

Submit both horror pieces and non fiction pieces to unrealpresssandpodcast@proton.me

>> No.21681673

Everyone knows this is just the same discord trannies posting on their own posts. Just being in this loser fucking thread makes me feel gross like I walked into some secret inbred cesspool swamp of circlejerk cum where the same four people beat off the other guys continuously. Nobody cares.

>> No.21681675
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>> No.21681681


>> No.21681684

If it's good sure

>> No.21681686

oh bwoohoo! i wittle babby mad no one wiw jerk him off?

>> No.21681732

They spend all their time holed up in their gay little server talking about stupid fake drama and discussing their own dicks and J.O habits. Revolting.

>> No.21681746

Everyone knows this is just the same butter incel seething in these threads. Just reading this loser fucking post makes me feel gross like I walked into some secret inbred cesspool swamp of circlejerk cum where the same faggot beats off other guys continuously. Nobody cares.

>> No.21681751

seethe harder roastie

>> No.21681764
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>no online reviews or discussion of The Shah of True Bay and Other Sundry Stories

>> No.21681765

Terrible vibes man. Just submit your writing. Also Read the horror anthology there’s really good stuff in there
Read the original Weird Tales too, preferably an Issue with all three of Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, and Robert E Howard. You can find all of these things for free online.

>> No.21681774

Up why does the site have a link that says 'click here to buy in beautiful hardcover' or something like that but there is actually only digital or paperback available? Also do writers that whose submissions are accepted get a copy mailed to them? This is a really cool thing you're doing btw

>> No.21681783

No free copy because author copies have that terrible not for resale band on them. However, if we move off of KDP I could easily organize this. The books would cost very little to print. That’s a good idea.

>> No.21681839

While you are marketing your shit here, I will buy it in spite of that for 2 reasons;
1) I like the cover.
2) People unironically shilled Gardner so much that it made this board actively worse, and yours is at least attempting to be a collaborative effort that betters it's writers.

>> No.21681857

I also quite liked the horror stories, keep it up dudes

>> No.21681950

I shit my pants reading this

>> No.21681960


>> No.21681967

Thats why we have a submission email as well. We just want your subs, the discord is only to notify people who care that we’ve released stuff.

>> No.21682015

>Or buy the paperback (pic related) here
$8.99 is a quite reasonable, indeed modest price for a book of that length.

>> No.21682033

'I submitted a piece for the technical challenge, a contest that required writing a narrative in the form of a recipe. I won first place.'

>> No.21682483

After you publish it there's an option to order personal author copies

>> No.21682556

Thanks mate. It was a blast writing for them.

>> No.21682580

Those are the author copies. Somebody ordered one for the last anthology and it had a giant gray band across the entire cover. I don’t think anyone wants those.

>> No.21683426

Do you people have any novels, or is it all just short stories?

>> No.21683457

Where did you get the cover art from op?

>> No.21683509

check /wg/ they have some novels. When I'm phone posting, there's an advertisement for a novel right now. The Beautiful Kingdom

>> No.21683581

You need to read Fedbook by John Jay Stancliff. I‘ve heard the free sample is so compelling, people buy it as soon as they read it. So have your wallet handy.

>> No.21683610

John, come on man. Chill.

>> No.21683621

Bro why do you steal my photos for your threads? Don't you have a copy yourself???

>> No.21683632

Zulu, Krake, Labuschagne, and Nesmer do, maybe more of them.

>> No.21683819

Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.21683831

It looks like garbage, but hey, its only 9 bucks. Might use that to bump up my cart total to qualify for free shipping.

>> No.21683838

Wait, is the font really tiny? I dont wanna strain my eyes

>> No.21683840

It's free man, only the physical copy costs money.

>> No.21683845

Gardners book was only 4 bucks. I dont regret buying it

>> No.21683852

I only read physical books because I'm not gay

>> No.21683914

Nope, standard font size.

>> No.21684084
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i bought 10 copies. will distribute throughout the capital city of nigger feces and piss

>> No.21685150

What’s wrong with you?

>> No.21685225

Can I use discord if I'm not a sex offender?

>> No.21685239

You never answered me when I asked if I could submit non-fiction poetry.

>> No.21685386

Apologies anon, I missed the post
Yes, I encourage you to submit, but can you give me some more information on what your piece is about?

>> No.21685395


Well done all, publishing something takes a lot of time and balls. Will be purchasing a copy.

>> No.21685585

No need to be be sorry, was meant more as an "Oi!" not a "Fuck you"

I have a few ideas, one is about the importance of impartiality and ambiguity told as an allegory that I still feel is applicable to the real world.
Another is about the tautology of storage space.
One about cranes and scaffolding being permanent fixtures in cities while simultaneously retaining their attributes or impernanence.
Then one that's just about radio stations manipulating the temperature regulation industry.

>> No.21685603

Bought my copy.
Great work man.

>> No.21685643


>> No.21686057

If by “you people”, you mean unreal, then not yet. I want to have a process down for formatting, editing, designing, and marketing down before I start buying novels/novellas. But I do intend to eventually open novel submisions. And if some buds want to give me a novel to work fo free I would not complain.

>> No.21686091

This looks pretty cool. I'll read the first few stories and buy a copy if it's decent. I'd like to encourage more of these kinds of projects.
What's with all the claims of discord troons? There's a cabal of trans SF/Fantasy writers trying to spread their agenda on 4chan through self-publishing?

>> No.21686103

I wrote a historical fiction but nobody wants to read it. So Sci Fi and Fantasy it is.

>> No.21686108

No idea. People just hate discord but it’s the best way to communicate with the writers that have worked with us in the past. There are no troons in the discord. The only shilling we’ve done is posts like these and, embarrassingly, our production is so slow that if you do a warosu search you’ll see like 7 of these posts spread over 2 years. We’re ramping up though.

>> No.21686134

>claims there are no troons in the discord
>entire discord is taken over for months by gay stalker drama

>> No.21686144

It’s just a watering hole. You don’t need to join if you don’t want to talk to people from 4Chan. We just want your writing.

The horror mag is going to start taking Poetry and Book reviews. Both because Weird Tales did this, and because i think the book reviews could be entertaining.

>> No.21686230

why not make one server strictly for publishing related content and a separate one for casual conversation and all of the unrelated gay drama shit?

>> No.21686245

I don’t like the idea of a strict shill server. It feels kinda soulless. If guys want to be dudes then let them. I hope people judge us by the stuff we publish/upload and not whatever the fellas get up to in the discord. It’s not like it spills over. I actually have no idea why people are bringing lame discord stuff up here. I should post some screen grabs of the book

>> No.21686261

not a shill server. a server for publishing stuff, writing talk, and discussing literature. a separate one for everything else. nothing soulless about staying on topic.

>> No.21686680

Plan is to do an audio recording of the Mariana story tonight. What other stories should we upload?

>> No.21687057
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Gotta say this is a nice touch

>> No.21687086

We'll be doing similar stuff in future releases. I think our next horror anthology is in June. You can join up if you've got something in mind to submit.

>> No.21687092

It’s worth it just for the cover art.

>> No.21687124

I submit to no one!!

>> No.21687144

I'll have an opinion when my physical copy arrives for proper reading

>> No.21687480

Hey, I got a great voice and people tell me I should do audio books and radio all the time. Can I submit a voice sample

>> No.21687491
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>Just join the discord

>> No.21687589

That would be great actually, we've been in desperate need of voice talent to do more reads

>> No.21687640

Which of you read the last story audiobook that you posted? The reading was decent but there was some repetition and mistakes in it. Could be good with more practice.

>> No.21687661

sounds like a james earl jones AI, bruh

>> No.21687804

I meant the Oasis one, not the teaser that was posted today.

>> No.21687820

I've seen this name before. I remember because it was followed by '(rhymes with champagne)' I think I may have seen it in an article I read about a writer named Honor Levy. Any connection there? I may be mistaken but I know I've seen that name

>> No.21687859

Anon, do you really think we're going to edit out the occaisional stumble? We're not a monetized channel. Even professional voice actors aren't going to nail an entire piece in one go, sight unseen.

>> No.21687934

>writes a seething response
>doesn’t answer the question
I’m not talking the occasional mis-said word. There were whole sentences repeated.

>> No.21687952

That wasn't a seething response you fucktard. You're coming across as an overdramatic bitch and it makes your whole point you were trying to make easier to ignore. Nta btw. And no offense, just trying to help you brother.

>> No.21687960

>Which of you read the last story audiobook that you posted?
The reader's name is Aaron Ojibwe

>> No.21688031

oh damn, this has so much mouth noise it's making me physically cringe.

>> No.21688048
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i just have so much rage inside me and sometimes i lash out. thank you for noticing.

>> No.21688134

Do you realize F Gardner is the entire reason writing generals and these books even exist here? And that’s where Unreal came from. Why do you think all these /lit/ books suddenly came out after Call of the Crocodile and the rest of Gardner’s books? Monkey see monkey do.

>> No.21688179

Frank, fuck off. No one believes this for a second.

>> No.21688192

Is there an email I can send a voice recording over? I dont use discord.

>> No.21688194

He has a point though

>> No.21688207

F. Gardner is the Homer of /lit/. everything after him is just in his shadow.

>> No.21688214

Not the guy who owns it but just the main one probably

>> No.21688217

This is hilariously true. Gardner’s the Vince McMahon. Richfag antagonist but massively influential.

>> No.21688255

I'm interested to see how any of these ideas can be put in verse, but yeah just email the address above or join the server and @me like I said

>> No.21688314

The recording was meant to be a preliminary job to test things out, but it got rushed onto YouTube for timing's sake. Unreal has a rich history of mouth noises, so the next one will be done while the reader finishes off a rack of ribs. Despite the oriental theme of the last anthology, neither wonton soup nor noodles were provided for the recording and the reader had to make up for it on his own, so please excuse the rough edges.

>> No.21688391

When’s your next reading coming? Didn’t like the weird AI voice teaser that was posted today. Better to have an actual reader even with the mistakes and mouth noises.

>> No.21688594

I would have submit something if it weren't for the fact that you're selling it.

>> No.21688997

you are a faggot

>> No.21690337

It also goes up for free

>> No.21690868

Hey, you got it

>> No.21691672

Weird fucking last name you’ve got there.

>> No.21692840
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looks cool keep posting Ill write something

>> No.21693119

The mouth noises were way too much for me. I couldn’t listen to the whole thing.

>> No.21694318

Those aren't author copies, you're taking about proof copies. Author copies have no such gray band.

>> No.21694347

I am interested in this gay publication, I'll write something