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21684631 No.21684631 [Reply] [Original]

I was diagnosed with schizophrenia recently.
Is there a book that explains the details of schizophrenia?

>> No.21684711
File: 17 KB, 200x303, The_Myth_of_Mental_Illness_(1961_Hoeber-Harper_edition).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21684731

Schizophrenia is not like some pussy mild depression, it's very real.

>> No.21684930

Just read articles online if through PubMed since there's not really going to be a good history of schizophrenia as a whole since it has changed a lot. The DSM covers a lot of the overlapping aspects of psychotic illnesses. You probably need to work out what type of schizophrenia you have, since there is paranoid, catatonic, and more, as well as schizotypy being its own thing or how Bipolar usually presents somewhat similarly in some ways. Try to ignore the anti-psychiatry people, since Szasz, Foucault, and Laing came at it with a very bizarre sense of power and modernism being somehow bound up with schizophrenia.
The truth is that schizophrenia is far too prevalent to be a mutation like, say, Down's Syndrome, that it was likely advantageous to have a trait or byproduct of a trait linked to schizophrenia once upon a time. Examples given might be paranoia causing wariness and better survivability, or that schizophrenic-carrying people have sometimes greater creativity and intelligence when they are NOT sick. Obviously, schizophrenia can cause someone to go brain damaged, or even too fucked up to be creative or think properly. However, it should be noted that some schizophrenics have much better scores on IQ tests BEFORE symptoms arise. It is also usually only men who have it, developing it in late teens, or early twenties, leading us to think testosterone and hormones triggers it.
Although not entirely correct, I often like to read Freud (Outline on Psychosis) and Deleuze & Guattari (Capitalism and Schizophrenia) critically, since they go back and forth on the topic. However, they were very much embedded in their own concepts and projections. The reason why you might compare them is because Judge Schreber gets mentioned a lot, and his "dementia praecox" was a great example of early ideas about what came to be called schizophrenia; it even presents with a lot of bad diagnostic criteria like "latent homosexuality causes paranoia."

>> No.21684942

Don't take your meds they're lying to you.

>> No.21684967

Capitalism and Schizophrenia, and Thousand Plateaus by Deleuze.

>> No.21684971
File: 24 KB, 333x500, 0691015899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lacan and Jung, psychology is fake and gay, psychoanalysis is the real deal. This is the easiest introduction to Lacan since he focusses on psychosis more.

>> No.21684998

Say this image describes me to a T. How would I go a about fixing myself?

>> No.21685010

I have never been diagnosed with schizophrenia, but have dealt with manic psychosis on and off for several years. My advice

1. Avoid marijuana like the plague. If you seek substance induced oblivion, drink alcohol and use nicotine instead. Marijuana will aggravate paranoia and degrade cognition worse than they already are.
2. Seek socialization. Don’t expect the people you socialize with to be smart. Socializing is mostly about killing time and getting out of your head. An easy source of social time and friends in most American towns is church groups. You don’t have to believe the religion, just pretend to and use the church for friends.
3. Stop reading so much. Reading is highly introspective and introspection will aggravate your symptoms. Occupy yourself with a job, no matter how menial, and begin an exercise regimen. I recommend weightlifting but there are many options out there.
4. Take your medicine, but don’t take too much. Don’t be afraid to reduce your dose if the side effects are too much. You can get akathisia, erectile dysfunction, and other awful effects from these meds. But on low, low doses they can help you control your delusions and live a good life.

Good luck, brother.

>> No.21685060
File: 76 KB, 600x600, Brazilia-Jiu-Jitsu-Startseite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diagnosed schizophrenic here, although only residual schizophrenia left, basically cured.

Combining sports and socialisation is extra great, yesterday I was a bit loopy, having delved into the origins of postmodernism between Focault and Derrida, the difference between continental and analytical philosophy, and how metamodernism plays into the whole thing, I was a bit loopy.

Going to martial arts and throwing some people around, and in turn get thrown around was extremely grounding, after a few hard rounds of rolling I was completely centered again, although with a few bruises more.

>> No.21685065

The Red Book

>> No.21685073

Just ask The Voices to explain it to you. Lets not act like an uncontacted normalbrain faggy author is going to know more than They Themselves.

>> No.21685088

Gulping's Recital and The Tunnel by Russel Edson

>> No.21685288

Thank you.

>> No.21685300


OP just take a hard atheist materialistic science stance and learn as much as you can from math/physics/epistemology. Then stay far the fuck away from any mysticism or religion and you should be cured

>> No.21685344

I want nothing but quiet and repose. - rene descartes. I see nothing wrong with being this wojak personally. Not as bad as the man of inaction

>> No.21685350

autism was once referred to as childhood schizophrenia. Just saying. I believe the old school of thought on autism was more accurate than the current one. They seem to have lumped a random genetic mental disability condition in with the original definition of autistics to give mothers a break but the original definition of it was a developmental disorder.

>> No.21685367

Holy based

>> No.21685393

Based and kindpilled.