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21681635 No.21681635 [Reply] [Original]

book recommendations to cure my melancholy

>> No.21681638

On the Economy of Machinery by Charles Babbage

>> No.21681642
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was just gonna post this

>> No.21681670

>The Pessimism of Jesus

This one is legit

>> No.21681689

Where can I find it?

>> No.21681704


>> No.21681720

It's not in any one place.

>‘“No!” / He started to cry out, “There isn’t any God!”’

>So, Christ attempts to rouse his friends, telling them that he has suffered a ‘bloody and broken’ body for nothing, and that instead of God there is only a void:

‘Brothers, I have deceived you: Abyss! abyss! abyss!
No God is on the altar where my body is …
There is no God! No longer!’ Through all this they snored!

>The sleeping disciples are utterly insensible to the bad news of this anti-Gospel. Searching for the eye of God, in the second stanza, Christ sees only a black, bottomless pit, from which ‘eternal night / Streams out over the world ever deepens’.

>> No.21683036


>> No.21683354

Going outside and taking a walk.

>> No.21683556

The Anatomy of Melancholy

>> No.21683635

>we are destroying the universe by observing it

Any help with any of these?

>> No.21683727
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Books or the idea?
Its mostly a Quantom theory kind of thing.

>> No.21683822

You can fuck off

>> No.21684197

Look at the synopsis here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Anatomy_of_Melancholy#Synopsis

And this is ChatGPT explaining it in simpler terms:
>The text is discussing two types of melancholy: one that is temporary and can happen to anyone when they feel sad or troubled, and another that is more serious and long-lasting. The temporary type of melancholy can make people feel heavy and unhappy, and everyone experiences it at some point in their lives. The more serious type of melancholy is like a personality trait or a habit that someone can develop over time. It is difficult to get rid of once it has become a part of someone's character.

I just find this funny just how fucking disgustingly convoluted that writing is for saying so little.

>> No.21684804

Kill yourself

>> No.21684848
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>Abyss! abyss! abyss!

Yeah fuck the abyss. A hole is a hole. :)

>> No.21685167

Sounds like Jewish tricks

>> No.21685181


>> No.21685192

.420 slug from a rat shot gun.

>> No.21685194 [DELETED] 


>> No.21685200

.410 idgaf

>> No.21685204


>> No.21685234

Do you really think based on OP image that they are reading Cioran and Mark Fisher to cure their depression

>> No.21685243

I want to kill myself. my life has never been anything other than a miserable and pointless hell, comboed by these worthless bloody defective eyes which mean I'm writing this with my eyes closed.

Why would god make such a key faculty so bloody variable? I have literally nothing I can do to kill the time when my eyes hurt like this. Fucking kill me.

>> No.21685252

Ignore pedophile replies, sage pedophile threads, filter pedophile users.

>> No.21685254

There is no god its just the way the die rolled for you in a universe of causes and effects unbidden to human desires. If there is a god then they planned all this suffering and are possibly malevolent in doing so or at least indifferent.

>> No.21685260

Oh I see. New to the board here thanks for the heads up.

>> No.21685261

Umami isn't real cumgenius.

>> No.21685269

It's a phrase. God made you retarded and in pain.

>> No.21685299

Please just tell us where this excerpt is from.

>> No.21685313

Not that anon but it's from Christ in the Olive Grove by Gerard de Nerval

>> No.21685334
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>gnostic pessimism

>Inhabited by the feeling of being a stranger to the world, where he has been made to fall, the gnostic discovers that he is in essence a native of a beyond, although his body and his lower passions belong to this world. He then understands that he is of the race (genos) of the chosen ones, superior and "hypercosmic" beings.[22] If he desperately yearns for an afterlife, it is because he experiences within himself a throbbing nostalgia for the original homeland from which he has fallen. This longing affects the upper part of his soul, which is a divine principle in exile here on earth, and which can only be saved by the recognition of its original origin—gnosis proper.[22] Those whose higher part of the soul has remained extinct, or who are devoid of it, that is to say, all the individuals whom the Gnostics call hylics (the majority of human beings and all animals), are condemned to destruction or to wander in this world, undergoing the terrifying cycle of reincarnations.[22]

How schizo am I if this resonates deeply with me?

>> No.21685340

Thank you. I have ordered a copy of The Chimeras.

>> No.21685351

Just to add, the poem is indeed Nerval but the rest of anon's quote is from a section of the book Lev Shestov, Philosopher of the Sleepless Night

>> No.21685355 [DELETED] 

Are there books that write about falling in love with someone unreachable based only on the art she left behind? Is this something that only happens in the realm of idiotic theatrics and schizophrenia?
Anything about art being such a powerful connection between people that you can fall in love through it?

>> No.21685363

Do you mean the greentext sections that are analysing Nerval's poem?

>> No.21685375
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>> No.21685492

This is just gnostic trannies stealing from gigachad Plotinus again, who explicitly distanced himself from and wrote a polemic against them.

>> No.21685634
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Thank you based anon,
I have bought that as well.
I love the feeling of pairing the source material with it's analysis.
Maximum comfort.

>> No.21685662

Hopefully you are interested in the other topics covered, wouldn't want you to regret those purchases

>> No.21685675

No need to worry on that front. I love reading in general, as in the process of it. Obviously some books have been total dogshit like Dropbear or I Love Dick by Klaus (infuriatingly bad), but even then I can't be that upset because at least they weren't anodyne and forgettable. My favourite book is still Watership Down ever since I was four.

>> No.21685915

that's alot of words to call someone and incel

>> No.21687382


>> No.21687650
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Here's an edited version so you don't fuck your life up.

>> No.21687703

What's the significance of these edits?

>> No.21687721

You won’t fuck your life up.

>> No.21687924

Stop freaking me out man, explain it

>> No.21687972

Explaining it is the problem, it's what fucks you up. Look up info hazards. Learning about the shit I censored can mess your life up. It happened to me and I wish it didn't.
Just be nice to yourself and don't worry about it.

>> No.21688674

You're too late, most people on this site already know Reddit exists.

>> No.21688706

Shouldn't Roko's Basilisk be censored as well then?

>> No.21689145

No, Roko's Basilisk isn't to be taken seriously and if it is real you're doomed whether you know it or not.

>> No.21689181
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>We are destroying the Universe by observing it
Uh, yeah. Thats all a perception issue though.
>God is Evil
Irrational blasphemy; only a Redditard would think this.
>Why do bad thing happen :(((
>Why do feel bad DDD:

These are all lame.
Its impossible to impart actual intelligence onto an AI (which are effectively complex water filters), and when you time travel you dont remain in the """timeline""" you came from.

>> No.21689199
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>world is very obviously both good and bad
>almost everyone is convinced that its actually...Le Good! Or created by a good God at least
>the few people who disagree with this go to the polar opposite side and say its actually entirely evil and wrong
Is it so hard to just say irs a mixture of good and bad, two forces, not one?

>> No.21689317
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It's a meme called "Solar Plexus Clown Glider" -- the image is taken from "Why Hasn't everything already disappeared?" by Jean Baudrillard

>> No.21689912
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Google 'Solar Plexus Clown Glider' sightings
Rokos Basilisk is fake and gay reddit shit
Solar Plexus Clown Glider is hyperreal hyperstitional thoughtform brought into beingas a fatal strategy to destroy the world by Jean Baudrillard, could not be comprehended by Redditors ywet still destroys their minds, very based

>> No.21689954


The mixture is itself nothing but Evil.

>> No.21690201

Mark Fisher had dangerously low test levels, you can hear it on his voice

>> No.21690209

Reading is already a reason to not kill myself. Maybe writing too

>> No.21690211

Sounds like it was written from someone who doesn't fit in and desperately wants to believe it's because they're special.

>> No.21690302

>We are destroying the Universe by observing it
You'll niggers don't even read Heidegger

>> No.21690329

>you're doomed whether you know it or not.
Is this supposed to be a strangely comforting thought?

>> No.21690433
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I genuinely believe that the cause of miserable thoughts is free will (and maybe atheism).
I don't know anything about history but I suppose that when everything happened at the whim of the gods, everyone was angry with them for the misfortunes. And now the suffering is infinite, and the guilt too.

>> No.21690491
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>*Causes you to commit suicide*

>> No.21691606

I've read how Lynch was somehow influenced by the solar nigger clown whatever, probably true.