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21680390 No.21680390 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that speak lucidly about “ego death”? Whenever people talk about it they sound incoherent.

>> No.21680400

>Whenever people talk about it they sound incoherent.
It's delicious to me when people say things like this. The naivete of assuming that because you don't understand something, it is cosmically incoherent... delicious.
>anything I don't understand is incoherent

>> No.21680407


>Are there any books that speak lucidly about “ego death”?


>Whenever people talk about it they sound incoherent.


>> No.21680410

Kek, imagine being so dumb to believe in demons.

>> No.21680413 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 204x165, D19304C2-C382-44C9-BBDE-5339D7743D6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fingers Pointing Towards The Moon; Reflections of a Pilgrim on the Way, by Wei Wu Wei (Terence Grey)
Why Lazarus Laughed; The Essential Doctrine of Zen-Advaita-Tantra (ibid)
Ask The Awakened; The Negative Way (ibid)
Open Secret (ibid)
The Tenth Man (ibid)
Posthumous Pieces (ibid)

>> No.21680416



>> No.21680419

Not OP but if you ask your average ego death experiencer what it all means, prepare to get plenty of “umm” and “like”

>> No.21680420
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Fingers Pointing Towards The Moon; Reflections of a Pilgrim on the Way, by Wei Wu Wei (Terence Grey)
Why Lazarus Laughed; The Essential Doctrine of Zen-Advaita-Tantra (idim)
Ask The Awakened; The Negative Way (id.)
Open Secret (id.)
The Tenth Man (id.)
Posthumous Pieces (id.)

>> No.21680421

I don't believe in ego death nor I know what it is. What I firmly believe is that you're a retard and a religious zealot larper (or even worse, a religious retard).

>> No.21680422

>I'm a le heckin' funny schizo cause I type retarded shit in all caps!!! XD

>> No.21680436

Whenever this retard bumps a thread the discussion gets derailed, I hope he kills himself.

>> No.21680467

>that speak lucidly about “ego death”
Some things can't be explained with words, especially to those who have never experienced it themselves. Do drugs.

>> No.21680501

Bhagavad Gita is the best description and it is the first religious description. If you are asking an intellectual understanding of something that you can only intuit and feel, then the Bhagavad Gita is the closest analogue to that.

>> No.21680552

Almost certainly this kind of experience can't be transferred or understood properly without experiencing it yourself, if you don't have risk of developing schizophrenia just try it with drugs.

>> No.21680557

Don’t believe anything they say about ego death. Look at the average recipient of such experiences. Loser, leftist, broke, drug addicts. They took so much crap they broke their brain, and treat it as some higher experience. For your sake. Avoid like the plague.

>> No.21680568


After any reasonable amount of psychedelic intake you cannot remain a rightist egoist asshole. I think its stastically impossible, so you are right in that psychs do have a hidden political dimension.

>> No.21680578

Dismemberment, autoscopy

>> No.21680584
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>> No.21680588

I watched a PhD describe it and he said umm and like about 7 times. It temporarily rendered him a dumbo to me. What’s wrong with saying “ there’s this indescribable feeling that can only be expressed by trying it” when your short on words?

>> No.21680590

Find a Tibetan Buddhist temple and ask a lama

>> No.21680646

>lama: Ching Ching Chong, chong chong ching
>translater: he says it’s like that feeling when you’re like umm two bodies but like they’re two spirits that are like friends who don’t always get along but then there’s this third friend who tries to like keep these guys from pissing each other off … uh like a mediator therapist kind of thing… hope that helps.

>> No.21680689


>> No.21680748
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>> No.21680771

Why read when you can find out yourself. 400-500ug should be a high enough dose. Just be sure you are in a good set and setting. Have fun.

>> No.21680782

luv me acid
still 'ave rightoid ideas
simple as

>> No.21680791
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That's because it is an incoherent concept. Literally druggies being confused while intoxicated and meditator that experience it have basically self-hypnotized themselves.

>> No.21680793

*the meditators that have experienced it

>> No.21680806

it's ok if you don't understand anon, just don't know why it makes you so mad.
his friend is the worst possible tripsitter, fuck him.

>> No.21680832

>it's ok if you don't understand anon
It's funny how so many people that claim to have "transcended their ego" have this smug self-superiority about them. I'm fine being unenlightened while you give yourself brain damage with drugs.

>> No.21680867

It's fine anon. One day you'll stop getting mad at things you don't know or like.

>> No.21680886

I've witnessed several people suffer and ego death, and even having seen it words fail me.
How does one articulate the way man sees the world through the lense of self image? He sees a tree and thinks it to be a kind of man, he sees a bird and thinks it to be a kind of man, he sees a woman and thinks it to be a kind of man, his god is a kind of man, man blindly self gazes.

Man is raised above the animals through a kind of empathy, through the necessary struggle an this kind of empathy man can transcend himself, that is the dead of the self.

This often happens when a man is martyred, and indeed ascendency is often inclined this way by circumstance, but whether struggle kills the man or not is irrelevant. The death of the self can occur in a variety of circumstances.

I know one man who ascended through barefoot passage through a mountain pass, as he was called on a pilgrimage to a given place.
I know another who through drug taking had a similar illusory experience, and this had much the same effect.
Once I was called but failed, my thoughts then were base, I thought of ascencion with a kind of greed as if it were a prize my present self might possess. Struggle is necessary but I could not shed myself, for many years I chiselled in vain and suffered greatly and this is how i was passed by these great men, who's greatness I resent and am jelous of.

>> No.21680895

The lamas are not the only transcendent holy men, having spent a great deal of time in Tibet I met many of the holy men including the dali lama, who is an ascended man.

But the western understanding of Buddhism is a meme and there's as much or as little virtue in most societies. Young people go overseas because they have commitment issues

>> No.21680918

Surely the key word here is "claim", I've never known an ascendent to claim or even acknowledge their ascension.
>how do you know then
When you meet people like this you know, their actions, speech and thoughts belie it. It's not an aura in a phisical sense but instinctively you know, then observe or reason why later.

I don't think these people are even capable of being smug, really I don't. A smug thought has so come from somewhere, it's just another projection of self image.

>> No.21681066

Only intelligent post here.

>> No.21681228

Husbando anata spendo aru aru monisuru ona bukurusu

>> No.21682584

I blame the responders rather than the poster himself.

>> No.21682603

there are feelings that no book or media can explain
like losing virginity with someone you like

Ego death can only be felt through experience
Trying to understand ego death thru words is like trying to know how sex feels like thru porn

>> No.21682790


>> No.21682800

>Whenever people talk about it they sound incoherent.
Because it's a junkie thing.

>> No.21683121


>> No.21683498
File: 1.85 MB, 1174x1040, only in your imagination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>losing virginity with someone you like
Impossible these days

>> No.21683571

Because there has never been an intelligent person that has excessively taken psychedelics. Notice how all heavy users of psychedelics are incoherent schizos buying into outlandish theories with ease. False profundity from drugs has destroyed their ability to think clearly.

>> No.21683839

There’s always the Bible.

>> No.21683860

Just look up schizophrenia in the dsm

>> No.21683917
File: 252 KB, 1024x1024, 1673487097215259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually cool

>> No.21683952

Says the video isnt available. What is it?

>> No.21683962


>> No.21684049

You mean a novel? If so, The Sacred Book of the Werewolf.

Non-fiction, go for a The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

>> No.21684066


>> No.21684252

If someone comes up to you saying he transcended his ego, he didnt. Its as simple as that really, it's an entirely personal experience anyway

>> No.21684311

What is that

>> No.21684564

one of the more eloquent descriptions I've come across


>> No.21684642

We don't reply to Cum Genius
We don't reply to Cum Genius
We don't reply to Cum Genius
We don't reply to Cum Genius
We don't reply to Cum Genius

>> No.21684696

How he describes the extremely negative worst possible interpretation of the thought loop spiral is exactly what I experienced years ago with my first horror trip....Very interesting....and cathartic to hear. I know his pain

>> No.21684749

Ironically, you're engaging in some sort of smug self-superiority of your own. It's clear that you think yourself better than those that "give themselves brain damage with drugs'" as you say

>> No.21684835

>you think yourself better than those that "give themselves brain damage with drugs'" as you say
Not a hard thing to imagine to look down upon a tiny minority of people versus the reverse of these people thinking they have rose above the mass of humanity because they took a drug/sat in lotus position for a while.