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21679840 No.21679840 [Reply] [Original]

Whenever my internet goes down, I get super productive and creative. Sometimes I fantasize about my internet going out for days at a time, where I'd have nothing to do but play games, read books, and do creative stuff.

The problem is, when I know my internet works, it's way harder to get sucked into books or other stuff. I know that endless stimulation is just a click away and it's irresistible. How do you guys fight this? It screws me up

>> No.21679847

When you don’t start with the Greeks

>> No.21679858

Unplug your router. Get a "dumbphone" like a Nokia. Retreat into the woods in a cabin miles and miles away from the nearest road

>> No.21679874

pirate normie shit on public trackers until you get enough letters that they cut you off, so you can't have internet no matter how much you want it.

>> No.21679881

I like going on wikipedia binges when I take a bath on my phone

>> No.21679897

I know what you mean op. I don't use a smartphone but there has been weeks here and there that I've been without my tablet and I'm always amazed at how much more reading I do in those times than usual. I'm definitely an addict but I don't really care at this point in time.

>> No.21679951

Literally filtered by your own adhd

>> No.21679964

Based I'm doing that next

>> No.21679995

i have the same problem

>> No.21680492

I once forced myself not to use any internet of any kind for a week and it was great. I still went to work and did my usual normal life but I just wrote things down a lot more and pre-planned stuff. In my free time as imagined I read way more, and also played a lot more music than I usually do. Ubiquitous internet really is a scourge. I miss the days when if you wanted to use the internet, you had to go specifically seek it out at a library or internet café or something. Otherwise, you just carried on without it. That was the perfect balance.

>> No.21680502

Please advise:
I could most likely remove myself from the internet, but my girlfriend lives in another continent and I would want to keep in touch with her.

>> No.21680538

Cancel your dsl and just use mobile, with volume restriction. Access to actually useful information, wikipedia etc is still practically unlimited, but you won't get stuck on youtube for hours...

>> No.21681043

The same way people have kept in touch over long distance for centuries: letters. Tell her to send nudes if you get lonely.

>> No.21681060

i don't turn on my pc until i've read my fill (usually 4-6 hours). never really got "addicted" since i only use my pc to work, or distract myself from said work. as a result, i hate using my pc. if you're addicted to phone use then i don't know how to help you.

in the long run, it's about having a higher standard of entertainment. if your usual timewasters are starting to seem retarded and are boring you, you're on the right track. even now i just hopped on /lit/, saw your thread, replied to it, and am now back to reading.

>> No.21681223

You can install a blocker (e.g Cold Turkey Blocker) that limits internet use to a specified allowance per day or at a scheduled time.

>> No.21681273

Buy a shitty thinkpad and get rid of your larger screens. Get rid of your smartphone.

>> No.21681275

Holy shit letters is so much comfier than phone calls and texts and skype

>> No.21681285

>tfw use my internet connection as a radio while doing stuff with my hands
You know there's audiobooks on the internet? You can play TV and radio shows on it and do things with your hands and feet at the same time.

>> No.21681298
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>block out the bad thoughts nononono no bad thoughts no think no

>> No.21681499

>happy radio shows sell
kek human misery can keep anything alive as art.

>> No.21682052


>> No.21682076

Physically removing the computers and phone, maybe burying them out in the yard, but for me I just throw them in a closet and disassemble some large heavy furniture to bury them. I got six months of no internet doing that. It starts out real good, but eventually I just learn to sleep all day.

>> No.21683292

keep your computer offline and/or your router. Schedule your online time. give yourself an hour or two a day to get everything you need done online. Keep a list of what needs to be done.

if particular sites are a problem, you can use blockers and also the hosts file to make things harder for you.

>> No.21683309

Learn some self-control.

>> No.21684833


>> No.21685641

if every terminally online subhuman was gutted the world would improve considerably