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/lit/ - Literature

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21670157 No.21670157 [Reply] [Original]

Why do these dudes keep calling each other "Dear"?

>> No.21670184

Because they love each other? Are you one of those simpletons who think the only way for humans to love each other is sexually/romantically?

>> No.21670205

Brit slang. Just means sir but more familiar
Now when they start calling each other "honey", you can worry about what kind of ship you're on.

>> No.21670216
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>why do these dudes keep calling each other "sailor"?

>> No.21670281

Poor people hung out at the docks looking for work, and wealthy fags would drop by looking to pay a lad or lass for a twirl. Prostitution is often found by the harbor.

This shouldn’t imply that all semen are homosexual

>> No.21670287

>all semen

>> No.21670293
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Just lads being dears

>> No.21670294

Their love transcends the Tory/liberal divide.
Their love transcends the English/irish divide.
Their love transcends the CoE/Catholic-Atheist divide.

Sucking each other off is, in comparison, small biscuits.

>> No.21671420

What the fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.21671430

>What the fuck is wrong with you.
I actually read the text we're discussing

>> No.21671436

One of the many crimes of present-day culture is the perversion of manly friendship. Imagine the fun that modern academics would have with "arm in arm" in this passage, for example:

Some years ago I, the editor, was stopping with a friend, “vir doctissimus et amicus meus,” at a certain University, which for the purposes of this history we will call Cambridge, and was one day much struck with the appearance of two persons whom I saw going arm-in-arm down the street. One of these gentlemen was I think, without exception, the handsomest young fellow I have ever seen. He was very tall, very broad, and had a look of power and a grace of bearing that seemed as native to him as it is to a wild stag. In addition his face was almost without flaw—a good face as well as a beautiful one, and when he lifted his hat, which he did just then to a passing lady, I saw that his head was covered with little golden curls growing close to the scalp.

“Good gracious!” I said to my friend, with whom I was walking, “why, that fellow looks like a statue of Apollo come to life. What a splendid man he is!”

“Yes,” he answered, “he is the handsomest man in the University, and one of the nicest too. They call him ‘the Greek god’; but look at the other one, he’s Vincey’s (that’s the god’s name) guardian, and supposed to be full of every kind of information. They call him ‘Charon.’” I looked, and found the older man quite as interesting in his way as the glorified specimen of humanity at his side. He appeared to be about forty years of age, and was I think as ugly as his companion was handsome. To begin with, he was shortish, rather bow-legged, very deep chested, and with unusually long arms. He had dark hair and small eyes, and the hair grew right down on his forehead, and his whiskers grew right up to his hair, so that there was uncommonly little of his countenance to be seen. Altogether he reminded me forcibly of a gorilla, and yet there was something very pleasing and genial about the man’s eye. I remember saying that I should like to know him.

— 'She', H. Rider Haggard

>> No.21671444

damnit, I knew something was up when I saw the name 'HMS Dicklicker'

>> No.21671533

But why?

>> No.21671581

>Why do these dudes keep calling each other "Dear"?
It's a term of endearment

>> No.21672414

>“Good gracious!” I said to my friend, with whom I was walking, “why, that fellow looks like a statue of Apollo come to life. What a splendid man he is!”

>> No.21673663

You wouldn't get it

>> No.21673716

I always call my bros dear, what the fuck is your problem?

>> No.21674379

Do your bros call you dear or do they just put up with you being weird?

>> No.21674434

They just pull me off.

>> No.21675195


>> No.21675308
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>all semen

>> No.21675692
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>> No.21675746

Then why are you on /lit/?

>> No.21676976

Jack-tier pun

>> No.21677518

The HMS Shitfire

>> No.21678025

It's a way to express they esteem each other and hold each other dear in the comrade in arms way, that's much shorter than "my good whatever" etc.

Why do people adress their letters "Dear Mr. Whatever" or "Dear Sir" when they write to complain?

>> No.21678833

Is the book anywhere near as good as the movie was?

>> No.21678843
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>13 books
>number 10 is the adaptation

>> No.21678851

I like that he's drinking rosé straight out the bottle.

>> No.21678982

21 books sonny

And book 2 is Jane Austen

>> No.21678988

The movie borrows from book 1 and 10

>> No.21679171

That depends on what you liked about the movie. If you just want boom boom ship battles you will be disappointed, but if you want more drunk arguments about life between the two best bros that ever were then you'd better start reading because you've got a long journey ahead of you