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/lit/ - Literature

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21666699 No.21666699 [Reply] [Original]

Not sure if this should be here or /lit/, but...Is anyone kind of sick of how the bad guys never get any? Like, even in supposedly grimdark stories, they never get a chance to actually rape successfully. Someone will always come in to save the girl in time, or the girl will save herself.
I always thought it'd be kind of interesting if the villains actually fuck the girl, then that weight has to be carried for the rest of the series.

Like, The Sacred Blacksmith had the hero's long-haired, Sephiroth-esque rival corner the main heroine. But he doesn't bang her, he just beats her. It's later revealed he's impotent and probably a homo.
What happened to incredibly attractive and virile bad guys? I can't think of a better taunt than "I fucked your woman and she liked it" to set up a proper grudge match, possibly with the girl's own ambiguous feelings complicating things.

>> No.21666700
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The exception being Berserk's eclipse, but everyone knows that one.

>> No.21666701
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>Is anyone kind of sick of how the bad guys never get any?

>> No.21666702

I mean it's so common I don't think I've ever seen a villain pull off the penetration part. Like, just stick it in.

>> No.21666703

Those sound like very boring stakes to hang a story off of. I assume that it isn't done because it's not interesting as much as its not done for the obvious hesitation on the part of the author.

>> No.21666704

The beauty of /tg/ is that you create your own story. If you want the bad guys to rape, then play a bad guy and rape. Simple.

>> No.21666705

Yeah but think of the storytelling possibilities it opens up

>> No.21666706

is this the new rape thread?

>> No.21666707
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Because rape is bad? Because most people don't like rape? Because it makes the vast majority of women uncomfortable, since they'd only ever even fantasized about getting raped by guys they'd consider willingly fucking anyway?
You need to stop reading doujins, anon.

>> No.21666708

I meant in cases where rape was already teased, if it wasn't obvious. Like deliver on the threat sometime lol

>> No.21666709

They absolutely can.

>> No.21666710

Was there an old rape thread?

>> No.21666711
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>> No.21666712

Hey tg, what if my fetish you know? Like I can have my fetish all I want in fapfics and fap comics, but like, why not have an entire table of people subject to my retarded fapfic? Really grinds my gears! Gosh I sure have a lot of no games and no friends to get to!

>> No.21666713

She totally consented, incidentally. It was deliberately done to entrap her husband's rival.
Worth noting that the real-life guy, right before he was stabbed, swore that he was innocent. Why do that and choose death when you could save your own life?

>> No.21666714

Why don't you tell us about why you're so eager for the rape to happen. Most people don't spend a lot of time in stories or TTRPGs talking about taking a shit, and that's a lot less sensitive a topic than rape. This seems like a no-brainer.

>> No.21666715

It's like when a kid is endangered. Yeah right, like you'd REALLY kill the little bastard.

>> No.21666716

This belongs in /lit/.

My bad guys explicitly fuck. Sometimes on screen.

>> No.21666717
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been a minute iirc

>> No.21666718

Go read Sara Douglass.

>> No.21666719

How about finding Jesus instead?
In all seriousness, i think most DM would probably try to avoid such touchy -pun intended- subject to not horrify your players. Like, even if you found a table full of red pilled imposible to trigger politically incorrect giga chads (near imposible task this days in the west) i don't think most people would find it amusing to get their characters raped. I personally would find it gay and degenerate
Then again, there's all sorts of group dynamics, and I'm sure there are basement dwellers into that

>> No.21666720

I'm unconvinced. It sounds lazy and reminds me of hack superhero comics where protagonists are inspired to action because their hot girlfriend was murdered and left in their refrigerator, except only now somehow less dramatic in the amount of lasting trauma being inflicted.

>> No.21666721
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This should be in /d/, /h/, /aco/, or /trash/.

There are plenty of stories that focus on rape OP, stop acting like a dumbass and job jerk off.

>> No.21666722

>possibly with the girl's own ambiguous feelings complicating things.

Men have reached a point in society where either it doesn't really matter to them, or it matters so much that if the women do feel any complications they are instantly disregarded.

There is no in-between.

>> No.21666723

Rape is a legal fiction. Back in the good old days you just bonked a woman on the head, dragged her back to the cave, and made her have your babies. Then your parents pay her parents a cow or something to make up for losing their daughter's help around the farm.

>> No.21666724

t. a caveman who was actually there

>> No.21666725
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I can fix that

>> No.21666726

No, I don't have a rape/NTR fetish, thanks for asking

>> No.21666727

The problem is that it makes the actual protagonist a literal cuck. It also ruins the relationship, because she can't be unfucked. If she gets pregnant, it's even worse.
Legend of Maian does this, and the villain spends literal years raping the main heroine. It ain't good.

>> No.21666728

>bad guy has a family who loves him
Name 1 (one) setting

>> No.21666729
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>Is anyone sick of how the bad guys never get any?
No man. For one, a villain can have sex without raping anyone, but beyond that, it doesn't fucking matter. In your cum-brained malaise you may have failed to see the possibility that not everyone at the table wants to have that kind of shit in the game. As sketchy as this is, I'll assume that you aren't just a freak with a rape fetish, but even given that generous leeway, it's still weird as hell. My group wants to go on badass adventures and defeat nefarious bastards and badass monsters. At no point would it ever suit the game to inject some random sexual abuse into the story. That's just lame and such a weak and two-dimensional motivator. It just brings an uncomfortable energy to the table and is completely unnecessary.

>> No.21666730

Yeah, it's not a fetish of mine. I just feel, why bring up the threat if you never follow through?

>> No.21666731

Why bring up the rape threat to begin with, though? I don't know, I guess it's possible that we just have different tastes in fantasy, but very rarely has sexual assault been used to good effect in stories, I think. It's often used as this thing that's just thrown in to make a character more tragic or as a Kick The Puppy moment, but it's a lot more sour than the other evil shit someone can do. I think because of how fantasy violence is, sexual assault is even more insidious and vile than straight up murder. Like, a villain killing a bunch of people is par for the course, but raping people is going to make people uncomfortable a lot of the time, and even if it didn't, I just feel like it's a sort of low blow, so to speak. I think having to rape someone makes a character more pathetic, so if that's what you want to go for then certainly, but it would either bungle up the magnificent bastard personality I want some antagonists to have, be completely out of pocket for the stalwart overlord types. That's just my feel on it, I guess. I don't think that it's really needed for the story to be effective, and the harm it can do to a table outweighs the potential benefit to the stakes of the story, since the same sort of contempt can be summoned for an antagonist with a lot of other shit that is inarguably cooler and more archetypically fulfilling.

>> No.21666732

Why are you identifying with the the bad guy, OP?

>> No.21666733

Is it really that easy for me to ruin your relationships? I didn't think it would be that simple.

>> No.21666734
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>hurr durr muh rape
You're a stupid fucking moron

>> No.21666735

Rape is just a pretty taboo thing so it's best left open to interpretation if your audience is much larger than a small group of friends who know each other well.

Like, the villain usually has the princess captive for more than enough time to rape her - especially in RPGs where the rescue is an epic quest. What do you think he's doing with her?

>> No.21666736

Most decent villains are probably above shit like this and even lowly bandits probably would realize she's worth more in mint condition. The better question is why the villain WOULD even want too when there's an equally good chance he's got his own villainess henchwoman to bang.

>> No.21666737

IRL villains commit rape all the time dude

>> No.21666738

Because people are uncomfortable with the topic so it's better left out. Although people nowadays are uncomfortable with almost any hard topics, which is why we have shallow, easy to digest entertainment as default.
Game of Thrones had rape btw, as a recent and major example, although not in the most brutal form.
It is a very powerful tool in the writer's arsenal although I am sure women do not like to be raped and it leaves them traumatized, sometimes for life.

>> No.21666739

> he uses tvtropes

>> No.21666740

Why don't monsters sometimes poo out eggs? I think it'd be very funny to see a monster poo out and egg in front of the dwarf and the elf and the hobbits. It'd be a little bit gross but also pretty funny haha

>> No.21666741

I suppose 100% of the IRL rapists do rape, yes. The fuck are you talking about IRL villains?

>> No.21666742

Unless you're reading porn why would it even come up?

>> No.21666743

Yeah, it be that way
haha yeah bro lol haha lmao xD

>> No.21666744

I would literally rather be raped than murdered. As for fiction it's inclusion in a story as a threat or as a tool to contrive tension doesn't impress me and I don't understand the fixation for wanting it.

>> No.21666745

NTR is a shit premise for a story because it will inevitably devolve into fetishism. It always does.

>> No.21666746

My boy did nothing wrong

>> No.21666747

I like using rape as a to device to emphasize just how bad a villain really is. Obviously you should save for only for your most despicable bad guys though.

>> No.21666748

No you're not. And if you are you wrote a shitty villain. We don't need extra motivation to hate our villain.

>> No.21666749

Or you could do a variety of other things that aren't nearly as messy and uncomfortable.

>They used to be a loving parent, but have since turning evil/eviler become emotionally or physically abusive towards their children
>Show how utterly disconnected and apathetic towards the pain they cause they are

You can never un-rape a character, but PCs can kill the villain and adopt his kid, or so on. Rape is just lazy.

>> No.21666750
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Highlander is the only movie I can think of that does this, and you’re right, it is a pretty big “oh this guys a fuckin asshole” moment, but at the end of the day you should gauge how your table would feel about using such a trope

>> No.21666751

Bad guys being rapists makes them more believable and grounded.

>> No.21666752

>My villain is trying to raise an undead army to lay waste to all the realms of man and turn the world into a wasteland of death and decay. But how can I REALLY establish he's not a nice person...

>> No.21666753

I doubt that you have good grounding of fiction or reality to believe that. Maybe I'm unimaginative but I need some convincing.

My view is that it may succeed in making someone appear more monstrous or unhinged, but I can only really accept that it'd make for anything be more believable if it were presented as a detrimental vice. Otherwise I don't see how it would accelerate any of the goals a villain may had set out and could only be a hindrance if they wished to lead any kind of lasting movement or create any substantial following that isn't small-time retard gang stuff.

Unless the story is set in a fucking retarded Kuroinu cartoony hentai world or something, it would be absurd that a large enough following of goal-oriented people would see the habit as a power move.

>> No.21666754

Rape is mostly committed by lower level grunts soldiers, bandits etc.

>> No.21666755

Oh I'm sorry I probably misunderstood then. Goons I could understand then. I had confused the sentiment to be a trait of interest for BBEG's and assumed that was the focus.

>> No.21666756

A BBEG could be a rapist though, depending on how much he channels his Genghis Khan energy.

>> No.21666757

>conquered women weren't throwing themselves at the great khan

>> No.21666758
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Eh. Okay maybe. I still don't think it would elevate a story any. I think it's unnecessary when there are easier solutions for writing bad guys without the baggage, but shit is too broad for me to say no never do X.

>> No.21666759

In Votoms they raped Coccona

She got over it tho

>> No.21666760

If it were ever even going to be in my games, it would be mentioned in passing or happen outside whatever scene is going on. Perhaps a survivor of a pillaging might tearfully imply something, or a bandit may make a comment about raping the women of a village after he and the boys sack it, but beyond that it just seems like it would be someone's weird attempt to insert their fetish into the game. If you're focusing on it, that's weird.

>> No.21666761

Why do you equate bad guys getting any with rape? Why can't they just have waifus or groupies? The BBEG can be married to a woman as fucked up as him, that gives you way more to work with than having him just occasionally act out some violent fantasy on a helpless damsel.

>> No.21666762

Bad guys do bad things, I don't think this is an especially strong case. The real answer is that making the villain a rapist lessens him, by turning him into a wretch with no charisma or magnetism, so that he can't have a woman willingly. A compelling villain should be someone people are drawn to, not repulsed by.

>> No.21666763

>A compelling villain should be someone people are drawn to, not repulsed by
I respectfully disagree

>> No.21666764

Introducing sexual violence to a game is instant "that guy" territory. Unless you're with a likeminded group of /d/eviants you're just gonna make the game uncomfortable and piss foresty for everyone.

>> No.21666765

It has more narrative function than a "piss forest"

>> No.21666766

That's not how normies are gonna see it though man, their brain filters are gonna trip once they realize what you're describing. You need to have a pretty mature (or depraved) group for rape to not make at least one person mad OOC.

>> No.21666767

Rape is considered a standard plot element in most adult-targeted stories. Literally listing off all the movies that use rape as a plot device, or just straight up for characterization of character would be impossible because there are so many. If your group can't handle rape being used in a story they are basically manchildren.

>> No.21666768

>villain is a literal emperor

>> No.21666769

>A compelling villain should be someone people are drawn to, not repulsed by

Francis Begbie:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUZyNLZZjMs

Tommy DeVito: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDYKslnO0r0

Tuco Salamanca: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNDWvndlEYI

Frank Costello:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXq3CtfwIkQ

Gyp Rosetti: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lqyd8BgsrqE

Norman Stansfield: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyi7rbeRvGY

Lil Z: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeN0t2sZaP4

These are just a few S-Tier villains that are entirely unsympathetic.

>> No.21666770
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I refute your argument entirely.

>> No.21666771


>> No.21666772

No I will not enter your NTR magical realm.
Fuck off.
I have absolutely no confidence you have the ability to do this tastefully.

>> No.21666773

Who cares if it is or not? We're going to make this the new rape thread with or without its consent.

Read fantasy written by actual, biological, women (so not WOTC fantasy). They can't put enough rape into their books, because even if they won't admit it, all women want to be raped. Fuck, even the arch SJW bitch Mercedes Lackey, person who created the Blue Rose RPG, as a ton of rape in her books. The Tarma&Kethry books literally started with a gang rape, there's at least two of the short stories I can think of where a group of bandits literally rape girls to death.

>> No.21666774
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Instead make what one would assume to be a piece of shit bad guy actually honorable when you get to meet him

>> No.21666775

>if they write about it then they want it to happen to them

>> No.21666776

I write vore porn in Ao3, anon. That doesn't mean I actually want to be eaten alive.

>> No.21666777
File: 530 KB, 792x1280, d79rb4t-98b7ab78-e1aa-4731-bf24-9d9bd0b31f27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are bandits considered most likely to rape?

>> No.21666778

You ever been with a rape victim? Not talking about "my daddy diddled me twenty years ago" stuff, like "while you were away on your work trip some dude raped me" type incidents. Try spending two years after that doing everything you possibly can to be a supportive partner, genuinely going above and beyond, and then having the whorecunt tearfully confess that on the few recent occasions she felt able to have sex with you, she was fantasizing about her rapist. Try that and tell me your relationship isn't ruined.

Oh she'll try to dress it up as "processing trauma" or whatever pseudobabble she picked up from her therapist, but the plain reality is she was always a whore the rape just revealed it. I lost friends when I dumped her for that, but in retrospect thank fuck I did - she ended up cheating on every single boyfriend she had after me with lookalikes of the description she gave of her rapist and ended up marrying one of them, then roping herself when she found out she was pregnant. Bullet fucking dodged.

>> No.21666779

yeah i too saw that episode of the Flintstones

>> No.21666780

Still human so have our own basic desires, but have placed themselves entirely outside of society and its standards.
Plus we can compare them to real life things.

>> No.21666781

All i write is fanfiction of me winning the LottoMax and buying a mansion with a jacuzzi and mini-bar in it while doing copious amounts of cocaine while fucking strippers and whores.

>> No.21666782

Rape should be a casual thing you do impulse, not something you base your identity on. You should actually base your identity on the murder of your enemies.

>> No.21666783

Is there anything to prove what you're saying? Beyond the guy just swearing he didn't do it, of course - of course, painting it like it definitely was rape was a mistake in the movie, but as I understand it there is no conclusive evidence for either of the sides, besides the fact that the supposed victim and her husband took pretty big risks for the time in order to claim this about the rat.

>> No.21666784

El Guapo put it best.

>> No.21666785

What kind of games do you play and who are the bad guys? Rape was very normal in medieval pillaging, after sieges or even just after battles if the enemy army was routed so much as to leave their entourage behind or scattered. Only highly organized armies sometimes did not rape, yet most commanders didn't care if their troops took the 'conquered' women.

If your aim is to portray a semi-realistic medieval world, which includes their politics which is based in their philosophy, then rape is a part of that (women being lesser, having a far less law-based society). It's inclusion is an effective tool of conveying the dark depths of a setting and/or the past. Of course, use it sparingly and with appropriate gravity, yet don't shy away from it - after all, you don't shy away from portraying killing and murder, do you? So why make the distinction for rape?

>> No.21666786

Lol even modern armies raped women. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_during_the_occupation_of_Germany

>> No.21666787
File: 81 KB, 768x1024, 28207EF9-DAFD-49DC-A80E-92C3D739C8DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just know

>> No.21666788

Yet roastoids froth over ted bundy for being a psychotic serial killer and necrophile
>b-but he's attractive
They fawn over john wayne gacy too, an obese rapist killer clown pedo kfc manager.
Roastoids are attracted to filth.

>> No.21666803

Yes, of course, but at some point it was at least in some armies denounced. You're right, still, and the red army probably committed one of the worst rapes ever, in numbers at least.

And still then the question remains; why are pen and paper players so desensitized to violence, yet rape makes them uncomfortable to a degree they supposedly cannot stomach it at the table? This is weird - that's also the reason why I try to viscerally describe the bloodshed my players commit, as they should realize that what they're doing is murdering themselves through their opposition; they might be morally justified sometimes and in some ways, however that doesn't actually help the acts themselves.

>> No.21666825
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>They fawn over john wayne gacy too
I don't know if that's true. How many of Gacy's paintings are in the hands of women vs men? Remember Gacy was not only fat and bald but also queer.

Most sluts also consider themselves to be rape victims. It's interesting, twenty years ago it was also pretty common for them (especially cougars) to literally say "no! stop!" during completely consensual sex. That tapered off but it continued to be a thing for some of them to struggle and hit you or want you to hit and especially to choke them. Fucking half of the women out there want choked, even good girls.

Bottom line is that society needs to be careful of letting women dictate all the sex rules or we'll end up with population bottlenecks and inbreeding from the town stud secretly being half the kids' baby daddy.

>> No.21666851

I'm literally writing a fantasy novel at the moment and early on, the main female protag gets gang raped by four pseudobarbarians. It's integral to the plot and her own personal character development.

Will probably never even get written though and definitely never published.

And I know, fantasy isn't real literature.

>> No.21666856

>it makes the vast majority of women uncomfortable
good, women should stop reading

>> No.21666861

>Like, even in supposedly grimdark stories, they never get a chance to actually rape successfully
when you don't read

>> No.21666871

Don't make it too long, anons need to be able to hold the book with one hand.

>> No.21666918

>wwaahhh why is my escapist fantasyshit for manbabies unrealistic

>> No.21666926

it would be pretty funny if the protagonist dumps the girl for some other bitch after the rape

>> No.21666938

if you want villains raping women you need to read women's romance stories

>> No.21667538

OP pretty much confirmed he never read a book in his life.

What a shame *lipsmack* they were good digits *lipsmack* what a rotten way to die

>> No.21667893

If they had sex they wouldn't be angry and evil.

>> No.21667909

Men are so unsubtle with their fetish art

>> No.21667929

Villains are usually sexually satisfied

>> No.21667931
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You should read romance "novels" then. Half of it is 40 year old men raping the barely legal protagonist.

>> No.21667947

>Bottom line is that society needs to be careful of letting women dictate all the sex rules or we'll end up with population bottlenecks and inbreeding from the town stud secretly being half the kids' baby daddy.
I'm all in for legalizing rape too, bro

>> No.21667957

>but the plain reality is she was always a whore the rape just revealed it
Why can't it be that the rape just seriously fucked her up? I'm not saying that makes it an easier to deal with the whole situation, but it seems rather judgemental on her to call her a whore for something that happened against her will.

>> No.21668026

Dolokhov in War and Peace.

>> No.21668028

What's up with all the reddit-tier replies on this thread? Was this originally posted in another board? Brain tier thread.

>> No.21668440

Turns out you're wrong. Is this normal for you?

>> No.21668481

Based rape enjoyer.

>> No.21668620

>villain rapes the girl
>he cums
>the end of story
>anon claps and cums too

>> No.21668644


>> No.21668680

Both the book and the movie (the later unintentionally) goes on to say she let it happen in order for her husband to kill him and take his land.
From a legal perspective it is impossible to know though, that is the reason you can not bring a case more than 20 years after it happened, in this much time everything appears a little fogy, imagine 500 years then

>> No.21669257

It came from /tg/.

>> No.21670491

Most normies have extremely unsophisticated moral systems. In fact, they have no true morality. They operate off of what "feels" right. To them, rape is more heinous than murder. Because that's how they "feel". So a villain committing murder makes him extremely unnerving and causes them to crying-reddit-soijak-face, even if they were totally fine with him slaughtering scores of people earlier.

>> No.21670537

Nobody really wants to see it, honestly men probably want to see it less than women. Most men including me would see the woman as tainted or marred in some way after the act, and we want waifus. Women don’t like seeing male sexuality that they aren’t in control of either, and they definitiely wouldn’t want to see an ugly or incel villain getting pussy. The only people that would really want this are people that got their brains warped by corruption fetish/NTR porn i.e. “dude what if the hero got cucked by the villain wouldn’t that be perverse?!”

>> No.21670557

Rape is disgusting and an extremly uncomfortable thing to read about. When it does appear, it's usually tactfully inferred unless you're reading some modernist schlock. I think you're just a pervert that wants pornographic scenes in his /lit/.

>> No.21670605
File: 56 KB, 328x500, the-monk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're talking about YA fiction. You can't include something that bad in YA fiction. It happens in serious literature like in The Monk. And yeah, there are probably tons of erotica for women where protagonist becomes a rape slave for some villainous bad boy.

>> No.21670633

If you're a tyrant your harem is more than willing. If you're on a morally ambiguous quest you are not bothered by that. If you're a warlord you have wives anyway. "Hurr durr I'm evil I'm going to rape this special girl some guy I barely care about loves to be more evil!" Is not a realistic trope.

>> No.21670995

>Because most people don't like
Bandwagon fallacy.
>Because it makes the vast majority of women uncomfortable,
Argumentum ergo decedo.
>since they'd only ever even fantasized about getting raped by guys they'd consider willingly fucking anyway?
Non-sequitur in relation to the previous part of the sentence. This is so because it makes them uncomfortable???? Do you know how and when to use "since"?

You have a really poor way of arguing, so bad it stands out. I actually don't care about sex or rape, and have negative views of each so I have no contrarian opposition. I just read and reread and can't believe how low IQ the person that formulated the post must be which is why you need called out. You're the natalist that was BTFO'd in the antinatalist thread, aren't you?

>> No.21671307

You never read Falkner or any some southern-themed USA lit?

Apparently you talking about some fantasy shit that honestly should make you seem like a fucking low IQ retard.

>> No.21671613

A Certain Hunger is all about the bad guy getting some.

>> No.21671621

>the movie
Not true, not even unintentionally

>> No.21671785


>> No.21671789
File: 240 KB, 1243x1600, David-Foster-Wallace-American (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not /lit/ related

Take your weeb snot elsewhere

>> No.21671797

Lad, this is /lit/.

>> No.21671969

Giff suggestions anon, I need me some good noncon erotica.

>> No.21672004

I remember a required to read book in highschool in Argentina which had this happening.
I don't remember the title or the overall plot, but I remember that it was set in Argentina and written by an argentinian. It was about this man who kept abusing and harassing a woman, and at the end the woman gets the chance to kill him with a gun, but she doesn't, and she ends up defending him with it and saving his life. Anybody knows what I'm talking about? I'd say the novel had between 100 and 200 pages. Also the man was being called "el malévolo" or "el malevo" or something similar, a weird way to say "evil man" to someone.

>> No.21672286

Lots of things are disgusting and uncomfortable. If rape is uniquely distasteful to you, while murder and mutilation are acceptable, you've been psy-op'd by modernity.

>> No.21673318


>> No.21673341

We all know there are plenty of rapist villains. But what about heroes who rape? Some people say Severian raped Jolenta, but let's be real, she was totally asking for it. Is there a hero who actually forces himself on a girl?

>> No.21673350

How the fuck is he supposed to be the hero if he goes around raping anon?

>> No.21673426

he's likely one of those people who cant tell the difference between hero and protagonist

>> No.21673448

He could still be heroic. Like imagine if Aragorn raped some bitch at some point. He still would be a hero.

>> No.21673582

No anon it's like >>2167342 says.
There's a difference between a hero a protagonist, heros can't be rapist by definition

>> No.21673608

So a hero can murder, but if he rapes he's suddenly not a hero anymore? American puritanism is hilarious.

>> No.21673875
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Australian women authors love rape.

>> No.21673899

who did aragorn murder?

>> No.21673945
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More specifically, older feminist fantasy books from the 80s and 90s. Older fantasy books by women had like a unwritten rule of getting the Main character raped or almost get raped And authors like Sharon Green, Melanie Rawn, Ru Emerson, Lynn Abbey, Lynn Flewelling Jennifer Roberson etc.

>> No.21675012

rape is a tired trope "against" a villain
I want to read an arguably justified genocide that the heroes fail to prevent

>> No.21675284

>American puritanism
Has nothing to do with it, retard. Europe used to be founded on the perspective of honor and justice being the highest ideals to attain (killing is honorable and rape is dishonorable), before hateful obese liberal basedboys like you subverted everything =]

>> No.21675299 [DELETED] 

>So a hero can murder, but if he rapes he's suddenly not a hero anymore? American puritanism is hilarious.
Everyone thought rape was disgusting back then you tranny, anything involving the phallus to degrade the other was by definition the ultimate humiliation you could experience. Warriors literally preferred the prospect of suicide to getting raped.

>> No.21675344

>you've been psy-op'd by modernity.
Everyone thought rape was disgusting back then you tranny, anything involving the phallus to degrade the other was by definition the ultimate humiliation you could experience. Warriors literally preferred the prospect of suicide to getting raped.

>> No.21675349

Godly digits but no I never really thought a story would have been better with more onscreen rape, sex generally adds little to a story other than fetish fuel

>> No.21675355

Kill yourself you pathetic shrimp dicked cuck.

>> No.21675379
File: 83 KB, 778x800, thefutureofallchuds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ has ruined this website

>> No.21675430
File: 551 KB, 365x400, soysoysoy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my /tg/ crossboarding shitpost thread to attract autogynephile incel trannies though? BASED!

>> No.21675451

based city of god appreciator

>> No.21676371

>killing is honorable and rape is dishonorable
Says who? Raping sluts is perfectly honorable.

>> No.21676399

No idea. Never read it. But he must murder orcs, right? What if he raped one? Would he stop being a hero?

>> No.21676405
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>What happened to incredibly attractive and virile bad guys? I can't think of a better taunt than "I fucked your woman and she liked it" to set up a proper grudge match, possibly with the girl's own ambiguous feelings complicating things.
Go outside you fat fuck.
Jesus fuck, no one likes you specifically because you think rape is cool.
Get blasted in the face with a rifle round.

>> No.21676407

>no one likes you specifically because you think rape is cool
I think OP is cool because he thinks rape is cool.

>> No.21676408
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How obese are you?
Catch a knife blade to the face, fat boy.

>> No.21676412
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>You need to stop reading doujins, anon.
He needs to run his fat ass around the block and stop digging into his sisters pantie drawer.
This is why I'm glad 4chan users are losers with no friends or family.
You guys are fucked.
Friendly reminder homosexual men are child abusers and or rapist.
Typical for people with mental problems.

>> No.21676427
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>I only read genre shit
Well there's your problem