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/lit/ - Literature

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21665631 No.21665631 [Reply] [Original]

Talking to a girl about literature is so damn depressing. It's like they have no idea what they are talking about. Every time you ask a girl about certain book they will say something like "hehe I liked the prose" or some dumb shit like that, like the most uninteresting, shallow opinions that will make you want to kill yourself. How are this people even allowed to go to university, I bet their essays read like a bot wrote all of them.

>> No.21665640

Very midwit pseud opinion of you, chud

>> No.21665650
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>Every time you ask a girl about certain book they will say something like "hehe I liked the prose"
That's what I say lmao.

>> No.21665656

Are you a hobby/pro writer? I think writers are the only people who consciously care about prose.

>> No.21665679

I really do love prose. I love learning new words, and learning how to express myself more elegantly. It's so lovely, this prose. I do, occassionaly, write—not much however. Proust is my favorite; next is Samuel Johnson; and finally, Jens Peter Jacobsen. Although, Jacobsen is a tier higher than Johnson in regards to the human condition.

>> No.21665707

I'm a girl, ask me anything

>> No.21665712

How often do you need to dilate a week?

>> No.21665713

Girls are icky, stinky head poo poos. Ughhhh

>> No.21665717

What do you read?

>> No.21665718

0, fuck trannies
Yea it's pretty gross when we leave menstrual blood stains on chairs.

>> No.21665725

this is not limited to "girls," you pretentious ass.

>> No.21665726

Damn this board really is just a bunch of bitter incels huh. I honestly feel sorry for you guys. All you have to do is spend the time necessary to improve yourselves enough and then you'll get the girls. Anyone can do it. Good luck

>> No.21665737

Well, I know you're a troll. But consider this: women don't need to improve themselves. I'm only bitter because ugly fat shallow bitches are better off than me.

>> No.21665740

Top 5 favorite books?

>> No.21665742

Mostly novels, historical stuff and pop science. My favorite book is catch-22.

>> No.21665745

It’s just one bitter zoomer. Probably the same fag who derailed the abused anon thread.

>> No.21665746

What novels?

>> No.21665748

Catch 22
100 years of solitude
Geek Love
Ten little niggers

>> No.21665751

It is. And it's about anything, not only literature. Most times you talk a girl about literally any topic you will discover they have no idea what they're talking. Honestly older women aren't that boring, it's just girls.

>> No.21665755

Good enough. Date me pls.

>> No.21665757
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Anon, shouldn't you rather receive this as a blessing? Why shouldn't you want to improve yourself? What if no woman existed and only men did? Wouldn't you wish and yearn so much for improvement? To understand what you previously could not? To be a better potential friend than you used to be—both to others and to yourself? But for you, as it stands now, there are no women; so why aren't you happy? Because you're not improving yourself and making yourself a better friend. (picrel, do you think Goku needs women?)

>> No.21665774

I am literally naked in Chad's arms right now, sorry.

>> No.21665811

you sound so gay xd

>> No.21665834

nah, they're easy to talk to.

late zoomers are pathetic.

>> No.21665840

i like girls. they're nice.

Based anti late zoomer

>> No.21665845

father daughter incest is the only approved incest in my book

>> No.21665848
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Such is the accursed fate of the scribbler :P

>> No.21665878


women actually do need to. not as much as men, you're probably right about that, but no man worth his salt is dating some awful obese woman who doesn't take care of herself and thinks she's better than she is. the ones who are aren't worth comparing yourself to, and they can be disregarded and even pitied. in my experience, and I'm almost definitely older than you, the only good men dating ugly women who are 'below their league' are the ones who are literally only doing it because they love them, probably because they actually have expended serious effort in improving themselves.

here's some more general advice that no one here necessarily wants or needs: your perception of men, women etc. has probably been distorted severely by social media, probably mostly by 4chan (though I also admit that some of your cynical ideas are true to varying extents, but that's ultimately irrelevant to your own ability to grow as a person and as a man). that can happen to anyone; certainly has to me. but I promise you if you get yourself in good physical shape. develop a more open and curious outlook towards people (preconceived ideas of women as a single, unvarying type of person who are lesser than men somehow will prevent you from seeing them clearly and therefore developing relationships with them). carry that outlook with you in your interactions with them. women will gradually become more attracted to you, especially as you get better at these things and mature in general.

if you can, also get financially independent and get a degree or trade under your belt (becoming a well-read intellectual is also a great move; just remember to be humble about it; women will find you attractive if your disposition is to guide them in learning, as well as let them teach you things). and don't let rejections, bad experiences and cynicism send you withdrawing back inside your jaded self. but if that does happen, remember that you can pull yourself out again. get therapy if you find you're really struggling (it helped me a lot fwiw). anyway that's all from me. sincerest wishes fren, know that better things with women are possible in life, for I was once like you

>> No.21665897

I absolutely love femininity as embodied by a girl/woman. To a fault I think, my appreciation has probably made me a touch too soft. But better to think and feel than be an automaton I figure.

>> No.21665899

>here's some more general advice that no one here necessarily wants or needs: your perception of men, women etc. has probably been distorted severely by social media, probably mostly by 4chan (though I also admit that some of your cynical ideas are true to varying extents, but that's ultimately irrelevant to your own ability to grow as a person and as a man). that can happen to anyone; certainly has to me. but I promise you if you get yourself in good physical shape. develop a more open and curious outlook towards people (preconceived ideas of women as a single, unvarying type of person who are lesser than men somehow will prevent you from seeing them clearly and therefore developing relationships with them). carry that outlook with you in your interactions with them. women will gradually become more attracted to you, especially as you get better at these things and mature in general.
This is solid advice anons.

>> No.21665919

enormous faggot spotted

>> No.21665936

I look like this and say this

>> No.21665939
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Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will nev—ACK!

>> No.21665956

Yeah I'm in the same boat. It's very hard to be a normal person and a writer. Modern speech is absolutely nothing like prose, they're practically different languages. I am seen as "weird" instantly because I can't help but use mid-difficulty words like "vitiate" or "meandering."

>> No.21665977

>"hehe I liked the prose"
nobody has ever said this

>> No.21665980

Delusional. All women are whores. It really is as simple as that.

>> No.21665986

Go to advise you nerd. We lost a thread so you could rank pedantically losing your chances to mate by being a high tech adhd cock sniffer. leave Lit if you want to have a normie life.

>> No.21666023

Majority of lit crit academics are woman and they arent' the YA -reading kind. What are you talking about?

Or do you actually talks to normies(female and male) about literature. At most people in Europe will know a few pre-Internet memes about their national cannon. Otherwise you are in no luck.

You are a tryhard and haven't read Hegel so that you have Absolute Knowledge to know how to behave immediately in different situations.

>> No.21666035

He is right. I had this happen to me and I mostly didn't do the getting into shape part. Like this board reads the classics of the 19th-century yet they don't pick up on the life experience and behaviors of bildungsroman characters?

>> No.21666069

Here is an open invitation (though it will be taken as a challenge by all you high-stress, high-anxiety faggots) for any of you Chuds to choose a book, in earnest, and express your love of it. You will quickly find that you also fail to say much more substantial than "prose is good", or "it's amazing".
Most importantly, however, is that you will not even try. You know exactly what happens if you express an earnest opinion of praise or love here: hordes of posturing, mouthbreathing faggots will dogpile on you to shit on you. There will be nothing substantial whatsoever in the criticism: it will be empty, it will call you a pseud and refuse to elaborate, it will be twitter-style driveby's of womanly snark, and should you really press for an elaboration as to why someone thinks you should kill yourself post-haste for enjoying something, they will revert to telling you that it is your own job to educate yourself.
What this place teaches you is that it is ill-mannered and stupid to love anything, and hence, as you have spent so much time here, you have never developed a language to express love. You are worse off than the women in your story, as is every anon here - and remember, it is easy to disprove this, the invitation is given at the top of the post, but no one will take it. If this post makes you seethe, please just remember: no one wil take the invitation.
This wilful cultivation of hatred is but one part of the gestalt that makes out the Ur-Trauma of your life, and the lives of many other anons. You are perpetuating this gestalt by shitting on women for trying, poorly, to express their love of something. By the time you realize the only one you are harming is yourself, it will be too late.

>> No.21666073

>a girl
KYS tranny. No matter how many books you read, YWNBAW.

>> No.21666077

>be woman
>spend entire childhood, teenage years and youth socializing to get better social skills
>spend hours on hygiene and preening every day

>be you
>spend childhood, teenage and youth on the computer, never caring to develop social skills
>change underwear once a week and shower every ten days
>complain (most unattractive trait in a man bar none) that women get it all for free while you get nothing for your arduous and continuous efforts in shitposting and being unpleasant

>> No.21666081

"The limit of my language is the limit of my world"

>> No.21666094

And it gave you nothing, lol. Be you like me, your life would hardly change. Are you too stupid to comprehend what I wrote? Read again then.

>> No.21666095
File: 134 KB, 960x672, 9A722C7E-4159-4F75-87E6-3B2B9132E8B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl immediately needs to insecurely defend her shitty taste and obsession with romance novels

>> No.21666101

How old are you?
I had the same experience you did when I was younger, using big-boy words. You tend to develop a feel for your conversational partners as you get older, and know who will feel implicitly humiliated and who will appreciate a rich vocabulary.

>> No.21666225

23. Would you say that's "younger"?
>You tend to develop a feel for your conversational partners as you get older
I suppose I'm unsociable but I just don't like changing my mannerisms to suit others much. I'd rather be ridiculed or despised. And contrary to you, the older I get the more this is the case.

>> No.21666290

older women are just as boring they just have inflated views on their own intelligence, are far more bitter, usually scarred in all kinds of ways and become manipulative fake-mothers who go out of their way to humiliate you in more discreet and subtle ways. the only thing they get better at this this manipulation. they dont suddenly gain the capacity for intellectual reasoning, they dont suddenly enjoy complexity. they'll sometimes put more effort into the 'act' of pretending they give a shit, because they realize theyre ugly and old and have to. but more and more even this is no longer the case, with women pushing 50 now 'ready to find mr. right' and 'im sick of being alone' --yet still vying for 10/10 chad.
take the final black pill. older women are just dumb cunts who got old.

>> No.21666296


modern speech is nothing like *antiquated* prose. modern speech is, however, like a lot of modern prose, which conveys itself in common language, and avoid words like vitiate in order to not alienate readers and also because you can use common words to convey the exact same thing as vitiate. a good skill to learn in both life and writing is knowing your audience. practise using different language with different people

>> No.21666307

>your perception of men, women etc. has probably been distorted severely by social media, probably mostly by 4chan
Another lie. 4chan didn't make me despise women; women did. And social media doesn't cause it, it just reveals what was lurking under the surface all along. Which is pure infantile selfishness and complete narcissism. and all they ever do is bitch

>> No.21666314

horseshit. i write reviews on goodreads all the time. massive projection and you spent a whole paragraph to say it.

>> No.21666317

>and all they ever do is bitch
Ayo whatabout cucking decent men with niggers and draining your money tho?

>> No.21666325

that too if you let them, which I don't. I can't even talk to someone more than a few times without feeling revulsion. In the past i would if they were hot but the dating market changed so much that now only uglies will bother replying

>> No.21666358

I just don't talk to idiots anymore. I'm sick of people getting offended and then claiming I'm trying to 'act smart'. It's like no, I'm not acting anything, you're just a dumb fuck.

>> No.21666369
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Ok but would you say that's younger or am I an old fuck now?

>> No.21666377
File: 121 KB, 250x333, marty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

age doesnt really matter as long as youre healthy, especially for people like us who never leave our rooms

>> No.21666431

Name 10 books: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvFmvv0HDCQ

>> No.21666463

You're just not around the right women, but with such low views of them, how could you be? Expect the best of people, and when you do not find it - bring it out. You may find it interesting, the Latin "ex ducere" from which we get both educate and educe, and it means to bring up or draw out (implicitly, from within).

God bless.

>> No.21666478

bland senseless drivel from someone who still deludes himself because he's a slave to pussy

>> No.21666486

and youre a slave to your own hatred, make that what you will

>> No.21666555

no im not because I dont have to change my actions or thoughts to placate my feelings of disgust. this is just a shitty non-reply and indicative of the fact you have nothing to stand on. both of your comments have been shallow and empty platitudes

>> No.21666617

>calls it projection
>fails to take up the invitation despite claiming to have something already in the chamber
I mean you have done nothing but say how easily you could disprove me and then not done it. Refer to the point about empty posturing made in the post.
As for projection or not, it's irrelevant. It always is. We are anonymous. I freely admit to being the most wretched and pathetic creature on the planet - there, with that out of the way, we can dispense with the insults. All it takes for you now to blow me the fuck out is posting one of your reviews that illustrates your capability of expressing love.
You wont, for the reasons I have already stated.
It is all very predictable, and all you are doing is proving me right.

>> No.21666626

it's not 'in the chamber' you red shirted ass, it's fired and hit the target already, on goodreads. now am I going to share my goodreads with you so that you can pick it apart from inside your ivory tower? am I fuck.

>> No.21666628

>now am I going to share my goodreads with you so that you can pick it apart from inside your ivory tower? am I fuck.
Which was exactly my initial point.
Why did you spend so much seethe and belligerence agreeing with me, and why do you assume I would shit all over your earnest writing?
Because this is /lit/. Voila: my point.

>> No.21666637

i knew you were going to say something faggy and self-congratulatory and completely missing the point but the level of gay faggotry and the distance with which you missed the point even surpassed what i imagined.

>> No.21666651

>There will be nothing substantial whatsoever in the criticism: it will be empty, it will call you a pseud and refuse to elaborate.

Well, I honestly find it remarkable I pre-empted everything you have done so far, so yes, there is a certain sense of self-congratulations in it for me. I am very sharp at identifying behavioral patterns.
Now do make sure to savor the last word. Surely calling me a retarded faggot again will soothe you in just the right way.

>> No.21666675

Good prose has an incredible impact

>> No.21666676

you are only perverting the things I say to fit your agenda and really all these meta posts do is enforce a self fulfilling prophesy. instead of posting about what you like about something you complain about /lit/. meta hating is even worse than just hating because it's not even on topic. I mention good things about books with people from /lit/, on Goodreads, which defeats your argument that the problem is with people here. every other post is some whining little baby getting nostalgic for 2017 /lit/. just look at the aggressive self fellating attitude of your replies. you are the fucking problem dude, not the solution. stay in your lane and shut the fuck up.

>> No.21666836

checked and affirmed

>> No.21666847

I told my wife that no woman ever likes Glassjaw (because glassjaw is only about the male experience) and she pretended to like them for years. She also had fallen for the uniparty and was talking about Hilary and Trump when we met. Women don't have real opinions they just do whatever they think brings them social points and if they stay with you they will just adopt whatever opinions you have. I have seen my mom, my stepmom, and the older 3 of my 7 sisters all just placate their men in terms of opinion. What they really care about is if you will care for their brood or not.

>> No.21666852

This is needlessly bombastic and root word gets you into conspiracy cringe very quickly.

>> No.21666876

Women don’t talk about “literature.” They talk about YA fiction and romance novels that fulfill their male domination fantasies. Tolstoy is literature, that is not.

>> No.21666877

Big L. Your mum doesn't love you

>> No.21666891

>she pretended to like them for years
this drive me nuts. it was this shit more than anything, even the constant mind games and victimhood, this pretending to be a real person shtick that made me give up entirely. sickening to watch. i dont even know if they even realize that its a scam or what. i guess they have no frame of reference and assume their shallow impressions of the world is the same thing we males experience.

>> No.21666930

If I bring darkness unto his eyes, will you date me?

>> No.21666936

>women actually do need to. not as much as men, you're probably right about that, but no man worth his salt is dating some awful obese woman who doesn't take care of herself and thinks she's better than she is.

>by not being a disgusting slampig you are improving yourself so much, you are such a brave, strong woman.
lol, lmao even, stopped reading right there

>> No.21666973

This. My mother's views have done a total 180 influenced solely by losing the persons who originally influenced her in favour of new different ones.

Also reminds us not to take their credits seriously as anything more than pleasant feel goods, which can still serve a purpose.

>> No.21667010

finally someone who understands

>> No.21668278

Older women are real human beings. I love them. Sometimes they are even hot I legit fall in love

>> No.21668340

Damn you have 7 sisters? Don't insult your mom like that she at least deserves respect cause she has done her duty as woman

>> No.21669733

>Another lie. 4chan didn't make me despise women; women did.
Same. I spent a lot of time on /r9k/ right after it was created and left because of all the hopeless self-pity and angst. It's still a dump where toxic people addicted to self-pity congregate, but I'm starting to get on the same page as them when it comes to women. And that's entirely the product of personal experience with actual women, not the second hand accounts of others.

>> No.21669927

It's easy really, you just don't talk to women about literature. Are you going to marry a girl because you "like their opinion on prose and late medieval poetry???"

>> No.21669953

it's really easy, just don't talk to women about literature
or art
or music
or cars or computers or politics or history or movies or television or your aspirations or really anything beyond what you're having for dinner and how much you just looove her and how great and special she is and how high her value is attention attention attention surface surface surface surface surface

>> No.21669978

But why? Why do that? Isn't this the persuasive lie? Get us to do some action in order that we may profit from something?