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21663244 No.21663244 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that ending up as a Stephen Fry type is the best case scenario of what “learnedness” will grant you. Make of that what you will.

>> No.21663248

A homosexual Brit?

>> No.21663315

>He has a bunch of books on his shelf, he must be a "learnedness" person

>> No.21663352
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Stephen Fry is just another arrogant midwit full of himself. Everything he ever wrote is mediocre at best. No greatness in anything whatsoever.
Nothing spectacular or unique about him.
Just another British atheist homosexual.

>> No.21663377

I still haven’t read my copy of the Ode Less Travelled by him. I did read his first memoir when I was a teen and didn’t know any better. He’s great in Blackadder.

>> No.21663383

I miss Norm so much :'(

>> No.21663386

The ode less traveled is a perfectly good book for people who want to take up writing poetry as a hobby.

>> No.21663388

Nine eleven

>> No.21663397

Stephen Fry's problems and specific brand of received idea materialism isn't an inevitable result of reading books. You're probably just making excuses for not reading right now.
Unfortunately, this is already a reality for me, at least I'm not an atheist I guess

>> No.21663406

A lot of Norm's spiritual/metaphysical talking points (and indeed the talking point of that tweet as well) are also extreme midwittery

>> No.21663412
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>> No.21663432
File: 66 KB, 615x929, STEPHEN-FRY-AND-HIS-HUSBAND-AT-THE-LAX-AIRPORT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up his 'husband'. Now imagine him showing up at a function. Say the wedding of a child, who's father he is very close to. Now imagine all those in that circle discussing their families, weddings, children, being grandparents and holidays, special events and all the joys that go with raising a family. Husbands and wives talk quietly about their children, and now their children's children.

Then, the flesh red face of Stephen Fry comes in to sight, you wave and he makes a beeline to the group, dragging the child-like, ache-written abused teenager who is somehow his husband, everything you are celebrating at this wedding is disgustingly parodied in what Stephen Fry has displayed before you. A man over 60, nearly 70 shares a bed with a much younger man, who was in his early 20s when they met, who clearly has some sort of trauma. But you must grit your teeth and smile at his boastful, psuedo-intellectual stories. All the while watching the red face of this large man gaze hungrily at the zoned-out face of a man less than half his age and a quarter his size.

I can only assume he is disgusting to know personally. It is disgusting that we permit this in a society.

Fun fact, Fry is also he jewish.

>> No.21663436

They’re literally both clowns. Norm at least saw there was a problem with society where fry was just being contrarian and a perv

>> No.21663444
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I'm more of 'A Bit of Fry & Laurie' kind of a guy.
>Soupy twist!

>> No.21663451

the greatest refutation of intellectualism i have ever read, t bh

>> No.21663460

court jester, fag dinner table guest,
i'd rather be transported to any random 4chan user's room than be in earshot of this type of person.

>> No.21663467


>> No.21663471

>British atheist homosexual
isn't this a bit redundant?

There's nothing midwits love more than the enlightenment.
>talking points
Nice job outing yourself as a 105iq atheist who is into "politics" and has never read primary sources in his life lmao

>> No.21663475
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>A man over 60, nearly 70 shares a bed with a much younger man, who was in his early 20s when they met, who clearly has some sort of trauma.
Many such cases.
Fry comes across as the least pervy faggot, but then again I'm not that familiar with everything he has said, or done. I think he said somewhere that he was a virgin until quite late in life.

>> No.21663478

A bipolar schizophrenic who thinks he’s allergic to Champaigne and thinks god didn’t real.

British people consider him a wise man?

>> No.21663488

There was a British journalist who described Stephen Fry as ‘a stupid person’s idea of a smart person’. Seems about right.

>> No.21663502
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For me its Ian McKellen.

>> No.21663507

He’s the Peterson of the liberals.

>> No.21663532
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those fingers can't be real...

>> No.21663559

>There was a British journalist who described Stephen Fry as ‘a stupid person’s idea of a smart person’
That was Peter Hitchens, Christopher Hitchens' younger brother. He's a classic Burkian conservative; less philosophical than Roger Scruton but way smarter than most conservative commentators.

>> No.21663560

This is vile.

>comes across as the least pervy faggot
As a brit who grew up seeing him on all manner of things it became ususal, as abuse does, but now as a result and knowing what i do of his life i find him deeply repugnant, offensive and disgusting. A perverted mockery of what people of his class and station should be in society.

>> No.21663587

He's a celibate homosexual.
>come out of the closet as gay
>most men will automatically hold you at arm's length and/or secretly look down on you
>women will try to turn you into their pet lapdog
>don't even engage in the carnal desires of which you have admitted you possess
>don't even go to conversion therapy or anything like that
>your celibacy is obviously a mark of your shame about your sexuality
>think that this will make you more acceptable to straights
Very sad case.

>> No.21663591


I disagree. Peterson, is an accomplished academic and has had a long professional career as a clinician.

Stephen fry is a comedian / actor thing and even there is sort of mediocre B list. He’s basically a Jewish opinion haver who exists to be in the media having anti-Christian opinions because Jews generally don’t like Christianity.

Stephen fry has not even a resume close to being an intellectual. Peterson indeed has a very impressive resume.

Now Peterson also has ditched his field nearly completely and has become a political opinion haver (ironically employed by a Zionist news outlet) and while it’s unique in that his opinions seem to all have jungian perspective he’s more or less now simply giving his opinions on stuff in a way that is pleasing to his employers.

His current profession is not academic. It’s just him musing on camera and I find it really annoying and low iq. He’s been praised as smart si much since he got famous (and imo he was making good arguments within the scope of his expertise) he just assumes he can muse about anything and it’s smart.

Now I do think the jungian slant is interesting but I also don’t think highly of jungian thiught and he doesn’t seem to grasp the demarcation problems it has

>> No.21663596

>But you must grit your teeth and smile at his boastful, psuedo-intellectual stories.
Having gay people in your life is a litmus test for self-respect. I would never associate with a homosexual man or woman outside of a strictly professional setting.

>> No.21663597


>> No.21663601

>I would never associate with a homosexual man or woman outside of a strictly professional setting.
What if they are blood related?

>> No.21663603

I know who Peter Hitchens is and the quote isn’t his. He just quoted it in an article about Fry. ‘The Dictionary of National Celebrity‘, which is co-authored by a couple of journos whose names I can’t remember, first applied it to Fry. The phrase itself is a bit older.

>> No.21663608

Fry is a psyop to make working class British people yearn for the days when they worked the land for the Lord of the manor.
>oh young master you sure do use a lot of fancy words don't you? want to stick it up me bum, deary?

>> No.21663613

Is there anything more pathetic than a man who’s IDENTITY and world is built around an obsession with sex, but not just sex, but sodomy.

He doesn’t even have a god nor as made any effort at understanding the world through an ethical system. It’s simply all whimsy and 90% of that whimsy circling around sodomy.

The weakest type of person really. The most animal like.I don’t understand the left wing obsession with them these days

>> No.21663620

>court jester, fag dinner table guest,
You can thank Oscar Wilde for starting this fucking stereotype.

>> No.21663630
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Why certainly sir!.. Is it deep enough yet, sir?

>> No.21663647

>Is there anything more pathetic than a man who’s IDENTITY and world is built around an obsession with sex, but not just sex, but sodomy.
In order for one's entire identity to be built around sex one would have to be that way, because in order to pick up women you need at least SOME secondary characteristics which can be expanded to greater things. Don Juan is a womaniser, but he is also daring, ruthless and charming. Gay people can easily become "popular" in any group just by being the token homosexual. Stephen Fry was rocketed to fame because, as well as being bent, he is has read some classic literature and is willing to be a completely humiliated house pet. I remember watching QI when I was younger and he never once struck me as witty or even particularly charming.

>> No.21663658

>implying Fry would be lord of the manor
Only possible in the modern era. Medieval nobles actually had to maintain their status through military service, with being cultured as an optional secondary benefit.

I hate the actor who plays Baldrick too. He thought that because he was in a British boomer comedy series, it made him clever. Now he argues with literal historians over the competence of officers in WW1.

>> No.21664589

>/lit/ - television and movies

>> No.21664640

What’ the equivalent of Fry on the right?

>> No.21665043

wait. Are those books arranged by color?

>> No.21665079

If God was real he wouldn't have allowed for the existence of homosexuals. The only logical extension of this is that God does not exist or he is evil.

>> No.21665083

He thinks being boring = being an intellectual. I wish comedians would stay in their lane and stop pretending to be philosophers

>> No.21665127

>le intellectual granted a career and lifetime position as a "national treasure", because the comedy club he was part of in school has ties to the BBC
>le intellectual whose intellectual output consists of being less funny than Rowan Atkinson and Hugh Laurie, and hosting a quiz show

>> No.21665747

Fry disgusts me, Jewish television may shine a positive light on but in reality he's probably HIV positive and mimics clever people rather than actually being clever

>> No.21665758

as an american i think ive been fortunate to dodge most british pop-intellectuals if that's what this guy is

>> No.21665762

yes, and they have the comedic value of the overblown. i think he probably saw it

>> No.21665869

There's so many of them, and they're all comedians: Richard Ayoade, Gervais (kek), David Mitchell, Jimmy Carr, Dr. House, all the Monty Python guys -- especially Cleese
The comedian who relies on "wit". Jesus Christ, and I thought Hicks and Carlin were insufferable.

>> No.21665883

I like some of their movies and shows but I wouldn’t care about what they have to say. I know all their views without even listening to a single word. Modern England is the most insipid country of our day.

>> No.21665893

>ignorance is bliss
What a romantic soft ass retard

>> No.21665900

I agree with every sentence, except I don't care for their "comedy". It's all Reddit discworld/Hitchhiker's guide "le zany and kooky" shit, and that's only the stuff I could understand.
I tried to watch stand up for a guy named Bernard Manning and it literally felt like this https://youtu.be/By_FzykLOXA?t=153

>> No.21665916

Yea, I was mostly thinking about Richard Ayoade’s Submarine, I remember liking it back in the day. The (scarce) comedy is deadpan and the tone is melancholic but ultimately hopeful. It’s also based on a novel so it’s probably why it’s not like his usual tv stuff.

>> No.21666025

Why do you assume there must be one? The establishment's default position is far left, the absolute furthest right fringes of it are traditional classical liberal centre right economic conservatives like Tucker Carlson or Peter Hitchens.

>> No.21666040

> Why do you assume there must be one
“A dumb person’s idea of a smart person” also applies to right wing figures.
> The establishment's default position is far left
It’s corporate neoliberalism with some SJW shit sprinkled on it. Not really far left.

>> No.21666044

Our television is awful but still not as bad as Americans. Have you seen any of your sitcoms or talk shows? At least we have Peep Show. Nothing good has come out of America since Beavis and Butthead.

>> No.21666067

Academic on a community college(or what was it that you called it) level. Zizek and Dugin on the other hand are actual well-read intellectuals.

>> No.21666162

I’m not an atheist, norm’s style of kvetching about the enlightenment is not unique to him, it’s something Christian idealists do when they want to purposefully ignore the period’s inevitability stemming from Christianity and the deep seated issues that Christian feudalism and the pre-reformation church had. The enlightenment wasn’t some outside force that invaded Christendom suddenly, it was an inevitable build up of the development of society. Norm was seemingly Protestant as well, and a Protestant complaining about the enlightenment ruining the west is embarrassingly hypocritical.
You’re on a literature board, you should be able to make your point with somebody more switched on and intellectual than the modern equivalent of a court jester even if he’s less delusional than the other jesters.
Comparable in the rigour and depth in most of the discussions they participate in
Peterson is a hack who’s academic field has been known to be unscientific sophistry since before he was a part of it. Most of his fame comes from courting controversy and writing self help books, intellectually they’re on a level but in terms of respectability he might be worse than Fry.

>> No.21666172

>I would never associate with a homosexual man or woman outside of a strictly professional setting.
Then you probably shouldn’t be on /lit/

>> No.21666262

>to in the public spotlight to risk holidaying in Thailand
How is this the desired outcome, again?

>> No.21666305

He's not even a "pop intellectual". He's a TV comedian. Will Self would be a pop intellectual.

>> No.21666312

Really? That's what you take away from Bernard Manning? Not this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUzSqY6rwiM

>> No.21666329

How can a simple regular British man (gay) be so based?

>> No.21666341

That's why I wanted to watch him, but the hour long standup I saw was a series of jokes I couldn't fucking hear. I think I made out two, and they were funny.

>> No.21666344

>I thought Hicks and Carlin were insufferable
They are the only "comedians" I can listen to, I find they went way deeper than comedy. Some of the brits are ok.

>> No.21666354

Yeah, I'm American and I agree. Personally, I liked Drawn Together, but most of our shows are pozzed. Though I give British comedy a hard time, at least it isn't Apatow "dude look at my dick and let's smoke", Adam "riff" McKay, and say whatever toilet joke comes to mind for a laugh that won't happen on a repeat viewing, staring Will Ferrell doing his manchild schtick for the 41st time with special guest appearances from all his friends.

>> No.21666362

British comedy has been fully dead for years. The last time anything people liked was coming out was the mid-00's.

>> No.21666368

>bongs are actually like american stereotypes of bongs

>> No.21666373

No, not really.

>> No.21666396

Clarkson and gang being idiots can still be somewhat funny, if a bit niche.

>> No.21666402

Well, everything made with that group is a hangover from the mid 00's. And the BBC don't even want it anymore. Amazon produces it.

>> No.21666407

>Amazon produces it.
Not anymore

>> No.21666453

How is Stephen Fry gay?

>> No.21666525

Pearl clutchers on 4chan?

>> No.21666526

Do you want a diagram?

>> No.21666527

He fucks young boys lol.

>> No.21666567

I do as well but am not gay. It's called being hellenic.

>> No.21666585

the old fashioned way

>> No.21667234

Anglo "wit" is not intellectualism.

>> No.21667297
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>> No.21667344

The young guy looks Irish. Why is he with an old guy? I bet something like this happened to him https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/430368.The_Darkyg2kk

>> No.21667387

Disliking homosexuality means you're a closeted gay and this thread confirms it
Stop obsessing over what men do in private

>> No.21667395

>If you find a piece of excrement disgusting that means you would love to eat shit!
Holy retard.

>> No.21667396
File: 315 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20230216-105109_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arachnophobic? I bet you just want to fuck the spiders, huh?

>> No.21667449

Anglo intellectuals always seem to have a ceiling to their thought. Somehow they tend to think in a more limited scope than continental euros. I think it's the product of living on an island

>> No.21667453

i think its that you dont actually read any of them

>> No.21667456
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With his access to children, his mental illness, his homosexuality, his 'spotless' image and his monetary alue to the BBC, im going to predict now that we will discover what a predator Fry was.

If he was celebate he would not have a husband ⅓ of his age and size, who can know less than a fraction of what Fry knows. He would have a relationship with a mind superior to his own, not inferior. Ergo, he is not at all celebate and is a predatory homosexual pedophile.

>> No.21667471

I do read them, mostly recent ones though.
Guys like Russell, Orwell, Huxley, Mark Fisher etc. are okay but lack scope
Nothing they wrote has ever really blown my mind
Pre 20th century Britain looks better though

>> No.21667476

>orwell huxley fisher
what the fuck
disliking Russel is insane.

>> No.21667500

>what the fuck
Name more important English intellectuals over the past century and I'll read them

>> No.21667506

read Russel but actually understand what hes doing

>> No.21667516

Russell was a retard.

>> No.21667533

He terrorises people with his penis.

>> No.21667545

Nah, Hitchens is. And now I know all the tradcath larpers are going to cry and seethe about his (admittedly) extremely cringe atheist beliefs, but he was witty, erudite and sodomite, like all men of letters

>> No.21667987
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Maybe if you're an anglohomo

>> No.21667998

I fak herr Arjenteen poosy verry goodly *sniff sniff*

>> No.21668018

Her name is literally Analia, that's what her Lacanian father named her.

>> No.21668033

me no like him bc he liberal

The Ode Less Traveled is a great introduction to the mechanics of poetry for a fresh beginner.