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21662278 No.21662278 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most emotional/beautiful surah of the Qur'an?

>> No.21662294

>And Mohammed raped the 9 year old girl. Bismillah!

>> No.21662301

You could be reading the psalms and get an entire quran worth of beautiful verses on a single page.

>> No.21662313

I'm a muslim and idk because I've never read Quran translated into my language or English. In fact, here Islam is life but barely anyone knows what Quran says in the book without secondary help because even though we have to read it since we are kids we are rarely told the meaning. Btw Quran is in Arabic

>> No.21662377

The first, and the final three are great.

>> No.21662950 [DELETED] 


>> No.21663042

>"And Jesus was God, but he allowed the Roman rape of Jerusalem"

>> No.21663045

Christcuck here, the Maryam surah is quite kino because the tons of melodic rhymes they manage to squeeze from the prophet Zachariah.

I recommend listening to Arabic recitations with subtitles. Since it's meant to be poetic so it makes up for literary content with style.

>> No.21663224

>There once was a woman called Jill
>Who tried dynamite for a thrill
>They found her vagina
>In North Carolina
>And bits of her tits in Brazil
This rhymes too - it even has some internal rhyme. Is this kino?

>> No.21663625

O you who have believed, do not enter the houses of the Prophet except when you are permitted for a meal, without awaiting its readiness. But when you are invited, then enter; and when you have eaten, disperse without seeking to remain for conversation. Indeed, that [behavior] was troubling the Prophet, and he is shy of [dismissing] you. But Allah is not shy of the truth.
>Surah Ahzab 33:53

>> No.21663659

>Is this kino?

>> No.21663791

Based autistic Mo.

>> No.21664208

Was Muhammed unironically autistic?

>> No.21664210


>> No.21664443
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None. It's a boring piece of shit.

>> No.21664448
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>> No.21664591

Probably the one where it talks about roasting in hell for eternity and having your skin replaced with new skin once scorched through and having the believers in heaven laugh at you burning.

>> No.21664611

Eh, at least they are honest about their duplicity unlike Christians. They get based points for that.

>> No.21665069
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Around 37:49 Where it mentions the eyes of the maidens of paradise.

>> No.21665186

It was his will
>And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

>> No.21665234

The ones about adam and iblis

>> No.21665415


>> No.21665553

islam is cringe and gay lmao dress and sandals? no thanks fag, plus ur brown

>> No.21665728

Surah Nahl, 16:68-69
>And your Lord inspired the bee, saying: "Take you habitations in the mountains and in the trees and in what they (humans) erect.'' 69. "Then, eat of all fruits, and follow the routes that your Lord made easy (for you).'' There comes forth from their bellies, a drink of varying colors, in which there is a cure for men. There is indeed a sign in that for people who reflect.

But much like hexaminer, the poetic form is largely lost when translated to English. For theological reasons literalism is preferred in translation.

>> No.21665733

Dirty brown mooslems off my board, go back to Pakistan you stinky savages

>> No.21665739

140+ IQ detected

>> No.21666050
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If Islam really is such a weird primitive religion then how do you explain Al Andalus, the university system with degree grants, early Baghdad, the Safavid kino etc.

Clearly some kernel of Islam is true or else such civilizational achievements would not be possible.

>> No.21666294

>ethnic Spaniards can into civilisation
Stop the presses islam is the truth after all

>> No.21666533


"Do not fear them, fear Me. That I may complete My favour unto you and you may be guided.

Just as We have sent a messenger from among you, reciting to you Our verses, purifying you, teaching you the Book and the Wisdom and teaching you that which you did not know.

So remember Me, I will remember you. And be grateful to Me and do not deny Me.

O you who believe, seek help through patience and prayer! Indeed Allah is with the patient!" (Quran 2:150-153)

>> No.21667026

Islam is just the other side of the Mediterranean. Its norms are not that different from the Southern Euro conception of life. In the last 2 centuries it has suffered a major infusion of heavily-funded fundamentalist salafi autism (anglo/jew funded) which is where the stereotypical image of le angry muslim suicide bomber comes from. It is a pretty kino religion but its full potential is only unleashed in sufism which is sadly anathema to 99% of muslims which wasn't the case before.

>> No.21667046

I agree, Tasawwuf (practice of Sufism) was a main pillar of Islamic practice, and still is in normal Sunni communities.

Early Islamics also had a dick measuring contest when compairing books/book shelves, not unlike /lit/ today lel.

>> No.21667166

Preexisting civilization. The ME had 4000 years of history, it didn't need a beduin cult founded by an arab Joseph Smith to have great achievments, quite the contrary indeed. Islam ruined the ME.
Also why is Ryan Gosling dressed as a taliban.

>> No.21667255

fuck the grand mufti and all the misery he caused on my people

>> No.21667937
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He drives

>> No.21667962
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I knew a guy who watched over two boys for a while. He took a Quran with him into the toilet whenever he needed to go and left it there. After a while the little boys referred to the Quran as the "shitbook".

>> No.21668072

Nothing wrong with that picture.
Women need to cover up and stay home.

>> No.21668274

surah hadid is pretty nice

>> No.21668477

For anyone who is interested concerning the true face of Islam, I humbly recommend reading this:


>1. A female slave was under the right hand of her master and he was allowed to sleep only with whoever was under his ownership. This was considered like an indirect or special wedlock.

>> No.21669111

Basically a religion of rapist.

>> No.21669136
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Surah Ali nour

>> No.21669236

>Islam is just the other side of the Mediterranean. Its norms are not that different from the Southern Euro conception of life.
what are you talking about, Islam comes from bedouins in the arabian desert, not from the Near East. You're delusional if you think nomadic desert traders have cultural similarities to italian farmers

>> No.21669285

>Islam is just the other side of the Mediterranean
Tell that to the Christians living in Lebanon and Syria prior to the Islamic invasion

>> No.21670964

Why did you ask this here expecting to get any serious answers from chud incels?

>> No.21671169


>> No.21671190

the one where i fucked ur mom

>> No.21671490

No idea, I thought /lit/ was a somewhat good board, at least it was back in 2015.

>> No.21671500

Whichever one admits that it's nothing more than pure inferiority-based cope.

>> No.21671584
File: 84 KB, 500x372, valentines-day-for-me-because-i-am-a-muslim-14400296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the whole thing, Islam offered a one-step improvement over the old Arabic slave system where the child that comes out of the sex act is a FREE person with full rights.

This was quite revolutionary for that time.
The true face seems quite enlightened.

>> No.21671734

Muslims always make it seem how compelling Islam is with their ardent passion for it. But then they talk about it and im hardly drawn in. The only religions that have ever resonated with me were Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism namely yogic systems. Christianity being the most beautiful, Buddhism being the most practical and articulate in it's approach, and Hinduism/yogic systems being somewhere in-between both inspiring/beautiful but very logical and almost making the most sense out of all other religions. People make it seem like Islam is sort of a better evolved abrahamic religion but it seems to lack this sort of resonate beauty that christianty possess. I'm by no means versed in Islam at all, and I find myself bouncing between Christianity, yogic systems and Buddhism. And obviously theres the contradiction of metaphysics between these religions.

>> No.21671810

I'm a baptized Catholic, versed in the faith and still dabbling if I should get confirmed or not.

Imo Islam is supremely beautiful, you can see it in the emotional recitations of the Surahs, the architecture which focuses on geometrical patterns and scripts, the poetry, the pioneering of the modern university system, and many more things which stem directly from the faith.

And as a cherry on top the ultra creative practice of Tasawwuf where you purify the faith and your inner connection to God by innovative meditative practices, one of them being the whirling dervishes for example.

>> No.21671837

what do you think about Judaism and hostility between Christian vs Catholic? Also i rarely see modern Western people convert to hindu, despite the popularity of vedas and upanishads being studied there, (as compared to Buddhism for example, which i often saw). I wonder why

>> No.21672187

You should search about all the degeneracy that existed before Islam, religions became widespread because they hold necessary values

>> No.21672290

And it's likely that the people itt: bashing Islam are braindead liberal KEKS who have no problem with their women fucking freely

>> No.21672327

iirc they aren't allowed to place books on the floor or place shoes on them either right?

>> No.21672700

That's likely true, OG Muslims also basically had to have at least one son in the family to become a scholar, since that was a crowning achievement.

Like Amerilards with sports today.

>> No.21672916
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>if Islam is shit then what about that exceptional time in Islamic history when Islamic regimes were good by the standards of those shitty times?
Mankind peaked with Greece and Rome was the only equal. Also the middle ages was an exceptionally bad period in the history of mankind.
Seethe and cope christcucks and mudslimes. YWNBGentiles

>> No.21673321
