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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 23 KB, 612x408, underline so much wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21661673 No.21661673 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start.
>get used book from estate sale
>heavily underlined through 10 pages
>lightly underlined through the next 10 pages
>no underlines for the rest of the book

>> No.21661678


bitches ain't been bussin' like they used to, dawg.

>> No.21661693
File: 30 KB, 474x476, 1652525492978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just ran out of ink.

>> No.21661697

average /lit/izen

>> No.21661713

>Child molesters

>> No.21661944
File: 50 KB, 640x440, sub-buzz-3286-1657134734-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objectively false.

>> No.21661988

No. They stopped reading the book.
These types do it with every book. They think they are going to learn a ton and then stop literally 30 pages in after ruining the book with retarded underlines.
Bracketing is the patrician choice for markup.

>> No.21661989

Kids back in school who would be selected to read out loud and who would always pause at the end of the lines instead of at the full-stops.

>> No.21661991

Why did you write the same thing five times?

>> No.21661996

people who read the classics of others

>> No.21662024

Think you may have missed the point. They aren't the worst because of what they read or how. They are the worst in spite of the fact that they read well. Which I think is more damning than just having bad reading habits.

>> No.21662033

woops. Silly me.

>> No.21662999

poeple actually underline into books?

>> No.21663026

I do. Why souldn't I? Bonus points if your answer doesn't involve commodity fetishism!

>> No.21663029

Nice trips. I usually underline textbooks, when I want to make keywords and important definitions more noticeable. I guess it works the same for literature, if someone wants to return to an important passage easier.

>> No.21663031

have you ever taken a book from a library?

>> No.21663039

Stop being so anti-semetic.

>> No.21663053

yes and I never saw that happen. Just stick papers and inserted paper-sheets with notes, max notes on side. never any markings in actual text (with exception of school/uni textbooks ofc)
maybe cultural difference?

>> No.21663287

People who don't take notes

>> No.21663498

My mother has been reading books her entire life. I have never seen someone read stories in such a retarded manner
>gets book from library
>flips to the last chapter and reads it to find out how it ends
>starts reading from the beginning
>if there is any suspense, or action, she will skip the entire chapter because it's too exciting for her
>will immediately put down a book if there is a character she doesn't like in it
>when she does finish a book she will do it in one sitting and she will speedread it for 8 hours straight

>> No.21663527


>> No.21663537

I truly hate the idea that characters have to be likeable to be considered well-written characters and the amount of times I’ve seen ‘cartoon villain’ criticism used wrongly…

These are the type of brainlet readers I would like to avoid which why I mostly stay within classic literature discussion circles though I am not a classic literature only reader.

Ngl I think classic literature readers are higher IQ and you have actual productive discussions with them without resorting to brainlet meme takes.

Listen, I disagree with some of the takes in classic lit circles but I feel like they argue their points well while whenever I try to have discussions outside of this circle, I feel my IQ dropping.

>> No.21663557

They literally do this for you

>> No.21664361

This. Normies have the irrepressible power to turn anything into a soap opera or melodrama.

>> No.21666014

Idiots who stop reading and post threads on /lit/ about the books they read and ask when does it get good.

>> No.21666024

Like Stanley Kubrick, I don't subvocalize.
Fuck taking notes.
Fuck making marks.
Fuck taking some shit test to prove I know the material.
Oh, and I never re-read a book.

>> No.21666125

Modern textbooks maybe, most of the stuff I used in school looked like any other book, with some pictures here and there.