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/lit/ - Literature

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21657579 No.21657579 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite non-fiction books?
I'm personally a fan of Sapiens and Homo Deus. I'm also going through the history books from the sticky and I enjoy those.

>> No.21657605

Love that sweet-spot of non-fiction that is also entertaining and written with literary effort were the author makes a point covincingly but the point is also kind of absurd but still makes sense if you get it then he attacks virtually everyone who ever wrote about having a different opinion on that point to the point of roasting them on paper and making footnotes were he goes on to making fun of one particular author like they are two schoolmates jealous of each other. Homo Deus could have been written like that.

>> No.21657611

>Sapiens and Homo Deus
That's globohomo stuff. I'd keep away from that.

>> No.21657621

reading Sapiens now
The Stranger in the Woods - about a guy who spent 27 (i think) years in the woods alone as a hermit, stealing what he needed, with 0 human interaction
Hell's Angels - Hunter S. Thompson "joins" the Hell's Angels
Kitchen Confidential - Anthony Bourdain's story, funny and interesting
Have a Nice Day - wrestling is insane and Mick Foley is actually an entertaining writer
The Hot Zone - scary book about viruses

>> No.21657629
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>What are your favorite non-fiction books?
I really enjoy electronic project books that seemed to have been at their height in the 80s.

>> No.21657689

Even more mainline books like this are fantastic to just flip through. Well drawn diagrams and illustrations, easy to read text.
When I first started my journey into the hobby I made this very aesthetic DC supply using a large RadioShack transformer, a nice piece of finished wood, copper nails, diodes and thick wire. It was a coffee table piece that was fully functional albeit terribly unsafe for practical use. BUT it opened my eyes to combining visual arts with practical electronics. I just don't see books like these in the shelf anymore, kids today in particular are at a serious disadvantage when it comes to exploring their world by finding an interesting read and jumping off from there.

>> No.21657696
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Forgot image :*(

>> No.21657798

Hello, JIDF

>> No.21657839
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Read The Story of Civilization by Will and Ariel Durant
quit reading globohomo crap

>> No.21657974

The invisible art was good
The design of everyday things changed my life
Reality Transurfing was the latest to have moved me

>> No.21659179
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>> No.21660165
