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File: 173 KB, 900x900, Jordan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21652222 No.21652222 [Reply] [Original]

>dresses like le Two Face
you can’t make this shit up

>> No.21652261

>e-celeb attention whoring
It's more likely than you think

Also, literature?

>> No.21652620

I find it off-putting when a grown-man has taken fashion advice from a girl. This person, whoever he is, ought be wearing dark or beige overalls and have a little less gloss in his hair if he wants to be taken seriously as a Man.

>> No.21652626

>spineless coward doesn't get the visual metaphor for order and chaos completing a whole
the board about virtual toys might more up your speed

>> No.21652641

little girl playing dress up doesn't get the visual reality that sober and adult humans don't need to do that.

>> No.21652729

i like the part where hes hanging out with netanyahu, that peterson guy is a pretty cool dude

>> No.21652748

Adversary of logos, chaotic serpentine anomalous traveler!

How dare you post this without sending a copy of your driver's license and medical records to me!

>> No.21652755

You should’ve seen him describe how it’s like heaven on one side and hell on the other.
>i can be ure angel or ure debil
Except he’s like 60 and saying it unironically.

>> No.21652790

dc but in real life...it probably works on the larger audience since they love marvel shit, but i'm still disappointed in the CIA and various think tanks for not coming up with a better character for this man to play

>> No.21652804

Something about the duality of man, the Jungian thing

>> No.21652813

He seems to take symbolism very seriously, more seriously than presenting himself "proper". What does it tell about yourself if you consider the sincerity laughable?

>> No.21652820
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An actors job is to seem to be something that he is not. What does it tell about yourself if you consider him to be sincere?

>> No.21652821
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>> No.21652822

he also has joe rogans face stitched on the inside, no joke
also eric weinsteins
this is so fucking funny

>> No.21652834

Sincerity means the opposite of turning yourself into a symbol. Sincerity should come out of you, not become you.

>> No.21652842
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>> No.21652846


It is nothing short of tragic that SEVEN years have passed and there is still no critique of Peterson's thinking.

>HOW AMNY SIEG HEILS DO U THIKN HE DOWHEN HE DO BE IN DAT MEIN KAMPF BLAPPLAPP? DDDDDD000000000000000000000000000000000000000ddddddddzzzzzz111111111111111111111111111111

>> No.21652852

The man is absolutely perfect. They can't criticize a thing.

>> No.21652875

He takes symbolism literally, like allegories. The sign of a midwit.

>> No.21652899

I don't honestly know much about him, mostly that he's done one big book about matters that he cares about and after that being a sort of public figure to (successfully) gather eyes for the ideas. Call me naive but I don't see old man doing obviously silly gimmicks with his clothes with lots of effort being an act.

It looks like expressing his beliefs, it's just a clothing after all. Isn't that sincere, even if you consider the way misguided?

>> No.21652908

>there is still no critique of Peterson's thinking.

Explain his thinking to us, Anon

>> No.21652914

Jordan Peterson is believed by many to be the greatest thinker that humanity has ever known. He is Father Figure, Philosopher-King, and Prophet to the millions of young men who are his most fervent fans and followers. He is the central figure of the Intellectual Dark Web, an academic celebrity, and an unparalleled media phenomenon who has shattered all conceptions of what it means to be modern celebrity in the Internet Age.

He has, by his own admission, thought thoughts that no man has ever thought before. He has dared to dream dreams that no man has ever dreamed before.

Of course, Jordan Peterson also happens to be a narcissist, a charlatan, and an intellectual con man who doesn't even bother to learn the subjects upon which he lectures. He is a defender of free speech who silences other speakers, a fearless free-thinker who never hesitates to run away from debates, difficult questions, and controversial issues, a philosopher who rejects the conventional definition of truth, and a learned professor who has failed to read most of the great classics of the Western canon. He is, in short, a shameless and unrepentant fraud who lacks even a modicum of intellectual integrity.

>> No.21652916

*pauses dramatically on stage*
"I can't do it."

>> No.21652919

Juden Peterstein

>> No.21652931

Zizec attacked him pretty well, with that (paraphrasing heavily) "Why should you set your own house in order before you change the world? What if your house is in disorder because society is fucked?"

>> No.21652938

The irony is that Peterson whines at you to not care about global topics while at the same time spending his time obsessing over culture war bullshit.

>> No.21652940


I have no idea how people continue to be shocked by politico-tainment. There are more script writers in DC than Hollywood

>> No.21652958

*cries in public*

>> No.21652970

>He has, by his own admission, thought thoughts that no man has ever thought before. He has dared to dream dreams that no man has ever dreamed before.
didnt know this. lmao.

>> No.21653007

there is more critique readily available of Peterson today than, let's say, Lacan in his day. simply because of online journalism.

>> No.21653058
File: 1.14 MB, 250x250, 1B12C32F-DEB5-4915-9FBB-2195797A4F68.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be such a pathetic addict you need to put yourself in a medically induced coma to get over it
>tells people to “put your house in order before criticising others”
>mfw a literal drug addict is telling me to clean my room
Literally defeated by his own logic, gotta love to see it.

>> No.21653062

these still makes me laugh

>> No.21653087

>there is still no critique of Peterson's thinking.

Peterson's thinking depends on shifting definitions and abnormal interpretations of otherwise commonly understood terms, like “truth,” “God,” “being,” “order,” and “chaos", to be viable. They literally cannot be understood properly (i.e., through Peterson’s own worldview) without how own translation from his apocalyptic world salad language into common parlance.

Campbell’s thesis — that of the Monomyth, or “hero’s journey” — is complex, but the argument can actually be made. The same is true with Jung, at least so far as his theory of the Collective Unconscious is concerned. Same with Nietzsche and “slave morality,” and to some degree, the death of God. Peterson’s worldview cannot be made as an argument. It is a collection of name-drops, conflations, literary references, and metaphors, mixed up with some real psychological trivia, and packaged in a peculiar, meandering manner of speaking.

>> No.21653094

> Peterson's thinking depends on shifting definitions and abnormal interpretations of otherwise commonly understood terms, like “truth,” “God,” “being,” “order,” and “chaos", to be viable
This. Just ask him if he believes in God and watch him squirm and dance around the subject. This is partly the reason why he has such a broad appeal- his theology is so undefined that anyone from non-believers, to Christians to Muslims have claimed him as one of their own.

>> No.21653102
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Le Two Face Peterson is what happens when you actually follow through with C.G. Jung's quack ideas and try to "integrate your shadow' — you think you're in touch with your "inner self", but IRL you just become an unstable mess with aberrant behaviors.

>> No.21653107
File: 133 KB, 1024x887, 1667599265856646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. Peterson’s worldview cannot be made as an argument. It is a collection of name-drops, conflations, literary references, and metaphors, mixed up with some real psychological trivia, and packaged in a peculiar, meandering manner of speaking.

Thie seems accurate, one can not rebutt him as there is nothing to refute. He has said nothing or presented an embarcation point.

>> No.21653109

Most mature Jordan Peterson fan

>> No.21653141

I disagree with this meme, "society" is a collection of individuals. "Worrying about the community" is basically making shitposts left or right on worthless media channel, where "focusing on yourself" gets you capital and raises the life of you and your community.
Junior Butter Peanut might be too old to understand the internet or anonymity but just because he's out of touch doesn't mean he's completely retarded

>> No.21653152

That plays right into peterson's argument of how irresponsible immoral people blame society for their self made ills, and end up in extreme ideologies.

>> No.21653183

>Peterson’s worldview cannot be made as an argument
Peterson's philosophy in ten main points
1. There are social hierarchies.
2. These hierarchies are built on levels of competence rather than power in a functioning society.
3. Mechanisms of these hierarchies leave and have left marks on our psyche and bodies.
4. Climbing the hierarchy feels good, being at the bottom comes with a lack of serotonin, lacking health, no status etc.
5. There are rules to bring order into your life and help you climb these hierarchies.
6. Chaos is a challenge on the way up, on the way of learning skills.
7. The hero's journey is a story of climbing all the way up, preparing you for the task mentally.
8. The best story is in the Bible because it explains human nature and ends with the story of the greatest hero ever.
9. If you're trying to save the world, because you think you're the next saviour, but you haven't climbed any hierarchy of competence, and haven't even cleaned your room, it's probably not a good idea.
10. So, start with cleaning your room.

>> No.21653188

No, because that would imply that all ills are self made and none are purely to blame on society and Peterson is not that stupid.

You can hear Peterson's actual response here:

>> No.21653337
File: 252 KB, 1024x534, 1665654439617273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peterson's unique world-view cedes ground to groups that can only be countered with mass collective movements. Something that he is utterly against for White Europeans, especially those on the Right. By refusing to embrace any Idpol he is unaware he is losing a battle that is critical that we win. But then that statement implies he wants us to win.

All his valid points about self improvement, virtue and being yourself all fit perfectly in a homogenous ethno-cultural landscape.

The sad truth is that you can only he an individual in an ethnically homogenous society because you no longer have to constantly fight for posession of the middle ground of your nation, or positions in it.

Thus idpol, his most detested of ideologies, is rendered impotent as we are all one ethnic group, one heritage and of shared history and culture. There is no discordance between the neabry nations of Europe, there is when you introduce non-Europeans in to it.

Why is he against this for us?

>> No.21653360

Serious questions, are you like 17 years old and/or American? You sound like you have an extremely limited world-view, zero knowledge of European history and "le traditions" and you are desperately trying to find some kind of cultural identity, most likely because you are American and thus very uncultured.
I don't mean to sound too agressive here, these are serious questions.

>> No.21653387
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>> No.21653389

most gayest meme

>> No.21653454
File: 30 KB, 417x425, abAL7el9_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you a child
>you sound like
>you are desperate
Why did you avoid all my genuine questions and resort to petty ad-hominen and attacks against me personally instead of the reasonable point i put forward?

Why are you trying to deny White Europeans an overarching cultural identity? All other ethnic groups possess one. The saving grace in your post is that it only highlights attacks against Whites and does more to push people to the right than any reasonable argument I put forward.

>> No.21653564

You didn't ask any questions, you asserted complete falsehoods that would only seem plausible if you are a) historically illiterate and b) heavily addicted to internet hugboxes like 4chan.

I don't even know how to respond to most of that, have ever for example heard of the fucking HUNDRED YEARS WAR? I don't even know how to talk to someone so incredibly uneducated.

So again, you didn't ask any questions but instead have dodged mine. I think I am correct in assuming you are either underaged or American, probably both.
Read a book instead of browsing 4chan you moron.

>> No.21653581

lmao or when he cries like a bitch just out of nowhere

>> No.21653596

White is not an identity. Confirmed American.

>> No.21653598

Peterson is and always was a way of diverting wayward young men away from the alt-right pipeline that leads to outright ethno-nationalism and other dangerous views like extreme misogyny. He always was a paper tiger that the left was so keen to smear, but they didn’t realise that doing so would drive those same men towards people like Andrew Tate, who are arguably even further down the red-pill rabbit hole and pose an even greater threat.

>> No.21653610

>who are arguably even further down the red-pill rabbit hole and pose an even greater threat.
that's why they disappeared him

>> No.21653616

>Andrew Tate
>alt right

>> No.21653619

He didn't care about culture shit until he was forced to. He never really protested either, he only spoke when he was called onto shows like Cathy Newman

>> No.21653629

Nobody cared who I was until I put on the suit

>> No.21653633

Custom made suits are sick. How many suits do you have?

>> No.21653663
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>He didn't care about culture shit until he was forced to
He literally forcibly inserted himself into the Bill C-16 controversy to gain instant clout and popularity with everyone on the Right, and palled about with the likes of Milo, Faith Goldy and Sargon for more clout, and then threw all of them under the bus when he absorbed enough of their audience to move on further towards being signed on by CAA as a public speaker.

This narrative about Peterson being some goofy hapless zoinks scoob nutty professor who just happened to find himself in the middle of the 2016 culture war is pure fiction and an attempt to launder Peterson's scumbag gatekeeper nature.

>> No.21653678
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More ad-hominen. Why? Because there was conflict why would that preclude them being very similar in many ways?

White is a cultural group synonymous with European. The same way that African or Black, Latino or Hispanic, Asian and oriental and a few others. There are common strands lf behavior and cultural norms that can be easily observed.

It appears to be true, the only thing he successfully stopped ass the formation of a hard/far right. Gender pronouns, sexualisation of children and worse have passed him by. But god damn it did he stop the Far Right. Sad.

>> No.21653702

>He literally forcibly inserted himself into the Bill C-16 controversy to gain instant clout and popularity with everyone on the Right

That is one way to put it. Another way would be to say it was the last straw and Peterson couldn't stay silent any longer. How do you forcibly insert yourself into politics if you have no clout?

>> No.21653707

I think this Grug might be onto something...

>> No.21653740

>Another way would be to say it was the last straw and Peterson couldn't stay silent any longer.
When was the last time Peterson talked about any of this? Hey, what happened to that ol' Neo-Postmodernist-Marxist professor registry he planned to compile? I guess the same thing that happened with the Le Free Speech Alternative To Patreon he was planning to make with Sargon, it just died on the vine.

Funny how all of these "last straw" issues Peterson just "couldn't stay silent any longer" seem to have completely disappeared from his agenda, and almost all of his time is now devoted to being a mouthpiece for Israel and broadcasting Claremont Institute Neocon talking points so corny they might as well be a parody?

Damn, so this is the power of being a genius understander of Jung and Campbell who finally figured self-actualization out.

>> No.21653741
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By campaigning against a social movement, then once famous and accepted never mention it again and move on to undermining your own side. Which appears to have been his true intentions all along.

>Now giving hormones to infants and forcibly convincing a boy they are a girl thats pretty bad eh? But these guys, eh, these far-right types they are the real evil, boy lemme tell you. Ethno-cultural homogeneity? Leads to society getting worse just like in the book by Shekelstein wrote.

Stop noticing patterne goy

>> No.21653743

>It is a collection of name-drops, conflations, literary references, and metaphors, mixed up with some real psychological trivia, and packaged in a peculiar, meandering manner of speaking.
That has been my take-away too, everything about him seems extremely haphazard and confused, it's almost as if his obsession with order-vs-chaos is a desperate self-defense against the latter. His lecturing is somewhat of an exercise in free association, dumping every factlet he has ever learned about the given topic on the audience. Oh, and he will always throw in phrases like "in a very fundamental sense" or "with very non-trivial meaning", implying some overwhelming level of depth that he just can't explicate, so it leaves the audience with a vague awe.

>> No.21653763

Probably. Tate was a degenerate groomer-grifter though, so he deserved it.

Yes I’m well aware of how defunct that term is at this point, but don’t pretend like you don’t understand what I’m talking about because of inconsequential semantics.

> But god damn it did he stop the Far Right.
Eh, for a while. He’s too cringe now, comes across like an establishment shill for people to take seriously. Apparently “anon” is just as bad a neo-pronoun as any other

>> No.21653768

how is juden formed
how is juden formed
why peterson get famous

>> No.21653808

Not him. Three bespoke Ermenegildo Zegnas, Tom Ford Era Gucci, two Brionis, Two Isaias, and a few Dolce and Gabbana OTR suits. I have several junkers from brooks brothers, Armani, and Hugo boss which I consider shit. Peterson had money to burn and most of his early suits were Tom Fords, while indeed nice, and he still continued to wear $19 dress shirts underneath them. Seeing him buy suits is like a kid playing dress up but at tens of thousands of dollars. A lot of them were hideious too, he had lines added around the lapel with bad colors in general. Based on the price range he disclosed in one of his videos I'm spot on. Sounds like you know nothing about suits and are just a pleb. He's realizing its a game he can't afford to play and reverted back to >>21652222 which I assume some hack tailor put together for $1000 (note to plebs, expensive suits as highlighted are about $5000, especially his Tom fords) I expect serious midwit middle class fags to see this and seethe. I genuinely hate you. You're worse than absolute dirt poorfags that will inherit nothing. Middlewits put so much time and effort into trying to impress like driving expensive cars like muh BMW and muh Mercedes that they can't afford, then meanwhile live in cope suburbs on top of this but you're always going to be trash in the eyes of real rich people no matter how comfortably you cope. The moment you step out of that leased BMW, the moment everyone knows you are a fraud beyond that of Peterson and if you dare to wear a suit, it will be a banana express or suit supply, or whatever ungodly abomination you got a men's wearhouse. The inside of your homes are an even sadder, you think you have nice shit with your kitchen remodels bragged openly but I don't see the best, I don't see wolf, I don't see la cornue. The moment you tell the sort of retards in the 500k to 5M NW range that all of their stuff is shit, they go apeshit and try to say their LG fridge or their $600 suit, or wood frame construction house on half an acre is actually "the best", when it's far from it, a coping meltdown

>> No.21653843

Hey Halberstram, nice tan - where do you tan, salon? I have a tanning bed at home, you should look into it.

>> No.21653877

Impressive, let's see Jordan Peterson's card.

>> No.21654850

>it's almost as if his obsession with order-vs-chaos is a desperate self-defense against the latter
Have you actually read 12 Rules for Life? written from the perspective of a perpetually tilted hysterical narcissist on how he managed to minimize friction in his day-to-day life through retreating into occult-adjacent Jungianism. It's topical philosophy of a clearly mentally unwell Gamma Male who wasn't successful for a large part of his life - for example, he is morbidly afraid of women, he writes about it there constantly. It's also topical philosophy worked for HIM, and if YOU follow it, you will end up like him at some point in time.


>> No.21654868

>its good to dress up like a Batman villain
I have 4 and they're each one color. But I also didn't give myself mental illness trying to reinvent myself as a media personality with no qualifications but a PHD in a bullshit discipline

>> No.21654897

He was given 11 suits for free all with fun custom linings and materials. The one in the ops red section is cashmere and the blue is wool.

>> No.21654922
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i'd let Ben watch me and Abby get at it desu

>> No.21654952

holy kek

>> No.21655148
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I know this is bait but I can't believe these people exist irl

>> No.21655596

This contradicts nothing and further solidifies my point that the suit he is wearing is not among his best. There is this video on YouTube where Peterson talks about when he was suddenly making appearances, speaches, he invested in his wardrobe. He explicitly stated he couldn't believe he was paying $5000 for a suit but it was worth it. I cannot fault him on that but his aesthetic choices and shirts beneath the jacket and other accessories simply did not match. He went from making $70K CAD as a professor to several million in a short span. He kept wearing his $20 dress shirts under them, kek.

>> No.21655599

based, except andrew tate is a mutt

>> No.21655613

And to make clear, you can tell which suits JBP was given and which ones he paid handsomely for. Wide lapels, high quality material is Tom Ford. Some of his bespokes may have immediated this but costs in similar territory.

>> No.21655619

Were that true (it isn't) it still directly contradicts his set your house in order narrative.

>> No.21655631

Individualism fucking sucks bros...

>> No.21655652
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>> No.21655654
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Individualism is fine, but it needs balanced with membership in an ethno-cultural community. Without such your individuality is utterly meaningless and be swallowed entirely by those who hate you.

>> No.21655715

Literal cope for the incompetent that have nothing going for them but their "culture" or skin color. I'd don't care about any of that bullshit as long as they pull their weight and bring something valuable to the table. If the only way you can compete is by shrinking the talent pool because otherwise your spot in the hierarchy would be taken by someone more competent, then I pity you. If you've truly reached the height of your potential and are still dissatisfied with your place in the world then at least stay out of the way and don't be a jerk. But since you can't even stay in your containment board I have low hopes for you.

>> No.21655759

>I'd don't care about any of that bullshit as long as they pull their weight and bring something valuable to the table.

You proved his point by expressing solidarity with your Anglo-Utilitarian ethno-cultural background. You attempts to escape culture and ethnicity are merely expressions of your culture and ethnicity.

>> No.21655793

Everyone should have to post their lifts, rhr, mile time, and 5k time.

>> No.21655847

I'm not trying to escape culture.

What I'm saying is that I don't care where you come from and how you look like as long as you are willing to work together. If by "Anglo-Utilitarian ethno-cultural background" you mean cooperating with others who are also willing to cooperate then please tell me of all the other cultures that do not value cooperation. If there aren't any then maybe we should just drop those useless terms that murky the water for no reason.

But in the end we know that this is not about if a person has the right attitude or goodwill. It's about rationalizing ones fear of the unknown by classifying other humans into easy to understand categories. Often in ones own favor of course. And it's not like it's not understandable. Who the fuck knows what bullshit might come from foreign lands and the darkness beyond the fireplace? Still, even though it's understandable it's a literal cope. And from experience, those who spend too much energy on coping are really annoying to work with. From a purely piratical point of view.

>> No.21655853

I'm not a pirate btw

>> No.21655856
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>> No.21655858

>i- is that the trickster archetype?!?!

>> No.21655897
File: 138 KB, 479x1200, EdE_-nSUMAA16cT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literal cope for the incompetent that have nothing going for them but their "culture" or skin color.
The inclusion of non-Europeans to any culture is a net loss, your blindness to this fact is condemning. Dark skin-color is positively corralled to almost any other independent statistic, from home ownership, income levels, abstract thinking, crime, everything. It is not 'just my skin color', it is everything one can predict from it.

>I'd don't care about any of that bullshit as long as they pull their weight and bring something valuable to the table.
Meaning strictly an economic motivation. Based on your whole post I summarize you have no regard for anything but economic factor.

>If the only way you can compete is by shrinking the talent pool because otherwise your spot in the hierarchy would be taken by someone more competent, then I pity you.
Look up average IQs of almost all non-European nations, almost all dark skinned nations are sub 80 IQ.

>If you've truly reached the height of your potential and are still dissatisfied with your place in the world then at least stay out of the way and don't be a jerk. But since you can't even stay in your containment board I have low hopes for you.
All ad-hominen, unneeded.

>> No.21655906

>>spineless coward doesn't get the visual metaphor for order and chaos completing a whole
isnt that the motif of two face

>> No.21655950
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, fasdfew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's a drug addict
>his daughter is a slut
>you don't have a dad
>wash your penis
>you're Jordan/Mikhala
>he cried in public
>he associates with Jews
>controlled opposition
Ad homs that distract from his arguments are all they have. The sad thing is that they're the same ones over and over and have been for years. The fun thing is that it's easy to point to where his credability comes from and the positive things he's been doing for years and make these people seethe.

>> No.21655976

>no one responds
They don't listen to what he says, anon. They just make shit up and sling ad homs because he triggers them for one reason or another.

>> No.21655990

how is she so attractive and unattractive at the same time?

>> No.21656199

I fucking hate this faggot and I hate the likes of him. All these influencers that think they do anything, all they do is take advantage of people who are down because of other consequences. Then they sit there and prescribe bullshit like the retarded faggots they are and obfuscate the real causes. Bullshit. This world is sick beyond belief. Just a bunch of savage wolves feeding on sheep and calling it justice.

>> No.21656214

It isn't. I'll post the tags of my suits at a later point when I have access to them. Some have the price and it's not going to make you feel good.

>> No.21656231

Peterson spent decades personally helping people severly afflicted by mental illness.

>> No.21656232

When it comes to Jung he knows what he is talking about. When it is political culture war shit he is grifting. Those are not mutually exclusive opinions.

>> No.21656257

Jung was smart and cool because he knew not to speak flagrantly. He wrote and studied. All these fuckwads who just talk don’t know shit, it’s not them not knowing shit that’s a problem. It’s that they think they do.

>> No.21656584

>When it is political culture war shit he is grifting.
Saying it's wrong to feed children experimental hormones is based. Giving thoughtful criticism of the WEF that goes beyond "EAT ZE BUGS" and trying to organize an anti-WEF is based. "Grifting" is a retarded buzzword libtards made up for any popular media personality who disagrees with them.

>> No.21656596

>trying to organize an anti-WEF is based
It will end up the same way as every previous Peterson venture did: the NeoMarxist Postmodern academic database, the based and redpilled Patreon alternative, the based and redpilled MBA program, etc - he will collect money for it, and then just abandon it and not speak of it ever again, and you will cope and pretend like it never happened.
>"Grifting" is a retarded buzzword libtards made up for any popular media personality who disagrees with them.
People call him a grifter because he is a LITERAL grifter. Go buy another $2000 shape of music rugg, you dumb mark-ass retard

>> No.21656738

wonder what they talked about when the cameras stopped rolling....

>> No.21656826


I am not a fan. I find his thesis appalling and vulgar.

>> No.21656837

The vast majority of his content is free online, retard. All you have are ad homs. Simple as.

>> No.21656880

>immediately moves goalposts from several of his scams to muh content nobody was talking about

>> No.21657204

fuck off jordan

>> No.21657218

>his business ventures sometimes failed and you fell for getting excited over the overhyped product

>> No.21657330
File: 98 KB, 1024x768, DbR2roEUQAAAV_E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By signing up with the big boys

>> No.21657338

Lmao IQ is just a measure of Jewish neuroticism

>> No.21657340

Yeah and he's still an idiot

>> No.21657482


>> No.21657501

Two Face is the ultimate Jungian Archetype. He signifies man's conflicting nature before and after the fall - like Pinnochio when he rises up from the whale as if like some sort of Jonah reborn and ascends upward as some sort of divine being (Jesus). It's brilliant...... Only high iqs (like JP fans) will understand.

>> No.21657513
